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To Arm or to Disarm.

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Col B


Well put. Great post




For the 'survey'


I own guns and plenty of ammo. Legally purchased + I maintain a concealed carry permit AND fortunately, I also did sufficient 'unregistered' purchases long ago.

I practice with them and maintain them about twice a year.

I don't like or enjoy them.


We all have things we do not like or enjoy. Enema comes to mind.

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mm don't you think there shoul be a ban on sex? perhaps institute mandatory castration? or limit the size of testicles males can have? or limit the amount of testicles? it might cut down on violence you know???


with that ugly sh$t ass beard of ignot54 he has nothing to worry about. he has nothing to get violent about. on the other hand who knows maybe the gals like his beard??


happy new year


I am for more sex, more people, more tax payers. Open up the gates, let people who want to work in.


I am against abortion. But you can abort your kid for all I care. If you don't want him or her, the @#$%^& if I do.


Remove the minimum wage.


Legalize all drugs.


Get rid of patent and copyright. Let market be free once.


Tighter gun control. Something like scoring a minimum sanity level on a myers briggs test to be allowed to continue to own a gun. New strict gun disposal laws.


Cost savings and employment in 6 sentences.


Have a safe NEW YEAR's eve and a good New Year

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I am for more sex, more people, more tax payers. Open up the gates, let people who want to work in.


I am against abortion. But you can abort your kid for all I care. If you don't want him or her, the @#$%^& if I do.


Remove the minimum wage.


Legalize all drugs.


Get rid of patent and copyright. Let market be free once.


Tighter gun control. Something like scoring a minimum sanity level on a myers briggs test to be allowed to continue to own a gun. New strict gun disposal laws.


Cost savings and employment in 6 sentences.


Have a safe NEW YEAR's eve and a good New Year

sh$t MM i was just thinkin

g if we could have mandatory castration for liberals...well...soon....well you know...it could be a non violent way to solve the gun problem since it may be mostly liberals doing the killings....

Edited by Patuca

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sh$t MM i was just thinkin

g if we could have mandatory castration for liberals...well...soon....well you know...it could be a non violent way to solve the gun problem since it may be mostly liberals doing the killings....


see... your stand has nothing to do with guns, or violence, or 2nd ammendment, or self defense, or 280 lb monkey, or freedom from tyrannic government.


you just don't like liberals, and i am not sure if you understand whatever liberalism means or represents.

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sh$t MM i was just thinkin

g if we could have mandatory castration for liberals...well...soon....well you know...it could be a non violent way to solve the gun problem since it may be mostly liberals doing the killings....


It is several posts now that you have mentioned manipulation of male genitalia as a means of correcting violent behavior. Far be it from me to question the origin of your fascination with the male sexual organ, but i do suspect that most of the mass shootings were conducted by right wing lunatics.

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time for fessing up


Please indicate yes/no to the following question.


Do you own or have a gun in your home or premises (work...etc. or otherwise)


1) Ingot54

2) suntrader

3) zdo

4) tams

5) johnw

6) Cory2679

7) Siuya


9) Mightymouse (with a name like that you better have one)

10) Predictor

11) SMmatrix

12) jimbo320

13) Colonel B

14) vince50

15) Madmarketscientist

I have not owned nor fired a gun since disposing of my .22 Magnum rifle, a single-shot

12G shotgun and a .303 rifle ( disposed of earlier) in 1977 ... that's 35+ years ago.


The purpose I had the shotgun - to dispatch venomous brown and black snakes on our little bush block - my wife was

alone there through the day with 2 small children.


The magnum was used to provide kangaroo meat for our watch-dog-cum-snake-killer canine, who eventually died of

a brown snake bite (he killed it before he died!)


I used to tan the kangaroo hides for a hobby, and made beautiful mats from those, and gave them away to friends.


After the dog died, we moved into the small township, and I had no heart any more for killing kangaroos ... or any

other thing that was living.


I disposed of the weapons. I never got joy from the act of killing, and the decision was very easy for me.


Sorry - I didn't answer the question - no.

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It is several posts now that you have mentioned manipulation of male genitalia as a means of correcting violent behavior.


WOW the topics switched to enemas, more sex, pistols, and genital mutilation. I think I need to set some things straight on the "rules."



[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pi7gwX7rjOw]3-Way (The Golden Rule) (feat. Justin Timberlake & Lady Gaga) - YouTube[/ame]


Fellas get ready... Do it for some chick...


Happy New Year, hope you are all going to have as much fun as me !!!!!!

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I am going to have sex today for the sake of virginity. It makes perfect sense on this thread.
I don't talk about it - I just ... well actually my wife woke me up with a lovely coffee, and said she

knew of a fantastic way to begin the New Year ... that's all I remember until I realised the coffee

was getting cold!

I am for more sex, more people, more tax payers. Open up the gates, let people who want to work in.


I am against abortion. But you can abort your kid for all I care. If you don't want him or her, the @#$%^& if I do.


Remove the minimum wage.


Legalize all drugs.


Get rid of patent and copyright. Let market be free once.


Tighter gun control. Something like scoring a minimum sanity level on a myers briggs test to be allowed to

continue to own a gun. New strict gun disposal laws.


Cost savings and employment in 6 sentences.


Have a safe NEW YEAR's eve and a good New Year

MM - were we separated at birth?


Your neurones seem strangely aligned to mine. You summed up my thoughts to a "T"


Happy New Year all.


I am leaving this thread - it has been on-off topic a lot, and I feel the point has been made ... and exhausted.


Thank you to everyone - I mean all of you, for your open and honest and even humorous views on this

emotional topic. I think we have all learned something from the exercise, and speaking for myself, I have a

broader appreciation of the issue of gun-ownership/gun-control through your contributions.


Have a great holiday season, and may 2013 be your best year ever.

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It is several posts now that you have mentioned manipulation of male genitalia as a means of correcting violent behavior. Far be it from me to question the origin of your fascination with the male sexual organ, but i do suspect that most of the mass shootings were conducted by right wing lunatics.
seems like you made mention of such things first as you were counter punching at me. i know you are just trying to jab back for my little arguments so i'll let your nonsense pass as an attempt to say "buscar venganza". however..it was only a joke so you may calm down.

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see... your stand has nothing to do with guns, or violence, or 2nd ammendment, or self defense, or 280 lb monkey, or freedom from tyrannic government.


you just don't like liberals, and i am not sure if you understand whatever liberalism means or represents.

it twas just a joke. i dont subscribe to what most people labeled liberal stand for but it doesn't mean i hate liberals. usually it is liberals that hate conservatives and generally have no qualms about letting them know their hatred for conservatives. i push the envelope abit myself sometimes but i know if i don't come out swinging liberals will mock and hate and try all kinds of personal attacks much like MM has done to me so i come out swinging. at the end of the day MM is what he is..you are what you are..i am what i am. and we have had some good arguments which is good for the brain cells.


happy new year


i still say one day you will wish you HAD A GUN. :) don't look for MM to help cause he won't be able to as he will be too busy hunting for a piece of cheese to eat...and ingot54 will be hiding with the kangaroos in the outback...zdo will be holed up with his weapons and none shall get close to him. i may be on the road on my moto with a pistol in each hand . db will still be dishing out sage advice on wykcoff or hiding in the arizona desert...smmatrix will have resisted till the end and fallen in battle..colonel B will be furiously battling the bad guys on video games all the time declaring them to be harmless. captain Bob will still be trying to figure out if we should trade long term or daytrade. mitsubishi will still be ranting and raving about spread betting not being gambling and posting charts with precise mathematical formulas as the perfect way to trade. wind bag Why? will still be harping on Taylor.

Edited by Patuca

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it twas just a joke. i dont subscribe to what most people labeled liberal stand for but it doesn't mean i hate liberals. usually it is liberals that hate conservatives and generally have no qualms about letting them know their hatred for conservatives. i push the envelope abit myself sometimes but i know if i don't come out swinging liberals will mock and hate and try all kinds of personal attacks much like MM has done to me so i come out swinging. at the end of the day MM is what he is..you are what you are..i am what i am. and we have had some good arguments which is good for the brain cells.


happy new year


i still say one day you will wish you HAD A GUN. :) don't look for MM to help cause he won't be able to as he will be too busy hunting for a piece of cheese to eat...and ingot54 will be hiding with the kangaroos in the outback...zdo will be holed up with his weapons and none shall get close to him. i may be on the road on my moto with a pistol in each hand . db will still be dishing out sage advice on wykcoff or hiding in the arizona desert...smmatrix will have resisted till the end and fallen in battle..colonel B will be furiously battling the bad guys on video games all the time declaring them to be harmless. captain Bob will still be trying to figure out if we should trade long term or daytrade. mitsubishi will still be ranting and raving about spread betting not being gambling and posting charts with precise mathematical formulas as the perfect way to trade. wind bag Why? will still be harping on Taylor.


I don't think you have read my responses. You have mistaken my stance.


I was in the military; I was trained in using guns. I have fired more rounds than you will ever in your life time. I was a marksman, I know all about guns, and how to use them, including using them as self defense machines and killing machines.


I am not in the military now, therefore I have no use for guns. When I was in the military, my job was to make my country a safe and democratic place to live. If the citizens of my country need guns to protect themselves, then I have failed. No amount of personal guns can bring the peace back. Only the constitution can.


I wish you could come to my neighborhood and see; I can go jogging at night without having to worry about being shot at, because nobody has any guns. I can walk to the corner store anytime without having to worry that someone might be aiming a barrel at me. Strangers say hello to me on the street. Kids do not write graffiti on the walls. If I have a flat tire, someone will stop their cars and come to assist, without having me to flag anyone down. It is a safe place to be, and that's how every neighborhood should be. Life is about enjoying the peace, not feeling paranoid about the tyrannic government or the 280 lb monkey that never existed. Life is about living the peace, it is easier to do when you know that the imaginary 280 lb monkey has no access to the same automatic assault rifle that you believe everybody should have access to.


You might believe that one day I would wish I had a gun. No, I don't, I don't want one, and most importantly, I don't need one. And that tells a big difference between the World you live in and the World I live in. I shall remain in mine, and I have no intention (or need) to win you over.

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I don't talk about it - I just ... well actually my wife woke me up with a lovely coffee, and said she

knew of a fantastic way to begin the New Year ... that's all I remember until I realised the coffee

was getting cold!MM - were we separated at birth?


Your neurones seem strangely aligned to mine. You summed up my thoughts to a "T"


Happy New Year all.


I am leaving this thread - it has been on-off topic a lot, and I feel the point has been made ... and exhausted.


Thank you to everyone - I mean all of you, for your open and honest and even humorous views on this

emotional topic. I think we have all learned something from the exercise, and speaking for myself, I have a

broader appreciation of the issue of gun-ownership/gun-control through your contributions.


Have a great holiday season, and may 2013 be your best year ever.


Ingot and Patuca have contributed the most sane and clarifying posts on this thread. They are so much alike...no wonder they bump heads. We need BOTH of you on this board,guys.......both.


Anyway, there are things we can debate and things that are simply fact. I think that the example of 2 men in an argument and both having a gun or none having a gun or 1 having a gun cannot be replaced as an example in logic.


That said let me now give the prime example of what I feel is paranoia and twisting history around.


Many here are afraid of an enemy they can never beat and therefor why waste time. They are not afraid of organized gangs, thugs...whom always form loosley knit semi-organized gangs, and people with just a bad attitude....and a weapon! This is where 98% of your need for a weapon will ever come from.


WE DO NOT NEED GUNS TO PROTECT US FROM THE GOVT! are you guys insane. If they tried making our country more socialist and raise taxers thru the roof..........(oh wait,they did that already), what could we do anyway. Invasion of privacy like bugging our computers? Already done. In other words no matter how bad it gets, it is only as margaret meade the great anthropologist said, it is "Only non-violent expression and protest that can change things in govt."


Do any of you really think it would ever be necessary to form militias to go against a govt we have now. It barely,barely worked in the civil war when we had little army and no national guard and no satellite and phone communication. We could never ever overthrow our govt or get any rights back at this time in history. Nothing worth dying over,anyway.


IF IT CAME DOWN TO IT, THE ONLY SANE THING TO DO WOULD BE TO LEAVE THE DAMN COUNTRY IF YOU DONT LIKE IT. Or......you can just waste your whole life like Macolm X (poor soul) and just get under the FBI's skin and then later have your own people shut you up.


Who exactly are we going to need all these weapons against. Worried about home invasions or surprise attacks on the street. Ok...Im listening. But going up against the US govt is not only not possible, its a battle that cant be won. Better to leave.


Look at the proof. I am not bigoted at all, but lets look at one group who tried what we are worried about in more of a attitude than actual violence against the country---- listen to how many years a very large minority of blacks ,born here,have complained about our govt. I wish someone in their own community had the courage to take them out of their misery and remind them that there are 7 countries that have overall better living conditions than America....pick one and stop complaining! Same goes for disgruntled whites....pick one and stop complaining or learn to love this great land...our grandfathers died for it. Now our sons. Right or wrong....LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT or help it." But STFU already! :crap:


NOW LETS GET DOWN TO ANOTHER ...big psychological precursor or agitation button if you will. Warrior instinct! There are people whether thru genetics or just old cave man aggressive tendencies staying with some people more than others ...just make it very exciting to blow someone away! If you have ever watched 3 or 4 episodes of Gangland, lockdown, or lock-up on netflix streaming or TV re-runs you will meet many,many men who have an instinct to destroy and kill and control, even if there is no threat or benefit to them whatsoever!


These people seem to be re-emerging in this time period, given a little help from our insane movies,video games and news reporting that make a murder sound like the opening of another Burger King restaurant! That is my greatest fear and need for a gun. The growing number of psych-paths both born here and "imported" here. And if what I think has about a 33% chance to come tru...you anti govt regulation people are gonna be begging on your knees for FEDERAL intervention if and when local law enforcement gets overwhelmed. (oH I forgot...this happened already in several border states already too.)


Ok...someone count to 5,and then let Ingot slowly out of his cage. Boy is he going to chew on this one. (God bless yuh buddy!=)

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I wish you could come to my neighborhood and see; I can go jogging at night without having to worry about being shot at, because nobody has any guns. I can walk to the corner store anytime without having to worry that someone might be aiming a barrel at me. Strangers say hello to me on the street. Kids do not write graffiti on the walls. If I have a flat tire, someone will stop their cars and come to assist, without having me to flag anyone down. It is a safe place to be, and that's how every neighborhood should be. Life is about enjoying the peace, not feeling paranoid about the tyrannic government or the 280 lb monkey that never existed. Life is about living the peace, it is easier to do when you know that the imaginary 280 lb monkey has no access to the same automatic assault rifle that you believe everybody should have access to.

that is nice. glad to hear that life is like that where you live. perhaps aussies just aren't violent people? most everyone else seems to be regardless of what country you go to. been to many. lived in many. sounds like you have found the perfect society..neighborhood...once had a friend that went to cuba. he came back quiet impressed. said the USA could learn alot from cuba. had other friends go there however they had very little good to say about cuba. of course my friend was canadian..socialist and quite abit anti-american. we were friends then and still are. he called last night. had a good little chat with him. if banning guns would create a society in USA like where you say you live then i would be all for banning them. but i don't think that will work here. we americans are too violent. we were birthed in violence. americans like a fight. and we have to win.


where do you live in in AU? maybe i'll immigrate. then again you guys may not want any of those "bloody" americans there?

Edited by Patuca

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actually tams i get the feeling you may be an american immigrated to AU??? if not please don't go into a tirade about not being a bloody american. i am just asking.

Edited by Patuca

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just got back from Honduras (deadliest country in the world)


Inside the world's deadliest country: Honduras - CBS News


from a business trip on dec 22. i couldn't even take my pea shooter to such an environment as TSA and Honduras prohibits such items...so i was left with my karate skills and blinding speed for self defense. and of course i prayed. anyway while at the airport some american tourists came in and wanted to cut the line as they were about to miss their flight. no one would let them cut in. they went down the line almost begging so when they arrived at me i let them in. not to the pleasure of some of the people (but who gives a shit anyway). well come to find out they had been down to the mayan ruins for the "end of the world" which apparently didn't happen or we wouldn't have been in the airport. when the world didn't end they said they were there for the winter solstice. oh i wanted to laugh and i did but tried to be discreet as be it far from me to publically insult someone. anyway have any of you guys seen these sort of people? you know they literally lay on the rocks of these indians ruins and weep and cry and meditate? i have seen these sitting crossed legged in mayan territory arms held in the air meditating ..well i guess for hours...some how i guess they think that will bring peace to the world. i suppose they never heard of just banning guns. maybe we should appoint a task force to inform them?

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btw i have traveled in honduras for years. in many of the most dangerous areas...you must be discreet..blend in..look local...take no shit...dont ask questions...slide in slide out. they respect .....no fear

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just got back from Honduras (deadliest country in the world)


Inside the world's deadliest country: Honduras - CBS News


from a business trip on dec 22. i couldn't even take my pea shooter to such an environment as TSA and Honduras prohibits such items...so i was left with my karate skills and blinding speed for self defense. and of course i prayed. anyway while at the airport some american tourists came in and wanted to cut the line as they were about to miss their flight. no one would let them cut in. they went down the line almost begging so when they arrived at me i let them in. not to the pleasure of some of the people (but who gives a shit anyway). well come to find out they had been down to the mayan ruins for the "end of the world" which apparently didn't happen or we wouldn't have been in the airport. when the world didn't end they said they were there for the winter solstice. oh i wanted to laugh and i did but tried to be discreet as be it far from me to publically insult someone. anyway have any of you guys seen these sort of people? you know they literally lay on the rocks of these indians ruins and weep and cry and meditate? i have seen these sitting crossed legged in mayan territory arms held in the air meditating ..well i guess for hours...some how i guess they think that will bring peace to the world. i suppose they never heard of just banning guns. maybe we should appoint a task force to inform them?


An employee's mother had some sort of bomb shelter in NY state where they all went to for the end of the world. She had stored supplies there to, I suppose, survive the end of the world. She had 100 pounds of tuna, antibiotics, and who knows what else. They have lots of guns.


I didn't ask too many questions.

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For the 'survey'


I own guns and plenty of ammo. Legally purchased + I maintain a concealed carry permit AND fortunately, I also did sufficient 'unregistered' purchases long ago.

I practice with them and maintain them about twice a year.

I don't like or enjoy them.


Glad to hear it.That is reasonable.


If only Adam Lanza's mother did the same.


And soooooo many others.


But what is not reasonable is for gun owners to expect no restrictions of any kind, especially so after mass shootings, which are happening with greater and greater frequency.

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Glad to hear it.That is reasonable.


If only Adam Lanza's mother did the same.


And soooooo many others.


But what is not reasonable is for gun owners to expect no restrictions of any kind, especially so after mass shootings, which are happening with greater and greater frequency.


I will agree that as a sane American citizen, I would like to have the option of owning a gun. Shooting is fun. I would never carry one for protection, and in my home I would sooner grab a bat, golf club, fireplace tool, hookeroon, or butcher knife if my alarm did not scare them away. A gun is too much of an accident waiting to happen to allow it to be readily available in a home with multiple inhabitants and visiting family, and or friends.


If someone took your gun from your home and committed murder, you should be held responsible for allowing the gun to be made available. It it was steal-able, then it was not properly secured.


The other aspect of gun possession is disposable. What is the proper way to dispose of guns? Sell them at a gun swap or gun show? To me that is akin to finding a good baby sitter at a pedophilia convention. If you have a gun that you want to sell or dispose of, then there should be strict channels of disposal to ensure that the gun does not end up in the wrong hands.


Had Adam lanza's mother had the guns securely stored, there is a large chance that he would have carried out his crime with less force. Less force= less loss of life. There is also an outside chance that he just would have killed himself without disrupting the lives or 26 other families.

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Glad to hear it.That is reasonable.


If only Adam Lanza's mother did the same.


And soooooo many others.


But what is not reasonable is for gun owners to expect no restrictions of any kind, especially so after mass shootings, which are happening with greater and greater frequency.

the one problem we have in the USA is the mainstream media.they won't jump on stories where are civilians kept mass shootings from happening. so we really on get one side of the story..very often..all this is meant to sway our thinking on gun ownership.


like ron paul who actually had some pretty good ideas was ignored by the media..didn't look like a winner (americans can't stand a loser) so the image printed into the minds of americans about him was he is an ole crazy man. a jackass. when really much of what he predicted has come to pass and he actually had some ideas that were based upon the constitution. most americans only know two things about the constitution/bill of rights. 1) freedom of expression 2) right to bear arms. so all the debates really aren't about issues that need to be solved and how we can really solve them with pragmatic solutions or constitutional issues but it is all about a public fight and to see who can spar the best and who looks like a winner. is my candidate gona win? I have to go with the winner...well that is the attitude. winning is more important than solving problems.


the fiscal cliff is all a game. nothing will fundamentally change. we are on a course and our politicians are determined to continue on it. both parties. in 4 years we will owe 20 trillion regardless of the winner of this past election. in 4 more years after that 25 trillion and that is where the sh$t will start to hit the fan pretty hard.

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Two stories and the media response



This is the story you saw on the evening news:

At lunch hour on Wednesday, Oct. 16, George Jo Hennard of

Belton, Tex. smashed his Ford pickup through the plate glass doors

of Luby’s cafeteria in Killeen, injuring some patrons immediately.

While other patrons rushed toward the truck believing the driver

was a heart-attack victim, Hennard calmly climbed out of his

pickup, took out two 9-millimeter semi-automatic pistols, and

started shooting people in the cafeteria’s serving line.

Hennard continued shooting for 10 minutes, reloading five

times. One of his pistols jammed repeatedly, causing him to discard

it. There would have been plenty of opportunity for any of

the cafeteria’s customers or employees to return fire. None did

because none of them were armed. Texas law forbids private citizens

from carrying firearms out of their home or business. Luby’s

employee’s manual forbids employees from carrying firearms.

Police officers were inside Luby’s within minutes. But before

they were able to corner Hennard in the cafeteria’s restroom, where

he turned his gun fatally on himself, Hennard had killed 15 women

and 8 men, wounded 19 and caused at least five more to be injured

attempting to flee.

The Killeen massacre was ready-made excitement for the media:

a madman with a gun, lots of gruesome pictures. CBS News

devoted an entire “48 Hours” Dan Rather report to it. Sarah Brady

of Handgun Control Inc. capitalized on it in a nationally published

column to call Congress cowardly for voting down more stringent

gun laws the next day.


Now here’s a story you probably didn’t see:

Late at night on Tuesday, December 17, two men armed with

recently-stolen pistols herded 20 customers and employees of a

Shoney’s restaurant in Anniston, Ala., into the walk-in refrigerator

Postal clerk Terry was finishing a late-night dinner with his

wife when the robbers came in and took over the restaurant.

Terry hid his .45 Colt Government Model under his sweater, not

seeing any immediate opportunity to use it. Terry’s wife was

captured with the other customers and herded off to the cooler,

where one of the robbers proceeded to collect wallets and


Terry did not hide under a table; he had separated himself

from the other customers and managed to get to a back door in

the Shoney’s to see if it was open so he could escape and call

the police. The door was chained shut. At that point one of the

robbers discovered him and when the robber drew on him,

Terry pulled his own handgun from under his sweater and returned

fire, incapacitating this robber, who ultimately survived.

The second robber heard the exchange of gunfire and also

drew on Terry; it was the gun fight between Terry and this second

robber which resulted in the robber running out to the parking

lot, where he died from his wounds. It was at this point that

Terry told the store manager to phone the police, informing

them that an armed customer was present; Terry then proceeded

to the cooler and released his wife and the other customers.

Both robbers whom Terry shot had previous armed robberies

on their record, and one had murdered a motel clerk just a

few days earlier. A third robber escaped as soon as Terry exchanged

gunfire with the first robber.

The only national media outlet to cover this incident as news,

just two months after the Killeen restaurant massacre, was the

Christian Science Monitor.


source: excerpts from Stopping Power by Neil Schulman

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Many here are afraid of an enemy they can never beat and therefor why waste time. They are not afraid of organized gangs, thugs...whom always form loosley knit semi-organized gangs, and people with just a bad attitude....and a weapon! This is where 98% of your need for a weapon will ever come from.


WE DO NOT NEED GUNS TO PROTECT US FROM THE GOVT! are you guys insane. If they tried making our country more socialist and raise taxers thru the roof..........(oh wait,they did that already), what could we do anyway. Invasion of privacy like bugging our computers? Already done. In other words no matter how bad it gets, it is only as margaret meade the great anthropologist said, it is "Only non-violent expression and protest that can change things in govt."


Do any of you really think it would ever be necessary to form militias to go against a govt we have now. It barely,barely worked in the civil war when we had little army and no national guard and no satellite and phone communication. We could never ever overthrow our govt or get any rights back at this time in history. Nothing worth dying over,anyway.


thanks for the compliment about my posts and ignot54 (although i might disagree over ignot's:)) however, i'm not so sure about some of your ideas. it took the most powerful army in the world (supposedly..wouldn't want to diminish our arrogance now would i) ....secret service...cia..high tech ...etc what 10 years to find one fellow over in pakistan that was well known and had his pictured posted all over the media. not so sure this gov could handle 50 or 70 million armed americans if they were to decide to revolt. i am certainly not advocating that but just have my doubts the gov could deal with them even with all their firepower...etc. we could barely do a 1/2 ass job in katrina.


im not anti gov and i do think we need gov but the framers of the constitution may have known what they were doing when they made sure the public could have the right to bear arms.

Edited by Patuca

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An employee's mother had some sort of bomb shelter in NY state where they all went to for the end of the world. She had stored supplies there to, I suppose, survive the end of the world. She had 100 pounds of tuna, antibiotics, and who knows what else. They have lots of guns.


I didn't ask too many questions.

just the thought of eating 100 pounds of tuna almost makes me sick....chasing it with antibiotics...worse.

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