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Next Big Thing

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I was contacted by a friend who wanted my advice about a vendor soliciting his $ for an indicator service. I did a small amount of research and found that they are connected to the "Traders Edge Network" and there is a master mind mathmatician who figured out how to read what the new trading computers of the "Big Guys" are dooing whos name if Jeff Augden. I personally have been trading indicator free for several years so I can not give an objective opinion. below are the links please look at it and give your opinions.





enjoy and plaese respond not enough vendors are held accountable.

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so no novices, dreamers or half wits.....but its ok for kids...where do i sign up?


I already have a DIY brain surgery kit - I just have trouble getting the patients to survive long enough to determine the results.


On looking at the basic patterns and some of the video, I think Mitt has done a good summary.


For :2c: - if its indicator based and you cant fully automate it, then you may as well learn how the market works without indicators, because you still have to watch it.

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I already have a DIY brain surgery kit - I just have trouble getting the patients to survive long enough to determine the results.



Hey, just because you're from Aus doesn't mean you get to slag off the NHS!


My friend had one of these kits - apparently the trick is to start from the front and work towards the back ;)



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Next big thing?..........Looks like the same old thing to me.Here's the recipe.


1) Get yourself a PR story that sounds too good to be true that the system is based on.

In this case it is a maths genius (apparently,who,besides them say he's a genius?).

Other famous PR stories are eg :a code based on a bunch of numbers mentioned in the bible (The Daniel Code).And:

A genius who found the hidden order within markets,sold it to Welles Wilder,who called it The Delta Phenomenon.

Or,if you are Steve Copan you call it The Market Matrix and pretend you're a recluse who only writes books,Cd's and once in a blue moon,seminars for a lot of money-because... you're a recluse.


2 )Do not tell anybody how the indicator works or what it's really based on (except it can only be based on past prices,therefore it lags and is not predictive)


3) Make a video showing the mysterious indicator "working" at the bottom of the cherry picked example chart.


4) Leave no doubt in the mug punter's mind that trading skills of any kind are not required just follow the "signals".


5) SIgn up to a trading forum,and in your first post tell us how you're thinking about signing up for this service and what do people think?


6) Get another spammer with 5 posts or less to say he's making money and it's the "next big thing"


7) If anyone bad mouths your operation or asks too many questions throw them out of your trading room.


8) When a trade set up is winning claim you are already in it.


9) When a trade set up isn't working claim you didn't get in it for reasons ABC.


10) If anyone calls you out on that throw them out of the room,but keep taking their credit card payments until they finally manage to cancel them-keep all the money and point them to the small print in the contract.


11) When business is slow,and after being thrown off various forums for soliciting,and after working with some of the biggest frauds,conmen and snake oil salesman in the "business",sign up for traders Laboratory and pretend your here to make friends and help struggling traders.When the long term residents call you out on your bullshit,turn pretty shitty pretty quick and cry like a baby that everyone's picking on you for no good reason.Threaten to leave -repeatedly without actually leaving.Carry on as if nothing is wrong and nothing happened until everyone is so sick of you the management is forced to act.(finally) Then,finally leave.Then come back almost immediately before finally understanding fully and intimately the phrase "go fkcu yourself"

Then sometime later crawl back to give your expert opinion on the best way to run false accounts and statements while failing to see how transparent and ludicrous you look.


12) When things completely fall apart,leave the sinking ship owing 1000's to your customers and act like nothing happened.

Hi Oliver,how's "business" these days?


13) Rinse and repeat until someone finally sticks your ass in jail (low probability)


But hey,it's different this time isn't it?:roll eyes:


Hi Mitsubishi,


Thanks for the 13 point plan - just so I'm clear, does the vendor wind up rich, or in jail, or both, at the end of all this?





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If I had developed the next big thing, trust me, no one in the world would be able to afford it. Why would I need to sell it?

To pay for the tuition to allow you to use it successfully?

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Next big thing?..........Looks like the same old thing to me.Here's the recipe. etc etc etc



But hey,it's different this time isn't it?:roll eyes:


Oh poo, that was my next business model you just trashed :(





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WOW front page press on this one. Next big thing??? :rofl: Honestly I was expecting some sort of volume profile system or some sort of evolution away from the useless crap indicators I see all over the place. I expected some profound new exciting discovery into the very stuff that has worked for hundreds of years and rediscovered now.


Why is this crap front page???


I am not as cynical as everyone else on how some one goes about selling a product as every one else is. I think if its a good product and you have a gorgeous half dressed super model advertising for it I don't look down on it. Sex sells and in the world of trading education this system sells. I will admit that from the previous posts there appears to be a bit of history here that I am not aware of so I can't really comment on that.


I think I am a bit more cynical on the actual trading then every one else.


I looked at everything I could because I knew after 5 minutes after I was directed here that it was going to be a total waste of time and I decided to write something about it. I couldn't watch the movie because the session already expired. I read the whole .pdf file and the front page of the websight. I could tell in about 5 minutes that this guy isn't a trader and most likely doesn't even trade.


Why is this crap front page? Is it to mock these clowns? This isn't a serious topic is all I could come up with. Its not April 1st. This must be the trading equivalent to getting Rick Rolled or Trolololooloed. There wasn't even a ho ho ho ho or a derp derpity derp on the page. Oh well lets pretend its real just in case.


I personally have been trading indicator free for several years so I can not give an objective opinion. below are the links please look at it and give your opinions.


Ok you have been trading for several years? How is that working out for you? Making tons in sim are ya? How is that back testing account going for ya? If what you are doing worked you could come out and say it worked, but you and I both know that this crap doesn't work. It wont work for you and it wont work for me and guess what it wont work for others as well. Why? Because this is not the way real traders trade. Maybe you don't know that so don't take this the wrong way.


My opinion is to stop all payments and any future payments and discontinue any and all further and future business. And that goes for everyone. I would and will challenge any and all claims made on the actual profitability of this "system" and any like it. I would bet that there is no realized rate of return except from profits made from sales and NOT from actual trading.

The fact is that everything works to some degree in back testing. I might go as far to say that everything works in back testing if you go back far enough. This is not the way real traders trade with large amounts of back testing. If you have been trading for years dump this because it doesn't give you any edge or give you anyway to really understand how markets work.


I have been actually trading for years and I can give and objective opinion.

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The reason I started the thred in the first place was to educate people in the ways of the vendors and and how no one sells a system that is truly profeitable. I personally think that "systems" are inharently flawed as they cannot take into account the context of the day as it pertains to the market. Thank you everyone who participated we served our purpose with this thred.

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The reason I started the thred in the first place was to educate people in the ways of the vendors

and and how no one sells a system that is truly profeitable. I personally think that "systems" are inharently flawed as

they cannot take into account the context of the day as it pertains to the market. Thank you everyone who participated

we served our purpose with this thred.

Are you saying that a system can not take advantage of a technical setup that the system defines?


The whole point of using a system - in particular a mechanical system - is that we can not KNOW

with certainty where price is going next. But we can DEFINE an edge ... a higher probability of what

the market has done under similar circumstances in the past.


I appreciate your motives here in the thread, but have to disagree with your hypothesis.


I don't think systems are flawed, regardless of "the context of the day."


But while I do believe there are profitable systems on the market,

I also believe there are vendors who take advantage of the desire of traders to arrive quickly at their objective.


I wouldn't paint all with the same brush.

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well my intention was not to start a debate over system trading vs descretionary trading but maybe its a good topic.by all means please show me a profeitable system and i will gladly implement it. I double dog dare you !!!!

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Im going to buy it and trade it.


I think of it this way: Not all of these off the shelf systems and magic black boxes can be rubbish.

I mean 100's and 100's have been peddled over the years. At least one of them must work. OK it's a bit like buying a lottery ticket - but it's friday, and Im feeling lucky.



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well my intention was not to start a debate over

system trading vs descretionary trading but maybe its a good topic.

By all means please show me a profeitable system and i will gladly

implement it. I double dog dare you !!!!

Why not define the principles of trading, and create your own strategy?


Here on TL there are ample profitable strategies and systems to orgasmify

even the most frigid of traders!


You could start here:




No need to "double dare" anyone, unless it is me double daring you to walk the talk.


There is your system ... now trade it as promised.


I await your results.

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I do trade my own stuff. but for me that means getting up at 4 am trading til 7:30 AM pst then go to work keeping my buisness I built with my blood sweat and tears going and getting home to do my family stuff after that. So a stand alone automated system would be nice. If you had one why wouldnt you share it? it would only make it more robust. The whole trading community I think for the most part is full of shit. Most people dont make money over the long haul and thats why they pretend to stand behind " Im not sharing my system it wont work any more". If people would just be honest for once it would be AMAZING. letting people in on a working system would make it stronger rather that weaker. Look at the whole Woodies CCI group the only reason those trades work is ther are so many people doing them. And i dont even know if they do work maybe Ken fades evry signal If he is even alive any more. If I could write out exactly how come each of my trades worked and why I made money off of them I would totally do it and I will if I get to that point. As it sits right now I have a good feel for where stops will release and trade accordingly. Management is where my edge is not letting loosers dominate. I get out early and get back in when i feel its time. Now I like to trade thin contracts. corn copper crude and I trade ES but they all have different temperments. So bring forth your system and put your money wher eyour mouth is.

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I do trade my own stuff. but for me that means getting up at 4 am trading til 7:30 AM pst

then go to work keeping my buisness I built with my blood sweat and tears going and

getting home to do my family stuff after that. So a stand alone automated system would be nice.

Ckait - this is exactly the reason I suggested OptionTimers system. You check it ONCE a day.

And it being a DAILY system, it really does not matter whether you get in at 0430 am,

7am or 4pm. There is always, or usually going to be some small draw-down.There

really isn't any excuse NOT to trade it just as it is - it is proven over decades to be an

excellent approach.


If you had one why wouldnt you share it? it would only make it more robust. The whole trading

community I think for the most part is full of shit. Most people dont make money over

the long haul and thats why they pretend to stand behind " Im not sharing my system it

wont work any more". If people would just be honest for once it would be AMAZING.

letting people in on a working system would make it stronger rather that weaker.

The whole trading community is NOT full of anything. It is what it is, and we choose to be a part of

it or walk. I agree there are a lot of crooks raking money off the newbies and those who won't learn

for themselves, but that is always going to be there until traders take responsibility for their own trading.


When traders stop what they are doing long enough to look at their approach, they would realise

they do not need a different system ... an automated system ... a better entry ...


What they do need is to master the strategy they already have. If I gave you a good strategy, would

you come back tomorrow to explain to me why it won't work, or why it isn't working for you?


So bring forth your system and put your money wher eyour mouth is.
I have already done that - it is now up to you to read OptionTimers excellent thread, and understand

the strategy - it is not hard. most people who have been there are too impatient, or run at the first loss.


Traders mostly want action - they want excitement, and they want money. But they deny themselves

all three by chasing the very thing that can NOT give it to them. They persist in the lower TF with

stressful trades that meander around noisily, while the real trend is quietly setting up in the background,

and making the real dollars.


Take my advice - understand the bones of Stanley Krolls strategy, as explained in clear terms by

Optiontimer. Then take the small, courageous steps and flesh it out for yourself, using the clear guidelines.


My part of the dare has been met - I provided a workable system for you.


Now be strong, and be willing to change, and use what OptionTimer has spent many hours giving

this forum freely. He isn't selling anything, and is not asking anything. It's all goodwill, and he has a

situation that takes him on the road for days at a time I believe, making it even harder to contribute

of his time.


I do not dare you - I encourage you and support you - together traders can indeed find success.

I understand the pain of where you are coming from, and so do others.


Take the advice of someone who has nothing to gain by leading you astray

because good people would never do that to you.

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Just as an addendum, Ckait - it is quite possible that Mystic Forex's strategy would also suit you.


There are many ways to kill a cat.


This one is workable I believe, though I didn't have the time to become involved in the thread at that time:




(He trades the 5M TF in this strat.)


Then Mystic has a few other threads, where he shows trades using his famous "Radar Screen" - have a look

at this one - it has a 2 min video (sound doesn't come on for around 20sec, where he explains

the set up - a 2 min video.




Then, on this thread, Mystic has shown a similar strat and posts the links to where all of the

indicators can be found:




... and theindicators:




The first few posts contain Mystics basic indicator set, and you can learn a lot more at these

links, about how he applies the strat:








and lastly ... Mystic discusses how he uses his system here:




You could pm him for further details - I have found him very helpful in the past, and an all-round great bloke.


This is how HE trades. And he IS successful. A half hour browsing these links would pay off in spades for you.

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Ckait ...


If you are willing to explore something possibly different from what you might be currently trying,

and see if a sea-change can improve your bottom line ... have a read of this:

A Daily Timeframe Strategy That Pulls 100-500+ Pips Per Trade : Forex Machines


Even if you only make one third of the pips (and you would need to mess it about fairly heavily

to not make pips) then you would have to agree that this strategy would be bread-and-butter for years to come.


This is NOT a suggestion to buy anything - the strategy is free, and available on any MT4 platform.


Have a go at it mate - and get back to us. I'd like to see you get a decent handle on your trading.

Ignore all other links on the page - they will distract you, and keep you puddling around in the

shallow,muddy waters of frustration.


EDIT: Good strategies do not come any simpler than this.

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Maybe this is the wrong thread to say something like this … it is marginally vendor positive

but !!! … there is something to be said for buying the Next Big Things. If you do it enough times you come to realize there is no Next Big Thing … and if you really do it enough times you come to realize there is no Next Big Thing that you don’t immediately understand the ‘thinking’, the ‘model’, even the ‘techniques’ behind what is being exploited. You’d get to where you could even ‘reverse engineer’ most of the Next Big Things. You’d get to where you can immediately tell if this Next Big Thing would help you further develop and ‘sophisticate’ the ways you have come to know work for you because of your own aptitudes and interests.


However, if you’ve lost your curiosity…

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Maybe this is the wrong thread to say something like this … it is marginally vendor positive

but !!! … there is something to be said for buying the Next Big Things. If you do it enough

times you come to realize there is no Next Big Thing … and if you really do it enough times

you come to realize there is no Next Big Thing that you don’t immediately

understand the ‘thinking’, the ‘model’, even the ‘techniques’ behind what is being exploited.

You’d get to where you could even ‘reverse engineer’ most of the Next Big Things.

You’d get to where you can immediately tell if this Next Big Thing would help you further

develop and ‘sophisticate’ the ways you have come to know work for you because of

your own aptitudes and interests.


However, if you’ve lost your curiosity…

I's the right thread ZDO - and thanks for your interest. Personally I will always be curious ... but



Sometime one of these "next-big-things" will spark insight that will set someone

on the road to trading satisfaction. However the trader is the only one to "get it'

because of how we are all assembled in our heads.


I found the shift from trading the 15M TF to the Dailies was my "aha! moment"

and I have gone on from there. It's only natural that I would want to share that idea with others.


Finally ... the trader needs to "own" his strategy. That is done by taking an idea, and "branding it"

with some little thing that has earned its place in the scheme of trading, for him. It is what makes

trading satisfying - having your unique strategy ... that really isn't too far different from the original

... just tweaked a tad, without tweaking the knobs right off the dial!

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