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Gold Bullish or Bearish

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Not fishing last few days..have not been feeling well...you know old age..i guess..


I am glad to see some traders coming out of the closet and trying to actually predict next market move...predict is such a powerful word you know....some give an occasional wink to it...others respond in a deluge of words slaying the very possibility of even the word predict existing...





Say or estimate that (a specified thing) will happen in the future or will be a consequence of something.


foretell - prophesy - prognosticate - forecast - presage


Predict - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster ...

Predict - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

to declare or indicate in advance; especially : foretell on the basis of observation, experience, or scientific reason. intransitive verb. : to make a prediction.


MM predicted the rise of the ES and did quite good but alas he got stopped out of his. I predicted the fall of the ES and it has yet to happen...i have paper losses but have my position...its a bear market you know...up is down and down is up.....:)


" up is down and down is up"....I couldn't helpt this one, no offense...it's like all that discussion with the new normal....good news is bad news and bad news is just......bad news.....what the heck is new normal?

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no! no! no! you don't understand MM. When a trade goes against me and the secret code has not yet failed i simply look to double up and preferably triple up in the same direction as my original position..that is i double and triple average down my losses. When the predicted move comes i only have to travel in the predicted direction a small amount to be in the money...after that it is "sail on silver girl ....your time has come....."


You are trading at too high a level for me for a commoner like me. I, unfortunately, am not privy to the secret code and simply see the market as going on to make newer and newer highs. Maybe one day I will have the "Aha" moment and be able to benefit from the secret code too.

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:shocked: I thought it was a bull market.Patuca,i thought you were my friend.You shoulda looked out for me a little bit.You shoulda taken care of me just a little bit so I wouldn't have to take them dives for the short end money.You don't understand.I coulda had class.I coulda been a contender,i coulda been somebody,instead of a bull,which is what I am.

Let's face it,it was you Patuca


hello mits..good to hear from you...you might consider becoming a perma bear for a least 1 month once the plunge starts. When it gets back to MM storied SL he can just re-enter long while i am sopping up the profits and planning my next fishing trip.


Capt Bob gues what i found? HORSESHOE TAVERN. I shall take picture and document this for you. This is a major ...major find you know...

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You are trading at too high a level for me for a commoner like me. I, unfortunately, am not privy to the secret code and simply see the market as going on to make newer and newer highs. Maybe one day I will have the "Aha" moment and be able to benefit from the secret code too.

MM you don't need the secret code. Remember you had 10 points in the bag...plus if your SL would have been opened up a tiny bit ..why you would be singing .."sail on silver girl..sail on by..your time has come..." Just think of all that scaling into winners you were gonna do...why you might have been singing..."we are the champions" while i could have been singing a "tear in my beer" at the HORSESHOE TAVERN.


HOWEVER...as it is, it wasn't and as it wasn't, it shall be..PRICE..TIME..SYMETRY. Shades of W.D.

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MM you don't need the secret code. Remember you had 10 points in the bag...plus if your SL would have been opened up a tiny bit ..why you would be singing .."sail on silver girl..sail on by..your time has come..." Just think of all that scaling into winners you were gonna do...why you might have been singing..."we are the champions" while i could have been singing a "tear in my beer" at the HORSESHOE TAVERN.


HOWEVER...as it is, it wasn't and as it wasn't, it shall be..PRICE..TIME..SYMETRY. Shades of W.D.



Would of could have should have made money on the trade? I traded it perfectly given the circumstances at that moment. I lost a few bucks on that trade, yes. Because I am a member of the flock of sheep, I need to get out after about 8 pts max or so on es when i trade it in that type of trade. I do not have the stomach to let a trade go 90 points against me after i enter.


You would have could have should have saved yourself about 60 points if you didn't move your stop. The market punishes those would can't admit fault.


Are we comparing 4.5 points to about 85 points?

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Future traders have to make their own luck. You have 4 days out of the month to make the lions share of the profits. 8 days will be winners...8 days losers.... for a basically breakeven. the remaining 4 days ..well the train has to be loaded..you have to attempt to identify those days and press your luck....you have to plunge on the big moves....you have to go for the big kill..IMO...most of the profits are made on few trades..potatoe chip money may be made on the others... IF one is lucky..my opinion..


once again, do not do as i say ...and even more important never do as i do...


I await the plunge..hand on trigger..rather mouse pad or mouse....

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Would of could have should have made money on the trade? I traded it perfectly given the circumstances at that moment. I lost a few bucks on that trade, yes. Because I am a member of the flock of sheep, I need to get out after about 8 pts max or so on es when i trade it in that type of trade. I do not have the stomach to let a trade go 90 points against me after i enter.


You would have could have should have saved yourself about 60 points if you didn't move your stop. The market punishes those would can't admit fault.


Are we comparing 4.5 points to about 85 points?

absolutely correct...you did the right thing...you bite the bullet..you did it "your way". nothing wrong with that...i am always wrong in the markets.. when it goes against me i don't get out fast enough and when it goes my way i don't have enough contracts on...most of the time :rofl: however, ...there are those days my friend....we shall see...it ain't over yet....the code is intact...the play is on..i am going for a homerun.....at least wish me luck...i may need it:haha:

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absolutely correct...you did the right thing...you bite the bullet..you did it "your way". nothing wrong with that...i am always wrong in the markets.. when it goes against me i don't get out fast enough and when it goes my way i don't have enough contracts on...most of the time :rofl: however, ...there are those days my friend....we shall see...it ain't over yet....the code is intact...the play is on..i am going for a homerun.....at least wish me luck...i may need it:haha:


I do wish you luck. and, if I could fix the market, I would fix it so it goes in your direction. I would do anything to help you get out of this pathetic trade.

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I do wish you luck. and, if I could fix the market, I would fix it so it goes in your direction. I would do anything to help you get out of this pathetic trade.
LOL... The words of a true friend...thank you....i don't have many you know...imo one must never trade to preserve capital...one must only trade the direction of the market...the money will take care itself...it is only money..here today ..gone tomm...since the market is bearish i remain short....market needs a little wiggle room...i shorted a tad bit early...no problem..all is well..she will plunge south...i will be raking in the $$$ and putting on more positions as the plunge takes place.. When we pass your stop loss i'll say hello..then goodbye...


One must be .20 or maybe .50 short of a dollar in the brain dept..and have a brave heart (some may say a foolish heart) and be willing to put up the margin to do what i do....secret code is still short..if it tells me to jump out i will do so immediatley after a taking a crap in my pants..


Wish me luck on fishing i need to catch some big bass...

Edited by Patuca

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I note the S& P 500 went up for the 8th successive win to close at RECORD highs

All traders (no names mentioned) who are SHORT , who believe its a BEAR market,

will have to move their STOPS :doh::embarassed:



PS ....and CHinese Trade Report came in on the number, so its NOT over.

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I note the S& P 500 went up for the 8th successive win to close at RECORD highs

All traders (no names mentioned) who are SHORT , who believe its a BEAR market,

will have to move their STOPS :doh::embarassed:



PS ....and CHinese Trade Report came in on the number, so its NOT over.

irrational exuberance..shall soon pass...good time to think about adding to my short position....


Look at coffee...as i predicted it has bounced around between those two numbers i mentioned in my previous post and has been doing so for several days...this is the liquid gold...did anyone listen? no...because no one listens to patuca...this little ATM machine has been spitting out the cash...:helloooo: :helloooo: :helloooo:

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I note the S& P 500 went up for the 8th successive win to close at RECORD highs

All traders (no names mentioned) who are SHORT , who believe its a BEAR market,

will have to move their STOPS :doh::embarassed:



PS ....and CHinese Trade Report came in on the number, so its NOT over.

If you don't use stops then you don't have to worry about remembering to move them...:rofl:

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Two days of sideways GOLD markets


Time for a review :confused:

Back to basics......

Its NOT going to get past 1300

And I wont buy until it breaks 1300

And volume is falling, so if it does break 1300, its a trap

And its a lunar red period.... markets weaken


I have noticed there is some action in the Asian markets early in the morning (for me), and then nothing happens for the rest of the day.

What does that tell you?

This is my opinion only and has no proof. :roll eyes:

There is demand for Gold in Asia, and Western Paper Gold is selling out.... so far 26%

The BIG decider is the dollar ................... WATCHING

So I have NO position. That means no money to buy food



PS. Perhaps Petuca can send some fish for the family.


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Capt Bob,


IMDOTNOLT (in my dipstick opinion that no one listens to) the only thing to do on gold is short at top of range and cover then reverse at bottom..i.e. Like another ATM machine. sure, sooner or later it will breakout but one must keep in mind 70% or so of breakouts will fail ...hence if one uses the dreadful SL's then one must put it out if reach of the stop runners so the failed breakouts do not separate ones position from ones account. of course, the time will come (W.D....time price..symetry) when the breakout will be real. at that point in time one's stop gets hit ...at which point one simply has to double up and reverse and will soon be in the money again..quicker than you can spit...


i am thinking of going fishing this evening on the tallapoosa river..i need to catch some big bass..i do not think fedex can get them to you in time so i suppose you may have to eat green mangos and salt but be of good cheer for that too shall pass and things will get better...

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I would actually consider the sideways move as being per the red box i have drawn on your chart. I would short then take profits on 1/2 of position at or near bottom of your defined range and swing rest to as close to the bottom of red box that i perceive it will go....then reverse. however, if it declines to the bottom of your range and appears that it will not continue to decline then i would get out of all positions.


"It does not matter where price goes or what prices does..what matters is "how" price did it."


P.S. Keep in mind gold is bullish.


Edited by Patuca

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P.S.try as i may i can never seem to get to the wizzard level on this forum..siuya is there..db is there..don't i deserve to be there also? what about mits? what about you? what about miss LSTTT with her havard english..she should have been leapfrogged directly to the wizzard or master level...her musings are to deep for me...if i could just get there i would "feel" better about myself...:confused: :confused: :confused:


Look at jaybird over on http://www.traderslaboratory.com/forums/beginners-forum/16801-i-studied-trading-10-minutes-then.html


he only studied 10 min and is trading..he must be a genuis?? but they have him at 5%..whats wrong with that picture?

Edited by Patuca

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You have been spoilt of late. :) you expectations of a $20 per day move are too high.



You are 1618% correct

Spolit for choice.


Mercury is retrograde...... lots of ups and downs.

And this only happens four times a year.

So if it hasn't moved after 2 days , rethink.




Retrograde..... it looks like Mercury is going backwards, but thats impossible.

Our Earth is just moving faster than Mercury... for the moment..

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Look at jaybird over on http://www.traderslaboratory.com/forums/beginners-forum/16801-i-studied-trading-10-minutes-then.html


he only studied 10 min and is trading..he must be a genuis?? but they have him at 5%..whats wrong with that picture?


Well Patuca,

Heres the secret code of trading forums

The thread is started by MMS or one of his modulators

And all the experts jump in to offer advice

And sometimes there is a bit of controversy, and the thread attracts a lot of viewing.

And everybody will discuss everything except the most important thing,, how to make some money.

But it dont help me nothing.

So ,I stay away from them.

Now back to the grindstone



PS To be recognized as a "wizzard", you must first gain respect for your views

And respect is earned, not given.

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Well Patuca,

Heres the secret code of trading forums

The thread is started by MMS or one of his modulators

And all the experts jump in to offer advice

And sometimes there is a bit of controversy, and the thread attracts a lot of viewing.

And everybody will discuss everything except the most important thing,, how to make some money.

But it dont help me nothing.

So ,I stay away from them.

Now back to the grindstone



PS To be recognized as a "wizzard", you must first gain respect for your views

And respect is earned, not given.

in that case i may have to pull the plug on the whole thing as i will never earn respect...never have..so what makes me the think i'll start now..i ain't gonna bottle feed the babies you know...bunch of milksops...:rofl: :rofl: time to go fishing before i get :angry:

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in that case i may have to pull the plug on the whole thing as i will never earn respect...never have..so what makes me the think i'll start now..i ain't gonna bottle feed the babies you know...bunch of milksops...:rofl: :rofl: time to go fishing before i get :angry:


c'mon Patucca - you always say you dont care and now you are wanting some award - hint hint- probably awarded for number of posts at a guess - and are all steamed up.

Boo hoo

As in trading persistence pays - but as you never follow the normal rules you may as well give up......:haha:

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c'mon Patucca - you always say you dont care and now you are wanting some award - hint hint- probably awarded for number of posts at a guess - and are all steamed up.

Boo hoo

As in trading persistence pays - but as you never follow the normal rules you may as well give up......:haha:


LOL LOL... no bass today..maybe in morning..good day in the ES scalping ad swinging intraday...makes up for no fish...

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c'mon Patucca - you always say you dont care and now you are wanting some award - hint hint- probably awarded for number of posts at a guess - and are all steamed up.

Boo hoo

As in trading persistence pays - but as you never follow the normal rules you may as well give up......:haha:


LOL LOL... no bass today..maybe in morning..good day in the ES scalping and swinging intraday...makes up for no fish...

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