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Gold Bullish or Bearish

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I’ve been informed I have not thoroughly ‘gone to the ends of the earth’ yet to clear my traumas... like I

have yet to try several substances -

ayahuasca, micro doses of lsd, magic fungi, or the worm in mezcal... etc.


haven’t tried colloidal gold...

The gap is filled...

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... if one talks sensically in an insane asylum?


This is a mainstream site. Members of this site use and regurge the ‘report’ and talking head info spoon fed to them by the psy-op. They “collectively choose wishful thinking”.

One way of saying same = in here, normalcy bias runs rampant. In my view, this is best said another way - This site is experiencing a collective psychosis... along with the rest of the developed world.


This “wishful thinking" has been an integral driver of the "recovery" 2009-2015: where asset bubbles aren't bubbles, central bank policies are brilliantly successful, unemployment has dropped to levels of full employment, ... and zirp/nirp will ‘stimulate’ banks to lend ... as if ... etc, etc. ... cash is king and we're going to go cashless. With a straight face, one of our most grounded (sane?) members recently said this global situation had not been a crisis until now... because it had not begun to be collectively perceived as a crisis until now.


What I hear is “we’re all dead already; don’t disturb us.”

Fear. TL illustrates traders in fear... either reduced to silence ...or attempting to suppress any ‘deviance’ from the ‘meme’ by shaping others to show ‘good sense’ and align with the ‘psychosis’... unwilling or unable to see the mainstream as an intentional “riddle” ... but

Under true totalitarianism, you often don’t know that the thought you have expressed is a crime until afterward. That way, people will always err on the side of maximum obedience before opening their mouths. Even now virtually any remark might be designated a thought crime or “microaggression.” When utopia is achieved, all thought will be criminal. To quote one of the founding fathers - “Ideas are more powerful than guns. We would not let our enemies have guns. Why should we let them have ideas?” Joseph Stalin.

D. Blount


For this ‘psychosis’, catastrophic consequences are guaranteed. The matrix has created ‘problems’ that only collapse can solve. How convenient.

look at how this thread is carrying this site... and how ... this thread hangs on the hopes of paper gold.


It would be cool if a Craig Nelson were around someday to tell this story like he told that

story at http://www.amazon.com/dp/145166043X/?tag=saloncom08-20 ...



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... if one talks sensically in an insane asylum?


This is a mainstream site. Members of this site use and regurge the ‘report’ and talking head info spoon fed to them by the psy-op. They “collectively choose wishful thinking”.

One way of saying same = in here, normalcy bias runs rampant. In my view, this is best said another way - This site is experiencing a collective psychosis... along with the rest of the developed world.


This “wishful thinking" has been an integral driver of the "recovery" 2009-2015: where asset bubbles aren't bubbles, central bank policies are brilliantly successful, unemployment has dropped to levels of full employment, ... and zirp/nirp will ‘stimulate’ banks to lend ... as if ... etc, etc. ... cash is king and we're going to go cashless. With a straight face, one of our most grounded (sane?) members recently said this global situation had not been a crisis until now... because it had not begun to be collectively perceived as a crisis until now.


What I hear is “we’re all dead already; don’t disturb us.”

Fear. TL illustrates traders in fear... either reduced to silence ...or attempting to suppress any ‘deviance’ from the ‘meme’ by shaping others to show ‘good sense’ and align with the ‘psychosis’... unwilling or unable to see the mainstream as an intentional “riddle” ... but


D. Blount


For this ‘psychosis’, catastrophic consequences are guaranteed. The matrix has created ‘problems’ that only collapse can solve. How convenient.

look at how this thread is carrying this site... and how ... this thread hangs on the hopes of paper gold.


It would be cool if a Craig Nelson were around someday to tell this story like he told that

story at http://www.amazon.com/dp/145166043X/?tag=saloncom08-20 ...




The market is an asylum. S&P trading in 2007-2008.


I completely agree that CC is guaranteed. The greatest, but not the only unknown is when. Then what will CC look like when it happens? PM, up for certain. But, will other things go down by more than PM goes up?


We can assume that we know. But what we know is only a narrative of one form or another.

Edited by MightyMouse

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I completely agree that CC is guaranteed. The greatest, but not the only unknown is when. Then what will CC look like when it happens? PM, up for certain. But, will other things go down by more than PM goes up?


We can assume that we know. But what we know is only a narrative of one form or another.


Economics is fake science. All economic ‘schools’ are false (and you thought I was Austrian - haha)

ALL economic models are designed to shape and dominate individual and collective ‘belief systems’ towards hidden, unstated ends. And it doesn’t take the whole population for a psy-op to work. In ‘finance’, only those who will be heading into the field need to be indoctrinated/ schooled. It only takes those who manage and ‘report’ on money to maintain the mostly semantic “mind-trick of managing expectations”. If you don’t understand what I’m talking about here, just go a couple doors down http://www.traderslaboratory.com/forums/technical-analysis/18606-daily-analysis-43.html#post201799

Hey normal, the psy-op is going to take your money. And you don’t have to buy /‘invest’ for them to take it.


I didn’t join TL to find friends... good traders are typically too ‘attachment disordered’/ fickle (tic) to be really good friends anyways. I did come here to be a friend... but in only one way. I came here to be a friend to the tiny few who really want to trade their way free of the ‘system’. 97+ % of traders want to trade their way into the ‘good’ parts of the system... They want to be In the system AND Of the system. Imo, they are insane. I’m here for miniscule few who really want to trade their way out of the system. These few work in the system, but are not of the system. They have dropped the isms and ists ... are becoming - simply - ‘anarchs’


Mm, re dark times, timing, CC, etc. Barring ‘natural’ long lasting decimation of the grid, we are not really headed for a repeat of the exoteric ‘dark age’. Rather - the planet is already plummeting into an esoteric dark age. The grid hastens it. The net becomes what a net always was - a trap (3).


Conditions appear normal. But conditions also felt ‘normal’ in and around the 1930’s in Germany, etc. etc... (If you can’t see the parallels and/or if they aren’t meaningful to you - then clk the fk out ‘dis post right now bitch!)

CC may take years ‘time’... but the quickening via electronics will certainly hasten the maturing fragility ... the only predictions being made here on the rapidity of re-establishing stability after CatastrophicCollapse is that it too will likely be shorter / quicker... than 'rome' way back when, etc...


TL is a mainstream forum. This is a mainstream ‘dollar’ thread...( ‘internationally’ - it’s a ‘fiat’ thread - same diff.) So, very few will make it to the last link below...

Anyways...do I think the dollar is going to go MUCH MUCH higher fx than it is now (before CC, etc)? Yes.

Great trading opps...

but... Do you understand that in the big picture that doesn’t hardly mean a dang thang to me? Do you understand that I'm advising my friends to allocate big time to as much physical PM's on the down low AS POSSIBLE ... even though I intuit there is coming a period where PM's will be unusually 'worthless' too...?


China Unleashes A Debt Tsunami: Creates $1 Trillion In Debt In First Two Months Of 2016 | Zero Hedge

The Four Horsemen Of Economic Apocalypse Are Here | Zero Hedge

(3) This Is The Real Reason For The War On Cash | Zero Hedge

Collapse Of The Paper Gold & Silver Market May Be Close At Hand | Zero Hedge


btw - I thank god every day that zerohedge is ALWAYS wrong :rofl: ;)

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:off topic:


Instead of buying stocks, I would like to short them starting today and tomorrow.

Does anyone know a good way to do that? :confused:;)


;bak on topic;

what would that do to gold?

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:off topic:


Instead of buying stocks, I would like to short them starting today and tomorrow.

Does anyone know a good way to do that? :confused:;)


;bak on topic;

what would that do to gold?


Hi zdo

Professionals sell into a rising market. Distribution.

But they need to make sure there is no more strong demand.

So they use a test. Nearly the holy grail.

The market is marked higher using some news,and if there is no demand , closes back near the open , with VERY LOW VOLUME.The candle looks like a shooting star.

What are you going to short and we can check for a test?

No shorting until you see the test.

But I think you know all this and the post is for traders who might just short stocks on your say so.



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But I think you know all this and the post is for traders who might just short stocks on your say so.

Hey bub, don’t be talkin’ down my ‘say so’ ;)

( ie my ‘say so’ is just as good as anybody else’s ‘say so’ )

...seriously - let’s just have faith no one in here is that stoopid




What are you going to short and we can check for a test?

US stock index futures




No shorting until you see the test.

Well sht, then I already screwed up bob :rofl:

Already started yesterday...

fwiw, I typically do my initiating/initial loads based on 'time'... not waiting for their 'say so'... then add more (or not) depending on what ‘they’ do...


Btw and back on topic...

Do you (or others) find the “Distribution” patterns you discussed to hold up well in PM’s ?

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:off topic:


Instead of buying stocks, I would like to short them starting today and tomorrow.

Does anyone know a good way to do that? :confused:;)


;bak on topic;

what would that do to gold?


Hi zdo


Gold will rise if the Index falls..... my theory.

So you should play a straddle, Sell the Index and Buy Gold..I think you like these sort of hedges.:cool: My view on a hedge is you have limited your risk and that obviously limits your profit.

Whats happening at the moment is Gold is rising and the Index is rising.:wtf:

"Here comes that rainy day feeling again"

There is another factor, ignoring the $.

I think thats OIL.

OIL is somehow affecting the price of Gold, and the latest bounce in OIL on raising inventries is false.And the professionals see this and are buying Gold on a rising OIL price.


And while OIL says above $34, DONT SHORT THE INDEX.



PS . Please post an index chart.




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Heres a chart for GOLD showing some EDGE. Without EDGE you will fail :crap:

Note after the TEST , you could have made some money. :2c:

Also note GOLD is trading in a band with a breakout today on LOW VOLUME

Its just a scalp BUY.

Draw a line above and below the trading range ..... thats consolidation.

Until we see another TEST. Then Bobs your uncle.

And if it breaks either way , there MUST be volume, otherwise its false.



PS Warning I am trading CFDs and the chart might differ from yours.


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OIL is somehow affecting the price of Gold
. Isn’t it just as logical to say that Gold is somehow affecting the price of OIL ? This is a little like saying this pony will run well if that other pony doesn’t ???

generally re: these correlations you’re discussing... only one I’ve been watching lately is the USDJPY and PM correlation ... but haven’t been putting any ‘value’ even in that one except for when the correlation temporarily ‘backs off’. I learned many many years ago it’s best for me to trade each chart/instrument independently and leave the ‘if x goes up, then y will... do whatever’ to the media psy-op talkingheads.... and those that have a flair for these kinds of 'if's...(or an imagined flair... really they are hypnotized by the psy-op narratives)






So you should play a straddle, Sell the Index and Buy Gold..I think you like these sort of hedges...

I think I make much sharper distinctions between spreads and hedges ...

I don’t do PM spreads - except for occasionally bringing a (very long term) long silver / short dow spread out of retirement... I maintain entry points for this one monthly with very wide stop in orders... and if and when it ever again gets going (before I’m too old and out of the game), then leg in and out...

...the (also very long term) PM ratio trade discussed previously is a third sharp distinction.







Note after the TEST , you could have made some money.

Weird place to be looking for ‘test’ imo... This context reminds me of http://www.traderslaboratory.com/forums/volume-spread-analysis/17901-vsa-questions.html#post201581







Then Bobs your uncle.

:haha:Look dick, you’re either my fkn uncle or you’re not! Don’t jerk me around. I’m already attachment disordered enuf.






PS . Please post an index chart.

Sorry bobc. You deserve better... but I decided some years ago not to post charts and screen shots anymore. TL typically only gets just a few minutes a day and it’s just too time consuming to take stuff off TS charts that shouldn’t be seen and also put stuff on specific to the conversation at hand (like ‘plain’ volume in this case) ... and label appropriately ... and ...etc....

If you want to follow up to see if this ‘test’ and can’t find anything on your own, check

GBLX E-Mini S&P 500 Futures - Commodities Charts, Quotes and News

CBOTM DJIA mini-sized Futures - Commodities Charts, Quotes and News

GBLX E-Mini Nasdaq 100 Futures - Commodities Charts, Quotes and News

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fwiw was stopped out of indexes just after 1 PM yesterday for small loss

fwiw loading up again short today and mon...


fwiw (and back on topic) is it true that Canada has now fully divested itself of any gold reserves ?


ya'll have a great weekend

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fwiw loading up again short today and mon...



Dear zdo

We will keep it in the family :hijacked:

I am taking the other side of your shorts :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: OIL is above $34

Kind regards


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Having posted in a while. I never get forum email notifications that there has been new posts. Doesn't look like I missed much. :stick out tongue:


Anyway still think lows haven't got here yet.


But I do think the highs (of the current move) have. :rofl:

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... Doesn't look like I missed much. :stick out tongue:





Anyway still think lows haven't got here yet.


But I do think the highs (of the current move) have. :rofl:


that's generally how I'm playing it too ... but wouldn't be surprised to see little bit higher highs this current move...


ie this thread is entirely fukt up now... sun and zdo agree on something...


Let's fix that sht fast ----

I could kill you with kindness, but shoving you into traffic just saves so much time... ;)












On average, every ten minutes someone shows up from the future at a psych unit to stop Trumpf

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... discover emptiness in "misfortune”...


stopped out again on the early entry portion of proprietary shorts in indexes.

will still start getting short... somehow ... over next week or so ...


bobc, hope you held your long... :)




Hi zdo

Heres my idea of when to get short the index.

When OIL falls to 37.30, SELL 1 contract. (Index) Tight stop.

When OIl falls to 36.30, SELL another contract.

When OIL falls to 34.40, SELL another 2 contracts and pay a visit to your local Merc dealer.You might also want to visit your bullion dealer and buy some Gold/ Silver.

If OIL goes above 39.00, SELL the merc and buy the index..


OIL is down 1.7% today....

BUT Euro Bank reduced interest rate to 0% today...... thats bullish.

Kind regards


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"Racing ahead of change and pursuing the illusion of reality promotes confusion. " :wtf?:


do you have the courage to click?


Understanding the Federal Reserve?s Shell Game ? Dan Sanchez


I'm zdo and I do not approve this message

(...even though I been saying same for a couple of months now... and it brings

...excellent opportunities for traders !! )

Of Two Minds - Do Any of the Current Rallies Pass "The Sniff Test"? No.

don’t fight the fed... ? ;)






Back on topic


imo, in terms of fiat, ultimately these 'global' negative rates are laying the joists for a pretty high (however temporary) floor in PM's ....



Have a great weekend all

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Hi zdo

Today is a public holiday in sunny South Africa. Markets closed.

And my big money game on the golf course was disasteraous.


Why do you want to short the index?

Please dont post someone else 's idea.

In your own words, why?

kind regards


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Hi zdo

Today is a public holiday in sunny South Africa. Markets closed.

And my big money game on the golf course was disasteraous.


Why do you want to short the index?

Please dont post someone else 's idea.

In your own words, why?

kind regards





(btw I don't really 'want' to short the index(es) :)

... they 'need' to be much higher... )


(and also... re golf

I'm scheduled next mon afternoon to play the first time this year (and maybe last time :doh: ) )


most games are about winning some sex

golf is sex.

18 times.

most times it's bad 'sex'



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(btw I don't really 'want' to short the index(es) :)

... they 'need' to be much higher... )


(and also... re golf

I'm scheduled next mon afternoon to play the first time this year (and maybe last time :doh: ) )


most games are about winning some sex

golf is sex.

18 times.

most times it's bad 'sex'





My wife is a psychologist. I have sent your post to her for comment.

Dont worry , I will keep it all confidential.

But I think you have a problem.


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... I have sent your post to her for comment.

Again - I think you're being very inconsiderate. I wouldn't treat my wife that way... :)


...But I think you have a problem.


You just now picking up on that? ;)

dang bob, you are slow.


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