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Text on Chart

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First yes i am kamakazy i forgot my password for this account and also had no work email for a week so i had to start a new username, soz for any confustion!!!


I am entering text onto my charts but would like to know how to control the style of the text as its to small and too close to the candle to really see!


I would like to make a little bigger and maybe a different colour and bold if poss?





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First yes i am kamakazy i forgot my password for this account and also had no work email for a week so i had to start a new username, soz for any confustion!!!


I am entering text onto my charts but would like to know how to control the style of the text as its to small and too close to the candle to really see!


I would like to make a little bigger and maybe a different colour and bold if poss?







I doubt you "forgotten" your password, because you were making new threads to ask the same questions with both handles. Since you "admit" you were the same person, I will let it go.


You sound like a smart person, because you ask these questions to make all kinds of analysis. But if you want to move forward, you really need to pull up your socks and do some readings, because some of the questions you ask are too basic -- I don't repeat things that can be look up in a manual, unless it involves the application of certain keywords in a special way.

Edited by Tams

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i promise i did forget my details, im no lyer im forgetfull and sometime lazy which is my main prob i had my pc on autologon for months then deleted forms and cookies and passwords.


At the time i needed an answer and just though re-sign up is easier!!


I have been coding for years on websites and had no trouble really but sometimes i feel like easy language could make my nose bleed.


I am finding it easier now and will be posting up all my code soon, my main problem is i work from 4 pc's and a laptop so i ask these questions which are in my head and then the PC with Tradestation is not with me or i have emailed my self a snipet of code.


This site is the best site on the net for all of this but i just really find the tradestation manuals a nightmare sometimes to comprehend.


thanks again for all the help!

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for the benefit of MultiCharts users:


MultiCharts has more text manipulation capabilities than other EasyLanguage programs.


You can get the additional keywords here:

MultiCharts / Online Help & Tutorials

--> download the handy standlone interactive dictionary:

PowerLanguage Reference Guide (.CHM format)


or check into the built-in dictionary in your PowerEditor.

Edited by Tams

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Hello again


I have come quite far with this text on chart stuff but would like some help please!


I have put together some code which is now putting text on the chart away from the cadle but still looks wrong!


I need a way to point or make is clear what candle its pointing to !!


im using this code


OffsetBottom = OffsetBottom+OffsetInput;
ID = Text_New(D,T,L-OffsetBottom, "LONG");
Value2 = Text_SetColor(ID ,yellow);
Value3 = Text_SetStyle(ID,1,2);


This plots the word LONG near the cadle but its not clear which one!




Is there an easier way or am i doing it wrong?





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soz basically im trying to put a DOT below or above a candle


I have read this is done using a showme study which may work


I tried just a stadard plot this just ploted a line from each candle!


if Value1 > Value1[1] and barColor <> barColor[1] then begin




king of like this






could you point me in the right direction please?

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Hello again


I have come quite far with this text on chart stuff but would like some help please!


I have put together some code which is now putting text on the chart away from the cadle but still looks wrong!


I need a way to point or make is clear what candle its pointing to !!


im using this code


OffsetBottom = OffsetBottom+OffsetInput;
ID = Text_New(D,T,L-OffsetBottom, "LONG");
Value2 = Text_SetColor(ID ,yellow);
Value3 = Text_SetStyle(ID,1,2);


This plots the word LONG near the cadle but its not clear which one!




Is there an easier way or am i doing it wrong?








can't read your mind... you have not described what you want to do,

nor have you illustrated what you want in your chart.


what does your chart illustrate ?

-- what you want to do? or,

-- what the code is doing, but not what you want?

suggestion: use the Paint program to write some note on it,

and to draw some lines and arrows to point to exactly where you want your "highlights".


one of the biggest stumbling block people encounter in programming is ---

they have not articulated WHAT they want to do before they start coding.

i.e. you must have clarity in what you want before you can instruct the computer to do what you want.


my suggestion -- follow these steps religiously :

1. write out your logic one step at a time,

2. write out your logic one thought at a time

3. write out your thoughts one action at a time

4. write out your actions ONE LINE AT A TIME


you will see yourself much clearer this way.

Edited by Tams

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soz basically im trying to put a DOT below or above a candle


I have read this is done using a showme study which may work


I tried just a stadard plot this just ploted a line from each candle!


if Value1 > Value1[1] and barColor <> barColor[1] then begin




king of like this






could you point me in the right direction please?



the dot is only a plot format.


go to Format Study


under the Style section, select type.

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I have added this code to add text to my charts at a specific point which works grat but i want to distance the text a specific distance from every candle it plots too!


textval = Text_New(D,T,L-Range*0.5, "Stop:" );

textval = Text_New(D,T,L-Range*1.3, "Target:" );


Obviously the rage is different everytime so all distances are different


I tried


textval = Text_New(D,T,L-0.5, "Stop:" );

textval = Text_New(D,T,L-1.3, "Target:" );


which did not work


how can i set a distance without haveing to use Range*0.5

Edited by chrisleonard

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You had a post about how to label a bar with the ATR of that bar on the chart, but it seems to have disappeared during the time I was setting up a reply to you.


Anyway for what it's worth I have coded up a really simple example based upon the couple of lines of code you had in that message





ID = Text_New(D,T,L-3, "test: " + numtostr(H,3) );

Value2 = Text_SetColor(ID ,yellow);

Value3 = Text_SetStyle(ID,1,2);


In this case I am simply adding the high of the bar after the word test using the numtostr function. In your case you would place the variable containing the ATR value in the brackets. The 3 refers to the number of decimal places you want to display.


The result is shown in the picture




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sorry i thought it was ok but the text does not appear on my chart if i put -3 after Low


this works fine but the text is too clost to the candle!

ID = Text_New(D,T,L, "test: " + numtostr(H,3) );

Value7 = Text_SetColor(ID ,yellow);

Value8 = Text_SetStyle(ID,0,0);


this displays no text


ID = Text_New(D,T,L-3, "test: " + numtostr(H,3) );

Value7 = Text_SetColor(ID ,yellow);

Value8 = Text_SetStyle(ID,0,0);


sorry to be a pain!

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The format of this function is shown below


Value1 = Text_New(BarDate, BarTime, Price, "MyText")


Price is a numeric expression representing the price value at which to anchor the text object


In my particular example using $INDU I am placing the text at $3 below the low of the bar. Remember this is just an example to illustrate how to put a numeric value into the bar text.


I would imagine in your case that using -3 has placed the text so far down the chart that it doesn't show up. If you want to place the text at a fixed point below the low of the bars then you have to adjust the -3 to be a value that is appropriate to the prices shown on the bars.


So for example if you changed it to -0.3 it would bring the text closer to the bar. You just need to look at your chart and decide on an appropriate figure.


That is why your original code used "range", because it looks at the high - close of the bar and sets the distance based upon that. This means that as you move through the chart in time the distance of the text from the bar should adjust to reflect the scaling used by TS on the price axis. If however the scaling is fairly constant during the timeperiod you are looking at then you can use an appropriate fixed space.



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wow thats some really informative help there buddy and has helped me greatly!


Now im very intregued by how you displayed the value there using numtostr is there a way i could turn a value like 0.00650 into 65??





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wow thats some really informative help there buddy and has helped me greatly!


Now im very intregued by how you displayed the value there using numtostr is there a way i could turn a value like 0.00650 into 65??





Multiply it by 10000 first and then apply numtostr and choose 0 decimal places



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2 things.


Is there a clever way to get the the text to stay just below the bottom of the cadle as the range sometimes puts it really far away i only want like a small gap at the bottom but it must be the same no matter what im trading!




because the dicimal place changes with most instruments is there another way to change the decimals each time?


when im trading forex its 6 decimals but when im trading oil its only 2 so i have to either make an input or change code!!


here is what i use now


ID = Text_New(D,T,H+Range, "Stop: " + numtostr(ATR*decimal+5,0) );

Value7 = Text_SetColor(ID ,Red);

Value8 = Text_SetStyle(ID,2,0);

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2 things.


Is there a clever way to get the the text to stay just below the bottom of the cadle as the range sometimes puts it really far away i only want like a small gap at the bottom but it must be the same no matter what im trading!


I already explained to you in two previous posts on 18th Sept, how to place it a set distance from the bottom of the candle e.g. L - 0.01. You have to experiment with the figure



because the dicimal place changes with most instruments is there another way to change the decimals each time?


when im trading forex its 6 decimals but when im trading oil its only 2 so i have to either make an input or change code!!


here is what i use now


ID = Text_New(D,T,H+Range, "Stop: " + numtostr(ATR*decimal+5,0) );

Value7 = Text_SetColor(ID ,Red);

Value8 = Text_SetStyle(ID,2,0);


The easiest way is to to have an input called for example dec_places. You set this up with 6 for forex. Save the code as, for example, forex_indicator, You change the input to 2 and save this code as, for example, oil_indicator. When you set up your charts just insert the appropriate one and then you won't need to change your code or the input.


If however you want just one indicator and for it to automatically pick up the correct decimal places you will need to incorporate your ID line in an IF statement along the lines of





ID = Text_New(D,T,H + 0.000003 , "Stop: " + numtostr(AvgTrueRange(14)*1000000 + 5,0 ));


If you don't want to specify each currency pair then you could use:


if CATEGORY = 12 then

ID = Text_New(D,T,H + 0.000003 , "Stop: " + numtostr(AvgTrueRange(14)*1000000 + 5,0 ));


The numeric id of the FOREX category = 12.



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