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How the Date Ties into Price.

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I have been shown that the date is recurring throughout price action all day everyday and in all markets.

For example there is a 4 digit date and a two digit date.

It is painfully obvious in markets such as the es but harder to see in the YM. The YM has to be treated like an odometer in a car. The actual price will exclude the last digit on the right.

This is also true in the currencies and the dax. For example if the date is the 27th which it will be on Monday then the following #'s would act as support and/or resistance depending upon price movement.:


ES: 1242, 1251,1260 and 1269

Price 1251 is 27 added up as 15+12; 1242 is 24+2+1=27; 1269=12+6+9=27


YM for monday will be 11520 and 11430; The sum of these #'s equal 27 but remember it is without the last digit to the right. These numbers change everyday with the date. I hope this helps someone in their trading.


If you want to know the two digit date it is less complicated. Of course for Monday is 27.

Then it will be all #'s that equal 9; 27 (2+7=9)

36, 45, 54, 63 and so on. There is a ton more but hopefully this will help someone.

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OK, let's see if I understood you.


We add to the current trading day the number 9 to give us the S/R for that day.


Let's imagine the following dates for ES:


-> 6th = 6 + 9 = 15...

... 1239, 1248, 1257, 1266, 1275...


-> 13th = 1 + 3 = 4 + 9 = 13...

... 1237, 1246, 1255, 1264, 1273...


... and so forth...


Is this correct?



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That is exactly correct. You have it figured out. Now that is the 4 digit date.

You will use your example for the dates of the 6th, 15th and 24th of each month.

Your other example of 13 is correct and will be used on the 4th, 13th, 22nd and 31st of

each month


You will also discover that 3-12-21 and 30 is the most powerful and that all markets will use these as highs, lows or retraces every day and not just on that corresponding day of the month. For example 1209, 1218, 1227 and so on.


Monday is the 27th so you should also mark your two digit date #.

These will be the last two digits so you would mark for example on the es

1209, 1218, 1227, 1236, 1245, 1254, 1263, 1272, 1281, 1290, 1299

and see how the market reacts around these #'s


I usually mark the 4 digit date on markets with a colored line and then the two digit as another color.


Let me know how you see it on Monday. As I said works on all markets.

All Market profile is are these #'s. Especially 21 #'s but if everyone knew that no one would pay for the stuff everyone is selling.

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I posted all support and resistance prices on my blog I just created under LakotaTodd

I have never blogged before but it should work.

Anyway I will post these each day and you can see how the mkt responds to them.

The nice thing is you have these #'s way in advance and not some yahoo trying to sell you something telling you after the fact that it was support or resistance.


Examples so far at 1:45 am Monday morning in Texas:

Low sunday night on es 1145=2 digit date. Remember goes in 9's 18,27, 36, 45, 54

and all those numbers equal 9; High Monday morning so far 1251 is the 4 digit date

12+15=27; So if we go lower next 4 digit date is 1242 and then 1233 (remember 9's)


TF: Low sunday night 783 is the 4 digit date; High is 786 which equals 21


YM low sunday night 11455; Remember currencies, dax and ym are like odometers. You have to take off the far right # so 1145; and 45 is the two digit date.


Cool Stuff and once you see it then it is an "A HA" moment

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Please see attached image.

Is this correct?


If so, what about lowering the steps? Instead of 9, what about 4.5?

Not all days are high range days, and lowering the steps would make us more aware of intermediate price zones.


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If that was a chart for the 21st of December some of the lines are not correct.

I have not thought about going to 4.5. I dont know if it would work only because I did not make this stuff up. It is Time and Price as Gann said. "When time and Price come together change is inevitable" Time being the date for me. And as far as I have seen it goes in 9's. The 21st on the es would be as follows for 2 digit: And you would use this information not only on the 21st but on the 3rd, 12, 21 and 30th of each month.


3, 12, 21, 30, 39, 48, 57, 66, 75, 84, 93


So each # added together equals a # in this segment. For example 12(1+2=3)

Your price action on the 21st according to your es chart would have possible reversal points at 1254 and 1245 because added together they equal 21. This is considered your 4 digit date because the sum of the 4 #'s equal your date. Also 12+54=66

12+45=57 those are all #'s in the two digit date.


The market found support or resistance according to your chart on both of those #'s.

The two digit date in that range would have been 1257, 1248, 1266

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I just pulled up a chart on the euro and marked my lines.

Everything looks great but remember your 4 digit dates will always be 9 away from your next 4 digit date. And your 2 digit date will always be 9 away from the next two digit date.


Also 21 as I said is the most powerful and I leave these up on my charts everyday no matter what the date is. So on the euro today and everyday 1317 is a 21#. That is the current high (1.3168) 1+3=4+17=21.


The two digit date is 1318; Lower would be 1309 and higher would be 1327


The 4 digit date is 1314 which is the retrace right now.

The next 4 digit will be 9 away 1305 or 1323


The next 21 line lower is 1308 or higher being 1326

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Now you've lost me :confused:


You said that 2 digit for the 21st is:


3, 12, 21, 30, 39, 48, 57, 66, 75, 84, 93


But I do have those on my chart for the 21st:


1239, and 1248 (yellow lines)


I don't have the 1257 because the market didn't even touched the 1254 price.


OK, see EUR image for the 21st.


By the way, how do you measure Crude Oil?


When I mentioned lowering the step to 4.5 I wasn't making up a number.

4.5 is half of 9.

According to what some "Gann specialists" say, Gann never waited more than 45 minutes for a trade to be confirmed. If after 45 minutes the trade hasn't gone anywhere he would be out of it.


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Sorry I said some of your lines are incorrect. Not all of them. The ones that were incorrect on the ES for the 21st:

2 digit line at 1241 is incorrect

you have 1245 labeled as 2 digit but it is actually 4 digit

You also had 1246 and 1247 marked and they are not 2 or 4 digit dates.


This euro chart you have attached for the 21st is exactly right.

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Crude is like the ym and currencies. Remove the right digit for clarification.

So 2 digit is 18 (9, 18, 27 and so on)

So the high was two digit date. 918

Also the next ones below or above will be 927 or 909 for the date/price.


Always leave 21 lines on chart. that will be 912 for crude, 921 and 903.


Now you have come to something interesting. You have no 4 digit date because there is not 4 digits. Just like the russell or TF you have 3 digit dates that work. but when your price starts with 9 then two digit and 3 digit are the same. Hope that is not to confusing.


I dont know about 45 minutes for trading. I also know that Gann never revealed his secrets. Although he talked about square of 9's and this may or may not be it but all of the other gann wheels and square of 9 calculators that i saw were only intended to separate you from your money. They never worked. This works everyday. And it is Free.

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OK, let's see if the Crude chart is correct.

The 2 digit some how confused me a bit on Crude and higher or lower than $90.



I think you've wrongly read December's 21st on the ES chart.



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Yes I did not realize you had the days separated as you showed on crude. I thought it was a 2 minute chart consisting of 1 day.


On the crude I am looking at a 2-11 contract because that is where all the volume was shown on barchart.com


91.80 is the 3 digit date/price

9+18=27; The far right digit is irrelevant.

90.90 is the next 3 digit down (it is 9 down from 918)

then 90.00 is the next 3/2 digit date down.


As I said something I always leave marked is the 21 lines.

So on crude it is 91.2 (9+12=21)

then 90.3; That decimal will throw you. think of it as 903, 912, 921 and so on

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Can you give me an example for Crude below $90

I'm having difficulty in understanding the 2 digit when prices trade below $90.


Thanks for all your knowledge.

These numbers mixed with a couple of others, the open range, pivots, and overnight range produce very interesting trading areas that can be exploited for simple trading setups.

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On crude for todays date 2 digit below 90 would be:



881 keep going taking 9 off each time eventually you will hit 827 with

27 being todays two digit date obviously.


3 digit is close to two digit below 90


891 (18+9=27; oe 19+8=27, also all the 3 digit dates equal 18



keep taking 9 off to get your 3 digit date support and resist lines.


Tomorrow the lines will only change by a point; on crude two digit date will be

801, 810, 819, 8(28), 837, 846, 855, 864, 873, 882, 891


Tomorrow 3 digit will be 901, 892, 883


Emphasis always being that 21 #'s are always relevant and that is where crude is now 912

below that is 903, 894, 885 and keep subtracting 9

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I don't think you've mentioned how to deal with the 28th and the 29th since 2+8 =10 and 2+9=11. :confused:


Confirm if for GBPUSD we have 2 digit at 1.536 and 1.545, and 4 digit at 1.539 and 1.548.

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Yes you have the right #'s for the BP and that was awesome on the two digit.

I just pulled the chart up and saw it.

The #'s for the 28th I mentioned in the post above with crude. Just take the 8 off the front.

The 2 digit #'s for the 28th will also be used on the 1st, 10th and 19th of the month.

They are as follows:

1, 10, 19, 28, 37, 46, 55, 64, 73, 82, 91


Then for the 29th

2,11,20,29,38,47,56,65,74,83 and 92

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I just posted to my blog LakotaTodd all the two digit prices for tomorrow as well as the 4 digit pricing for some of the markets. If there is a mkt. that someone needs help with just let me know and I will pull it up.

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Yes the date will work on stock prices as well as the 21#'s

Such as 71.4, 72.3, 73.2 and so on. Those are constants. Obviously the date would change daily. Again the last digit on the right would be omitted to show the price with clarity.

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I have always been confused on the pricing on notes because I receive two different readings. I have never traded them. What I can see is that the first 5 digits from left to right are the digits with the most relevance.

Meaning that the high of 12037 is the 2 digit date.

If you look at my blog then you know that the #'s go in 9's

and that it is 19, 28, 37 and so on.

12000 is a permanent 21 # and the next one up is 12090

and down from that would be 11910 which is what s1 appears to be


For the next 2 digit date (that moves in 9's) down appears to be 11928

and then the 4 digit date appears to be 11926


I am going to keep the chart up and watch, hope that helps some. Again they are harder for me to see at the current time.

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