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Best Automated Trading Platform

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why don't you try zulutrade...open a demo and start following...it is a very good tool for a beginner, especially for autotrading forex...thousands of systems to follow, just be careful in lots allocation do not over expose your account too much, afterthat the margin-call will be jsut around the corner :helloooo:


thanks a lot jean

cheers robin

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I'm not sure Zulutrade is such a good recommendation. I recently read this post on its forum, and I have to agree with everything its said:

ZuluTrade Forum • View topic - how many of traders are making money in zulutrade?


I have to totally agree with this statement: "of course zulutrade has good SPs BUT they are rank far below and very few people are following them."


Only the cowboys appear on the leaderboards. nuf said.


thanks once again to take the effort to participate BUT what would you reccomend instead then? The question to me really is - who is making money trading - preferably with binary options but also with forex - and is prepared to share his knowledge regarding autotrading, system and the platform he is using?


is anyone prepared?

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Tradestation is pretty good as JB said. I use thinkorswim and they have a platform called Prodigio. Another option is a program like Tickit, also based out of Chicago. There's also a site called 'CurrenSee' that essentially uses the hedge fund model, kind of hard to explain, but might be worth looking into.

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For a system that will let you copy trades from other traders i would say that the best solution is to try zulutrade because it has as far as i know the biggest number of clients and providers , the second platform that i know is mirror trader but it's not as popular and too few systems/traders to choose from.

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thanks for your reply - that is the question indeed - but isnt that here a big forum? i was actually hoping to get some recommendations


If I had to pick a provider I would choose someone to follow according to:

"max dd", "weeks" and "win %"

after you eliminate the most dangerous ones, you can focus on "avg trade time" and "avg pips"

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The automated trading systems are more in the competition, but few of them only reach the people desires...Some reviewers are made the rating regarding on that versatile use of the automatic trading system!

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There's no future with those automated trading systems. They are made by marketers to grab your money, not by traders.


What utter rubbish! Go and look at the track record of a fund like Dunn, Winton, or John W Henry. Totally mechanical trading, and some of them have been doing it for over thirty years.


Yes, there are probably a lot of crap, over-optimised trading systems out there, but the idea that trading systems as a whole don't work is complete nonsense.

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What utter rubbish! Go and look at the track record of a fund like Dunn, Winton, or John W Henry. Totally mechanical trading, and some of them have been doing it for over thirty years.


Yes, there are probably a lot of crap, over-optimised trading systems out there, but the idea that trading systems as a whole don't work is complete nonsense.



Your source please?:


We would appreciate your source that the likes of fund managers like Dunn, Winton and John Henry are using mechanical automated trading systems.


Also, 30 years ago is a little stretch methinks. I started trading 26 years ago, we had little RadioShak TRS-80's with tiny numerical screens, but we received our charts via US Mail every Saturday morning on newsprint. We would hand draw our indicators on those charts and call our brokers to place trades. Mechanical trading was unthinkable then... at least for us mere mortals.

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Most of those mentioned - Dunn, JW Henry, Winton are LONG TERM trend followers, and some of them are very systemised.

There is a lot of controversy about their systems in terms or are they broken, how systematic are they, how diversified they are, how long/short term they are, if they actually produce alpha.etc, etc;

This is very, very different from what most would consider robots for day trading.....


Others of note can be found here - a very good site to further investigate

Trend Following Wizards Performance | Au.Tra.Sy blog - Automated trading System

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Most of those mentioned - Dunn, JW Henry, Winton are LONG TERM trend followers, and some of them are very systemised.

There is a lot of controversy about their systems in terms or are they broken, how systematic are they, how diversified they are, how long/short term they are, if they actually produce alpha.etc, etc;

This is very, very different from what most would consider robots for day trading.....


Others of note can be found here - a very good site to further investigate

Trend Following Wizards Performance | Au.Tra.Sy blog - Automated trading System


Makes sense. Thank you.

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Automated trading platforms use programming languages to execute trading algorithms ("if then trade"). Examples include NinjaTrader, TradeStation, MultiCharts, NeoTicker, etc.


Trading signal services such as Zulutrade or Collective2 etc. are NOT automated trading platforms.

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Your source please?:


We would appreciate your source that the likes of fund managers like Dunn, Winton and John Henry are using mechanical automated trading systems.


Also, 30 years ago is a little stretch methinks. I started trading 26 years ago, we had little RadioShak TRS-80's with tiny numerical screens, but we received our charts via US Mail every Saturday morning on newsprint. We would hand draw our indicators on those charts and call our brokers to place trades. Mechanical trading was unthinkable then... at least for us mere mortals.


If your statement is true for 'automated' trading systems (wherein a computer executes orders according to the system's rules) then it's true for mechanical trading systems in general. The post you made was interpreted by me to be an attack on the validity of mechanical trading.


If you visit the Dunn Capital website, for instance, you will see that it clearly states that they operate 100% mechanical systems I quite frankly couldn't care whether Mr Dunn pulls the trigger personally, or whether he has a computer do it for him - the point stands that mechanical (and therefore automated) trading can be very profitable over the long term, and is not just a ruse of 'vendors', as your original post claims.

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Most of those mentioned - Dunn, JW Henry, Winton are LONG TERM trend followers, and some of them are very systemised.

There is a lot of controversy about their systems in terms or are they broken, how systematic are they, how diversified they are, how long/short term they are, if they actually produce alpha.etc, etc;

This is very, very different from what most would consider robots for day trading.....


Others of note can be found here - a very good site to further investigate

Trend Following Wizards Performance | Au.Tra.Sy blog - Automated trading System




I wasn't aiming to suggest that the funds I mentioned were short term in their trading style (Winton may be in part, but I really have no idea), or imply that they offer any worthwhile pointers for those looking for daytrading robots. I was simply responding to what appeared to be an attack on the validity of mechanical trading by giving examples of high performing CTAs who have a proven audited track record that is about as beyond dispute as these things ever get (of course there are always the Madoffs out there!).


People have been proclaiming the death of trend following for about twenty years now, but still those equity curves keep on pointing upwards so personally I doubt that their systems are broken.


Thanks for what looks like a very interesting link.

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not taken in any other way bluehoreseshoe.....so no problems


however I think when it comes to day trading the algorithmic/sytematic/automated trading strategies and the robots, are different to those of the ling term ones.....thats all. Plus some of those funds do diversify across different time frames. Most of them (at a guess from what i have seen and heard/read) also use manual traders to input the trades spat out by the computer as they manage the trades rather than just let the computer fire them in.

And as mentioned by Mr You the platforms are different to the systems and strategies. :)


Yes the link by Jez Liberty is very good and links to other trend following sites for those interested. (Jez is a great guy and very switched on)

Edited by SIUYA

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When I read on forums discussions about automated trading systems, the first thing that comes to mind are those high-frequency robots so commonly marketed via Clickbank which are good for nothing except emptying your wallet in more ways than one.


However, with credit to Bluehorseshoe saying that these funds do use automated systems to execute 100% of their trades. Then I think of those profitable systems which I have seen in the past which trade once every couple/few months or very seldom. Yeah, they're profitable, but the rate of too slow for me and did I mention a little too boring? Are their any HF trading systems that are profitable for anyone else except the broker? That remains to be seen.


I see Dunn accomplished a 1% return for January. Still, not great for the type of returns I'm seeking. I would rather continue manual trading. By the way, my results for Jan was +7.78%, and February at +11.82%. But again, I'm not moving battleships with my trading, as he probably is with his trading. I've had a couple good months, and maybe he's had a bad month. So what.


Bottom line: I am sure there is merit in some automated trading systems, but just not those ones that come to mind and commonly seen on the internet. I would be interested in testing/using systems that had low drawdowns under 15%.

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I see Dunn accomplished a 1% return for January. Still, not great for the type of returns I'm seeking. .


exactly......institutions mainly invest with these guys to diversify an existing portfolio - they are not looking for spectacular returns, even though the more aggressive ones can get that.

Look at how they went in 2008.

like most things comparing apples with oranges is not going to help, and some of these do move battleships around....heard of Winton?


Point is these guys would not likely be using automated systems similar to the ones we see, they often have systems that spit out trades based on rather simple algorithims for trade entries and their key to making money is usually that they have a very diversifed potfolio of instruments to trade around the world. The trades are most likely entered via a blend of manual and automated systems that are done in house.

Trading robots offered by others.....well there is the great if it works so well why sell it conundrum......


Personally - you need a diversified approach whereby you understand some things work but not all the time and a bit of manual discretion is needed. Though others will disagree.

As far as platforms go for the retail guy.....try Sierra Chart, multicharts, tradestation.

As far as using a robot some one else has developed.....no interest.:2c:

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thanks once again to take the effort to participate BUT what would you reccomend instead then? The question to me really is - who is making money trading - preferably with binary options but also with forex - and is prepared to share his knowledge regarding autotrading, system and the platform he is using?


is anyone prepared?


No doubt, that for forex trading the MT4 platform is the best for automated trading. Unfortunately not every broker welcomes EA traders (usually market makers) so try ECN brokers for this kind of trading (such as Sunbirfx or Alpari UK).

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Automated trading platforms use programming languages to execute trading algorithms ("if then trade"). Examples include NinjaTrader, TradeStation, MultiCharts, NeoTicker, etc.


Trading signal services such as Zulutrade or Collective2 etc. are NOT automated trading platforms.


I thought they were called automated platforms as well because they automatically copy the signals for execution in your account.

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I thought they were called automated platforms as well because they automatically copy the signals for execution in your account.


trading platform and offering trade copy service are different things but feel free to call it whatever you want;)

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I thought they were called automated platforms as well because they automatically copy the signals for execution in your account.


it is called automated platform because YOU and I (followers) can copy other signals, zulutrade is just the environment that providers you with these signals.

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I also think you will not learn how to trade from these signaling services because you do not learn the internals of how their signals are generated. You're better off learning a tried and true price action trading method.


A quote from someone on another forum: "Zulutrade is not trading. It is gambling in my opinion."

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huhhh, so how exactly are you trading forex then? :crap:


Believe me, zulutrade or Metatrader do not have an exclusive on Forex. Not even close. They probably get less than 1/10th of 1% of the forex transactions worldwide. I was trading forex long before these guys and will continue trading forex long after them.


I use Tradestation for charting as I have done since the 80s. My first copy was sold to me by Bill Cruz himself (Tradestation called SystemWriter in those days).


For trade execution, I use currently Oanda for my personal/family trading account. And, I use HotSpotFxi for the institutional account I manage. Not my choice, but it's an excellent platform anyway and I am use to it.


It is only my opinion, but I feel the Metatrader platform is setup to help the trader lose money the quickest. It is made for the broker, you know! And, by the Russians! And, it's hack-city within that community. What do your really expect? It's setup to help you lose money the quickest with the way it positions leverage, and its use of colors (reds specifically). My two centavos.

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