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How the Date Ties into Price.

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The 21 prices are for all year long everyday. They are the most powerful on the:

3,12,21 and 30th of each month, but are powerful everyday. If you noticed today the low on the British Pound was a 21# 1533; Crude bounced off a 21# a couple of times at 91.2

Low on TF was split halfway between 4 digit date and 21# 786.

Also Euro high was split between 2 digit date of 28 and 21 # 1326

When the #'s are clustered like that you will see the splits.


Also on a strong day if the market is moving up or down in one direction then it will go from one date or 21# through the next one without stopping and then find support or resistance at the one after that. That is exactly what happened today on the euro and the British Pound

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I have searched for reading material on this subject and have found none.

Gann was the only one that referred to time and price and 9's and he kept all of his information confidential to my knowledge.


I was shown this information and see it's relevance in all the mkts. I have looked at.


I am convinced that it is what black box systems use because the date would reflect different price levels every day. So it makes sense.


I did say there was more to it and it is for people far smarter than I am. Time especially cst since that is what the cme is on will reflect in the highs and lows. Such as the last two digits of the time will match the two digit date, or it will equal one of the 21#'s

such as 9:03 or some other time for that day. Again the calculations have to be made so fast that I see it only after looking back at it.


I wish I knew more. It is only the levels that I see everyday and how they will tie into the Floor Traders Pivots that keep piquing my interest. As I type this the es is at 1254=21 and the high on the euro is 1326=21.

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How do I use a date like 1/7/2010 ? What stock prices would be tied into this to be a change of trend ? I am not getting this all to well, but I get the point you're saying that the greatest change being the #3 or 21 not reduced ?


If you have written material that would be great................

I like the how the price and time are tied together, because I am working something similar but its really a lot different.


I have it that you use the time as your date would work ? :2c:


324.64 CME, and todays date 12/30/2010 ?

Edited by PQL111

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Let me try and address the questions. It can be confusing but once you understand it you see the mkts much clearer. First the question about 1/7/2010


The days that you would use these price levels on are 7, 16th and 25th of each month.

These dates are all separated by 9 and the latter two added together individually = 7

example: 1+6=7; 2+5=7


This is your two digit date price levels. So whatever instrument you are trading if the last two digits end in that price level then it may provide support or resistance. Now as I have stated earlier if you are trading a stock (which I dont trade stocks so I would only be guessing on price levels) or currencies or the YM you may have to omit the last digit on the right to get an accurate level or you would have so many price lines your chart would be cluttered up.


Lets say for example the YM (dow futures) was trading at 11070 on the 7th. Well trading would be easy if all price levels were on the exact date. So removing the last digit you would have 1107 as your possible support and resistance. It would be easier to mask these levels and keep them hidden from the majority of traders if on the 7th of the month the YM traded at 11160 or 11250 and so on adding 9's. Example 11340, 11430, 11520, 11610, 11700, 11790, 11880 and 11970. Now remove the 0 from the end and add the last two numbers together and you receive sums of 7 or 16.

This is how you get a two digit date. On the grains or metals or futures such as the ES or TF you do not have to remove the last digit.


So for 1/7/2010 your two digit date would be 7,16,25,34,43,52,61,70,79,88,97

Use these #'s next Friday on the 7th and see how they work.


Your 4 digit date is different because the total of the price will equal one of the above #'s.

Lets say you trade corn and the price is at 304.00 on the 7th. Add 9 to that and you get 313.00 which added together gives you 7 and also 16 and also 34. You keep adding 9's as the price goes higher or subtracting 9's if the price moves lower to get your lines for support or resistance.


I dont understand the question about 3 or 21 being reduced. I have seen that the #'s that equal 21 on the mkts. that are traded are powerful everyday of the week not just on the 3,12,21 and 30th of each month.


For example corn: 309, 318, 327 should always have lines drawn on them.

The YM would be 11460,11550, 11640, 11730 and so on.


The mkts have been dead the last couple of weeks so next week volume should pick up and you will have larger ranges and see the markets move off these levels.


On my charts I have 3 different colored lines for price levels. One for the two digit, one for the 4 digit date and then the 21# lines. Every mkt that I have looked at the price will move off of one of these levels or all of them at some time during the day.


I know it is hard to grasp at first that is why seeing is believing.


Good Trading!

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Hey Lakota, help me out here.


Treasuries and grains are killing me.


Why in god's name aren't these products being traded in decimals yet?

Who the hell trades nowadays in fractions? :doh:

OK, I confess that I trade them, though I've never noticed how some math can be tricky when dealing with fractions.


I've looked at the example you've done to johnpinochet for ZN (10Yr Note), but I'm not getting their :confused:

Have you been following it?


When prices move from 119 to 120 it seems the 9's get mixed up when drawing the lines on the charts.

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Grains look good. High on soy 1384 two digit date.

High on corn 4 ticks through 21# 624

Low on wheat 21# and high on wheat 7 ticks through 21 # at 795


Today was the first time that I looked at grains in months but my previous experience has always shown the date to work in those markets.


I have no idea on treasuries. The #'s are strange to me and are not easy to see. I am going to continue to watch them but I will not post any #'s on them as I do not have any confidence in seeing that market correctly.

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I posted the prices for Monday January 3rd on the blog.

The prices are the same for today. (3,12,21,30) I posted the grains and they were spot on today.

ES had a great cash high of 57 two digit date Not to mention the british pound and euro.


If there are any other markets you would like me to list just let me know. As long as I can pull them up with Ninja Trader charts there should not be a problem.

Have a great weekend and a Happy New Year.

Good Trading!

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Well three are an interesting natural number that 21/3 = 7, (7X3 = 21), 2+1 = 3 of which makes this number balancing with time strongly for a change. I could understand support and resistance around this a number like 21 and 3.

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Lakota, would you be so kind as to point me to your first post(s) regarding this technique? I've done some Gann stuff BUT I'm not familiar with the technique you are describing. Getting me to a post or page to understand this better would be appreciated.


"Gramps" is kinda out in left field this 1st day of 2011.


Tomazo M.

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Let me try and address the questions. It can be confusing but once you understand it you see the mkts much clearer. First the question about 1/7/2010...



Lakota, I just FOUND this in going back over this thread and it appears to answer my earlier question of where to find some info on this. "Gramps" is feeling more alert now. Thanx again for a different perspective on trading. Tomazo M.

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There is an another way. Alot easier way.


Stogie, what did you mean by the above?? Would you mind sharing this "easier way" with us?


Would greatly appreciate any input to make something easier.:bang head:


Thanx...Tomazo M (Pathfinder62)

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In philosophy and science black box theories have been proposed for various fields by various philosophers and scientists. Such a prominent theory is the so called "black box theory of consciousness", which states that the mind is fully understood once the inputs and outputs are well defined, and generally couples this with a radical skepticism regarding the possibility of ever successfully describing the underlying structure, mechanism, and dynamics of the mind.


[edit] ExampleIf we had a black box that we could not open, could not just "look inside" to see how it worked, all we could do is guess how it worked based on what happens when we do something to it (an input) and what occurs as a result of that (an output). If we put an orange in on one side, and an orange falls out the other. We can make educated guesses on what is happening inside the black box. It could be filled with oranges, it could have a conveyor belt to move the orange from one side to the other, it could even go through an alternate universe for all we know. All we can do is guess.


Every now and again something strange will occur that changes our understanding of the black box. Like if we put an orange in and a guava popped out. Suddenly our "filled with oranges" and "conveyor belt" theories no longer work and we have to change our "educated guess" as to how the black box works.


The black box theory is a fairly popular method to describe what psychology is like. We cannot open the mind and simply "peek" inside, we can only do something to the mind (show it something scary) and from the results guess what goes on inside.

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