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Bar Countdown Timer

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Here is a count down timer for Easy Language that only works on an intraday chart. I hacked up that other code, and stripped out a lot of stuff. I got rid of a couple of function calls, and changed where the countdown display is located on the chart. I put it right next to the price bar. That's where I want it.


	{NAME:  	BarCountdownTimer

TYPE:	Indicator
Modified code originally created by	Bill Conley (AKA Kahuna)


AlertPct(15);  // (0->100) Change color when this percentage of the bar remains

TxtStr(""),		// Text String  
TxtID(text_new(date,time,close, " ")),		// Text Object Reference
dtEndTime(0),	// EndTime for Bar
dtTimeLeft(0),	// Time Left in Bar
dtBarTime(0),	// Total Time in Bar
BarLeftPct(0),	// Percent of Bar Remaining
MinDayInv(1/1440)	// One Min portion of day

{ Display Options }
cDispRaw(2),		// Option to display Time/Tick/Vol Values
{ Bar Types }
cMinute(1)		 	// Intraday (Minute) Chart

var: CntrHeight(0);

{== Initialization ===================================================}

once begin
	// Check for valid chart
	if BarType <> 1	// Intraday (Minute) Chart
	then RaiseRunTimeError(
		"This code only works on Intraday chart");
	if AlertPct > 100 or AlertPct < 0 then
		RaiseRunTimeError("The AlertPct input must be set between 0 and 100");
		// Calc Total Time for Bar
			dtBarTime = MinDayInv * BarInterval;

{== Calculations ====================================================}

LastBar = D = _LastCalcDate and T = _LastCalcTime;

if LastBar then begin // Only display in real-time
	Text_SetLocation(TxtID, D, T, (H+L)/2); // Set Text Location
	Text_SetStyle(TxtID, 0, 2) ; // Left & Centered 

	If BarStatus(1) = 2 then // BarStatus determines whether the bar is at open or close: 2 = close
		dtEndTime = ComputerDateTime + dtBarTime;			
	   	if dtEndTime <> 0 then begin
			dtTimeLeft = dtEndTime - ComputerDateTime; // Calc Time Left & Pct. Left
			BarLeftPct = (dtTimeLeft / dtBarTime) * 100;
			TxtStr = "      " + FormatTime("m:ss", dtTimeLeft); // Format the text
			TxtStr = "Syncing...";

	text_setstring(TxtID, TxtStr);

	if BarLeftPct < AlertPct then 
		text_SetColor(TxtID, Red) // Use Alert Color
	Else text_SetColor(TxtID, Blue);		


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It looks like TS version 9 has a new way to deal with forcing code to run, which affects countdown timers. Here is a new countdown timer.


{ _TimerExample4

v1.0	8 August 2011

Designed for TradeStation 9

This code is a simple bar countdown timer for minute bars.

using elsystem;

vars:	int TXID(0),

	IntrabarPersist Countdown_Text("  time"),

	IntrabarPersist mins(0), IntrabarPersist secs(0),
	IntrabarPersist mins_str(""), IntrabarPersist secs_str(""),

	IntrabarPersist Guess(true),


	Timer Timer1(null);

//This is the Timer event.  Note that we've seperated out the 'time left in bar' calculation,
// and the 'display text' calculation into their own methods.  And then we call them from 
// this event.  This is good coding practice.
method void Timer1_Elapsed( Object sender, TimerElapsedEventArgs args ) 
Calc_Time_Remaining();	//Calculate the amount of time remaining

Display_Text();			//Display the amount of time remaining

//Calculate the amount of time remaining in the bar
// This is reasonably complex, but isn't particularly relevant to how the Timer object works
// so you don't need to understand it
method void Calc_Time_Remaining()
//If its the end of a bar then set the countdown to the bar interval
if BarStatus(1) = 2 then begin
	mins = BarInterval;
	secs = 0;

	Guess = false;

	//We're turning the time off and on here just to sync it correctly with the bar end
	Timer1.Enable = false;
	Timer1.Enable = true;
//This is our first guess at the bar time, before we have a bar end to sync properly.
// It uses your computer clock to work out roughly how much time is left in a bar.
else if Guess then begin
	mins = BarInterval - Mod(MinutesFromDateTime(ComputerDateTime), BarInterval);
	secs = 60 - SecondsFromDateTime(ComputerDateTime);
	if secs = 60 then secs = 0;
	if secs > 0 then mins = mins - 1;
//Countdown our timer
else begin
	secs = secs - Countdown_seconds;
	if secs < 0 then begin
		mins = mins - 1;
		secs = 59;

//Set our Countdown_Text variable to the correct string
mins_str = NumToStr(mins, 0);
secs_str = NumToStr(secs, 0);
if strlen(secs_str) = 1 then secs_str = "0" + secs_str;
Countdown_Text = "  " + mins_str  +":" + secs_str;

//Display our countdown text
method void Display_Text()
Text_SetString(TXID, Countdown_Text);
Text_SetLocation(TXID, date, time, Close);
Text_SetStyle(TXID, 0, 2);

//This author uses 'once' to initialize objects.  Other authors may use 
// AnalysisTechnique_Initialize, or a component dragged and dropped from the 
// ToolBox.  All approaches are equally valid, they are just down to the 
// authors style.
//Create the Timer, set it to update every second, but don't start it yet
Timer1 = new elsystem.Timer;
Timer1.Interval = Countdown_seconds * 1000;
Timer1.Elapsed += Timer1_Elapsed;

//Create the text to display the countdown	
TXID = Text_New(date, time, close, Countdown_Text);

//When the first real-time tick arrives...
if GetAppInfo(aiRealTimeCalc) = 1 then begin
//...start the Timer
Timer1.Enable = true;

//Set the amount of time left in a bar at the end of every bar
if BarStatus(1) = 2 then begin


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I modified the above code. I didn't like the code trying to guess how much time was left in the first bar, so I removed that. And I added text coloring to make the counter red when there is only 5 seconds left in the bar. Also changed the display from the close to the HL2 so it's not jumping around as much, and added some spacing to push it further to the right of the bar.




{ This code is a modified version of _TimerExample4

v1.0	8 August 2011

Designed for TradeStation 9

This code is a simple bar countdown timer for minute bars.

using elsystem;

vars: TxtID(0),	IntrabarPersist DisplayTxt(" "), IntrabarPersist mins(0), IntrabarPersist secs(0),
	IntrabarPersist mins_str(""), IntrabarPersist secs_str(""),

	IntrabarPersist FrstCalc(true),

	Timer Timer1(null);

method void Timer1_Elapsed( Object sender, TimerElapsedEventArgs args ) 
Calc_Time_Remaining();	//Call Subroutine that calculates the time remaining
Display_Text();			//Call Subroutine that displays time remaining

//Calculate the amount of time remaining in the bar
// This is reasonably complex, but isn't particularly relevant to how the Timer object works
// so you don't need to understand it
method void Calc_Time_Remaining()
//If its the end of a bar then set the countdown to the bar interval
if BarStatus(1) = 2 then begin
	mins = BarInterval;
	secs = 0;

	FrstCalc = false;

	//Turning time off and back on to sync it with the bar end
	Timer1.Enable = false;
	Timer1.Enable = true;
//Countdown our timer
else if FrstCalc = false then begin
	secs = secs - 1;
	if secs < 0 then begin
		mins = mins - 1;
		secs = 59;
	DisplayTxt = "       " + mins_str  +":" + secs_str;
//First approximation of bar time, before end of bar sync.
// It uses your computer clock to work out roughly how much time is left in a bar.
else begin
	//mins = BarInterval - Mod(MinutesFromDateTime(ComputerDateTime), BarInterval);
	//secs = 60 - SecondsFromDateTime(ComputerDateTime);
	//if secs = 60 then secs = 0;
	//if secs > 0 then mins = mins - 1;
	DisplayTxt = "Syncing...";

//Set our DisplayTxt variable to the correct string
mins_str = NumToStr(mins, 0);
secs_str = NumToStr(secs, 0);
if strlen(secs_str) = 1 then secs_str = "0" + secs_str;

//Display our countdown text
method void Display_Text()
if secs <= 5 then 
		text_SetColor(TxtID, Red) // Use Alert Color
	Else text_SetColor(TxtID, Blue);
Text_SetString(TxtID, DisplayTxt);
Text_SetLocation(TxtID, D, T, (H+L)/2);
Text_SetStyle(TxtID, 0, 2);

//Create the Timer, set it to update every second, but don't start it yet
Timer1 = new elsystem.Timer;
Timer1.Interval = 1 * 1000;
Timer1.Elapsed += Timer1_Elapsed;

//Create the text to display the countdown	
TxtID = Text_New(date, time, (H+L)/2, DisplayTxt);

//When the first real-time tick arrives...
if GetAppInfo(aiRealTimeCalc) = 1 then begin
//...start the Timer
Timer1.Enable = true;

//Set the amount of time left in a bar at the end of every bar
if BarStatus(1) = 2 then begin


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