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Price does NOT move sideways. For price to MOVE, it has to CHANGE. QED.


he's clearly talking about price and its relation to the passage of time. no one likes a smart ass, especially near Christmas. with a trader iq of 99% i thought you would have known that. ;)

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Price does NOT move sideways. For price to MOVE, it has to CHANGE. QED.




You think maybe I avoided using the word "price" in my entire post for a reason? I wrote that MARKETS move sideways. I also wrote that the sideways was not in a straight line.


I gave you the easy to understand explanation that you were crying for, but you screwed it up. You cannot read because your mind is broken.


You are in an unenviable place. Take out the ironing board and iron and freshen up the rumpled clothes. Then step out of the box from which you peddle your indicators to consider what moving sideways not in a straight line could possibly mean. Then pop open an intraday chart of the stock indicies for today after lunch and see what sideways looks like.

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Douglas also had a great approach to work on building trading skills.


He outlined a 20 trade excercise using your trading plan.


1. Trade 20 trades

2. Follow your plan to a tee

3. Document the results (journal)

4. Do not set a specific amount of time to finish the exercise. It may take a couple of months.

5. Start another block of 20 trades when you are done.

6. When you can get through 20 trades and sticking to your plan you will have made some progress.


I am personally on trade #18 and I have learned a good deal about myself. I have traded on and off for many years but sticking to a plan and this exercise gave me many insights into myself.

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This is a very interesting idea. You may be a little out there, but my personal BS-o-meter is reading low when I read your post :) Just curious, you kill game and cook it on a fire you make? Like the good ol' days?


Yes, and the fire I use is made by the ancient method of the bow drill, so I am not dependent on matches, which can get wet or lost, etc. The feeling of Freedom that such skills brings is very empowering, as is the ability to flexibly flow with the continual uncertainty of the wilderness environment. It is actually much like trading, you can't control what is going to show up around the next corner, but you can use your acquired skills and mental toughness/self discipline to take advantage of the opportunities. BTW, there are often so many edible plants around that you don't always have to expend energy in hunting.

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Yes, and the fire I use is made by the ancient method of the bow drill, so I am not dependent on matches, which can get wet or lost, etc. The feeling of Freedom that such skills brings is very empowering, as is the ability to flexibly flow with the continual uncertainty of the wilderness environment. It is actually much like trading, you can't control what is going to show up around the next corner, but you can use your acquired skills and mental toughness/self discipline to take advantage of the opportunities. BTW, there are often so many edible plants around that you don't always have to expend energy in hunting.


bear grylls the trader....you should make a set of videos.

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Yes, and the fire I use is made by the ancient method of the bow drill, so I am not dependent on matches, which can get wet or lost, etc. The feeling of Freedom that such skills brings is very empowering, as is the ability to flexibly flow with the continual uncertainty of the wilderness environment. It is actually much like trading, you can't control what is going to show up around the next corner, but you can use your acquired skills and mental toughness/self discipline to take advantage of the opportunities. BTW, there are often so many edible plants around that you don't always have to expend energy in hunting.


Very interesting........

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When I started to learn how to trade each time I couldn't understand how the trade went against me caused a sense of guilt. It became so bad that I froze completely and couldn't trade even on demo. I've tried to apply some trading psychology from various sources, all to no effect. TITZ was the book that freed me from feeling guilt. I think the test in the beginning and the end of book is very helpful in some aspects. For me the point was made: markets can and will go against me form time to time. The solution is to find what then. Intensive back-testing did just that.

I still would recommend it to traders who encounter difficult psychological situations. Obviously, better books exist, but after TITZ I didn't need anything more in terms of trading psychology.

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When I started to learn how to trade each time I couldn't understand how the trade went against me caused a sense of guilt. It became so bad that I froze completely and couldn't trade even on demo. I've tried to apply some trading psychology from various sources, all to no effect. TITZ was the book that freed me from feeling guilt. I think the test in the beginning and the end of book is very helpful in some aspects. For me the point was made: markets can and will go against me form time to time. The solution is to find what then. Intensive back-testing did just that.

I still would recommend it to traders who encounter difficult psychological situations. Obviously, better books exist, but after TITZ I didn't need anything more in terms of trading psychology.


On the other hand I must add: at times it was terribly boring:roll eyes:.

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