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Who Has A Strategy That Works??

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i have observed for a long time individuals posting lots and lots of strategies, systems, etc., but does anyone dare to post a setup that they can say has produced consistent results over an extended period of time. all of the other ideas are great, but one can't be successful if he's always looking for a strategy or system. is there anyone here on this forum that has worked on the floor, been trained by a very successful trader, or learned a setup from working with one of the big institutions or brokers. just curious to see what we come up with. thanks.

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i have observed for a long time individuals posting lots and lots of strategies, systems, etc., but does anyone dare to post a setup that they can say has produced consistent results over an extended period of time. all of the other ideas are great, but one can't be successful if he's always looking for a strategy or system. is there anyone here on this forum that has worked on the floor, been trained by a very successful trader, or learned a setup from working with one of the big institutions or brokers. just curious to see what we come up with. thanks.



buy low sell high,


buy high sell higher,


sell low buy back lower.

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Of all the traders I've observed there's only a few I believe when they say they have a profitable strategy. Looking back and thinking about the time I spent mining their words ...I could of spent that time better by doing something else with it. It isn't an efficient method for learning how to trade.


i have observed for a long time individuals posting lots and lots of strategies, systems, etc., but does anyone dare to post a setup that they can say has produced consistent results over an extended period of time. all of the other ideas are great, but one can't be successful if he's always looking for a strategy or system. is there anyone here on this forum that has worked on the floor, been trained by a very successful trader, or learned a setup from working with one of the big institutions or brokers. just curious to see what we come up with. thanks.

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i have observed for a long time individuals posting lots and lots of strategies, systems, etc., but does anyone dare to post a setup that they can say has produced consistent results over an extended period of time. all of the other ideas are great, but one can't be successful if he's always looking for a strategy or system. is there anyone here on this forum that has worked on the floor, been trained by a very successful trader, or learned a setup from working with one of the big institutions or brokers. just curious to see what we come up with. thanks.


Your question reveals a lot about your beliefs.


I am sure that someone will help you find the magical set up that will solve your problems. More likely, someone will abuse your naivete.

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does anyone dare to post a setup that they can say has produced consistent results over an extended period of time.


You're right, the answer is to look for a setup. Keep looking for it, and when you find it, you won't ever have to really do anything, just trade that one setup. And it will work consistently for many years. That way you won't ever have to do anything else to be successful. Better yet, find a handful of setups and that way you have several of them, and all you have to do is always follow each one, no matter what the result. The key is to stick to your strategy, always, never deviate, no matter the result.

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just trade that one setup. And it will work consistently for many years. Better yet, find a handful of setups and that way you have several of them, and all you have to do is always follow each one, no matter what the result. The key is to stick to your strategy, always, never deviate, no matter the result.


That is one of the best posts I have read in a while. A system can work great for while, but then market conditions change. Always have something to fall back on.


Conditions change, The system that stopped working will probably work again in the future,

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buy low sell high,


buy high sell higher,


sell low buy back lower.


Is the omission of 'sell high buy low' from your statement intentional?




no, i just want to know who's reading.


thank you.

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i have observed for a long time individuals posting lots and lots of strategies, systems, etc., but does anyone dare to post a setup that they can say has produced consistent results over an extended period of time. all of the other ideas are great, but one can't be successful if he's always looking for a strategy or system. is there anyone here on this forum that has worked on the floor, been trained by a very successful trader, or learned a setup from working with one of the big institutions or brokers. just curious to see what we come up with. thanks.


I am surprised you did not see any. I saw many threads full of charts and setups ;)

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That is one of the best posts I have read in a while. A system can work great for while, but then market conditions change. Always have something to fall back on.


Conditions change, The system that stopped working will probably work again in the future,


Sorry Mystic -- my post was intended to be sarcastic, and is exactly the opposite of what I would actually recommend.. guess I didn't make it clear enough :-/

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Sorry Mystic -- my post was intended to be sarcastic, and is exactly the opposite of what I would actually recommend.. guess I didn't make it clear enough :-/



HA ha ha ... ok, I'll start reading your posts twice before I reply. :cool:

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i have observed for a long time individuals posting lots and lots of strategies, systems, etc., but does anyone dare to post a setup that they can say has produced consistent results over an extended period of time. all of the other ideas are great, but one can't be successful if he's always looking for a strategy or system. is there anyone here on this forum that has worked on the floor, been trained by a very successful trader, or learned a setup from working with one of the big institutions or brokers. just curious to see what we come up with. thanks.


I seriously doubt anyone has ever posted a strategy that works consistently. If I had a strategy that works, I wouldn't share it. I would make lots of money trading that strategy and keep it a secret. 98% of traders never become profitable and I think these forums are made up of people who are within the 98%. The easiest way to make a profit in the trading world is to become a trading vendor and convince others that you can help them become profitable traders. The vast majority of television infomercial products are junk and the companies that sells them make millions. Carlton Sheets made millions convincing naive people that he could help them become successful real estate investors. I don't blame the trading vendor for tapping into a lucrative market.

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MoscowMan, I totally agree with your post. I just wanted to see what kind of response I would get from people. But, you are right on. There is no one on this entire board, including myself, who can honestly say they are making a lot of money trading. My trading did drastically change for the better when I stopped looking for every possible strategy and/or indicator under sun. I came across Sam Seiden and started trading based on supply and demand, which I overlooked for years because I thought it was too simple to work. I thought I needed something more complex. But, trading using supply and demand will never stop working. Never! Sam Seiden has a unique way he identifies supply and demand and I can honestly say you can make money more consistently doing it that way. At least I have. The times I don't make money are always because I got greedy and decided to do something different, like trada a breakout, which I have never had success doing. But, when I stick to the plan of trading only supply and demand, I will make money. Supply and demand trading set me free as far as trading and being able to make money to actually use to buy many things or do things. The reason is is because it works.

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I seriously doubt anyone has ever posted a strategy that works consistently. If I had a strategy that works, I wouldn't share it. I would make lots of money trading that strategy and keep it a secret. 98% of traders never become profitable and I think these forums are made up of people who are within the 98%. The easiest way to make a profit in the trading world is to become a trading vendor and convince others that you can help them become profitable traders. The vast majority of television infomercial products are junk and the companies that sells them make millions. Carlton Sheets made millions convincing naive people that he could help them become successful real estate investors. I don't blame the trading vendor for tapping into a lucrative market.


I hear this often and the thing I don't understand is why..would sharing a profitable system make it less profitable? I am not a psychiatrist but I assume maybe people sharing this idea are the ones who can't follow a system and therefore they are afraid of not being able to make money while others can do it with that particular system.


hope those %98 at least learn not to lose money...besides some of those will learn from others' experiences, study and be successful ;)

people who are searching for a holy grail in forums are wasting their time for sure...

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Trading isn't an exact science..far from it...that said, there are certain patterns, certain clues which are important when accessing when to enter a trade....


But, these things can change....take right now for example, everyone's (justifiably) fretting over Europe again...


So, it's important, very important, to watch yields on sovereign debt....particulary Spain and Italy...


And, of course, credit default swaps on sovereign debt....


Bloomberg has all of this data and a treasure trove more, and I pay very close attention to it on a daily basis when trying to get a "pulse" of the market, and give myself a better chance of entering a winning trade...

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Develop a strategy that works more than 70% of the time and you are good. For me of course price action works the best. Using trend works the best in good market. This is how i trade and i follow it religiously. For you it may be different. So if you don't know what works, trade with the market in pull back. I learned this from Emini Education & Strategies but that is just me.

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i have observed for a long time individuals posting lots and lots of strategies, systems, etc., but does anyone dare to post a setup that they can say has produced consistent results over an extended period of time. all of the other ideas are great, but one can't be successful if he's always looking for a strategy or system. is there anyone here on this forum that has worked on the floor, been trained by a very successful trader, or learned a setup from working with one of the big institutions or brokers. just curious to see what we come up with. thanks.


A good setup is a necessary condition for successful trading, but if you reveal that good setup to a hundred different people, then you'd be lucky to have one person trade successfully, and the reason for that is although a good set up is a necessary condition for successful trading, it's not a sufficient condition for successful trading.


The key to success isn't in finding that perfect setup or perfect indicator or perfect anything else. Successful set-ups are a dime a dozen. The key to success isn't solely in having a good setup. It's a necessary ingredient, but it's far from what'll make you a successful trader. The key to successful trading is in taking the time to do what so many traders won't do. If you want to become successful, keep a trading log and pay very special attention to your thoughts and feelings. Yes, make note of the technical’s, but you must learn your habits that cause you to do the things you later kick yourself for. People do things they shouldn't be doing, and many times, they are keenly aware of what that is, but they are absolutely oblivious to how often they do it. That continuous hard work of tracking what you're thinking and how pathetically often you get it wrong and just how much money you'd make if you'd only quit making the same ole mistakes will cause you to wake up and realize the level of discipline that is critical to successful trading.

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It is not easy to say which strategy will work for you. As it depends on number of factors like trading style, currency pair, trading system, brokers etc. So, if you share some more details about yourself then we can better assist you.

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The Market is not static, things are always changing...


IMHO a "Strategy" is a combination of prudent money mgmt, Methods for extracting $$ from the Market, and the experience, or confidence to implement your "Strategy".


One does not have to constantly keep looking for, or changing Methods. But, Methods must be "tweaked" from time to time to keep pace with changing Market conditions.


The "Confidence", is what a lot of people refer to as "Trader Psychology".

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The Market is not static, things are always changing...


IMHO a "Strategy" is a combination of prudent money mgmt, Methods for extracting $$ from the Market, and the experience, or confidence to implement your "Strategy".


IMO money management methods do not constitute an edge but only part of an edge. One fundamental problem with strategies is that they can be selections from a random process:




How to deal with that?

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IMO money management methods do not constitute an edge but only part of an edge.


How to deal with that?


I thought that's what I said.



"One fundamental problem with strategies is that they can be selections from a random process"


I didn't have time to read the Blog, I'll try to get to it.

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I have a strategy that works. I know it works because I make my full time living from it and have been doing that for the past four years. Before that I was part time. I trade only Aud/Usd Futures and typically I get one or two set ups a day,. though occasionally nothing happens. Most of the time I just wait on something happening and quite often I miss a set up because I'm just too tired (I trade Aussie time so often a good set up happens after midnight my time).


No magic at all in my system.I have an edge and I work hard to keep it. I occasionally post here because I am bored watching my chart (yes just one chart, on one time frame with dare I say it, indicators and not a whiff of Sam Seiden in sight). If I could retire from this it would not be a day too soon. Don't get me wrong, I am privileged to make my money this way and I am fasinated by the the challenge of TA but hardly bettering humanity in the process and besides I am really a 'people person' so watching a computer is fasinating but not exactly life fulfilling. I trade to pay the bills and pamper my passion for travelling. Given that I am on the wrong side of 50 I am basically unemployable in any case.


Just in case you think I am sounding blasee about all of this 'success' I should add that I have spent 1000's upon 1000's of hours pouring over charts and designing and testing my own system. I have spent sleepless nights after suffering massive drawdowns and at times I have felt like it was just all too much and that it was not possible to make any sense of the markets..........just all too random. In the end I have devised a system which follows simple rules and has minimum discretion,though the system is very far from simplistic.


So why don't I just tell you my system and let everyone at least test it or profit by it? I suppose the answer is "Why should I"? Yes I could start my own blog/thread and make it my mission to teach my system.....but for what purpose? To feed my ego? All I really need is to feed my family. In any case someone is bound just to repackage my system and sell it to someone else or more likely not have the discipline to make it work and therfore declare it as 'useless'. I might sound cynical but anyone who has been trading for a few years and is still surviving will know what I mean.


So yes, it is possible to have a strategy that works but it requires an awfull lot of work to finally come up with a strategy (which incidentally is always evolving to some extent) and a lot of courage (and money) to turn a strategy into making a living. There are few shortcuts in this game.

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I have a strategy that works. I know it works because I make my full time living from it and have been doing that for the past four years. Before that I was part time. I trade only Aud/Usd Futures and typically I get one or two set ups a day,. though occasionally nothing happens. Most of the time I just wait on something happening and quite often I miss a set up because I'm just too tired (I trade Aussie time so often a good set up happens after midnight my time).


No magic at all in my system.I have an edge and I work hard to keep it. I occasionally post here because I am bored watching my chart (yes just one chart, on one time frame with dare I say it, indicators and not a whiff of Sam Seiden in sight). If I could retire from this it would not be a day too soon. Don't get me wrong, I am privileged to make my money this way and I am fasinated by the the challenge of TA but hardly bettering humanity in the process and besides I am really a 'people person' so watching a computer is fasinating but not exactly life fulfilling. I trade to pay the bills and pamper my passion for travelling. Given that I am on the wrong side of 50 I am basically unemployable in any case.


Just in case you think I am sounding blasee about all of this 'success' I should add that I have spent 1000's upon 1000's of hours pouring over charts and designing and testing my own system. I have spent sleepless nights after suffering massive drawdowns and at times I have felt like it was just all too much and that it was not possible to make any sense of the markets..........just all too random. In the end I have devised a system which follows simple rules and has minimum discretion,though the system is very far from simplistic.


So why don't I just tell you my system and let everyone at least test it or profit by it? I suppose the answer is "Why should I"? Yes I could start my own blog/thread and make it my mission to teach my system.....but for what purpose? To feed my ego? All I really need is to feed my family. In any case someone is bound just to repackage my system and sell it to someone else or more likely not have the discipline to make it work and therfore declare it as 'useless'. I might sound cynical but anyone who has been trading for a few years and is still surviving will know what I mean.


So yes, it is possible to have a strategy that works but it requires an awfull lot of work to finally come up with a strategy (which incidentally is always evolving to some extent) and a lot of courage (and money) to turn a strategy into making a living. There are few shortcuts in this game.


What market do you trade and do you trade just one market or several? I am really interested in what people trade and are successful at it.

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