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Good day today 9/13/11. Sell at 14:30 PM EST 1170.25 ES, 11065 YM, 689.20 TF. All at same minute mark of 14:30. Then see picture of TF BUY at 15:20 PM EST to exit/reverse the positions. All to the tick like clockwork. This HGCE remains tick accurate each and every swing in most markets every day.


Edited by DAVT

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Good day today 9/13/11. Sell at 14:30 PM EST 1170.25 ES, 11065 YM, 689.20 TF. All at same minute mark of 14:30. Then see picture of TF BUY at 15:20 PM EST to exit/reverse the positions. All to the tick like clockwork. This HGCE remains tick accurate each and every swing in most markets every day.


Well that pretty much explains it all. I get it now!! I wondered how all the pieces would fit together but I can see clearly now the rain is gone. All of the obstacles have disappeared, it's gonna be a bright bright sun shiny day, now that I've seen that. It's a lot to take in all at once but I'm up for the challenge.


There is no need for any more info as that picture coupled with those few sentences tell the whole story. On behalf of all of us here at TL, thank you! This will lead each of us to the next level in our trading education.

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This is not any lead to any commercial site and is definitely not any form of spam. I respect all the policies of the forum and abide by them. Holy Grail, current edition, revealed here. A respectable 2828.33% annual rate of return NET as verified by TF profit report attached. Now you can stop spending thousands to learn methods that only place you into the 93% of traders that do not make money in the day trading market, or if you are in the 7% making money, you can start making real, time worth spending, money. Please see 5 charts attached that show the last trade of 8/17/11 and the TS profit report for the TF trading chart shown and used. See DIA30C8171. It shows the real time blue arrow that came on 3 minutes BEFORE the next trading chart real time arrow on the TFC358171 chart. That shows the 1:43 PM EST bottom buy in the TF. TFMAT8171 shows the matrix buy of that signal and TFC58171 shows the market close exit of that trade 8/17/11 for $750 / contract in the TF on this last trade for 8/17/11. TFPR8171 is the TS profit report NET of the trading chart with a NET 2828.33% AROR before filtering it with the major market chart shown. This is only an example. (A $28,283.3 return for each $1,000 NET as verified by attached TS profit report) It works in most markets. All support/resistance lines are tick accurate and are on the charts before any trade signal is given, see charts. Looking for new friends.

Accountant says that 93% of all traders do not make money day trading. This method Never has lost money in any day in any tradable market. Where are all my new friends?

This is my latest day 8/18. See 4 posts of 15 minute TF with current TS profit report. A respectable 1053.90% AROR for the chart shown. (THIS IS BEFORE FILTER) Charts show the tick accuracy and profit even in a down market. This is before filtering as shone earlier. Only looking for friends and there is no commercial site, so if you are looking for that, look elsewhere.



alright, can your indicators and others in your repertoire beat my humble indicator as shown below in gold futures this morning....?


:haha: the blue triangle denotes long and the red bar denotes short....


just want to see if you have anything more accurate....? :missy:


am not a vendor and just post up this morning more for fun than anything else.... however, trades were taken on those signals this morning. :2c:


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alright, can your indicators and others in your repertoire beat my humble indicator as shown below in gold futures this morning....?


:haha: the blue triangle denotes long and the red bar denotes short....


just want to see if you have anything more accurate....? :missy:


am not a vendor and just post up this morning more for fun than anything else.... however, trades were taken on those signals this morning. :2c:


sorry, am not very good at posting pix, some parts were missing from the first pix.


hope everyone would enjoy.... and some may be inspired to even come up with some other kinds that would even out perform this elusive holy grail....


thx everyone and happy trading :deal:


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sorry, am not very good at posting pix, some parts were missing from the first pix.


hope everyone would enjoy.... and some may be inspired to even come up with some other kinds that would even out perform this elusive holy grail....


thx everyone and happy trading :deal:


tams, my trading friend from a distance land....


if you like, this pix is for you, K?


enjoy everyone and hope everyone made a bundle in your specialities today.... :shocked:



Edited by nakachalet

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tams, my trading friend from a distance land....


if you like, this pix is for you, K?


enjoy everyone and hope everyone made a bundle in your specialities today.... :shocked:


the pix shown below is on crude from noon to about 2 pm 2011-09-14 wed


the blue triangle going long, the red bar going short....


hope everyone enjoys the pix




Edited by nakachalet

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alright, can your indicators and others in your repertoire beat my humble indicator as shown below in gold futures this morning....?


:haha: the blue triangle denotes long and the red bar denotes short....


just want to see if you have anything more accurate....? :missy:


am not a vendor and just post up this morning more for fun than anything else.... however, trades were taken on those signals this morning. :2c:


a holy grail for gc on tuesday, 11/09/20


when i come across another holy grail, i shall obtain permission to post again.... :o


Edited by nakachalet
current trade included

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Today 9-27-11 the method gave a sell signal at 14:20 pm EST. 113.39 top sell line was hit to the tick (15 min) in the DIA and then a sell signal was issued at 113.42. The TF issued a sell signal same time on 691.90.and the YM issued a sell at 11288 same time. Yes, THIS METHOD remains tick accurate in real time on real time data. The Profit report posted was from real time data non optimized and NET.

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Today 9-27-11 the method gave a sell signal at 14:20 pm EST. 113.39 top sell line was hit to the tick (15 min) in the DIA and then a sell signal was issued at 113.42. The TF issued a sell signal same time on 691.90.and the YM issued a sell at 11288 same time. Yes, THIS METHOD remains tick accurate in real time on real time data. The Profit report posted was from real time data non optimized and NET.


That's Absolutely Amazing !!!


I thought you were supposed to tell us at 8:00 am this morning before the market opens.

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All signals are issued by the method REAL-TIME. There is no way the method knows when the market makers are going to turn the market until it happens real time and then the method issues the signals. I filter the signals with the major market signals. This all happens REAL-TIME and all trades must be made likewise. The real time profit report posted shows the NET profit on real time data non optimized if TS was trading the strategy automated. The "TOP SELL" line mentioned above is a visual aide that helps prepare trading timing for a no loss daily trading pattern. It also is placed real-time prior to the signals being issued real time by the strategy. This is independent of the strategy Profit Report posted and aids the real time profit results when traded manually. I have pressed the method to most limits in testing simulation real time and still could not produce a losing day with the method. The signals are just too accurate.

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You implicitly state in your opening post that you have no commercial intents. That said, I'm still trying to figure out why you started this thread. To share? Haven't seen that. To brag? Ok, seen plenty of great examples in hindsight. But again, why?

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Today a typical day, see posts. 2 profit reports from TF current today and a top sell signal just above the sell line that was on my chart before the signal was placed real time. Yes, profit reports are NET on real time data non optimized and not back tested. Just wanted to show the 93% of traders that are not making money in the markets, that the markets are readable and playable to the tick.




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Continuing great results from method. See TFMAT11151. It is the trade that went more than 4 and ½ points in the TF 11/15/11. Now I do not have to post the major market chart that had the 121.58 tick clearly marked on it, which it hit to the tick, because I already posted it “THE DAY BEFORE”. (Somewhere on this forum) 1341.38% AROR NET is the current TF trading chart profit report from TS real time data not back tested.

See TFC11161 and TFC111612. These are the 11/16/11 premarket bottom buy and top sell respectively off the real-time TF chart that gives the 1341.38% results today 11/16/11. Now I do not take all the trades it signals. I filter them with the major markets as I showed earlier. See my posts.

Now there may still be some die-hard pompous fools here who lack the intellectual capacity to understand the market. After all it is complicated, but that is OK. This method does all the work in understanding the market. It remains tick accurate on each and every swing of the market and has done so ever since I created it. I have “NEVER” had a losing day with it since it was created.

I have looked for years at hundreds if not thousands of other methods on the NET and have not seen one that even comes close to this method. I have talked to some of the best programmers who say that their personal best for decades of programming are perhaps 20% AROR. Why, because they all seem to program nothing but statistical flukes that regress to the mean with time, This method is completely different, It was designed to follow the market at the tick level and to the tick and it still does today on each and every swing of the market “TO THE TICK”. See my posts. It is simply the “GREATEST” method I have ever seen anywhere/anytime. HG???




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Well nice week for the HG Current Edition. Or is it a HG? Lets see. The ES is going at a 776.86% Annual Rate of Return NET. See Net profits from 1 contract (ES15RRntm11241). Among other things it shows on 11/24/11 a NET profit from 1 contract of $8,605.00 that was 31 winning trades of 31 placed trades or more than 172 NET points for the day. In case you think it only works on the ES, look at (TF15PRNTM11231) and (YM15PRNTM11241) which are the NET real time profits for the TF and the YM. TF is running at 884.12% NET Annual Rate of Return and the YM is running at 546.07% Annual rate of Return NET.

Now if the method stopped there, it might not be grate, but I filter with the Major markets for better returns, See (DIPREC111) that is used as a filter. All in all, it gets on average better than 100% NET Annual Rate of Return in most all futures markets, since it was created. It is tick accurate on most every swing of the market (See previous posts) and it remains so in most all market activity, since it constantly self adjusts in real time to stay current.

Now I am not interested in the dribble from "Pompous Fools", who think they know everything about the market, yet can not seem to understand simple market facts. But does anyone have an honest opinion on what a real HG is able to return NET consistently and do you think this might qualify? If you do not think it may qualify, than where is a method that is superior?

Now I started this, because I am trying to find any others who trade this way or want to trade this way. Since 93% of day traders do not make money in the market, I thought I might help some of them out, but there seem to be very few who want any help at all to get consistently better than 100% NET AROR in the futures market of their choice. So is there anyone who would like to help keep me company playing this HG CE??? That is if you think it may be a HG and you are not doing better. Now if you are doing better, that is ok too. I am open to all friendly company and even to anyone who would like to work with me to make the method even better.





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Doesn't any intelligent trader have an opinion on what might constitute a HG and weather you think this method may qualify? I had no intention of creating a HG. I only wanted a method that adjusted to the market real time and never lost money on a daily basis, (I succeeded) but after looking at a multitude of for sale products on the net, (none of which even come close to this method) I was wondering if I actually did. Thanks for all your interest and genuine support.

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Dude, I think you've found the HG, cash advance the credit cards and lever up, the good life is only a few months of no-loss trading away.


Doesn't any intelligent trader have an opinion on what might constitute a HG and weather you think this method may qualify? I had no intention of creating a HG. I only wanted a method that adjusted to the market real time and never lost money on a daily basis, (I succeeded) but after looking at a multitude of for sale products on the net, (none of which even come close to this method) I was wondering if I actually did. Thanks for all your interest and genuine support.

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Although your claim is highly improbable (to the tick), I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt. The reason is because I actually know a trader that has a scalping method on the TF that is profitable every single day (no joke) without a losing day and I saw everything firsthand including PNL. I've also heard of a method using footprints that can scalp to a few ticks accurate. In addition, I've seen some incredible methods that allows a trader to hold for longer runs with very good probability.


Currently, I trade a method that tells me when to hold for bigger runs and when to aim smaller and thus far, I have not met another trader that can match my performance size for size aside from that scalper, which never has a losing day. I cannot claim the same but my stats are that I will lose 1day/week on average. I know how to scalp and see all the set ups but will pass it up 99% of the time. I imagine that if I took them, my performance will be even better, but its not how I trade currently, its how I traded in the past.


I'm also looking for a few profitable traders to trade with and interact with during the market as I've put up a previous post. I do not reveal my method but if you can match my performance in real time, I'm willing to exchange methodology. I'm willing to give away my methodology that is consistently profitable if you can match or beat my performance in real time, not previous PNL. I trade the ES and will call out all my trades in advance both entries and exits. If you're willing to do the same, let's have some healthy competition.. My method has no indicators at all but the method is very clear.


Anyone game? PM me if you are.






Doesn't any intelligent trader have an opinion on what might constitute a HG and weather you think this method may qualify? I had no intention of creating a HG. I only wanted a method that adjusted to the market real time and never lost money on a daily basis, (I succeeded) but after looking at a multitude of for sale products on the net, (none of which even come close to this method) I was wondering if I actually did. Thanks for all your interest and genuine support.

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BTW-I know the exact TF scalping method as it was revealed to me in detail and can readily use it if I choose, but its not how I prefer to trade and does not resonate with me as much as my own method though its a proven method in my eyes. I will not share it out of respect for the trader that shared it with me, but its possible that he can choose to do so down the road..

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I said repeatedly that the method works in most all futures markets most all of the time and I was asked if it worked on days like 11/30/11 when the Dow went up several hundred points. The answer is yes. See posts. SP...... to start the move and DI... to end the move. The SP 30 min chart shows yellow support for the first swing and green support for the next. The red line is resistance. The real time buy signal came on just below yellow support and the real time sell arrow came on just above red resistance. Both circled. Then the market broke red resistance and then the 3 rd trade. The third circle is the buy for the 400 point + Dow rally. In other words the method works in most all futures markets most all of the time just fine and that is why I filter the trading with the major markets. That way I never have a losing day, including 11/30/11. The 3 trades here illustrate 3 of many profitable trades the method makes each day. It also shows start of move and end of move for the day. Both tick accurate. No it did not show the exact bottom tick to start the day, but, it was nearly to the tick on the close for both the ES and YM.120.39 was not broken.



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I have only seen one trader in my lifetime that did not have a losing day in a 2-3 month period, but far from not having a losing trade and def far from to the tick.


In my own trading experience, I find S/R to be a zone rather than an exact line. In addition, price responds to S/R differently in different types market conditions.


Since your method is so precise, can you give us a general thesis or premise of your method? It does not have to be detailed but I want to know the basic theory behind it. Do you rely on marketdelta for "tick accuracy" what's your risk parameter and how do you determine profit target? Do you enter 1 tick above below your S/R and etc?

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I said repeatedly that the method works in most all futures markets most all of the time and I was asked if it worked on days like 11/30/11 when the Dow went up several hundred points. The answer is yes. See posts. SP...... to start the move and DI... to end the move. The SP 30 min chart shows yellow support for the first swing and green support for the next. The red line is resistance. The real time buy signal came on just below yellow support and the real time sell arrow came on just above red resistance. Both circled. Then the market broke red resistance and then the 3 rd trade. The third circle is the buy for the 400 point + Dow rally. In other words the method works in most all futures markets most all of the time just fine and that is why I filter the trading with the major markets. That way I never have a losing day, including 11/30/11. The 3 trades here illustrate 3 of many profitable trades the method makes each day. It also shows start of move and end of move for the day. Both tick accurate. No it did not show the exact bottom tick to start the day, but, it was nearly to the tick on the close for both the ES and YM.120.39 was not broken.


I have yet to see an automated/mechanical method based on pattern set ups (including market delta) without a macro thesis, that is effective as more than a scalping technique. The reason holding is so hard for many is because they need to have a reason to hold other than just hoping for the trade to keep rolling to the next level.

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Today 12/2/11 I am going to show 8 pictures of the first trade of the day in the TF. 737.60 is the first entry with 737.50 being the bottom for the swing. Next entry is 738.00 with 737.80 being the low for the swing. First swing at 9:45 AM EST and second at 9:50 AM EST. Yes, the method is capable of handling any swing time frame that is tradable.

See TFMAT... 1 and 2 and corresponding TF charts TF35C... 1 and 2. See also TF5C... and YM15C... that are both taken at the same time as the buys. They show why I chose this time, along with the major markets, to place these trades. Now if you are wondering where they went to, see SP15C... and TF35C...3. A top tick sell/reversal at exactly 745.10 to the tick. SP15C... shows why I reversed at the 745.10 sell signal at 10:31 AM EST. This goes on all day long. Each and every day with no losing days so far. I do not know if you want to call this scalping or swinging. I call it trading like the market movers to the tick. It is just very, very, very profitable every day.

This is probably a HG by most criteria, but I will let the friendly, knowledgeable reader categorize the method for himself. I will stick to the facts of how it is traded each and every day for profit. No daily losses yet and there is a good chance that there never will as long as the market movers move the future markets this way.

Now if there is anyone who wants to help make a video of this and see a HG in action, please message me. It seems that there are a few who have never seen a HG in action before and may want to see one.









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