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Zen Fire Pivot Points

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I was previously using Sierra Charts with the Transact DataFeed. I noticed problems with missing data in the charts and realized that the Transact datafeed is unreliable. Since then, I have switched to Ninja Zen Fire. I am unable to figure out how to set pivot point parameters with Zen Fire. Has anyone had the same problem? Any suggestions?

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I was previously using Sierra Charts with the Transact DataFeed. I noticed problems with missing data in the charts and realized that the Transact datafeed is unreliable. Since then, I have switched to Ninja Zen Fire. I am unable to figure out how to set pivot point parameters with Zen Fire. Has anyone had the same problem? Any suggestions?




The Infinity AT trading platform & associated TransAct data provide real-time unfiltered tick data. Our data is also completely free for live customers - no matter how many exchanges you connect to. Believe me when I tell you there are only a select few that offer data this good. Most offer bundled, filtered data, and most are not direct connect. Again if you were having problems with your data the best course of action would be to ask for help. Give me a call or PM me and I will try to help you.


Best regards,



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Maybe now, Tom, but Infinity had many problems with their data, that calling someone wouldn't have helped with. See the Sierra Charts boards re: that. Actually, as of this month SC is having to patch people's data due to missing TA data. And fwiw, when I signed up I was only given access to certain symbols, though you're a business, and I imagine it costs you if I access more. Also, one can't get market internals, nor, I believe, a continuous contract. All things that you could work on it improve your service, imo.

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Maybe now, Tom, but Infinity had many problems with their data, that calling someone wouldn't have helped with. See the Sierra Charts boards re: that. Actually, as of this month SC is having to patch people's data due to missing TA data. And fwiw, when I signed up I was only given access to certain symbols, though you're a business, and I imagine it costs you if I access more. Also, one can't get market internals, nor, I believe, a continuous contract. All things that you could work on it improve your service, imo.




Let me throw in my two cents worth. I have been trading live with Infinity for over 2 years. Before that I was with IB & Tradestation. The AT data feed is a REAL TIME data feed and the best in the business for my money. It is not a historic feed, it is not a charting service. I actually get my realtime data from Infinity and use DTN for historic backfill - whole thing costs me all of $25 per month. It makes me happy.


See, I like AT because I trade live. I've used Ninja, TT, ONYX, RAN Order, X Trader, and AT is a better EXECUTION platform than any of them IMO. I trade live with AT & chart with MarketDelta. There is limited backfill with AT and I'll grant you that, but I didn't sign up with Infinity to sit at a computer screen all day and look at historic charts.




People that only chart and demo don't consider the execution side of the equation. Because i trade I want a platform that sends my stops and limits directly to the exchange. I want a platform that rarely goes down. And I want to be able to contact my broker if I need to, and have him pick up the phone. That's what I get with Infinity.





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I have been trading live with Infinity for over 2 years. Before that I was with IB & Tradestation. The AT data feed is a REAL TIME data feed and the best in the business for my money ...

See, I like AT because I trade live. I've used Ninja, TT, ONYX, RAN Order, X Trader, and AT is a better EXECUTION platform than any of them IMO ...

People that only chart and demo don't consider the execution side of the equation. Because i trade I want a platform that sends my stops and limits directly to the exchange. I want a platform that rarely goes down. And I want to be able to contact my broker if I need to, and have him pick up the phone. That's what I get with Infinity.


I agree. While the bulk of my trading day trading stocks, I do trade futures for my own account, and for a long time I had traded only futures. My personal futures trading account has been with Infinity for some time now. Infinity has hands down been the best all around futures broker, and Infinity's AT platform is hands down the best I have used, and I too have tried those mentioned by Jean.


My broker is Josh Harris, and his partner is Patrick Zielbauer. These guys always answer the phone, and it is very common for Josh to respond to my emails within minutes, even if I send an inquiry on a Sunday!


I wouldn't trade futures anywhere else.


I very seldom recommend any vendor of any sort of service. But infinity is the only broker that has ever earned my loyalty.


Best Wishes,



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Thanks for the feedback. And I too like the trading platform, and the pricing. Neither I, nor the OP, nor Tom from Infinity, were talking about that, nor about historic backfill, Jean. And no, TA is not a charting service, but their data feeds it. And then you say that you get your data from Infinity?! No, you get it from TransAct, which is the point of the OP; they're data.

In just the past few weeks there have been complaints of missing data - Intraday, live, futures data. Zenfire and DTN are also unfiltered, and every bit as fast, but also, to my knowledge, without problems such as below. Most of what Jean and Thalestrader raved about was the trading platform, cost & cust. service. That isn't what the OP nor I were talking about. Some examples of people experiencing the same thing as the OP, just from the Sierra Chart board:


Gap - Sierra Chart - "The data gap between 15:52 - 16:04. I´m TransAct user. What happened?" and he includes a chart. "The data has now been restored. Apparently this was a TransAct issue. Please delete and refresh again."


missing data - Sierra Chart - "around 10am es data stopped. it's back up now but data is missing. i try delete/refresh but still doesn't fill in the data" "There is a gap with TransAct at that time. It will be patched later on today."


missing data - Sierra Chart - "I'm missing 2 bars on my minute charts. I Have done the right click ...delete and refresh data. No effect. Bars still missing. Transact data feed."


FDAX & FESX live data problem - Sierra Chart - "I am not getting live feed of FDAX and FESX on SC this morning (London Open) although I am getting those feeds on my Infinity platform. Can you check this please?" "Apparently TransAct had a problem and the data is missing. We will work on patching it..."


NOTICE: Missing Transact Symbols and Historical Data - Sierra Chart, from SC Admin themselves - "Once again for unknown reasons the Transact system is not providing access to all available symbols Sunday evening." This ended up being that TA servers were down for 6 hours.


And there were reportedly problems at rollover time, for 2 weeks. Now, I understand that nothing's foolproof, but when I read claims of perfection, and that TA is better than other non-bundled data such as zenfire, TT, DTN, I just felt it necessary to respond. TA had a lot more problems several months ago, but they upgraded their server a couple months ago, and there are apparently still problems.


I know many traders using zenfire and they swear by it, and haven't heard one complaint of it dropping bars, or going down for 6 hours.

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Oh yeah, one more thing. Jean's comment that she wants her orders sent to the exchange, not sitting on her computer? I recalled an email in my trading group a few months ago about that. Turns out Amp Futures filed a complaint with the NFA after they got ahold of a transcript of a call between an Infinity broker and a trader wherein the broker claimed that AMP didn't send the orders to the exchange. That's false; I'd say "needless to say", but apparently it isn't, as it seems that Jean heard that line, too, and believed it.

Now, I won't paint Infinity with that, as it may have only been the one broker. But what a coincidence then that that was the same broker who apparently spoke to Jean, too.

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I would refer you to my response to TLAs post. The allegation you refer to is completely false. There was never any complaint filed by the firm you mentioned and anyone is free to check the NFA website to confirm. That incident never happened. My guess is that the post was by some anonymous poster on another website slinging mud. It happens. Having said that this thread should be about Zenfire which I actually think is a great data feed and have said so in the past. Thats all - I'm gone.





Edited by Infinity_Tom

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I'll take your word for it, Tom. Though the person I heard it from wasn't anonymous, he's in my trading group. Perhaps his source wasn't good, though. I do find it interesting that Jean specifically mentions that as a reason for her decision. Not something I'd pull out of the air if I hadn't been specifically told it by someone with regards to the advantage of their service over another. Perhaps I'm out-of-the-loop in this regard, but I don't know of any futures brokers who don't send them right to the exchange. In fact, don't most (all?) brokers not even interact with the order? Aren't they sent directly to the exchange from the user's computer?

Sorry if I got my facts wrong on the NFA matter, and feel free to correct me if I'm wrong regarding this, as I'm sure you know more about it than I. Thanks for your input!

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To answer your question you need to keep in mind the different order types and how they are handled. As far as I know Market Orders & limit orders are sent immediately to the exchange but certain platforms might be faster at getting orders to the exchange than others. It all has to do with software and routing technologies.


Stops are handled differently. Some firms choose to hold stop orders on their own stop servers. They wait until the stop order is triggered and then send the orders to the exchange for execution. The potential problem would be failure to execute an order if the stop server went down. You also might experience more slippage on a stop order being sent to the exchange for execution vs a stop residing natively at the exchange.


When I say "direct connect platform" I am refering to the handful of platforms that send all order types including stops directly to the exchange where they reside until canceled or filled. (AT, Zenfire, TT, are examples)



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This is largely thinking out aloud but wont orders (even market orders) need to be routed via the brokers servers to look at margin and other compliance requirements? of course where resting orders sit depends on implementation (one would assume that exchange native orders would reside at the exchange). Again they would need to go via brokers servers for compliance checking stuff.

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Thanks for the input, guys. As I typed that, I thought of Blowfish's comments, too, but I recall reading at IB that some were, or could be, sent direct to the exchange. Now, maybe it's after they "look at" the order for margin issues, etc. And indeed it's only certain order types that exchanges handle, as I know that IB has simulated order types for those that they don't.

And thanks for pointing out those other direct connect platforms, Tom, some of which Jean referenced having used, when stating that Infinity was great because they were a direct connect. I guess she didn't specifically say that those others weren't, though.

And I hope you do get whatever's causing the data issues straightened out. And again, I'm just basing that on those threads I referenced in my prior post.

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I use volume bar charts for my trading and for the past 2 months have been using Zen-Fire with Ninja. It's a fantastic feed. The reason I had to switch was because infinity's data was noticably incorrect as far as printing volume bars. Infinity's price was always right, it ticked away along with zenfire's but when and where their volume came in was abnormal.

So I ran zenfire along side infinity and tradestation. Infinity was the odd man out hands down. On a 1000 volume bar chart infinity would give me a bunch of 'candles' that looked like this - - - meaning 1000 contracts fired of at that one price only. Granted this happens but I was getting a abnormal amount of them. ZenFire printed proper candle looking candles, body, tail, etc. And when watching the time and sales there's no way the volume bar should have printed like this " - ".

Like I said, price data is spot on. Volume is definatly off and possibly tick.

I use infinity AT as my trading platform and love it. They're a great crew over there. I need very reliable volume though for my charting.

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I made the same comparisons between Tradestastion and found that Zen Fire was superior in data and also trademanagement. Pleaqse share any Ninja Trader info you have found to be usefull.:missy:

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Hallo guys

I wonder how to connect zen-fire and tradestation.I'm using owndata vers.2.7with the zen-dll and a demo account from zen-fire.It works perfect in ninja trader but I could not connect owndata to it , I always get "market data connection broken" no matter what I try.

Has somebody of you a step by step explanation how to do this?




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do you realize you can't get bckfill with zen and ts anyway? It's not the best combination. I was able to get it running just fine. Did you enter the symbol correctly? If you bought a legit copy of owndata the customer support should be able to troubleshoot you. If you're not then I guess you get what you pay for.

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do you realize you can't get bckfill with zen and ts anyway? It's not the best combination. I was able to get it running just fine. Did you enter the symbol correctly? If you bought a legit copy of owndata then customer support should be able to troubleshoot you. If you did not then I guess you get what you pay for.

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Perfect answer that helped a lot thank you very much


Well what did you expect really? I see it all the time, a newbie comes in, got his hands on a copy of pirated software and then instead of searching google for an answer, just post here for someone else to do all the work.

Newbie's want all free stuff and someone else to do all the work. That is, by the way, one of the habits of highly ineffective traders.


If you purchase the software then I guarantee customer service will solve your connection problem.


Maybe using pirated Tradestation and pirated owndata isn't the best idea for someone new.

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I would appreciate some kind of respect .I remember such guys as you we had at school long time ago, and I know why I would never meet them again.

This is a forum where people help each other in a civilized and positive way.:cool:

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I would appreciate some kind of respect .I remember such guys as you we had at school long time ago, and I know why I would never meet them again.

This is a forum where people help each other in a civilized and positive way.:cool:


I would have given you a bit of respect if you had of, in your original post, said I searched google, I tried their suggestions, I contacted customer support and tried their suggestions and still can't connect. Then I would have been more inclined to take a 1/2 hr to write out proper connection procedure for what you're trying to do.

I'll tell you what, if you follow my above suggestions and still can't get it fixed then I will get you setup and running.

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