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Tradestation Disconnects - Solutions Anyone?

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I'm running Tradestation and have it connected to Ninjatrader/Interactive Brokers.


It has been suggested already that I give Multicharts a shot - which I'm planning on.


In the meantime something happens with Tradestation that for me is kinda shocking - given they don't have a solution. They advertise all over about their strategies and how TS can auto-trade your strategy. What they don't tell you is if you lose your internet connection - maybe it goes down, maybe your wireless drops the connection with the router for a bit, or even the router hiccups -- that Tradestation will not automatically reconnect - in fact it will pop up the username/password box again. Which kisses goodbye your automated trading as it sits there waiting for a long -- which means you have to nurse it or you could be in for a shock.


Now, at the time same time, Ninja and IB recognize that it goes down but both have no problem reconnecting as soon as the internet comes back online and it detects it -- haven't seen any issue with that.


Called Tradestation - they say if the problem was on their server causing the disconnect it will retry the login but if it was on my end as described above - out of luck. Seems crazy that this is the answer - how can one auto trade and not be right there monitoring it with this answer?


Anyone have a solution? Something that would alert me if it happens? Something that could log it back in?



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how can one auto trade and not be right there monitoring it with this answer?


Autotrading does NOT mean UNATTENDED trading. You must be present with your strategy/computer for many reasons. By the way - there are alarms which can trigger if/shen a disconnect occurs. Search the TS forum.

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Anyone have a solution? Something that would alert me if it happens? Something that could log it back in?




Auto trading seems flavour of the month. Personally I would not trust any of the off the shelf solutions unattended. Far too many things to go wrong, personally I'd want it running in a rack in a data centre somewhere.


I have never used strategy runner but if you can code your strategy in there language you can run it on a brokers sever (if you pick one thats supports strategy runner).

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You can also have a programmer write a small application you can run that would just check to see Tradestation is logged in like every couple of seconds, and then if it detects not, it would just put your password back and login. Probably take a good programmer an hour or two at most and wouldn't take much system resource.

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Dear StevenSJC:


If you check the TS forum you will find that many are having the same problem "waiting for data." It happened to me the last 2 days in a row, with different versions of TS. The exact same thing happened in the summer of 2008 with higher volumes than TS can handle. I remember the day when Freddie and Fannie went down 50% then bounced back about 95% of the way. TradeStation couldn't handle the data flow.


Is anyone else having problems with their data provider currently, or is it just TS?


I've been with a couple of other brokers/platforms and never had this kind of problem with them. I've read that LightSpeed also has the same problem. I'm seriously going to look around now, after trading full time 2 years with TS. Since I've invested time and money into learning EasyLanguage, obviously MC is an option.


TS does have an auto re-connect feature. Today and yesterday, it reconnected within a second. However, the charts were waiting for data which never arrived. I had to completely reboot the PC. Automated strats normally trade off the charts. Therefore, no chart data = no trades, even if you're already in one.

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Right, with TS it does reconnect, or should if the drop is on their end.


I think the issue he was having was if his internet dropped for even a few seconds and TS disconnected, it will not automatically reconnect - instead it pops up a username and password field. That's why I use a small program that checks TS all the time, and if it notices the box is up, will force the login.


Metatrader for example, if your internet drops, it of course disconnects as well but it always reconnects when your internet is back -- a bit of a mystery to me that a freebie platform has no issue with that but a paid platform that pushes hard their auto trading features does not also do this. Yet you can have someone write a small piece of software in an hour to do it. I don't get that at all. Seems to be a big oversight.


The other thing of course is working with Ninja and trying to keep everything in synch -- if all your solutions aren't connected at the time of trade execution you could have a whole world of problems.


It certainly calls into question turning your computer into an automated trading machine that spits out cash like an ATM. Wait, now I sound like an advertisement for a plugin :)

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I should post this question about TradeStation's data. Have any other (besides TS) platforms/data providers had latency or disconnect problems the past month? I saw on another forum that ZenFire's data hasn't been great of late either. (I had previously only heard praise for ZF.)

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check your anti-virus,

some people are running multiple anti-virus and multiple firewall on the machine.

they can be causing some of the "disconnect" problems.

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I should post this question about TradeStation's data. Have any other (besides TS) platforms/data providers had latency or disconnect problems the past month? I saw on another forum that ZenFire's data hasn't been great of late either. (I had previously only heard praise for ZF.)


This past week May 17-21 has seen a dramatic increase in transaction volume as Time and Sales literally scream by. May 6th was the start of the huge volume. I have approached each open with fewer workspaces and charts open ... and reduced the number of indicators I have displayed using "Update Intrabar" to a minimum.


I have NOT had one disconnect or slowdown. My charts are updated in sync with Time and Sales and the TS 8.7 I use has kept pace perfectly with the action.


I am based in Toronto and I believe my connection was through a TS Chicago server although sometimes it could be TS Texas.


My computer does not have any antivirus on it - it is strictly used for trading and does not get updated through the cumbersome Microsoft update process. I have the bare minimum of additional programs on it and with a Quad Core and 4GB Ram it remains as fast and crisp to use as the day I got it about 1 year ago.


To trade for a living you must use the best tools you can within reason.


As to whether TS should or should not reconnect after an Internet disconnect is not an issue for me because I will never trade an automated strategy without being present and watching it perform, unless I am just testing it on simulator.

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bakrob99 - you make a very good point especially about using the best tools possible. I know for me that meant purchasing a computer that was from a company that builds systems for traders. While I didn't get why it would be better than all the Dell's and HPs I had over the years I've simply never had a more stable computer. It is something to think about once someones account grows if you cannot do it upfront. I think running XP is about as stable as you can get -- forget Vista and I don't know if there's enough experience yet with Win 7 - maybe there is some feedback on that.


You do mention:


"As to whether TS should or should not reconnect after an Internet disconnect is not an issue for me because I will never trade an automated strategy without being present and watching it perform, unless I am just testing it on simulator."


And, you're right - can be very risky but let's face it, half the ad campaigns play this part up. With that said, I've used TS for about 10 years and wouldn't consider changing despite the occasional hiccups. There is no perfect solution but for me this has been close.

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I have a similar Quad CPU trading setup, even a 30,000 RPM Velociraptor hard drive. I have 2 high-end gaming video cards with 4 large-screen monitors. I've been having problems all month with TS 8.6. I also have TS installed on a duo-core CPU backup computer. My primary trading computer is only used for trading, without a bunch of junk installed on it.


ScubaSteve did a post on the May 5th internet change-over regarding packet delivery in the TS forums. That may be a problem,


The TS Dallas servers are apparently down and I was again diverted (from Texas) to an emergency backup server beginning with 72. at their FL facility. It's not listed in the Network Preferences tab.


Here's a posting from Quark today about data delivery:



He's been around TS quite a while.


I'm glad that TS is working well for you. It's been freezing for me, even without RadarScreen and all the bells and whistles that I usually use. It behaved better today and just burped once that I know of, in the opening 1/2 hr. But the volume was lower overall.


If one is having data problems with TS, one could buy the "OwnData" software to facilitate a backup data source. Of course, that wouldn't help with order execution.


Hopefully TS can get things back to normal soon.

Edited by trade-samarai
added a positive message

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Thanks for that update on what is happening over TS.


Let's just hope this gets resolved. I know they put out a new version (8.8?) just recently - not sure if anything with that addresses this. I tend to avoid going to their newest release usually weeks or even months later since usually the additional features I don't need and I like to know it's stable before moving.

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I've been running unattended on TS for about 1 year without any issues. TS does reconnect if they are quick outages. Nevertheless, I do use a second fail-over internet connection. This can be done easily and cheaply using a cell phone data modem hooked into a dual wan router:


MBR1000 Mobile Broadband 'N' Router | 3G/4G Wireless Router | Cradlepoint Technology


for $40/month on Verizon, I have redundancy.

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I'm running Tradestation and have it connected to Ninjatrader/Interactive Brokers.


It has been suggested already that I give Multicharts a shot - which I'm planning on.


In the meantime something happens with Tradestation that for me is kinda shocking - given they don't have a solution. They advertise all over about their strategies and how TS can auto-trade your strategy. What they don't tell you is if you lose your internet connection - maybe it goes down, maybe your wireless drops the connection with the router for a bit, or even the router hiccups -- that Tradestation will not automatically reconnect - in fact it will pop up the username/password box again. Which kisses goodbye your automated trading as it sits there waiting for a long -- which means you have to nurse it or you could be in for a shock.


Now, at the time same time, Ninja and IB recognize that it goes down but both have no problem reconnecting as soon as the internet comes back online and it detects it -- haven't seen any issue with that.


Called Tradestation - they say if the problem was on their server causing the disconnect it will retry the login but if it was on my end as described above - out of luck. Seems crazy that this is the answer - how can one auto trade and not be right there monitoring it with this answer?


Anyone have a solution? Something that would alert me if it happens? Something that could log it back in?




If you are doing automated trading and letting it run alone, wouldn't have a battery backup regardless of who you are using?:crap:

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Actually what was being described had nothing to do with power outages. Another issue, and really much easier solved like you mention with a UPS.


This was literally internet occasional glitch can lead to a disconnect in Tradestation that it does not cause itself, and it has not built in ability to reconnect. It only reconnects if there's a Tradestation data network issue -- if it is related to your internet even for a few seconds it can disconnect and not reconnect on its own.

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Heard about this problem with TS again and again. I use AmiBroker with Interactive Brokers, trading automated and never have a problem. Occasionly, IB will hiccup on providing data, but it reconnects real fast. I trade mostly 5 minute charts, but I get price updates every 20 seconds. IQ DTN feed is also great if you need superfast data. I used them for over a year and they are very inexpensive and provide a great real time data feed.

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I'm running a remote virtual dedicated server at GoDaddy dot com for about 80.00 US a month (they are cheaper if you go for a longer term than month to month) to run some auto strategies that I've been programming and testing with TS for the exact same reason. You need the internet and power redundancy if you are going to run anything auto. This also helps eliminate or at least greatly reduce data disconnects, which are obnoxious at best, totally destructive at worst!



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Good point - redundancy is something as traders we never think about. Is the internet up? Great. That's usually it.


Until it goes down and we use every profanity in the book and panic.


Small steps can even help. Always keep the phone number to your broker at your desk just in case. Seems basic right? Can't tell you how many times in 15 years when I've had an outage I have had no way to get the number easily - the internet was down after all. Keep the darn number in arms reach so you can get out if needed by calling.


A back-up internet - these days with the 3G and now 4G networks you can easily do this for $30 - $40 a month with a wireless card -- get it and then you can also travel with it and get other use for it - -but a must have for an active trader.



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I just within the last few days started getting tons of data disconnects. If this keeps up I won't be able to run TS on auto. Problem seems to be on TS's end, disconnecting all the time. For a company who's "claim to fame is auto trading this is a real disappointment and something they should have worked out a long time ago. i'm pissed.

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That was always kinda my point - if you play up auto trading in your advertising so much then you should have the tools/connections/back-up to handle it. Even if the hiccup is on my end the platform should be perfectly capable of reconnecting itself - it's not - I had a 3rd party small app that tests the connection every few seconds and if not connected logs me back in. Seems crazy I had to have that done. But, it works.



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I just within the last few days started getting tons of data disconnects. If this keeps up I won't be able to run TS on auto. Problem seems to be on TS's end, disconnecting all the time. For a company who's "claim to fame is auto trading this is a real disappointment and something they should have worked out a long time ago. i'm pissed.


The problem is NOT w/TS. It is with your setup.


It can be that your firewall and anti virus software have not been set to not scan and allow the proper TS .exe files. It can be a slow machine or most probably it is a connection issue.


I run as many as 8 different workstations all running different TS accounts. They are all quad core chips w/8 gigs of ram and with 1 cable connection at 50 mps and one 5 mps dsl connections ported through a load sharing router and get nor than a couple disconnects per month, and sometimes none.





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I hope I am not interrupting anything .. the heading of this thread had something about Black box systems in it, so I thought I might just ask a question:


has anyone tried a robot system called CopyPastePips?


not trying to open up a can of worms about how bad they all are .. I've got to where I feel that one way of losing money on Forex is as good as another .. hence my question.


108 winning trades in a row .. money back garantee & all that .. just asking, thanks.

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