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Dharmik Team

Important Aspects Between Planets and Their Influence Over Financial Markets

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In this article we will discuss about “important aspects” in astrology. These are astrological aspects between planets lasting a long period of time (at least 3 or 4 months) and having a strong influence over people, economy and of course over financial markets. These astrological aspects form usually between strong planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto). Because these planets move slower, the aspect lasts longer. This is why financial evolution or any other activity on Earth is influenced strongly.

We will discuss what an astrological aspect between two planets means and we will find out how each planet influences ones life and actions. We will present some examples of astrological aspects within the years after 2000. We will then analyze each aspect aside regarding financial indicators. At the end we will draw the conclusions.


1. What is an astrological aspect between planets and how do they form?


When we view the planets from Earth, they all rotate at different speeds around the Sun.

Aspects are the various geometric angles, measured in degrees, minutes and seconds that are formed between planets, or some other point in the horoscope, as they move through the 360 degrees.

Simply put, the horoscope circle is 360 degrees, and if we divide it into 12 sections (the Signs) they equal 30 degrees each. We put Earth in the centre of the circle, and then we can see in the natal chart (a snapshot of the position of the planets at the time of birth) the relative positions of the planets to each other at that time.

Transits refer to the current planetary positions, and these also make aspects to the natal planets. For example, at age 14 Saturn will be opposing its natal position in the chart. Depending on the speed of the planet's motion, you can calculate the aspects as it moves around a chart, for example it takes a month for the moon and 29 years for Saturn to complete a circuit of the entire chart.

There are some aspects that are traditionally considered major. They are called "classical" or "Ptolemaic" after the Greek astrologer Ptolemy (Claudius Ptolemaeus). These are:




The aspects indicate the energies between the planets and houses, and traditionally the "easy" aspects of Sextile and Trine indicate a more harmonious or beneficial energy and the "important" aspects of the Square and Opposition considered to represent challenges and balance needed to be found. A Conjunction is a very dynamic aspect and can be considered either positive or negative depending on the planets involved.

However, aspects, like planets are merely representations of energy and it is what we do with it that is either beneficial or not as we all have free will.

Aspects are given an Orb of influence, and there are various differing opinions amongst astrologers as to the exact degree, ranging from 10 – 6 degrees for major aspects. It’s a matter of finding what you are comfortable with, but it would be safe to say that the closer the planets are to each other, the stronger the aspect's energy, as they "apply" and "separate".

Minor Aspects that are often used are semi-sextiles (30 degree separation between planets) and quincunxes (a 150 degree separation). Other minor Aspects are considered if their angles are very close.

It is important to remember that Signs, not houses, are used in determining aspects, as depending on what House system is used, a house may be more or less than 30 degrees.

2. What are the influences each planet generates?


The Sun indicates the psychological bias that will dominate your actions. What you see, and why, is told in the reading for your Sun. The Sun also shows the basic energy patterns of your body and psyche. In many ways, the Sun is the dominant force in your horoscope and your life. Other influences, especially those of the Moon, may modify the Sun's influence, but nothing will cause you to depart very far from the basic solar pattern. Always keep in mind the basic influence of the Sun and remember all other influences must be interpreted in terms of it, especially insofar as they play a visible role in your life. You may think, dream, imagine, and hope a thousand things, according to your Moon and your other planets, but the Sun is what you are. To be your best self in terms of your Sun is to cause your energies to work along the path in which they will have maximum help from planetary vibrations.


In astrology the Moon stands for emotions, instincts, sensitivity, and the unconscious. It is often called the feminine principle. The Sun signifies your individuality and the Moon signifies your personality. In essence, the Moon represents the side of you that reacts before you have time to think. The distinction in astrology between the influence of the Sun and the Moon is a forerunner of Sigmund Freud's theory of the ego and the id in human personality. According to Freud, the ego is a person's consciousness (in astrology - the Sun), and the id represents a person's instinct (the Moon). The Moon tells the desire of your life. When you know what you mean, but can't verbalize it, it is your Moon that knows it and your Sun that can't say it. The wordless ecstasy, the mute sorrow, the secret dream, the esoteric picture of yourself that you can't get across to the world or that the world doesn't comprehend or value-these are products of the Moon. When you are misunderstood, it is your Moon nature, expressed imperfectly through the Sun sign, which feels betrayed. Things you know without thought-intuitions, hunches, instincts-are the products of the Moon. Modes of expression that you feel truly reflect your deepest self belong to the Moon: art, letters, creative work of any kind; sometimes love; sometimes business. Whatever you feel is most deeply yourself is the product of your Moon and of the sign your Moon occupies at birth.


It is a planet of intelligence and the mind. It is associated with speed and agility. It rules over intelligence, perception and reason, memory, speaking and writing. Reflects the way you see, hear, understand, and assimilate information. Day-to-day travel, short trips, and the various means of transportation are under its dominion. It controls functions of the nerves, arms, hands, and fingers. Also rules the voice. Negative side produces tendency to be critical, sarcastic, argumentative and sly. Mercury is the sensory antenna of your horoscope. Its position by sign indicates your reactions to sights, sounds, odors, tastes, and touch impressions, affording a key to the attitude you have toward the physical world around you. Mercury is the messenger through which your physical body and brain (ruled by the Sun) and your inner nature (ruled by the Moon) are kept in contact with the outer world, which will appear to you according to the index of Mercury's position by sign in the horoscope. Mercury rules your rational mind.


Planet of love and pleasure. Rules capacity to express affection and to enjoy beauty. Rules over love affairs, art and beauty, adornment and decoration, the social graces, affection, harmony, and friendship. Governor of the higher emotions, Venus makes life beautiful. Rules ability to love and to share with another person. Another side of its influence is that it encourages pleasure, ease and luxury than self-discipline. A strong streak of narcissism and a lack of will-power indicate negative side is stressed. Venus is the emotional antenna of your horoscope. Through Venus, impressions come to you from the outer world, to which you react emotionally. The position of Venus by sign at the time of your birth determines your attitude toward these experiences. As Mercury is the messenger linking sense impressions (sight, smell, etc.) to the basic nature of your Sun and Moon, so Venus is the messenger linking emotional impressions. If Venus is found in the same sign as the Sun, emotions gain importance in your life, and have a direct bearing on your actions. If Venus is in the same sign as the Moon, emotions bear directly on your inner nature, add self-confidence, make you sensitive to emotional impressions, and frequently indicate that you have more love in your heart than you are able to express. If Venus is found in the same sign as Mercury, emotional impressions and sense impressions work together; you tend to idealize the world of the senses and to sensualize the world of the emotions, to interpret emotionally what you see and hear.


Planet of physical energy. Governs sex drive, forcefulness, and aggression. Governs energy, boldness, the will to win, the ability to turn ideas into action. Planet of passion, sexuality, and force. Signifies ambition, desire, courage and strength. Governs the sex organs. Influence also brings strife and conflict, tension and anger, accidents and destruction. It rules heat, fire, earthquakes, violence, and war. Negative side can cause sudden injury or illness. Represents unleashed energy and human will. Mars is the energy principle in the horoscope. Its position indicates the channels into which energy will most easily be directed. It is the planet through which the activities of the Sun and the desires of the Moon express themselves in action. In the same sign as the Sun, Mars gives abundant energy, sometimes misdirected in temper, temperament, and quarrels. In the same sign as the Moon, it gives a great capacity to make use of the innermost aims, and to make the inner desires articulate and practical. In the same sign as Venus, it quickens emotional reactions and causes you to act on them, makes for ardor and passion in love, and fosters an earthly awareness of emotional realities.


Planet of good luck, optimism, success, and generosity. Brings joy to life. Identified with idea of expansiveness and abundance. Jupiter's kingdom is luck, health and happiness, wealth and worldly goods, power and high position. Rules over knowledge, higher learning, breadth of vision, and honesty. Influence bestows a willingness to partake of life, to gather new experiences. Influence can make you extravagant, lazy, luxury-loving and blindly optimistic. Planet of blessings. Jupiter is the feeler for opportunity that you have out in the world. It passes along chances of a lifetime for consideration according to the basic nature of your Sun and Moon. Jupiter's sign position indicates the places where you will look for opportunity, the uses to which you wish to put on it, and the capacity you have to react and profit by it. Jupiter is ordinarily, and erroneously, called the planet of luck. It is "luck" insofar as it is the index of opportunity, but your luck depends less on what comes to you than what you do with what comes to you. In the same sign as the Sun or Moon, Jupiter gives a direct, and generally effective, response to opportunity and is likely to show forth at its "luckiest". If Jupiter is in the same sign as Mercury, sense impressions are interpreted opportunistically. If Jupiter is in the same sign as Venus, you interpret emotions in such a way as to turn them to your advantage; your feelings work harmoniously with the chances for progress that the world has to offer. If Jupiter is in the same sign as Mars, you follow opportunity with energy, dash, enthusiasm, and courage, take long chances, and play your cards wide open.


Planet of responsibility, and symbolizes the ethic of hard work. Influences that a person's character is strengthened through trial and difficulty. Planet of diligence, self-control, and limitation. Domain is patience, stability, maturity, and realism. Influence is stern and restrictive, cold and severe. Effect is to delay rewards until they are earned. Bestows an ability to wait. Planet of courage, steadfastness and integrity. Negative influence is over-ambition, calculating and selfish, solitary, inhibited, and unhappy-associated with inflexibility, cruelty, humorlessness, and pessimism. Represents illness, handicaps, and misfortune. Our destiny. Rules fate, things we cannot escape, and payment that must be made for what is received. Saturn indicates the direction that will be taken in life by the self-preservative principle which, in its highest manifestation, ceases to be purely defensive and becomes ambitious and aspirational. Your defense or attack against the world is shown by the sign position of Saturn in the horoscope at birth. If Saturn is in the same sign as the Sun or Moon, defense predominates, and there is danger of introversion. If Saturn is in the same sign as Mercury, there is a profound and serious reaction to sense impressions; this position generally accompanies a deep and efficient mind. If Saturn is in the same sign as Venus, a defensive attitude toward emotional experience makes for apparent coolness in love and difficulty with the emotions and human relations. If Saturn is in the same sign as Mars, confusion between defensive and aggressive urges can make an indecisive person-or, if the Sun and Moon are strong and the total personality well-developed, a balanced, peaceful, and calm individual of sober judgment and moderate actions may be indicated. If Saturn is in the same sign as Jupiter, the reaction to opportunity is sober and balanced.


Planet of change and originality, symbolizing the element of surprise. Brings sudden events and opportunities. Awakens, shocks, revolutionizes. Responsible for the flash of human genius that creates something new. Planet of the future, associated with modern science, invention, electricity, humanitarian movements, and revolution. Planet of sudden upheaval and swift, unexpected happenings. Domain is all that is new, original, different, and unorthodox. Relates to inner will and secret power. The guiding force behind the visionary. Tends to make one eccentric in behavior, undisciplined, reckless and perverse. Brings change, new situations, and new people into our lives. Gifts are sudden and ephemeral; take immediate advantage before they flash by. Message is to move with change and not be afraid of the future. Uranus in a general way relates to creativity, originality, or individuality, and its position by sign in the horoscope tells the direction in which you will seek to express yourself. In the sam sign as Mercury or the Moon, Uranus suggests acute awareness, a quick reaction to sense impressions and experiences, or a hair-trigger mind. In the same sign as the Sun, it points to great nervous activity, a high-strung nature, and an original, creative, or eccentric personality. In the same sign as Mars, Uranus indicates high-speed activity, love of swift motion, and perhaps love of danger. In the same sign as Venus, it suggests an unusual reaction to emotional experience, idealism, sensuality, and original ideas about love and human relations. In the same sign as Saturn, Uranus points to good sense; this can be a practical, creative position, but, more often than not, it sets up a destructive conflict between practicality and originality that can result in a stalemate. In the same sign as Jupiter, Uranus makes opportunity, creates wealth and the means of getting it, and is conducive to the inventive, executive, and daring.


Planet of mystery and illusion. Power is that of the imagination. Represents your dream life and your mystic qualities. Planet of bewitchment. Planet of idealism and spirituality. Realm is the subconscious world, hidden memory, intuition, and clairvoyance. Positive side of influence represents glamour and mystery, artistic imagination, dreams and visions. Negative side is characterized by deception, confusion, fraud, treachery, and sham. Rules over a wide domain of human activity, from motion pictures, drama, dance, and poetry to hypnosis and anesthesia, hospitals, institutions and prisons, poison, and drug addiction. Brings one into contact with a higher plane of consciousness. Symbolizes perfection. Represents unselfish ideals, your spiritual quest, and search for the Impossible Dream. Neptune relates to the deepest wells of the subconscious, inherited mentality, and spirituality, indicating what you take for granted in life. Neptune in the same sign as the Sun or Moon indicates that intuitions and hunches-or delusions-dominate; there is a need for rigidly holding on to reality. In the same sign as Mercury, Neptune indicates sharp sensory perceptions, a sensitive and perhaps creative mind, and a quivering intensity of reaction to sensory experience. In the same sign as Venus, it reveals idealistic and romantic (or sentimental) reaction to emotional experience, as well as the danger of sensationalism and a love of strange pleasures. In the same sign as Mars, Neptune indicates energy and intuition that work together to make mastery of life-one of the signs of having angels (or devils) on your side. In the same sign as Jupiter, Neptune describes intuitive response to opportunity generally along practical and money-making lines; one of the signs of security if not indeed of wealth. In the same sign as Saturn, Neptune indicates intuitive defense and attack on the world, generally successful unless Saturn is polarized on the negative side; then there is danger of delusion and unhappiness.


Planet of awesome power, but is still found largely inexplicable and difficult to understand. Brings to light things hidden in the depths of your subconscious, releases dormant forces, and causes suppressed energies suddenly to erupt. Signifies death and rebirth. Planet of regenerative forces, of destruction and annihilation, and then complete transformation. Keyword is elimination; Pluto wipes the slate clean. Influences masses of humanity, enormous groups of people, and large organizations. Rules over disruptive elements in nature as earthquakes and volcanoes. It's power has been likened to that of nuclear fission, which both destroys and creates. Governs the uncovering of secrets of the past in order to clear ground for the future. Force is felt as an undercurrent of turbulence and uncontrolled energy. Strong negative power may cause one to be cruel, sadistic, treacherous, or even lead a life of crime. Represents the highest and lowest of which mankind is capable. Governs impulses in our secret psyches that we do not yet fully understand. Pluto is a planet of extremes-from the lowest criminal and violent level of our society to the heights people can attain when they realize their significance in the collectivity of humanity. Pluto also rules three important mysteries of life-sex, death, and rebirth-and links them to each other. One level of death symbolized by Pluto is the physical death of an individual, which occurs so that a person can be reborn into another body to further his or her spiritual development. On another level, individuals can experience a "death" of their old self when they realize the deeper significance of life; thus they become one of the "second born". In a natal horoscope, Pluto signifies our perspective on the world, our conscious and subconscious. Since so many of Pluto's qualities are centered on the deeper mysteries of life, the house position of Pluto, and aspects to it, can show you how to attain a deeper understanding of the importance of the spiritual in your life.


3. Important astrological aspects in the 21st century


a. The first example is Pluto opposition Saturn between July and November 2001. During this period this aspect happened twice: once Pluto was retrograde and Saturn direct and the second time Saturn turned retrograde and Pluto was direct. This is how the sky looked during the summer of 2001:




What can we expect from this opposition? This aspect generates a strong feeling of fear and negativity. People tend to restrict their normal activities, they shrink their lives because Saturn is the planet affected by the astrological aspect. New and unsuspected misunderstandings and worries appear. What was the effect on the financial markets? That period the biggest American financial crash this century happened. After that came the horrible events in September 2001…This is the chart and the possibilities of trading in profit if we would have paid attention to the planets:




b. The second aspect presented here is Jupiter trine Pluto. This time instead of opposition we have trine and instead of Saturn we have Pluto. After we have read the influences of the planets presented above, we can expect something positive from this astrological aspect which lasted 3 months at the end of 2002. This is the sky map:




A trine dominates the sky in this time period. The trine lasted from October until December 2002 and had to stages. The planets first turned direct and than retrograde. It is obvious that this aspect comes with positive influences: expansion, trusting oneself, courage, inspiration. All these feelings embraced peoples’ hearts. So what happened? After the month of October when the market registered the lowest Low this century, the beginning of the trine turned the market up. In only three months Dow increased 1.500 pips! Amazing, isn’t it?




c. This is the last example. Of course we chose another remarkable event: the crazy period of October 2008. Let’s see how the sky looked back than and what could we have expected with months before:




The sky is dominated by Saturn opposition Uranus. In 2001 the opposition was with Pluto. The effect this type of opposition has is the same. We can not expect anything else but something bad to happen. The earthly cause of the abrupt downward slope of financial market does not interest us so much. Astrological analysis showed us that the market will go down and that a successful transaction could have ended with over 3.000 pips in profit.





4. Conclusions


a. The main conclusion is very clear…the important astrological aspects, especially those between farther planets and lasting more than 2-3 months, have a strong influence on Earth in every field of activity.

b. These astrological aspects generate major financial trends…they can be positive and make the market grow in a sustained manner, or negative and create and abrupt down slope…these movements of the market can be easily predicted by those who can read astrological maps.

c. We have also analyzed many past years and the rules apply. You can verify the correlation also if you are attracted to this kind of research work

d. By showing you this study we are not trying to convince you that astrology is perfect. We just want to highlight the fact that there are correct ways of predicting the local High and Low and the reversal points. These kinds of studies helped us along the years build our trading system, the system we are basing our analysis and forecasts on.


Dharmik Team

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