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Gold Bullish or Bearish

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You are right. Posters don't show up in this thread unless PM's are already going up...

PM"s are usually not a good trading instrument ... PM's are a bandwagon instrument... hardly anyone on the wagon right now... good time to accumulate for wealth preservation...


Took a very long easter weekend... played golf a couple times.

Now, I'm ambivalent about ever playing golf again...

Driver ok. Putter ok. But short game sucks so bad it sucks all the joy out the other two.:crap: and



"golf is sex.

18 times.

most times it's bad 'sex'


Looking back across the years, for the most part I'm 'proud' of where my tool and balls have gone (and not gone)... but, even though I've been a guest on some of the fine courses, I can't say the same about where my golf tools and balls have gone and done.

This time the only thing I really relished was the color and beauty and quiet and serenity of a few holes on the back nine...


... still got some wheels... back to singles tennis ... win some sex :)

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... PM's are a bandwagon instrument... hardly anyone on the wagon right now... good time to accumulate for wealth preservation...




Hi zdo,

Interesting post. Gold has gone sideways for a while, and theres a strong support level..

So we just need a catalyst to go UP.

Weak $ and expecting another 3% fall.

Almost a BUY .... with some rules




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Here are some more reasons you* should not buy gold

Of Two Minds - The Root of Rising Inequality: Our "Lawnmower" Economy (hint: we're the lawn)


1956: "America Peaked Back Then and We've Been In Decline Ever Since"

Comparing the 1930s and Today | International Man

Credit Bubble Bulletin: Weekly Commentary: Bubble Economy or Not?


*’you’... depending on who ‘you’ are.

‘You’ Statists and collectivists would certainly not want or need it.

(If ‘you’ think’ you’’re not a statist / collectivist, but ‘you’ wouldn’t buy gold - maybe ‘you’ should check again whether ‘you’ are a statist / collectivist or not... :cackle: )



PS Please forgive me for posting while gold is going up

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More better reasons for ‘you’ not to exchange your precious dollars for gold.


"Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes its laws." Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild


"The few who understand the system, will either be so interested from its profits or so dependant on its favors, that there will be no opposition from that class." Rothschild Brothers of London, 1863


"It is well that the people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning." Henry Ford


Federal Reserve Cartel's Main objectives; Manipulate Markets and The Masses | Sol Palha | Safehaven.com


reposted link (with insincere apologies :rofl: to those who don’t blame ‘capitalism’, etc...)

Of Two Minds - The Root of Rising Inequality: Our "Lawnmower" Economy (hint: we're the lawn)


So - let’s hear a proposed solution that doesn’t have a snowball’s chance in hell... pacifies for a while longer... etc

Bernanke's Former Advisor: "People Would Be Stunned To Know The Extent To Which The Fed Is Privately Owned" | Zero Hedge

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only the gullible should accumulate PM's

everyone else should be keeping their 'certificates' for...



don't believe anything you read... :rofl:

World Class Journalist Spills The Beans & Admits Mainstream Media Is Completely Fake | Collective-Evolution


or hear


thank god they've never been spoon fed like that in financial news reporting...

traders and investors can trust the financial media


keep adding and 'building' big things in to the brains

They Will Have To Re-Write The Textbooks For This One | Collective-Evolution

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only the gullible should accumulate PM's

everyone else should be keeping their 'certificates' for...



don't believe anything you read... :rofl:

World Class Journalist Spills The Beans & Admits Mainstream Media Is Completely Fake | Collective-Evolution


or hear


thank god they've never been spoon fed like that in financial news reporting...

traders and investors can trust the financial media


keep adding and 'building' big things in to the brains

They Will Have To Re-Write The Textbooks For This One | Collective-Evolution


Dear zdo

What has happened to all your Silver holdings?



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Gold is moving up because the $ is weaker and OIL is weaker. That fits my plan

Equities are up because the FED says no more interest hikes. That fits my plan

BUT Equities and OIL work together. They go up and down together.

And Gold and Equities work in opposite directions.So everything is out of step, and corrections are required.Wish I knew what will correct. :confused:

Gut feel says the Feds comments are the strongest :missy:

So Equities are good. OIL and the $ are going sideways.

And Gold is going down. JUST NOT TODAY.

Silver was up 5% yesterday... Second day play gives it another move higher.You can buy from zdo. He is selling :doh::doh:

regards bobc

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Heres some info for the Brexit referendum in Sept.

Everybody is short the GBP, because it will weaken on a possible EXIT of GB.

So no matter what the outcome, the GBP will strengthen.Hows that for trading logic

Buy the GBP just before the referendum.

And this logic leads to a weaker $, and GOLD goes up.

And as I say to myself every morning at 2.30am,"anything can happen"




The GBP idea comes from Jared Dillian of Maudlin Economics

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re: “What has happened to all your Silver holdings?”

As I’ve said about 14 different ways over the last 10 years in here, I’m keeping my physical silver - period.

Likely the long term ratio trade rollover of re-exchanging the silver for gold physicals will not re-occur in my lifetime, so I’ll just hold and hedge with contracts when necessary... and try to prepare the kids to do the same... Fwiw, remember that I have been including a hefty % of gold contracts for hedging physical silver for the last few years ... and btw am still 'stuck' with 10% hedged put on months ago... ie haven't been stopped out on the upside in gold yet. Had I been hedging with silver contracts would definitely be stopped out by now...


... a better question would have been

“What has happened to all your index trades?”

After years and years of NOT doing it, over the last few months I’ve given myself the green light to ‘fight the fed’ on the short side. Mostly small losses and washes... Fortunately these are leading trades that are ~ 10% of my usual size...


and guess what? I’m still doing them! Selling every cycle high ... in a pretty good short today... and ready to size on up with stop entries


Bobc, re “You can buy from zdo. He is selling”

Now you’re making sht up... and hopefully having some fun... :)

Just for the record, my last x posts were heavily laced with facetious. Should have done a better job of labeling them ;offtopic:... most of the time I try to make sure those crazy link posts are labeled appropriately...


Re “this is a dollar thread” theme - ie some thoughts on price.

> Bobc, have you looked at USD rand in terms of gold much?

> What is occurring now in the PM’s (ratio) is what I was ‘discussing’ at


imho, this ratio bounce is not “meaningful” in terms of ‘bullishness’ for PM’s ... (would ya’ll blve much of this silver bounce is ‘medical’? Hell no you wouldn’t!!! )

so, re: the ‘strength’ in gold - what most would term “theres a strong support level” - imho, it’s not collapsing due to collective anticipation of another (global) round of QE, etc.

> Bobc, some time back, we nibbled at ‘discussing’ PM stocks. I’m still wondering why you didn’t hold on...


re: price insensitive theme - the nonfacetious version

PM’s are a good way to accomplish wealth preservation - at any price, at any time.

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For years the Fed has been lying about inflation. There are many methods of doing this, but the simplest was to use a “measure” of inflation that did not actually measure inflation at all. This is the famous Consumer Price Index aka the CPI. It ‘designed’ to measure inflation, but ignores obvious costs of living items like food and energy usage.


Why lie about inflation?

Two main reasons:

1) Doing so allows the Fed and others to overstate economic growth in the US.


Regarding #1, all GDP growth estimates include an inflation component. If GDP grows 10%, and inflation also rises 10%, then REAL GDP growth was zero. But what if GDP growth was 10%, inflation was 10%, but you claim inflation was just 6%. Poof! You’ve got a great GDP growth number of 4% to produce in the media. Also, this supports your claims that your policies are working. The US has lying at the macro level like this for years. But it’s also gotten increasingly worse at the micro level... Which brings us to #2…


2) Doing so allows the Fed to hide the fact that living standards have been in sharp decline in the US for decades.


Living standards have been in decline in the US for decades. By some measures, incomes peaked in the early ‘70s and have declined by almost 40% since then. Rather than spout off a bunch of detailed metrics to support this, let’s use common sense: in the ‘60s and before, most families lived comfortably off of one working parent. Today more often than not both parents work and can barely scrape by. By lying about inflation, the Fed and others are able to hide the fact that it is getting harder and harder to get by in the US. This supports the BIG LIE, that the Fed and its monetary policies have been a net positive for the US.




this 'Inflation', etc is not enough to save an imploding system... so

Wealth Confiscation for the Digital Age: the New ?Cash Tax? | Wolf Street




And finally for the three readers who deserve this info...

Real capital is hunkered down and off the grid until the foolish ass left (which has hated savers for decades) and the foolish ass right (which licks central bank ass) shut the fuck up and go away with their attempt at commanding and controlling the economy.


did you know that "Real capital is hunkered down and off the grid " ?

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These are known facts for everyone a bit deeper involved in trading PMs than the average joe IMO. While it is a legit question to ask what would happen if there always lacks the other side of that equation which is how large is the percentage out of these trades done by parties that DO intend to NOT just trading paper? Knowing that delivery of the good is well at least questionable why would one do these paper trades instead of buying bullion from the get go?

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Welcome back. wtf you been?


Knowing that delivery of the good is well at least questionable why would one do these paper trades instead of buying bullion from the get go?
As I’ve been chirping off topic for literally years now - this is a dollar thread. Most are not interested in bullion / taking delivery. They are trading paper from the git go. Nothing wrong with that. TL has built up 230 some pages of mostly ‘technical’ opinions about doing just that.

(Things do start getting shaky when ‘valuation’ considerations are thrown into the mix - mostly because conventional ‘supply and demand’ analysis is thrown at PM’s but actually SD doesn’t work the same in hoarded commodities, etc.etc.)

(Regarding the pricing mechs discussed in the last few posts, the series of ‘campaign’ engineered in PM’s rivals that of penny stocks. So, imo, it is better to acknowledge this ‘corruption’ in the PM markets than not. Reality is even ETF's would not deliver when authentic demand for physical PM's unfolds...)

Anyways...My research puts paper PM’s as below average among leveraged trading instruments, but many are still drawn to them ... for all kinds of conscious and unconscious reasons.

Point is - anyone talking trading PM’s or (and this is a real tip off they are not a “bit deeper”) when anyone talks about ‘investing’ in PM’s, what they are considering is PM’s relative to their dollars. They are dollar centric / dollar faithful.


I often go off topic and 'discuss' PM's from a more ‘price insensitivity’ viewpoint. ie

At ANY price PM’s are a good wealth preservation vehicle.

As mentioned above they are only rarely among the better trading vehicles

... and

PM's are not an 'investment' - period. (want to 'invest' in PM's? Get into mining them...)


Those who are actually accumulating physical bullion encounter quite a different world than those who are trading paper.


rhetorical answer to what seems to be a rhetorical question:) ... ie SILVER, I'm thinking you need this answer like you need another hole in your head ... so hopefully it's to the benefit of someone.



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What would happen if a client asked for delivery?



Generally, if "a" / one client asks for delivery he can take it - for extra 'fees'.

London will mostly make him pay extra pounds.

NY will mostly make him jump through extra hoops.

Other (emerging) PM exchanges are better but anywhere you go delays and jack arounds will be omnipresent.


Whole different story if "a" clients becomes thousands...

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I'm here for about an hour... this is what YOU get :rofl:


...The end-state of unsustainable systems is collapse. Though collapse may appear to be sudden and chaotic, we can discern key structures that guide the processes of collapse.

Though the subject is complex enough to justify an entire shelf of books, these six dynamics are sufficient to illuminate the inevitable collapse of the status quo.


1. Doing more of what has failed spectacularly. The leaders of the status quo inevitably keep doing more of what worked in the past, even when it no longer works. Indeed, the failure only increases the leadership’s push to new extremes of what has failed spectacularly. At some point, this single-minded pursuit of failed policies speeds the system’s collapse.

2. Emergency measures become permanent policies. The status quo’s leaders expect the system to right itself once emergency measures stabilize a crisis. But broken systems cannot right themselves, and so the leadership is forced to make temporary emergency measures (such as lowering interest rates to zero) permanent policy. This increases the fragility of the system, as any attempt to end the emergency measures triggers a system-threatening crisis.

3. Diminishing returns on status quo solutions. Back when the economic tree was loaded with low-hanging fruit, solutions such as lowering interest rates had a large multiplier effect. But as the tree is stripped of fruit, the returns on these solutions diminish to zero.

4. Declining social mobility. As the economic pie shrinks, the privileged maintain or increase their share, and the slice left to the disenfranchised shrinks. As the privileged take care of their own class, there are fewer slots open for talented outsiders. The status quo is slowly starved of talent and the ranks of those opposed to the status quo swell with those denied access to the top rungs of the social mobility ladder.

5. The social order loses cohesion and shared purpose as the social-economic classes pull apart. The top of the wealth/power pyramid no longer serves in the armed forces, and withdraws from contact with the lower classes. Lacking a unifying social purpose, each class pursues its self-interests to the detriment of the nation and society as a whole.

6. Strapped for cash as tax revenues decline, the state borrows more money and devalues its currency as a means of maintaining the illusion that it can fulfill all its promises. As the purchasing power of the currency declines, people lose faith in the state’s currency. Once faith is lost, the value of the currency declines rapidly and the state’s insolvency is revealed.


Each of these dynamics is easily visible in the global status quo.


As an example of doing more of what has failed spectacularly, consider how financialization inevitably inflates speculative bubbles, which eventually crash with devastating consequences. But since the status quo is dependent on financialization for its income, the only possible response is to increase debt and speculation—the causes of the bubble and its collapse—to inflate another bubble. In other words, do more of what failed spectacularly.


This process of doing more of what failed spectacularly appears sustainable for a time, but this superficial success masks the underlying dynamic of diminishing returns: each reflation of the failed system requires greater commitments of capital and debt. Financialization is pushed to new unprecedented extremes, as nothing less will generate the desired bubble.


Rising costs narrow the maneuvering room left to system managers. The central bank’s suppression of interest rates is an example. As the economy falters, central banks lower interest rates and increase the credit available to the financial system.


This stimulus works well in the first downturn, but less well in the second and not at all in the third, for the simple reason that interest rates have been dropped to zero and credit has been increased to near-infinite.


The last desperate push to do more of what failed spectacularly is for central banks to lower interest rates to below-zero: it costs depositors money to leave their cash in the bank. This last-ditch policy is now firmly entrenched in Europe, and many expect it to spread around the world as central banks have exhausted less extreme policies.


The status quo’s primary imperative is self-preservation, and this imperative drives the falsification of data to sell the public on the idea that prosperity is still rising and the elites are doing an excellent job of managing the economy...


Of Two Minds - The Structure of Collapse: 2016-2019





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These are known facts for everyone a bit deeper involved in trading PMs than the average joe IMO. While it is a legit question to ask what would happen if there always lacks the other side of that equation which is how large is the percentage out of these trades done by parties that DO intend to NOT just trading paper? Knowing that delivery of the good is well at least questionable why would one do these paper trades instead of buying bullion from the get go?


True, though somewhat debatable if it's really that obvious. Imo this equation is a bit more complicated than just two parts mentioned :)

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