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To Arm or to Disarm.

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I love the good old days when you could stick your thumb out and hitch a ride from LA to NY. Free. Everybody lived in peace; no guns were needed.


Don't become old and jaded. We have new good old days that are as good as the old good old days.


Do the same ride on a Harley. Want to talk about fun?

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You're much too young to be as fearful and cynical as you are.



This was sort of my point somewhere in this thread. If someone is fearful, they should seek counseling and not possess weapons. We know that fear is often a result of one's inability to determine if a threat exists or if one does not. If a person cannot tell if a threat exists, then is that someone who should be allowed to possess a firearm? By design his need for a gun is a result of a psychological deficiency.

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This was sort of my point somewhere in this thread. If someone is fearful, they should seek counseling and not possess weapons. We know that fear is often a result of one's inability to determine if a threat exists or if one does not. If a person cannot tell if a threat exists, then is that someone who should be allowed to possess a firearm? By design his need for a gun is a result of a psychological deficiency.

Maybe not just psych deficiency. Big gun makes up for shortcoming somewhere else too. :)

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Don't become old and jaded. We have new good old days that are as good as the old good old days.


Do the same ride on a Harley. Want to talk about fun?


yea... harley from CA to WA, then to NV... then key west... then up the coast to martha's vineyard.


wait, got to do that twisting PA trail too.



we can pick up a motocycle mama along the way.

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Proof that Concealed Carry permit holders live in a dream world


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8QjZY3WiO9s]Proof that Concealed Carry permit holders live in a dream world, Part One - YouTube[/ame]

Edited by Tams

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hell... you are not allowed to smoke pot, but pot never killed anyone.
I am unsure what the gaol term is for use/possess pot in the USA .. but I do know that it carries a larger gaol term

than betting $2 billion against your clients, while urging them to take the side of the trade that will tip their money

into your account (Goldman Sachs' "muppets")

Mark Gongloff: Greg Smith Book: Goldman's Transactions Became 'Morally Ambiguous'


... and it carries a greater gaol term than mysteriously hiding $1.6 billion of client's money

No Criminal Case Is Likely in Loss at MF Global - NYTimes.com


... or ... you get the idea ... unless you are Bernie Madoff .... then you become a scapegoat for all that is still wrong on Wall Street.

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I wouldn't say there's "zilch" chance of being a crime victim, but my chances are very low for one reason, and only one reason:




Otherwise, I would be just another one of the sheeple awaiting to be victimized.

Not only are you fearful yourself, Smmatrix, but you have no qualms about spreading that fear to others who really did not deserve

to go through their lives carrying such baggage.


Now look at those around you who "know you are armed to the hilt."


Are they living in peace ... or fear ... of you ... or better still ... fear ... of your guns ... or ... fear that you might one day become so

intoxicated with your own pretend power, and really decide to try out exactly what those guns of yours were truly designed to do best!


You didn't respond to my question, and it is a sincere question that deserves an answer:

Why not set out to teach love and tolerance in the years you have left?
You seriously need some love man ... not to be a continuing perpetrator of fear, a teacher of fear, one who is to be feared as opposed

to being respected.


I repeat my challenge to you: "Try it."


I think both of Tam's Videos prove the point conclusively - your case for carrying is lost.

Edited by Ingot54

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I wouldn't say there's "zilch" chance of being a crime victim, but my chances are very low for one reason, and only one reason:




Otherwise, I would be just another one of the sheeple awaiting to be victimized.


All you need to do is advertise then.

plus i thought it was the government out to get you.?.....not some lone crime victim, who is statistically speaking most likely someone you already know.


You had best stop hanging out with people you know......



Erika Harrell, Ph.D.


December 11, 2012 NCJ 239424


Presents findings on the rates and levels of violent victimization committed by offenders who were strangers to the victims, including homicide, rape or sexual assault, robbery, aggravated assault, and simple assault. The report presents annual trends and compares changes across three 6-year periods in the incidence and type of violence committed by strangers from 1993 through 2010. It describes the characteristics of victims and circumstances of the violent crime. The nonfatal violent victimization estimates were developed from the Bureau of Justice Statistics' National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS), which collects information on nonfatal crimes, reported and not reported to the police, against persons age 12 or older from a nationally representative sample of U.S. households. The homicide data are from the FBI's Supplementary Homicide Reports (SHR) for 1993 through 2008.




In 2010, strangers committed about 38% of nonfatal violent crimes, including rape/sexual assault, robbery, aggravated assault, and simple assault.

In 2005-10, about 10% of violent victimizations committed by strangers involved a firearm, compared to 5% committed by offenders known to the victim.

From 1993 to 2008, among homicides reported to the FBI for which the victim-offender relationship was known, between 21% and 27% of homicides were committed by strangers and between 73% and 79% were committed by offenders known to the victims.

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From 1993 to 2008, among homicides reported to the FBI for which the victim-offender relationship was known, between 21% and 27% of homicides were committed by strangers and between 73% and 79% were committed by offenders known to the victims.



The 80/20 statistic has been a long standing statistic. That is why it is always the butler.

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............. I'm not sure why they're getting so much attention..


Oh killing 26 in 4 minutes has a way of doing that.


I don't appreciate your condescending tone. The "assault weapons" we're talking abotu are not automatics. You don't think you could pop off 100 rounds in 4 minutes with a semi-auto handgun with magazines with a max capacity of 10 rounds and accomplish the same thing? 4 minutes, 10 magazines, that's 24 seconds per magazine. That is a leisurely pace.


"Assault weapons ban" or no "assault weapons ban," I don't really care that much. I don't have a dog in the race. I was just making the point that I think such a ban would do absolutely nothing to cut back on such incidents. I think there's been too much hype and wasted energy around the specific gun he used, and I personally thought it was probably just a way for people to pat themselves on the back and/or score political points to right away ban "assault weapons," which in fact accomplishes nothing towards the goal of preventing mass shootings such as Newtown, IMHO.

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If you want an armed nation, then you have to accept another situation where another class of first graders get annihilated by an individual who possesses a legally purchased firearm. I am not suggesting that you have to like it, but you do have to accept it.


Right there are the logical jumps that won’t make it across the chasm, peeps.

An armed nation does not cause “another class of first graders [to] get annihilated”.

A disarmed nation will not prevent or even change the odds of “another class of first graders get[ting] annihilated”.

We have to accept the possibility of another annihilation period.

The legal availability of guns has nothing to do with it. Hacking could rise again as a psychotic ‘fad’. It really never left. Those who talk about how “times” and weaponery, etc. have changed are out of touch with/ ignorant about how our biology has not changed.


Whether a gun is legal or not is not connected in any way with whether or not it will be procured or made available to an insane person. Whether a gun is legal or not is not connected in any way with whether or not it will be used in an “annihilation”. See all the false jumps?


It is a false connection and to attempt to deny law abiding sheeple the right to defend themselves adequately against any and all attackers, be they goons from a runaway government or goons from the criminal society. Banning or even restricting will not help one bit – except to temporarily soothe those who got swept up in the hysteric hypnosis. People who live under the spell of a sociopath, and accompanying sociopathic culture, almost never realize it until after the spell has been broken. The Bloombergs hope the Mark Warners will multiply. The Mark Warners hope you will multiply. … and it’s all based on flawed jumps... with less than honorable intentions.


“If banning guns would prevent another Sandyhook elementary school shooting, would preventing that from happening again be enough of a trade off for you to give up your weapons?” MM, someday maybe you’ll see the flawed jumps you made.

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From http://www.traderslaboratory.com/forums/general-discussion/14875-arm-disarm-3.html#post168807

SUIYA, Re “being” a Nazi, etc. – please be careful of twisting my words

My posts were challenging us to QUESTION, to CHALLENGE our constructs, etc. They were not adhominum attacks.

I know you don’t think you would ‘be’ a nazi … who does? … but back then - and now – those swept in were just maintaining the quo, locally, in their own lives, etc. Going only from your posts, it doesn’t appear you have studied ‘systemantics’ – especially the evil, sociopathic side of it – to be as immune as you think you are... Have you questioned that waves and waves of perfectly reasonable ‘Normals’ like yourself are already deeper into ‘supporting’ by going along with another darkness than you think.


Sorry I’m not making sense for you…. but it also appears you’re twisting my words and intent in multiple places… for example


“that you are a hypocrite if you back the USA in drone killings but want to disarm your own society.......in order to stop killing. As for having an armed populace to stop other armed mentally ill people - who then protects us from the armed populace? The government.....or ourselves everytime I 'feel offended'”


You twisted “hypocritical”. Let me twist it some more. Someone said “something rotten and infected in our culture”… Well, the annihilationof tiny kids ( mostly white and poor(not)) got us going as a hypnotized culture. The deaths of impoverished, black, etc. ‘criminal’ young tweens and teens who are a significant percentage of ‘routine’ urban crime on crime murders (adding up to far far more than 20 btw), does not get us going as a ‘culture’. The drone attacks in many foreign countries in undeclared wars– unless you accept that the ‘war on terror’ is a legitimate war (QUESTION QUESTION QUESTION) – on locals just living their lives do not get us going doesn’t get us going as a culture. Guest Post: Meet Brandon Bryant: The Drone Operator Who Quit After Killing A Child | ZeroHedge (or was it just a two legged dog?) Meanwihile, examples like both of those I gave plus other ‘non Sandy’ examples are making us more enemies and I daresay darkening our collective soul … what it takes to get us going can be seen as a “something rotten and infected in our culture” – yes, I'm bringing up what I see as a different “something rotten and infected in our culture” but nonetheless… QUESTION!


And your “[guns] everytime I feel offended'” = more stretching, twisting… yet I’m the ‘unreasonable’ one - simply because I don’t think gun rights really have a dang significant thang to do with this type of tragic outcomes of ‘mental’ illness… and that all the politicals suddenly ‘crossing over and seeing the light’ about gun control is being used for less than honorable purposes… and anyone who gets sucked in has done just that – gotten sucked in … just like ‘good’ politicians in germany gradually (and / or suddenly) voted in nazism… As I just said to MM, The admininistration hopes the Bloombergs will multiply, the Bloombergs hope the Mark Warners will multiply. The Mark Warners hope you will multiply. … and it’s all based on obvious false jumps.


you say “I dont think the average USA citizen has much to fear from its government compared to many other places in the world, and in fact has more to fear from the corporatisation that is occurring” Good connection. You can keep it right there where they want you or you can QUESTION deeper. You can go on not thinking you have much to fear if you like or you can QUESTION…The ‘corporation’ has owned this ‘government’ for a long, long time now…


You’re probably so offended now that you won’t QUESTION anything… but maybe someone will.


Let’s test it.


Can you QUESTION this? – “Legality, at its base, always in some way, transfers responsibility.” zdo

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Right there are the logical jumps that won’t make it across the chasm, peeps.

An armed nation does not cause “another class of first graders [to] get annihilated”.

A disarmed nation will not prevent or even change the odds of “another class of first graders get[ting] annihilated”.

We have to accept the possibility of another annihilation period.

The legal availability of guns has nothing to do with it. Hacking could rise again as a psychotic ‘fad’. It really never left. Those who talk about how “times” and weaponery, etc. have changed are out of touch with/ ignorant about how our biology has not changed.


Whether a gun is legal or not is not connected in any way with whether or not it will be procured or made available to an insane person. Whether a gun is legal or not is not connected in any way with whether or not it will be used in an “annihilation”. See all the false jumps?


It is a false connection and to attempt to deny law abiding sheeple the right to defend themselves adequately against any and all attackers, be they goons from a runaway government or goons from the criminal society. Banning or even restricting will not help one bit – except to temporarily soothe those who got swept up in the hysteric hypnosis. People who live under the spell of a sociopath, and accompanying sociopathic culture, almost never realize it until after the spell has been broken. The Bloombergs hope the Mark Warners will multiply. The Mark Warners hope you will multiply. … and it’s all based on flawed jumps... with less than honorable intentions.


“If banning guns would prevent another Sandyhook elementary school shooting, would preventing that from happening again be enough of a trade off for you to give up your weapons?” MM, someday maybe you’ll see the flawed jumps you made.


In each and every massacre the guns that were used were legal or the guns origin is unknown. The guns probably shouldn't have been in the hands of these people but the guns were not guns that were smuggled in from somewhere and sold illegally. It is not a leap to say that if guns were not available for legal purchase (straw purchase?) that it would have been a lot more difficult for the lunatic to carry out his plan. There are other means of killing, no doubt, but none seem to be as convenient and effective as guns since most occur with the use of guns. Is that a leap? You can kill people with a golf club. Do you know of any mass murders in public places that occurred with a golf club? Even if there was one instance, how many people would have been killed?


It is a leap to think that these lunatics would obtain guns illegally to carry out their plans. It is a leap because in each instance the guns were legal and have no way of knowing if they would have known were to obtain illegal guns.

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Tams, you must not know your firearms. Those weapons in your image are fully automatic weapons and are NOT legal in the USA. And, yes, that junk food garbage should be illegal in the US because the sheeple will eat anything sold.

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Tams, you must not know your firearms. Those weapons in your image are fully automatic weapons and are NOT legal in the USA. And, yes, that junk food garbage should be illegal in the US because the sheeple will eat anything sold.


Those weapons are in non-fully auto mode as well.


USA banned the easter eggs, not because of the nutritional value. You must not know your law.

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Don’t let the government suck anyone into believing that guns are the problem and they need to take them all away.


Guns are never the problem. They are just a machine. They do nothing until a person picks one up.


The problem is always with the person. Never the gun.


How does a person sink to such a low state of inhumanity to shoot and kill children?

What can turn a person into a brain dead killer of innocent children?

That’s the question Obama should be asking.


You need to get at the cause of the action not the outcome.

The cause is whatever it is that can reduce a person to such a level of insanity that they can do something like this without any feelings or remorse and without a second thought of the consequences of what they are doing.


What could possibly turn a person into such an unaware zombie?


Is it violent video games?

Is it movies that show people doing impossible feats of survival in violent situations?


What can dumb a mind down to such an extent that the person no longer can see real people any more and loses all touch with humanity and reality?


If “mind altering” drugs come to mind you are well on your way to understanding what is happening.


Prozac and Ritalin are good examples.

Street drugs do it even more so.

A person on any sort of psych drug/street drug becomes unpredictable.

The only difference between these drugs is the degree of mind alteration.

They alter the mind and make people crazy.

To the point where they no longer know or care what they are doing.

They are not just, “off with the fairies” they become “off with the devil”.


Today drugs are rife in the community.

The rise in violent children slaughtering crime follows exactly the rise in the development of more and more potent mind altering drugs.


The problem is drugs not guns!


Get rid of the drugs and you save your child.


Give your child ANY sort of mind drug and you contribute to the problem no matter your excuse.


Many foods today are already spiked with pest killing poisons. These are not food for the brain.


Good fresh organically grown food served with "love" (are you paying attention Ingot54?), will save your kid’s brain (and your own).


Good fresh organically grown food will completely remove the need for Ritalin and all the other psych drugs they prescribe for the conditions they invent such and ADHD and other similar nonsense.


Start with getting rid of the drug pushing psychiatrist and his false and invalid diagnosis and you will get rid of the greater part of these, brain dead and out of their mind, kid killers.


Better still educate your kids about drugs and the real truth about how they damage a person’s brain and body.


The popular idea that you are not having “fun” until you are stoned is not actually true. The only fun you will ever know is the fun you can clearly remember. The times when you really knew what you were doing.


These senseless killings are done by stupid drug crazed zombies.

It has nothing to do with guns.


You don’t need money and prayers to comfort the bereaved. You need knowledge and understanding of what is going on to address the cause of the problem so it doesn't happen in the first place.


We all need good clean chemically free food for a clear thinking mind and we need the eradication of the drug culture and the drug pushers starting with some cool calm factual education about what drugs are and what they do. Police raids do not handle the cause of the drug culture. Dramatic TV scare campaigns which explain nothing and don’t educate anybody won’t handle it either. Only when people fully understand the whole drug story and at the same time have better solutions to their everyday problems will the drug problem and culture go away.

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zdo - i am not offended - its usually the first person to bring up Nazis etc that is.

....and where does the questioning end.....there in lies one issue the conpiracy theorists have not got an answer to - everything is out to get you.


But i certainly do question Symmatrix.

I will answer your other questions tomorrow.

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Don’t let the government suck anyone into believing that guns are the problem and they need to take them all away.



that's why the first thing obama said was... "this is not the time to talk about guns".


you agreed with obama.

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Don’t let the government suck anyone into believing that guns are the problem and they need to take them all away.


Guns are never the problem. They are just a machine. They do nothing until a person picks one up.


The problem is always with the person. Never the gun.


How does a person sink to such a low state of inhumanity to shoot and kill children?

What can turn a person into a brain dead killer of innocent children?

That’s the question Obama should be asking.


You need to get at the cause of the action not the outcome.

The cause is whatever it is that can reduce a person to such a level of insanity that they can do something like this without any feelings or remorse and without a second thought of the consequences of what they are doing.


What could possibly turn a person into such an unaware zombie?


Is it violent video games?

Is it movies that show people doing impossible feats of survival in violent situations?


What can dumb a mind down to such an extent that the person no longer can see real people any more and loses all touch with humanity and reality?


If “mind altering” drugs come to mind you are well on your way to understanding what is happening.


Prozac and Ritalin are good examples.

Street drugs do it even more so.

A person on any sort of psych drug/street drug becomes unpredictable.

The only difference between these drugs is the degree of mind alteration.

They alter the mind and make people crazy.

To the point where they no longer know or care what they are doing.

They are not just, “off with the fairies” they become “off with the devil”.


Today drugs are rife in the community.

The rise in violent children slaughtering crime follows exactly the rise in the development of more and more potent mind altering drugs.


The problem is drugs not guns!


Get rid of the drugs and you save your child.


Give your child ANY sort of mind drug and you contribute to the problem no matter your excuse.


Many foods today are already spiked with pest killing poisons. These are not food for the brain.


Good fresh organically grown food served with "love" (are you paying attention Ingot54?), will save your kid’s brain (and your own).


Good fresh organically grown food will completely remove the need for Ritalin and all the other psych drugs they prescribe for the conditions they invent such and ADHD and other similar nonsense.


Start with getting rid of the drug pushing psychiatrist and his false and invalid diagnosis and you will get rid of the greater part of these, brain dead and out of their mind, kid killers.


Better still educate your kids about drugs and the real truth about how they damage a person’s brain and body.


The popular idea that you are not having “fun” until you are stoned is not actually true. The only fun you will ever know is the fun you can clearly remember. The times when you really knew what you were doing.


These senseless killings are done by stupid drug crazed zombies.

It has nothing to do with guns.


You don’t need money and prayers to comfort the bereaved. You need knowledge and understanding of what is going on to address the cause of the problem so it doesn't happen in the first place.


We all need good clean chemically free food for a clear thinking mind and we need the eradication of the drug culture and the drug pushers starting with some cool calm factual education about what drugs are and what they do. Police raids do not handle the cause of the drug culture. Dramatic TV scare campaigns which explain nothing and don’t educate anybody won’t handle it either. Only when people fully understand the whole drug story and at the same time have better solutions to their everyday problems will the drug problem and culture go away.


What you are saying is, USA is internally screwed.

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Don’t let the government suck anyone into believing that guns are the problem and they need to take them all away.


Guns are never the problem. They are just a machine. They do nothing until a person picks one up.



These senseless killings are done by stupid drug crazed zombies.

It has nothing to do with guns.




Nobody ever said it was. Only the gun zealots would jump to that conclusion defensively before looking at the big picture.

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Guess our national leaders didn't expect this. On Thursday, Darrell Scott, the father of Rachel Scott, a victim of the Columbine High School shootings in Littleton, Colorado, was invited to address the House Judiciary Committee's subcommittee. What he said to our national leaders during this special session of Congress was painfully truthful.


They were not prepared for what he was to say, nor was it received well. It needs to be heard by every parent, every teacher, every politician, every sociologist, every psychologist, and every so-called expert! These courageous words spoken by Darrell Scott are powerful, penetrating, and deeply personal. There is no doubt that God sent this man as a voice crying in the wilderness.. The following is a portion of the transcript:




"Since the dawn of creation there has been both good & evil in the hearts of men and women. We all contain the seeds of kindness or the seeds of violence. The death of my wonderful daughter, Rachel Joy Scott, and the deaths of that heroic teacher, and the other eleven children who died must not be in vain. Their blood cries out for answers.


"The first recorded act of violence was when Cain slew his brother Abel out in the field. The villain was not the club he used.. Neither was it the NCA, the National Club Association. The true killer was Cain, and the reason for the murder could only be found in Cain's heart.


"In the days that followed the Columbine tragedy, I was amazed at how quickly fingers began to be pointed at groups such as the NRA. I am not a member of the NRA. I am not a hunter. I do not even own a gun. I am not here to represent or defend the NRA - because I don't believe that they are responsible for my daughter's death.


Therefore I do not believe that they need to be defended. If I believed they had anything to do with Rachel's murder I would be their strongest opponent.


I am here today to declare that Columbine was not just a tragedy -- it was a spiritual event that should be forcing us to look at where the real blame lies! Much of the blame lies here in this room. Much of the blame lies behind the pointing fingers of the accusers themselves. I wrote a poem just four nights ago that expresses my feelings best.


Your laws ignore our deepest needs,

Your words are empty air.

You've stripped away our heritage,

You've outlawed simple prayer.

Now gunshots fill our classrooms,

And precious children die.

You seek for answers everywhere,

And ask the question "Why?"

You regulate restrictive laws,

Through legislative creed.

And yet you fail to understand,

That God is what we need!


"Men and women are three-part beings. We all consist of body, mind, and spirit. When we refuse to acknowledge a third part of our make-up, we create a void that allows evil, prejudice, and hatred to rush in and wreak havoc. Spiritual presences were present within our educational systems for most of our nation's history. Many of our major colleges began as theological seminaries. This is a historical fact. What has happened to us as a nation? We have refused to honor God, and in so doing, we open the doors to hatred and violence. And when something as terrible as Columbine's tragedy occurs -- politicians immediately look for a scapegoat such as the NRA. They immediately seek to pass more restrictive laws that contribute to erode away our personal and private liberties. We do not need more restrictive laws. Eric and Dylan would not have been stopped by metal detectors. No amount of gun laws can stop someone who spends months planning this type of massacre. The real villain lies within our own hearts.


"As my son Craig lay under that table in the school library and saw his two friends murdered before his very eyes, he did not hesitate to pray in school. I defy any law or politician to deny him that right! I challenge every young person in America , and around the world, to realize that on April 20, 1999, at Columbine High School prayer was brought back to our schools. Do not let the many prayers offered by those students be in vain. Dare to move into the new millennium with a sacred disregard for legislation that violates your God-given right to communicate with Him. To those of you who would point your finger at the NRA -- I give to you a sincere challenge.. Dare to examine your own heart before casting the first stone!


My daughter's death will not be in vain! The young people of this country will not allow that to happen!"


- Darrell Scott

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Don’t let the government suck anyone into believing that guns are the problem and they need to take them all away.


Guns are never the problem. They are just a machine. They do nothing until a person picks one up.



These senseless killings are done by stupid drug crazed zombies.

It has nothing to do with guns.




if guns has nothing to do with it.. the kids got killed with wet noodles?

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    • Date: 31st March 2025.   Trump Confirms Tariffs on All Countries, Sending Stocks Lower.   The NASDAQ continues to trade lower due to the US confirming the latest tariffs will be on all countries. In addition to this, bearish volatility also is largely due to the higher inflation data from Friday. The NASDAQ declines to its lowest price since September 11th 2024. Core PCE Price Index - Inflation Increases Again! The PCE Price Index read 2.5% aligning with expert forecasts not triggering any alarm bells. However, the Core PCE Price Index rose from 0.3% to 0.4% MoM and from 2.7% to 2.8% YoY, signalling growing inflationary pressure. This increases the likelihood that the Federal Reserve will maintain elevated interest rates for an extended period. The NASDAQ fell 2.60% due to the higher inflation reading which is known to pressure the stock market due to pressure on consumer demand and a more hawkish Federal Reserve. Boston Fed President Susan Collins recently commented that tariffs could drive up inflation, though the long-term impact remains uncertain. She told journalists that a short-term spike is the most probable outcome but believes the current pause in monetary policy adjustments is appropriate given the prevailing uncertainties. Although, certain investment banks such as JP Morgan actually believe the Federal Reserve will be forced into cutting rates. This is due to expectations that the economy will struggle under the new trade policy. For example, JP Morgan expects the Federal Reserve to delay rate cuts but will quickly cut towards the end of 2025. Market Risk Appetite Takes a Hit! A big factor for the day is the drop in the risk appetite of investors. This can be seen from the VIX which is up almost 6%, Gold which is trading 1.30% higher and the Japanese Yen which is the day’s best performing currency. Most safe haven assets, bar the US Dollar, increase in value. It is also worth noting that all indices are decreasing in value during this morning's Asian session with the Nikkei225 and NASDAQ witnessing the strongest decline. Previously the stock market rose in value as investors heard rumours that tariffs would only be on certain countries. This bullish swing occurred between March 14th and 25th. Over the weekend, President Donald Trump indicated that the upcoming tariffs would apply to all countries, not just those with the largest trade imbalances with the US. NASDAQ - Technical Analysis In terms of technical analysis, the NASDAQ continues to obtain indications that sellers control the price action. The price opens on a bearish price gap measuring 0.30% and trades below all Moving Averages on all timeframes. The NASDAQ also trades below the VWAP and almost 100% of the most influential components (stocks) are declining in value.     The next significant support level is at $18,313, and the resistance level stands at $20,367.95. Key Takeaway Points: NASDAQ falls to its lowest since September 2024 as the US confirms tariffs on all countries, adding to inflation concerns. Core PCE inflation rises to 0.4% MoM and 2.8% YoY, increasing the likelihood of prolonged high interest rates. Investor risk appetite drops as VIX jumps 6%, gold gains 1.3%, and safe-haven assets outperform. NASDAQ shows strong bearish momentum, trading below key technical levels with support at $18,313 and resistance at $20,367.95. Always trade with strict risk management. Your capital is the single most important aspect of your trading business.   Please note that times displayed based on local time zone and are from time of writing this report.   Click HERE to access the full HFM Economic calendar.   Want to learn to trade and analyse the markets? Join our webinars and get analysis and trading ideas combined with better understanding of how markets work. Click HERE to register for FREE!   Click HERE to READ more Market news.   Michalis Efthymiou HFMarkets   Disclaimer: This material is provided as a general marketing communication for information purposes only and does not constitute an independent investment research. Nothing in this communication contains, or should be considered as containing, an investment advice or an investment recommendation or a solicitation for the purpose of buying or selling of any financial instrument. All information provided is gathered from reputable sources and any information containing an indication of past performance is not a guarantee or reliable indicator of future performance. Users acknowledge that any investment in Leveraged Products is characterized by a certain degree of uncertainty and that any investment of this nature involves a high level of risk for which the users are solely responsible and liable. We assume no liability for any loss arising from any investment made based on the information provided in this communication. This communication must not be reproduced or further distributed without our prior written permission.
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