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Which Language to Use for Global Variable ?

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Which language is used for Global Variable ?


Which software do we need to use this script below ?


Microsoft Developer Studio = Visual Studio ? (google research)


Can we use an other one ?


Do I ask tooooo many Many questions at a time :)




# Microsoft Developer Studio Project File - Name="GlobalVariable22" - Package Owner=<4>

# Microsoft Developer Studio Generated Build File, Format Version 6.00

# ** DO NOT EDIT **


# TARGTYPE "Win32 (x86) Dynamic-Link Library" 0x0102


CFG=GlobalVariable22 - Win32 Debug

!MESSAGE This is not a valid makefile. To build this project using NMAKE,

!MESSAGE use the Export Makefile command and run


!MESSAGE NMAKE /f "GlobalVariable22.mak".


!MESSAGE You can specify a configuration when running NMAKE

!MESSAGE by defining the macro CFG on the command line. For example:


!MESSAGE NMAKE /f "GlobalVariable22.mak" CFG="GlobalVariable22 - Win32 Debug"


!MESSAGE Possible choices for configuration are:


!MESSAGE "GlobalVariable22 - Win32 Release" (based on "Win32 (x86) Dynamic-Link Library")

!MESSAGE "GlobalVariable22 - Win32 Debug" (based on "Win32 (x86) Dynamic-Link Library")



# Begin Project

# PROP AllowPerConfigDependencies 0

# PROP Scc_ProjName ""

# PROP Scc_LocalPath ""





!IF "$(CFG)" == "GlobalVariable22 - Win32 Release"



# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 0

# PROP BASE Output_Dir "Release"

# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "Release"

# PROP BASE Target_Dir ""

# PROP Use_MFC 0

# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 0

# PROP Output_Dir "Release"

# PROP Intermediate_Dir "Release"

# PROP Ignore_Export_Lib 0

# PROP Target_Dir ""



# ADD BASE MTL /nologo /D "NDEBUG" /mktyplib203 /win32

# ADD MTL /nologo /D "NDEBUG" /mktyplib203 /win32

# ADD BASE RSC /l 0x409 /d "NDEBUG"

# ADD RSC /l 0x409 /d "NDEBUG"


# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo

# ADD BSC32 /nologo


# ADD BASE LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /dll /machine:I386

# ADD LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /dll /machine:I386 /out:"C:\Program Files\TradeStation 8.0 (Build 1869)\Program\GlobalVariable.dll"


!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "GlobalVariable22 - Win32 Debug"



# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 1

# PROP BASE Output_Dir "Debug"

# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "Debug"

# PROP BASE Target_Dir ""

# PROP Use_MFC 0

# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 1

# PROP Output_Dir "Debug"

# PROP Intermediate_Dir "Debug"

# PROP Ignore_Export_Lib 0

# PROP Target_Dir ""


# ADD CPP /nologo /MTd /W3 /Gm /GX /ZI /Od /D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "_MBCS" /D "_USRDLL" /D "GLOBALVARIABLE22_EXPORTS" /FR /YX /FD /GZ /c

# ADD BASE MTL /nologo /D "_DEBUG" /mktyplib203 /win32

# ADD MTL /nologo /D "_DEBUG" /mktyplib203 /win32

# ADD BASE RSC /l 0x409 /d "_DEBUG"

# ADD RSC /l 0x409 /d "_DEBUG"


# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo

# ADD BSC32 /nologo


# ADD BASE LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /dll /debug /machine:I386 /pdbtype:sept

# ADD LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /dll /debug /machine:I386 /out:"C:\Program Files\TradeStation 8.0 (Build 1869)\Program\GlobalVariable.dll" /pdbtype:sept




# Begin Target


# Name "GlobalVariable22 - Win32 Release"

# Name "GlobalVariable22 - Win32 Debug"

# Begin Group "Source Files"


# PROP Default_Filter "cpp;c;cxx;rc;def;r;odl;idl;hpj;bat"

# Begin Source File



# End Source File

# Begin Source File



# End Source File

# End Group

# Begin Group "Header Files"


# PROP Default_Filter "h;hpp;hxx;hm;inl"

# Begin Source File



# End Source File

# Begin Source File



# End Source File

# Begin Source File



# End Source File

# End Group

# Begin Group "Resource Files"


# PROP Default_Filter "ico;cur;bmp;dlg;rc2;rct;bin;rgs;gif;jpg;jpeg;jpe"

# Begin Source File



# End Source File

# End Group

# Begin Source File



# End Source File

# End Target

# End Project

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GlobalVariable22 is a dynamic-link library (DLL) that can be used to extend the functionality of the EasyLanguage®.

It was written for TradeStation, and is supported by MultiCharts.


For more information, you can see the description here:




An extension DLL can be written in any of a variety of programming languages,

including C/C++, Delphi, and PowerBASIC®.


The code you posted is a Microsoft Developer Studio Generated Build File, (aka Microsoft Visual Studio)

most likely for a C# source file.



To compile the C# source code, you can download the Visual Studio "Express" edition, which is free from Microsoft.




Edited by Tams

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Hi Tams, aaa,


Just a quick update to the info provided. According to this Makefile, the GV DLL was built using C++ and the Microsoft Foundation Class (MFC). C# is structured around the .NET framework. But yes, one of the Express additions can be used but for any new projects I would move off MFC as it is outdated imo.

Edited by ochie

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Hi Tams, aaa,


Just a quick update to the info provided. According to this Makefile, the GV DLL was built using C++ and the Microsoft Foundation Class (MFC). C# is structured around the .NET framework. But yes, one of the Express additions can be used but for any new projects I would move off MFC as it is outdated imo.



thanks for the note.


sharp eyes... I missed the MFC.

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p.s. if you use Code tag instead of Quote tag, you wouldn't get the funny face. :\



this is wrapped with Quote tag:


/out:"C:\Program Files\TradeStation 8.0



this is wrapped with Code tag:

/out:"C:\Program Files\TradeStation 8.0




p.s. I have to tell James about the extra blank spaces.

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A DLL’s can be written in any of a variety of programming languages,








Do I have to inclued these 2 one ?



Microsoft Visual Studio


Are they others ?


freeware ?


text Editor (ultraEdit ?)?

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A DLL’s can be written in any of a variety of programming languages,








Do I have to inclued these 2 one ?



Microsoft Visual Studio


Are they others ?


freeware ?


text Editor (ultraEdit ?)?




from post #2

To compile the C# source code, you can download the Visual Studio "Express" edition, which is free from Microsoft.



you can also use QBasic or FreeBasic. Both are free.


FreeBASIC compiler (a free BASIC compiler) - official page - News [en]


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no Tams I'm not talking about compiler


But about Software for write a new programm compatible with Global Variable


I 've understood that after we have to compile it with eventually a free compiler like



Visual Studio "Express"

or FreeBasic

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no Tams I'm not talking about compiler


But about Software for write a new programm compatible with Global Variable


I 've understood that after we have to compile it with eventually a free compiler like



Visual Studio "Express"

or FreeBasic



each language comes with its own editor.

most (all) of them include something called IDE.. Integrated Development Environment

it is an editor and compiler combination.


e.g. MultiChart's PLE (PowerLanguageEditor) is an IDE, you write the code, and compiles the code with it.



or you can start with a plain text editor.

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A DLL’s can be written in any of a variety of programming languages,








Do I have to inclued these 2 one ?



Microsoft Visual Studio


Are they others ?


freeware ?


text Editor (ultraEdit ?)?


I'm confused to ask again that question...


You are so helpfull...


Would you mind to tell us the one You know the best, you like the best ?


It could be a could indication for his possibilitie/qualitie/compatibiliy (rtc..) because you look to be an excellent programmer


or the one is the easiest for my level of programming ?


Think that I will spent millions of hours to learn it, so it is very imprtant for me to make the right choice


My aim?


Write a dll for Globalvariable


That's all

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I'm confused to ask again that question...


You are so helpfull...


Would you mind to tell us the one You know the best, you like the best ?



it is not a matter of which one you like...

but which one you are trained on.


Different languages are simply different ways of doing the same thing.



or the one is the easiest for my level of programming ?


none are easy...



but all is not lost.


MOST people who use GlobalVariable DO NOT write their own DLL.

There are a lot of routines around.

Please go back to the GV thread to read the doc again.

Your requirement might be easily met.




Edited by Tams

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I would agree with Tams. Before you spend "millions of hours" learning how to write global variables, you should be asking yourself why. There may be a valid reason that you can explain to us here, but to write Tradestation strategies you probably do no need to do that, but simply use them.


For example in one window I could set a global variable that I call pos_quantity concatenated with the symbol name in which I hold the position quantity open. The code fragment would be something like:


ReturnCode = GVSetNamedInt("Pos_quantity" + CurrSymbol, OpenQty);


So if I bought 1000 IBM shares this would create a global variable called Pos_quantityIBM, which would have a value of 1000.


Now that I have done this I could pick up the quantity of IBM shares anywhere from any window and use it in a calculation


I could for example set a variable called open_qty in code something like:


open_qty = GVGetNamedInt("Pos_quantity" + currsymbol,0);


This means that you can store symbol specific variable information for use across different windows in Tradestation - very powerful stuff.


So I think you should first follow Tam's advice and read up on how to use GVs and you may find that you don't need anything more than that



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Different languages are simply different ways of doing the same thing.


Yes, But which one could do my thing, considering my aim + possibility ?




Let me try to explain better my "view"


I"ve studied ADE, made some indicators and realized that, now, in xxth 09, I don't need this tool


No problemo


May be in xx month I will use it because now it's a part of my knowledge




Now I wish to know if I need GV in my trading


If not, No problemo


May be in x month I will use it because it will be an other part of my knowledge




I've read the GV's doc and charlton's example is perfect


Thanks Charlton for taking from your precious time to try to help me/us with such a brillant example




There may be a valid reason that you can explain to us here,


Let me try to explain it...


One of my actual project is to do a stuff like this


Build an external software to pilot indicators in MC




Build a floating toolbar with a slider which change in RT the lenght of an average via a GV


It needs


a programming software for the toolbar


A dll as in interface build with a programming software


Am I right ?

Edited by aaa

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Different languages are simply different ways of doing the same thing.


Yes, But which one could do my thing, considering my aim + possibility ?




Let me try to explain better my "view"


I"ve studied ADE, made some indicators and realized that, now, in xxth 09, I don't need this tool


No problemo


May be in xx month I will use it because now it's a part of my knowledge



Most people make use of standard tools within the core of the package they are using whether it is Multi-Charts or Tradestation or whatever. You turn to "extras" that might be available for more advanced programming only if there is something vital you must do where the standard tools won't suffice.




Now I wish to know if I need GV in my trading


If not, No problemo


May be in x month I will use it because it will be an other part of my knowledge

Who knows ? It depends on what strategies you want to code and how complex they are. Can they be coded using standard tools e.g. indicators or do you need to resort to more complex stuff.


If you are making repairs to your house, you don't go and learn how to plumb, how to do electrics, how to lay carpets, how to do carpentry etc etc FIRST unless you want to become an all-round handyman. You normally start with a NEED and then find appropriate tools to fulfil that need.



I've read the GV's doc and charlton's example is perfect


Thanks Mister Charlton for taking from your precious time to help me/us


Notice in my examples I was not trying to create globalvariables.dll files. I used the existing one that comes with Tradestation and used STANDARD Easylanguage commands to put values into/take values from globalvariables.




One of my actual project is to do a stuff like this


Build an external software to pilot indicators in MC




Build a floating toolbar with a slider which change in RT the lenght of an average via a GV


It needs


a programming software for the toolbar


A dll as in interface build with a programming software


Am I right ?

I still don't get your aim. Are you trying to provide programming services to others to build trading systems ? If that is the case then I can understand why you want to learn all sorts of programming techniques.


Or do you want to be a trader and to try to automate your strategies ? If this is your aim then write out our strategies in English in logical steps and then attempt to code them using just the standard Easylanguage commands. If there is some point at which Easylanguage does not do what you require, then it may be necessary to use GVs.


You gave the example of building a floating toolbar to change the MA length. Is that really necessary ? In Easylanguage I would use a standard input variable to change such a value and then don't need any external tools at all.


If a pretty floating toolbar is essential then, yes, you will need to do lots of programming outside of Multicharts or TS, because you are then building a platform rather than using one.



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...I'm ... talking about ...

.. Software for write a new programm ...



that's why I always ask people to make a mock up...


LOL, I think I see what you want...

you want to build a HUD like UrmaBlume's. Is that right?




You should try Microsoft's Visual Studio.

pls note: The Visual Studio is NOT one thing... it is a suite of "things"... a WHOLE NEW WORLD...

with connections like an octopus... not just to MultiCharts or TradeStation,

but to the web, to your database, and to the outside databases... and beyond.


You should go and download it first... most of it is FREE

try it out, play with it...

there are LOTS of free tutorial on the web

there are LOTS of free examples

there are LOTS of tools and toys and whistles to add on...

I think you will like it.


but still, I think you should make a mock up of what you want.



Edited by Tams

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You gave the example of building a floating toolbar to change the MA length. Is that really necessary ? In Easylanguage I would use a standard input variable to change such a value and then don't need any external tools at all.


I trade in 1 minute interval, so evrything is fast, very fast, with a lot of stress


I have an other software which does that (it's amazing, believe me)


A slider to change in Real Time the lenght of an indicator seeing the result interactively



With TS/MC it's like this


opening a window (1 clic)


enter the new value (2 digits)


close the window (1 click)


realize that it doesn't suit


and do it again and again until it match


No way in 1 minute interval !

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I trade in 1 minute interval, so evrything is fast, very fast, with a lot of stress


I have an other software which does that (it's amazing, believe me)


A slider to change in Real Time the lenght of an indicator seeing the result interactively



With TS/MC it's like this


opening a window (1 clic)


enter the new value (2 digits)


close the window (1 click)


realize that it doesn't suit


and do it again and again until it match


No way in 1 minute interval !



you can do that with the clock icon in 3 clicks...





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I like this kind of humour Tams:haha:


I like you, as I'm sure everybody does on this site






In 1 mn we can hear the click of the others traders not in 2 or more interval


Have you ever traded in 1 mn interval ?


We can feel the arterial pressure of the "body market"






Have U heard about


" Bad maximal opposite excursion <=> Maximal favorable excursion" ?



I have only stress during the x first minutes/seconds of the " bad opposite excursion " of the trade


When starts the "favorable excursion", I relax :missy:



If I use a dayly interval I will have stress during x long and terrible days of the " bad opposite excursion ",


I will sleep bad, will eat bad, will s... bad :embarassed:


until I will enter in the favorable excursion


Edited by aaa

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I like this kind of humour Tams:haha:


I like you, as I'm sure everybody does on this site






In 1 mn we can hear the click of the others traders not in 2 or more interval


Have you ever traded in 1 mn interval ?


We can feel the arterial pressure of the "body market"



I trade the HSI...


it is fun, you should try it.


(if the volatility does not kill you, the trading hours will... LOL)







Have U heard about


" Bad maximal opposite excursion <=> Maximal favorable excursion" ?



I have only stress during the x first minutes/seconds of the " bad opposite excursion " of the trade


When starts the "favorable excursion", I relax :missy:



If I use a dayly interval I will have stress during x long and terrible days of the " bad opposite excursion ",


I will sleep bad, will eat bad, will s... bad :embarassed:


until I will enter in the favorable excursion




this thread might help...





the brutal reality is,

a bad method will always yield bad results...


"bad" including drawdowns, stress, indecisions, uncertainties, on the wrong side of the market... etc.,


it is not worth the trouble in the long run.


the only way to get good results is to stop practicing bad methods.





Edited by Tams

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Watch out chinese, we never know what they think!!



I've made a good cool short 2 hours trade this morning


I've reached my objectif today


and Now I relax


listening nice music ;)


watching what the Australian surfeur is trading




I'm afraid that we are far away from the topic of this thread


I suggest these threads


"How to trade with a Raisonnable Stress "




"Nietzsche Trading or the difference beetween good & bad "




I will post the formula to compute the eRatio on


Looking Beyong PnL - MAE/MFE


this WE


Good day



Edited by aaa

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Is the project possible ?


Is it the right way ?


Do we need a GV *.dll ?


Is VB8 Xpress able to create a floating window slider + DLL compatible with GV ?


Is GV strong (no crash of MC) ?

(I've noticed that ADE is fragile)


If we move the slider, will it makes moving the average in RealTime ?

or shall we have to refresh the screen each time (ctrl+R) ?



Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition




Edited by aaa

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I have a question regarding your project. How extensive is your knowledge of Visual Basic? The reason I ask is DLL to EasyLanguage communication is usually done through Win32 native APIs. Imo, this is not easy to accomplish in VB without having to create a specially designed “wrapper” function. Out of the box VB along with C# and Java generate intermediate code for cross platform applications whereas you need to generate OS specific code. C/C++ is usually the language of choice for your type of application. This is all just my opinion and others may have a different take.

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the brutal reality is,

a bad method will always yield bad results...


"bad" including drawdowns, stress, indecisions, uncertainties, on the wrong side of the market... etc.,


it is not worth the trouble in the long run.


the only way to get good results is to stop practicing bad methods.


I'm not the one whom can give lessons to anybody,

above all to the respected and beloved by all



above good & bad (Nietz.) there is an other world of perception


My credo is that Stress is not good or bad but the engine of our actions


Without Stress

We don't wake up in the morning to find food

Halas They are beautiful garden waiting for us


Positive Stress is the source of inspiration

Negative one can kill us


How to find the middle way ?

What are the limits of reasonnable Stress in a MAE ?


the stop we decid is the limit

having a 1.000.000 $ or a 100$ can be the limit of 2 people


Where is the one whom never had a reasonnable stress in a MAE ?


This morning my negative balance started to rise up to -900$

My entry was perfectly legitimate and I was in the right sense of the market

but the market decided in a huge V to explose the stops


A pix of my beloved daugter is on my desk and my heart was bitting fast when I was looking at her


Was it because I am a bad trader or is it because my system is bad ?

No I'm only an human beeing with responsabilities


And the market finally went down

I had No happiness but concentration to follow my trade

I was prepared/used to that and have fixed a limit to my tolerable stress according with my money management


Where is The one who knows always where the market is going and never has stress ?


Please, Give me his method $$$$$

Oh no, don't !

May be after I will not wake up in the morning


Halas they are wonderfull joy in the trading I will miss


Peace & Love



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