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What is the Best Multi-monitor PC for Day Trading?

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I started trading from a laptop; good, bad, or ugly... that's the way it was (for me). It wasn't a high speed super-lux model, just a standard run-o-the-mill laptop. I wouldn't recommend this to anyone, and if you can afford better... by all means, bring it.


Hook up with a firm in your area, that will provide good service. Have them assemble a computer to your specs. Tell them exactly what you want to do and why. I'm sure you'll be pleased with the results.


Asking the question... "what's the best"... seems to me you may end up with an unsatisfying result (there are many opinions for "best")... whatever suits "your" needs is "best".

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Lenovo or Apple ... never owned a Lenovo, but have heard from many satisfied customers. These days I recommend Lenovo or Apple to the average user. I'm sure they can assist you with your needs. They being the Lenovo website/sales support or Apple store. Yes you can run Windows on an Apple.


Asus if you are considering a custom PC, but I would try out sales/support service from Lenovo or your nearest Apple store.


Let us know your experience.

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I want to be able to use 3 or 4 monitors. Pls give specs. Also need laptop to use as backup. Thanks.


Do you need 3-4 monitors? You could just go for one big led tv and use that. I think this question is way too open ended. What is the best multi-monitor pc? Go for any high end pc with a dual xeon mobo setup, masses of ram, raid array of ssd's and quad sli nvidia gtx 590 gpu's. Then you could run 8-12 monitors and act as a server at the same time. What do you need and how much would you be prepared to spend?

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Negotiator has it - you can spend upwards of $10k or you can work with a standard Dell and everything in between.


I have never purchased from ibuypower (yet) but have read some good things about that site. The tech guys around this forum would know better if they still post.

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I wrote something on a similar topic on another forum not too long ago and will repost it here in case it's helpful:


I'm using "normal" figures here so your mileage may vary. I did this analysis for my own purchasing decision a couple of months ago and will pass it along here.


2 monitors (regardless of size) @ 1920x1080 (the usual resolution) => 4.147M pixels (1920x1200 is 4.6M pixels)

1 monitor @ 2560x1600 (typically the native resolution) => 4.096M pixels


So on the first hand, you actually get more usable screen real estate with two monitors. But then there's this to consider:


My 24" monitor is 20.375x12.75 in size, so in my case I have 260 in^2 of area, yielding about 8871 pixels per inch.

A 30" monitor of similar proportions (approx 25.47 x 15.93) will have 405 in^2 of area, yielding about 10096 pixels per inch.


So, while you will get a sharper image as you have more pixels per inch, that means that your charts, at the same resolution, will appear smaller on the 30" monitor. In the case of charts, sharp is good, but you may also have to have them take up more pixels on the screen to make them more readable. To view a 100x100 image, for example, at the above native resolutions, and have them appear the same physical size, the 30" would need to be a 34". As we're dealing with charts here, not super super high res photos, I would expect that the 24" would be at an advantage here.


The benefit of having one 30" monitor is of course that it has a smaller footprint on your desk, and as mentioned it may appear sharper.


But IMHO the benefits of (1) more actual screen area, (2) a higher number of pixels and thus total resolution, and (3) the cost being substantially less for two good 24" monitors outweighs the benefits of one larger one.



As a side note, note that with a 1920x1200 monitor, you get 11% more real estate than a 1920x1080 monitor, and it's all on the X axis, which is often the place we want more space for charting (to put an indicator window, volume, or whatever, along the bottom of the chart). For example, I can put 4 charts (in a grid of 2x2) at a comfortable zoom level, plus a full length DOM on one monitor, and I could also put a T&S window but I happen to have it on the other monitor. Stacking two charts vertically is pretty comfortable viewing as long as it's not stretched too wide.


You're welcome Tony and I hope it can be helpful. Remember in the end that you simply must like what you see in front of you, and whatever looks best to your eyes is probably what you should get, regardless of size and resolution and so on.


One final note is that I have considered this before and maybe others have too--consider the purpose for the hardware or software you use. Perhaps the optimal layout for you personally is two charts and a DOM, trading on one instrument. If that's the case, then you may actually harm your trading by adding additional monitors, because then you will have to fill up that space with something, which can actually be a distraction. An earlier poster alluded to this as well. If you NEED space, then buy it. But there's no shame in having a 15" single monitor if it works for you. All that stuff is information, and it can harm as well as help.


I have considered this same phenomenon in software as well. As an example, pulled out of thin air with no reference to this company for any reason, if you think that bid/ask delta stuff is cool, and you subscribe to Market Delta and pay $130-$250 a month for the footprint charts, then it's possible that you may only harm yourself if you're not really effectively using the footprint charts. If you spend that much per month, then you'd better get some use out of it, right? So you continue using it for no good reason except you don't want to feel like you're wasting your money. I have personally seen and done this myself with things I've bought before--you buy it, find out it's not really that great or useful, but continue to rationalize by using or explaining its benefits, because you'd hate to have misspent money.


My point is simply that you should probably have a need for whatever you buy first, rather than first buying and then finding a use for it. My two 24"s work great for me. Al Brooks' single 15" laptop screen works for him. Those who have 4-8 monitors, I'm sure find that it works for them. It's gotta work for you.


Good luck with it and let us know if/when you make a purchase and how you like it!

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Hirsi1 if you want a trading computer go to this site




This is a good guy with a very good PCs and price. Even if you don't buy from him by visiting his site you will be more educated about your trading computer's need


I don't know the guy and I did not buy my computer from him I wish I did. I just do it to help traders.


I need one favor from you if you decide to buy your computer from him tell him you was referred through Traders Laboratory like this he will advertise here and we will support this forum as well

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You can spend thousands or.... go to tigerdirect and buy a refurb with 6 megs for $379 that has 2 video ports, add up to 4 external video cards that plug right into your usb ports for $50 a piece, and you've got a machine that will run 6 monitors perfectly fine for under $600.


Can't beat that IMHO.

Edited by KeyToTheCastle

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You can spend thousands or.... go to tigerdirect and buy a refurb with 6 megs for $379 that has 2 video ports, add up to 4 external video cards that plug right into your usb ports for $50 a piece, and you've got a machine that will run 6 monitors perfectly fine for under $600.


Can't beat that IMHO.


.... and TigerDirect technicians can install the video cards for you on the spot... and test them out before you leave... all for a nominal sum.

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Hmm...I'm not sure if we're talking about the same place....I've always ordered them online and installed the external video adapters myself. The actual installation entails loading the software driver, then plugging the monitor into the adapter and the adapter into the usb port. So easy even I can do it. ( Word to the wise: there's always a risk with refurbs but I've bought quite a few and have never had an issue.)

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I highly recommend DELL precision workstations. I have (7) 20 in. monitors (i.e., 3 DELL workstations with 3, 2 and 2 monitor configurations). If you are going to be a serious, professional day trader, then consider 2 duplicate computers at a minimum.


Get the best video graphic card you can afford and maximize memory. Consider older Windows operating systems since they are more stable and lag behind in updates.


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most of the trading apps do not require high video processing power;

they are 2D apps, unlike games, which requires 3D graphics.

therefore an expensive video graphics card (ie 3D) is a waste of money.


ps. high power graphics cards also require lots of electrical power -- ie you will need a bigger power supply to drive them, and the computer will produce more heat as a result.

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As technology and software continue to advance, you don't want to be stuck with a crappy video card. At some point you might consider streaming video and TV (i.e., CNBC. Bloomberg) into your monitors also.

Edited by MadMarketScientist
removed url

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+1 on tigerdirect. our technology company uses tigerdirect's wholesaler to buy our inventory.


i have an intense computer/technology background. a director for a technology company that builds our own hardware/systems.



if you want advice on how to build a mean machine ... pm me and i can point you in the right direction.



:helloooo: You don't need to spend a lot of money to build a monster machine these days ...

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Do you need 3-4 monitors? You could just go for one big led tv and use that. I think this question is way too open ended. What is the best multi-monitor pc? Go for any high end pc with a dual xeon mobo setup, masses of ram, raid array of ssd's and quad sli nvidia gtx 590 gpu's. Then you could run 8-12 monitors and act as a server at the same time. What do you need and how much would you be prepared to spend?


hmmm masses of ram? trading systems are not ram or processor intensive. winXP 32 bit OS max out at 4 GB ram, win7 64 bit access 8gb ram. Which is plenty for trading. A 60 inch TV is 1080P which display is the same as 20" LED/LCD 1080P, just larger in size, not more text. i run 4x1200P monitors, 1 desktop and 1 laptop (also 1200p), just in case 1 computer goes down. Highend quad graphics cards can be expensive (as much as another computer) and over kill for trading, same for raid (storage, unless your making videos). Save your money for commercial grade pc not found at best buy, like dell precision series. I run TS, etradePro, spreadsheet, word, multicharts, browser all at the sametime on 4gb ram on my dell precision intel 2.66 duo core. They are available on dells refurb site for 300 bucks with dual monitor support, add 75 for xeon, add $75 for quad core cpu. I have owned top of the line consumer computers, something burns out every 2 yrs. I hope this helps...

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Hello, I came across this thread and was wondering the same thing. Let me start by saying that I know absolutely nothing about computers, so building my own is not an option. I want to have a three to four monitor display but I would like the option of maybe adding more in the future. I am willing to spend $1000 or so on the pc if it's really worth it. But if I can get by with cheaper I'm sure for it. Any help would surely be appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

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I would also recommend building it yourself,which would take only a bit more time to get familiar with the building process,i.e what works with what and where to plug/put the devices on board etc....Build around a motherboard,pay attention to a fast processor and sufficent RAM and a powerfull power supply- that would be fine to fulfill the tasks represented in trading for a computer.As for how many screens you be using,decide what you need than pick a graphic card suitable to a chosen motherboard.

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Hello, I came across this thread and was wondering the same thing. Let me start by saying that I know absolutely nothing about computers, so building my own is not an option. I want to have a three to four monitor display but I would like the option of maybe adding more in the future. I am willing to spend $1000 or so on the pc if it's really worth it. But if I can get by with cheaper I'm sure for it. Any help would surely be appreciated.

Thanks in advance!


Checkout dell and ebay for refurbished dell precision 690 or better. Look for 2 processor, xeon, dual core, quad core is better. They go for around 300 bucks. They are commerical grade not found at tiger direct or best buy. Ugly box but they are loaded. For quad display, checkout nVidia Quadro NVS450 NVS 450 Graphic Card, make sure Cables are included, they go for around 200-300 bucks on ebay or just buy another dell 690. They usually come with highend dual display graphic card. Having a second computer as back up is the way to go vs quad graphics card. Building takes time, minimal savings if any. Just my humble opinion, what do i know...

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Checkout dell and ebay for refurbished dell precision 690 or better. Look for 2 processor, xeon, dual core, quad core is better. They go for around 300 bucks. They are commerical grade not found at tiger direct or best buy. Ugly box but they are loaded. For quad display, checkout nVidia Quadro NVS450 NVS 450 Graphic Card, make sure Cables are included, they go for around 200-300 bucks on ebay or just buy another dell 690. They usually come with highend dual display graphic card. Having a second computer as back up is the way to go vs quad graphics card. Building takes time, minimal savings if any. Just my humble opinion, what do i know...


Perhaps. It's a minefield though too. Don't just expect because it says xeon on it for example, that you have an awesomely powerful pc. Ebay is just like any other auction and products are priced at what is perceived as fair value.

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Perhaps. It's a minefield though too. Don't just expect because it says xeon on it for example, that you have an awesomely powerful pc. Ebay is just like any other auction and products are priced at what is perceived as fair value.


Funny how there are so many negative people in the world. I paid $150 bucks for mine. But I am alittle familar with the topic. This includes separtely sourcing 2 scsi fujitsu hard drives running at 15k rpm. Ask them to guarntee what you are getting. Try dell refurb site fisrt, educate yourself and learn what you are buying. Ask for system print out to verify what you are buying.



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you have eight cores and 2gb of memory? if that's your trading rig, why do you need 8 cores? if it's for charting, why only 2gb of memory? where did it come from? which xeons are they? what is the memory spec? etc etc etc etc......

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you have eight cores and 2gb of memory? if that's your trading rig, why do you need 8 cores? if it's for charting, why only 2gb of memory? where did it come from? which xeons are they? what is the memory spec? etc etc etc etc......


that's 6 GB



the 2 GB committed refers to what is used... probably due to a 32 bit app limitation.




ps. that's only 4 cores with multi-thread...that's why it shows up on the TM as 8 core. (4 are virtual cores)

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