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Trendline (EasyLanguage)

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Thats odd AAA the code you posted should run once a day! It should not slow things down.


It's OK over 1 mn chart (5, 15 etc...)


Could you try on a 1 mn chart, wait 1 hour and resize the graph multiple times and let me know if it' OK ?


Multicharts rasterisation had always been snotbag slow,


I'm new with MC and it's true that resizing is not as fluent as other softwares


I use 2 screens 1920 x 1200 and I thought it was hard for GPU to manage all pixels


The best is that nevere ever I crashed MC eventho it turns 10 hours a day

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I've just status on the indicator


resizing 3 times with the mouse on the price scale and moved down 4 times with the pad


and now the screen is frozen during 10 seconds each time I move up or down


Now status off


And it's OK with a "normal" 1-2 seconds delay resizing

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I think that I've found


I recompile the indicator and now it's OK


May be the last compilation crashed ?


Anyway, thank you for your patience

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For those interested with problems with MC


(If I'm out of subject, please send me a private message and I will ask to the moderator to erase them)


I've made a 2 weeks ghost and now MC is quicker to redraw rasters/screen


As a detective I'm wondering if these upgrades programms since my ghost was guilty



Office2007 SP2

ATI driver


IE8 was in conflit with a soft

Office SP2 crashed badly and I had to reinstall from the CD

ATI drives the rasters...


Yesterday I had 280 Mo free space left on my C: with a 1 Mo pagefile


After "ghosting" I had 2.2 Go free space


What happened with the 1,92 Go ?



I am ghosting, (with a diary of EVERY changed done) since 8 years and it's a nice way to keep a computer safe and resolve problems.


I hope that I've helped with this message

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How to change the width of a trendline





Assigns the specified width to a trendline with the specified ID number;

returns a value of 0 if the line width was successfully assigned,

and a value of -2 if the specified trendline ID number is invalid.





TL_SetSize( TL_ID, LineWidth )



TL_ID - a numerical expression specifying the trendline ID number

LineWidth - a numerical expression specifying the trendline width;

trendline width can range from 0 to 6





A trendline-specific ID number is returned by TL_New when the trendline is created.





Assign the width of 5 to the trendline with an ID number of 3:


Value1 = TL_SetSize( 3, 5 );

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This example is from the Trendline Automatic indicator.


I have added user configurable trendline width.

The added code is highlighted by: {<--- added line}






This indicator:
(1) INSERTS DnTL's/UpTL's connecting each new SwingHi/SwingLo with the next most 
   recent higher/lower SwingHi/SwingLo within the last 10 SwingHi's/SwingLo's; 
(2) EXTENDS each new TL to the right and SETS it's color and alert type; 
(3) TRUNCATES a DnTL/UpTL on the right when the next new DnTL/UpTL is drawn (if the 
   History input is set to "Yes"), or BarsPast bars after it has been breached, 
   whichever comes first.
(4) DELETES a DnTL/UpTL when the next new DnTL/UpTL is drawn, if the History input 
   is set to "No".

NOTE: This indicator may not work well with low-count tick bars, such as 10-tick bars, 
etc., because the time resolution of the bars may not be high enough for each bar to 
have a distinct time stamp.

SwHiStrength( 4 ), 
SwLoStrength( 4 ), 
BarsPast( 10 ), 
History( "Yes" ), 
DnTLColor( Red ), 
UpTLColor( Cyan ), 
AlertType( "IntraBar" ) ,

width(1); {<--- added line}

DnTLRef( -1 ), 
DnTLEndBar( 0 ), 
DnTLBreak( false ), 
DnTLColorNum( DnTLColor ), 

UpTLRef( -1 ), 
UpTLEndBar( 0 ), 
UpTLBreak( false ), 
UpTLColorNum( UpTLColor ), 

Index( 0 ), 
BarNum( 0 ), 
HistoryTF( false ), 
AlertTypeCAPS( UpperStr( AlertType ) ) ;

SwHiDate[10]( 0 ), 
SwHiTime[10]( 0 ), 
SwHiVal[10]( -1000000 ), 
SwLoDate[10]( 0 ), 
SwLoTime[10]( 0 ), 
SwLoVal[10]( 1000000 ) ;

if CurrentBar = 1 then 
HistoryTF = UpperStr( History ) = "YES" or UpperStr( History ) = "Y" ;
{ should also be able to do this via declaration above }

BarNum = BarNumber ;

if SwingHighBar( 1, High, SwHiStrength, SwHiStrength + 1 ) = SwHiStrength then 
{ ie, if just confirmed SwHi }

{ push arrays back }
for Value1 = 9 downto 0 
	SwHiDate[ Value1 + 1 ] = SwHiDate[Value1] ;
	SwHiTime[ Value1 + 1 ] = SwHiTime[Value1] ;
	SwHiVal[ Value1 + 1 ] = SwHiVal[Value1] ;
	end ;

{ read in parameters of new SwHi into 0-elements of arrays }
SwHiDate[0] = Date[swHiStrength] ;
SwHiTime[0] = Time[swHiStrength] ;
SwHiVal[0] = High[swHiStrength] ;

{ find and save the index of the next-most-recent higher SwHi if it exists }
for Value2 = 1 to 10 
	if SwHiVal[Value2] > SwHiVal[0] then 
		Index = Value2 ;
		Value2 = 11 ; { short circuit the looping with 11 instead of 10; the 11
		 will become 12 in the final pass }
		end ;
	end ;

if Value2 = 12 then { ie, if next-most-recent higher SwHi exists }
	if DnTLRef >= 0 then  { ie, if previous DnTL exists }
		if HistoryTF and DnTLBreak = false then 
			{ if history reqd and most recent DnTL not already truncated 
			  elsewhere, truncate it now }
			TL_SetEnd( DnTLRef, Date, Time, TL_GetValue( DnTLRef, Date, Time ) ) ;
			TL_SetExtRight( DnTLRef, false ) ;
		else if HistoryTF = false then
			{ if history not reqd, delete most recent DnTL }
			TL_Delete( DnTLRef ) ;
		end ;
	{ draw new DnTL, reset break flag, save endbar, set extents/color/alert }
	DnTLRef = TL_New( SwHiDate[index], SwHiTime[index], SwHiVal[index], 
	 SwHiDate[0], SwHiTime[0], SwHiVal[0] ) ;

	TL_SetSize( DnTLRef, width ); {<--- added line}

	if DnTLBreak = true then 
		DnTLBreak = false ;
	DnTLEndBar = BarNum - SwHiStrength ;
	TL_SetExtLeft( DnTLRef, false ) ;
	TL_SetExtRight( DnTLRef, true ) ;
	if DnTLColorNum <> 99 then 
		TL_SetColor( DnTLRef, DnTLColorNum ) ;
	if AlertTypeCAPS = "ONCLOSE" then 
		TL_SetAlert( DnTLRef, 2 )
	else if AlertTypeCAPS = "INTRABAR" then 
		TL_SetAlert( DnTLRef, 1 )
		TL_SetAlert( DnTLRef, 0 ) ;
	end ;
end ;

if SwingLowBar( 1, Low, SwLoStrength, SwLoStrength + 1 ) = SwLoStrength then 
{ ie, if just confirmed SwLo }

{ push arrays back }
for Value1 = 9 downto 0 
	SwLoDate[Value1+1] = SwLoDate[Value1] ;
	SwLoTime[Value1+1] = SwLoTime[Value1] ;
	SwLoVal[Value1+1] = SwLoVal[Value1] ;
	end ;

{ read in parameters of new SwLo into 0-elements of arrays }
SwLoDate[0] = Date[swLoStrength] ;
SwLoTime[0] = Time[swLoStrength] ;
SwLoVal[0] = Low[swLoStrength] ;

{ find and save the index of the next-most-recent lower SwLo if it exists }
for Value2 = 1 to 10 
	if SwLoVal[Value2] < SwLoVal[0] then 
		Index = Value2 ;
		Value2 = 11 ;{ short circuit the looping with 11 instead of 10; the 11
		 will become 12 in the final pass }
		end ;
	end ;

if Value2 = 12 then  { ie, if next-most-recent lower SwLo exists }
	if UpTLRef >= 0 then { ie, if previous UpTL exists }
		if HistoryTF and UpTLBreak = false then 
			{ if history reqd and most recent UpTL not already truncated 
			  elsewhere, truncate it now }
			TL_SetEnd( UpTLRef, Date, Time, TL_GetValue( UpTLRef, Date, Time ) ) ;
			TL_SetExtRight( UpTLRef, false ) ;
		else if HistoryTF = false then
			{ if history not reqd, delete most recent UpTL }
			TL_Delete( UpTLRef ) ;
		end ;
	{ draw new UpTL, reset break flag, save endbar, set extents/color/alert }
	UpTLRef = TL_New( SwLoDate[index], SwLoTime[index], SwLoVal[index], 
	 SwLoDate[0], SwLoTime[0], SwLoVal[0] ) ;

	TL_SetSize( UPTLRef, width ); {<--- added line}

	if UpTLBreak = true then
		UpTLBreak = false ;
	UpTLEndBar = BarNum - SwLoStrength ;
	TL_SetExtLeft( UpTLRef, false ) ;
	TL_SetExtRight( UpTLRef, true ) ;
	if UpTLColorNum <> 99 then 
		TL_SetColor( UpTLRef, UpTLColorNum ) ;
	if AlertTypeCAPS = "ONCLOSE" then 
		TL_SetAlert( UpTLRef, 2 )
	else if AlertTypeCAPS = "INTRABAR" then 
		TL_SetAlert( UpTLRef, 1 )
		TL_SetAlert( UpTLRef, 0 ) ;
	end ;
end ;

{ if most recent DnTL/UpTL exists AND has not yet been truncated here AND was drawn 
 at least BarsPast ago AND was breached BarsPast bars ago THEN truncate it here and 
 set break flag }

if DnTLRef >= 0 
and DnTLBreak = false
and BarNum > DnTLEndBar + SwHiStrength + BarsPast 
and ( Close > TL_GetValue( DnTLRef, Date, Time ) )[barsPast]
TL_SetEnd( DnTLRef, Date, Time, TL_GetValue( DnTLRef, Date, Time ) ) ;
TL_SetExtRight( DnTLRef, false ) ;
DnTLBreak = true ;
end ;

if UpTLRef >= 0 
and UpTLBreak = false
and BarNum > UpTLEndBar + SwLoStrength + BarsPast 
and ( Close < TL_GetValue( UpTLRef, Date, Time ) )[barsPast]
TL_SetEnd( UpTLRef, Date, Time, TL_GetValue( UpTLRef, Date, Time ) ) ;
TL_SetExtRight( UpTLRef, false ) ;
UpTLBreak = true ;
end ;

{ ** Copyright (c) 1991-2003 TradeStation Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. ** 
 ** TradeStation reserves the right to modify or overwrite this analysis technique 
    with each release. ** }

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Trend line related keywords

















Edited by Tams

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Hi all,


I am fairly new to the forum and I am appreciating all of the great solutions already posted here. I have spent quite a few hours working on a trendline study and I am at a place where I am stuck. Attached screenshot explains what I am attempting to do. I have placed horizontal trendlines on a chart based on the last 10 pivots (number of pivots is not relevant). Some of the pivots have been "taken out" by a higher high and are not relevant. I wish to retain and draw lines only on the relevant pivots.


What is the best way to accomplish this? I have tried - to write a formula comparing a new pivot to the previous 10, and adding a 2nd array that would store the relevant pivots. the 2nd method works OK, but requires the array to be cleared out each time a new value is added and I have no idea how to do that.


I appreciate any assistance on this and thanks in advance.




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didn't you ask this question before with another handle?




heh, not that i am aware of.


thanks for the tip. i will search more to see if that question has been asked before. my apologies if it has been duplicated.

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This example is from the Trendline Automatic indicator.


I have added user configurable trendline width.

The added code is highlighted by: {<--- added line}






This indicator:
(1) INSERTS DnTL's/UpTL's connecting each new SwingHi/SwingLo with the next most 
   recent higher/lower SwingHi/SwingLo within the last 10 SwingHi's/SwingLo's; 
(2) EXTENDS each new TL to the right and SETS it's color and alert type; 
(3) TRUNCATES a DnTL/UpTL on the right when the next new DnTL/UpTL is drawn (if the 
   History input is set to "Yes"), or BarsPast bars after it has been breached, 
   whichever comes first.
(4) DELETES a DnTL/UpTL when the next new DnTL/UpTL is drawn, if the History input 
   is set to "No".

NOTE: This indicator may not work well with low-count tick bars, such as 10-tick bars, 
etc., because the time resolution of the bars may not be high enough for each bar to 
have a distinct time stamp.

SwHiStrength( 4 ), 
SwLoStrength( 4 ), 
BarsPast( 10 ), 
History( "Yes" ), 
DnTLColor( Red ), 
UpTLColor( Cyan ), 
AlertType( "IntraBar" ) ,

width(1); {<--- added line}

DnTLRef( -1 ), 
DnTLEndBar( 0 ), 
DnTLBreak( false ), 
DnTLColorNum( DnTLColor ), 

UpTLRef( -1 ), 
UpTLEndBar( 0 ), 
UpTLBreak( false ), 
UpTLColorNum( UpTLColor ), 

Index( 0 ), 
BarNum( 0 ), 
HistoryTF( false ), 
AlertTypeCAPS( UpperStr( AlertType ) ) ;

SwHiDate[10]( 0 ), 
SwHiTime[10]( 0 ), 
SwHiVal[10]( -1000000 ), 
SwLoDate[10]( 0 ), 
SwLoTime[10]( 0 ), 
SwLoVal[10]( 1000000 ) ;

if CurrentBar = 1 then 
HistoryTF = UpperStr( History ) = "YES" or UpperStr( History ) = "Y" ;
{ should also be able to do this via declaration above }

BarNum = BarNumber ;

if SwingHighBar( 1, High, SwHiStrength, SwHiStrength + 1 ) = SwHiStrength then 
{ ie, if just confirmed SwHi }

{ push arrays back }
for Value1 = 9 downto 0 
	SwHiDate[ Value1 + 1 ] = SwHiDate[Value1] ;
	SwHiTime[ Value1 + 1 ] = SwHiTime[Value1] ;
	SwHiVal[ Value1 + 1 ] = SwHiVal[Value1] ;
	end ;

{ read in parameters of new SwHi into 0-elements of arrays }
SwHiDate[0] = Date[swHiStrength] ;
SwHiTime[0] = Time[swHiStrength] ;
SwHiVal[0] = High[swHiStrength] ;

{ find and save the index of the next-most-recent higher SwHi if it exists }
for Value2 = 1 to 10 
	if SwHiVal[Value2] > SwHiVal[0] then 
		Index = Value2 ;
		Value2 = 11 ; { short circuit the looping with 11 instead of 10; the 11
		 will become 12 in the final pass }
		end ;
	end ;

if Value2 = 12 then { ie, if next-most-recent higher SwHi exists }
	if DnTLRef >= 0 then  { ie, if previous DnTL exists }
		if HistoryTF and DnTLBreak = false then 
			{ if history reqd and most recent DnTL not already truncated 
			  elsewhere, truncate it now }
			TL_SetEnd( DnTLRef, Date, Time, TL_GetValue( DnTLRef, Date, Time ) ) ;
			TL_SetExtRight( DnTLRef, false ) ;
		else if HistoryTF = false then
			{ if history not reqd, delete most recent DnTL }
			TL_Delete( DnTLRef ) ;
		end ;
	{ draw new DnTL, reset break flag, save endbar, set extents/color/alert }
	DnTLRef = TL_New( SwHiDate[index], SwHiTime[index], SwHiVal[index], 
	 SwHiDate[0], SwHiTime[0], SwHiVal[0] ) ;

	TL_SetSize( DnTLRef, width ); {<--- added line}

	if DnTLBreak = true then 
		DnTLBreak = false ;
	DnTLEndBar = BarNum - SwHiStrength ;
	TL_SetExtLeft( DnTLRef, false ) ;
	TL_SetExtRight( DnTLRef, true ) ;
	if DnTLColorNum <> 99 then 
		TL_SetColor( DnTLRef, DnTLColorNum ) ;
	if AlertTypeCAPS = "ONCLOSE" then 
		TL_SetAlert( DnTLRef, 2 )
	else if AlertTypeCAPS = "INTRABAR" then 
		TL_SetAlert( DnTLRef, 1 )
		TL_SetAlert( DnTLRef, 0 ) ;
	end ;
end ;

if SwingLowBar( 1, Low, SwLoStrength, SwLoStrength + 1 ) = SwLoStrength then 
{ ie, if just confirmed SwLo }

{ push arrays back }
for Value1 = 9 downto 0 
	SwLoDate[Value1+1] = SwLoDate[Value1] ;
	SwLoTime[Value1+1] = SwLoTime[Value1] ;
	SwLoVal[Value1+1] = SwLoVal[Value1] ;
	end ;

{ read in parameters of new SwLo into 0-elements of arrays }
SwLoDate[0] = Date[swLoStrength] ;
SwLoTime[0] = Time[swLoStrength] ;
SwLoVal[0] = Low[swLoStrength] ;

{ find and save the index of the next-most-recent lower SwLo if it exists }
for Value2 = 1 to 10 
	if SwLoVal[Value2] < SwLoVal[0] then 
		Index = Value2 ;
		Value2 = 11 ;{ short circuit the looping with 11 instead of 10; the 11
		 will become 12 in the final pass }
		end ;
	end ;

if Value2 = 12 then  { ie, if next-most-recent lower SwLo exists }
	if UpTLRef >= 0 then { ie, if previous UpTL exists }
		if HistoryTF and UpTLBreak = false then 
			{ if history reqd and most recent UpTL not already truncated 
			  elsewhere, truncate it now }
			TL_SetEnd( UpTLRef, Date, Time, TL_GetValue( UpTLRef, Date, Time ) ) ;
			TL_SetExtRight( UpTLRef, false ) ;
		else if HistoryTF = false then
			{ if history not reqd, delete most recent UpTL }
			TL_Delete( UpTLRef ) ;
		end ;
	{ draw new UpTL, reset break flag, save endbar, set extents/color/alert }
	UpTLRef = TL_New( SwLoDate[index], SwLoTime[index], SwLoVal[index], 
	 SwLoDate[0], SwLoTime[0], SwLoVal[0] ) ;

	TL_SetSize( UPTLRef, width ); {<--- added line}

	if UpTLBreak = true then
		UpTLBreak = false ;
	UpTLEndBar = BarNum - SwLoStrength ;
	TL_SetExtLeft( UpTLRef, false ) ;
	TL_SetExtRight( UpTLRef, true ) ;
	if UpTLColorNum <> 99 then 
		TL_SetColor( UpTLRef, UpTLColorNum ) ;
	if AlertTypeCAPS = "ONCLOSE" then 
		TL_SetAlert( UpTLRef, 2 )
	else if AlertTypeCAPS = "INTRABAR" then 
		TL_SetAlert( UpTLRef, 1 )
		TL_SetAlert( UpTLRef, 0 ) ;
	end ;
end ;

{ if most recent DnTL/UpTL exists AND has not yet been truncated here AND was drawn 
 at least BarsPast ago AND was breached BarsPast bars ago THEN truncate it here and 
 set break flag }

if DnTLRef >= 0 
and DnTLBreak = false
and BarNum > DnTLEndBar + SwHiStrength + BarsPast 
and ( Close > TL_GetValue( DnTLRef, Date, Time ) )[barsPast]
TL_SetEnd( DnTLRef, Date, Time, TL_GetValue( DnTLRef, Date, Time ) ) ;
TL_SetExtRight( DnTLRef, false ) ;
DnTLBreak = true ;
end ;

if UpTLRef >= 0 
and UpTLBreak = false
and BarNum > UpTLEndBar + SwLoStrength + BarsPast 
and ( Close < TL_GetValue( UpTLRef, Date, Time ) )[barsPast]
TL_SetEnd( UpTLRef, Date, Time, TL_GetValue( UpTLRef, Date, Time ) ) ;
TL_SetExtRight( UpTLRef, false ) ;
UpTLBreak = true ;
end ;

{ ** Copyright (c) 1991-2003 TradeStation Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. ** 
 ** TradeStation reserves the right to modify or overwrite this analysis technique 
    with each release. ** }


u are trying to sell something here

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What is the best way to accomplish this? I have tried - to write a formula comparing a new pivot to the previous 10, and adding a 2nd array that would store the relevant pivots. the 2nd method works OK, but requires the array to be cleared out each time a new value is added and I have no idea how to do that.


I appreciate any assistance on this and thanks in advance.




this thread might help you on the array:







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... the 2nd method works OK, but requires the array to be cleared out each time a new value is added and I have no idea how to do that.



try this idea:


// musical chair

if barstatus = 2 and condition1 = true then
   arr[1,3] = arr[1,2];
   arr[1,2] = arr[1,1];
   arr[1,1] = variable1;

Edited by Tams

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Here is a TradeStation help code example:


Variable: ID(-1);

If Low < Low[1] AND Close > High[1] Then Begin
 ID = TL_New(Date[1], Time[1], Low, Date, Time, Low);
 Value1 = TL_SetExtRight(ID, True);


The above code adds multiple trendlines to my chart. Every time the conditions are met, a new trendline is added to the chart. Each trendline is extended all the way to the current right hand edge of the chart. The reserved word "TL_SetExtRight" causes the trendline to extend continuously from the starting point to the right.


So, this means that multiple trend lines can be created from one trendline variable. A trendline variable is not confined to only having one trendline.

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I add some code to label the line in the chart (from day 1 to day 4 from today ) but I find that some letters is missed after it is enabled. For example, d2H = day 2 high, it display d2 without H. After a while, it will show up all. Any idea?






lookback( 4 ),

Line.size ( 1 ),

Line.style ( 2 ),

color.h1( blue ),

color.l1( blue ),

color.h2( red ),

color.l2( red ),

color.h3( darkgreen ),

color.l3( darkgreen ),

color.h4( cyan ),

color.l4( cyan ),

hori_txdisp(10); {horizontal distance}


vars: d1Htid(0), d1Ltid(0),

d2Htid(0), d2Ltid(0),

d3Htid(0), d3Ltid(0),

d4Htid(0), d4Ltid(0);


// 1

if date <> date[1] and lookback = 1 then begin

value1 = tl_new_s(d , time_s , highd(1), d , time_s, highd(1 ));

value2 = tl_new_s(d , time_s, lowd(1), d , time_s, lowd(1));


tl_setcolor( value1, color.h1 );

TL_SetSize( value1, Line.size );

TL_SetStyle( value1, Line.style );


tl_setcolor( value2 , color.l1 );

TL_SetSize( value2, Line.size );

TL_SetStyle( value2, Line.style );



if lookback = 1 then begin

tl_setend_s(value1, d , time_s , highd(1) );

tl_setend_s(value2, d , time_s , lowd(1) );



// 2

if date <> date[1] and lookback = 2 then begin

value1 = tl_new_s(d , time_s , highd(1), d , time_s, highd(1 ));

value2 = tl_new_s(d , time_s, lowd(1), d , time_s, lowd(1));

value3 = tl_new_s(d , time_s , highd(2), d , time_s, highd(2 ));

value4 = tl_new_s(d , time_s, lowd(2), d , time_s, lowd(2));


tl_setcolor( value1, color.h1 );

TL_SetSize( value1, Line.size );

TL_SetStyle( value1, Line.style );


tl_setcolor( value2 , color.l1 );

TL_SetSize( value2, Line.size );

TL_SetStyle( value2, Line.style );


tl_setcolor( value3, color.h2 );

TL_SetSize( value3, Line.size );

TL_SetStyle( value3, Line.style );


tl_setcolor( value4 , color.l2 );

TL_SetSize( value4, Line.size );

TL_SetStyle( value4, Line.style );


if lookback = 2 then begin

tl_setend_s(value1, d , time_s , highd(1) );

tl_setend_s(value2, d , time_s , lowd(1) );

tl_setend_s(value3, d , time_s , highd(2) );

tl_setend_s(value4, d , time_s , lowd(2) );



// 3

if date <> date[1] and lookback = 3 then begin

value1 = tl_new_s(d , time_s , highd(1), d , time_s, highd(1 ));

value2 = tl_new_s(d , time_s, lowd(1), d , time_s, lowd(1));

value3 = tl_new_s(d , time_s , highd(2), d , time_s, highd(2 ));

value4 = tl_new_s(d , time_s, lowd(2), d , time_s, lowd(2));

value5 = tl_new_s(d , time_s , highd(3), d , time_s, highd(3 ));

value6 = tl_new_s(d , time_s, lowd(3), d , time_s, lowd(3 ));


tl_setcolor( value1, color.h1 );

TL_SetSize( value1, Line.size );

TL_SetStyle( value1, Line.style );


tl_setcolor( value2 , color.l1 );

TL_SetSize( value2, Line.size );

TL_SetStyle( value2, Line.style );


tl_setcolor( value3, color.h2 );

TL_SetSize( value3, Line.size );

TL_SetStyle( value3, Line.style );


tl_setcolor( value4 , color.l2 );

TL_SetSize( value4, Line.size );

TL_SetStyle( value4, Line.style );


tl_setcolor( value5, color.h3 );

TL_SetSize( value5, Line.size );

TL_SetStyle( value5, Line.style );


tl_setcolor( value6 , color.l3 );

TL_SetSize( value6, Line.size );

TL_SetStyle( value6, Line.style );



if lookback = 3 then


tl_setend_s(value1, d , time_s , highd(1) );

tl_setend_s(value2, d , time_s , lowd(1) );

tl_setend_s(value3, d , time_s , highd(2) );

tl_setend_s(value4, d , time_s , lowd(2) );

tl_setend_s(value5, d , time_s , highd(3) );

tl_setend_s(value6, d , time_s , lowd(3) );


if lastbaronchart then


tl_setextright(value1, true);

tl_setextright(value2, true);

tl_setextright(value3, true );

tl_setextright(value4, true);

tl_setextright(value5, true);

tl_setextright(value6, true);





// 4

if date <> date[1] and lookback = 4 then begin

value1 = tl_new_s(d , time_s , highd(1), d , time_s, highd(1 ));

value2 = tl_new_s(d , time_s, lowd(1), d , time_s, lowd(1));

value3 = tl_new_s(d , time_s , highd(2), d , time_s, highd(2 ));

value4 = tl_new_s(d , time_s, lowd(2), d , time_s, lowd(2));

value5 = tl_new_s(d , time_s , highd(3), d , time_s, highd(3 ));

value6 = tl_new_s(d , time_s, lowd(3), d , time_s, lowd(3 ));

value7 = tl_new_s(d , time_s , highd(4), d , time_s, highd(4 ));

value8 = tl_new_s(d , time_s, lowd(4), d , time_s, lowd(4 ));


tl_setcolor( value1, color.h1 );

TL_SetSize( value1, Line.size );

TL_SetStyle( value1, Line.style );

//piv1tid = Text_New(date, Minlist(Time + hori_txdisp, SessionEndTime(0, 1) + hori_txdisp), highd(1) - (textscale * MinMove/PriceScale), "d1H");

d1Htid = Text_New(date, currenttime+hori_txdisp , highd(1), "d1H");


tl_setcolor( value2 , color.l1 );

TL_SetSize( value2, Line.size );

TL_SetStyle( value2, Line.style );

d1Ltid = Text_New(date, currenttime+hori_txdisp, lowd(1) , "d1L");


tl_setcolor( value3, color.h2 );

TL_SetSize( value3, Line.size );

TL_SetStyle( value3, Line.style );

d2Htid = Text_New(date, currenttime+hori_txdisp , highd(2), "d2H");


tl_setcolor( value4 , color.l2 );

TL_SetSize( value4, Line.size );

TL_SetStyle( value4, Line.style );

d2Ltid = Text_New(date, currenttime+hori_txdisp, lowd(2) , "d2L");


tl_setcolor( value5, color.h3 );

TL_SetSize( value5, Line.size );

TL_SetStyle( value5, Line.style );

d3Htid = Text_New(date, currenttime+hori_txdisp , highd(3), "d3H");


tl_setcolor( value6 , color.l3 );

TL_SetSize( value6, Line.size );

TL_SetStyle( value6, Line.style );

d3Ltid = Text_New(date, currenttime+hori_txdisp, lowd(3) , "d3L");


tl_setcolor( value7, color.h4 );

TL_SetSize( value7, Line.size );

TL_SetStyle( value7, Line.style );

d4Htid = Text_New(date, currenttime+hori_txdisp , highd(4), "d4H");


tl_setcolor( value8 , color.l4 );

TL_SetSize( value8, Line.size );

TL_SetStyle( value8, Line.style );

d4Ltid = Text_New(date, currenttime+hori_txdisp, lowd(4) , "d4L");



if lookback = 4 then begin

tl_setend_s(value1, d , time_s , highd(1) );

tl_setend_s(value2, d , time_s , lowd(1) );

tl_setend_s(value3, d , time_s , highd(2) );

tl_setend_s(value4, d , time_s , lowd(2) );

tl_setend_s(value5, d , time_s , highd(3) );

tl_setend_s(value6, d , time_s , lowd(3) );

tl_setend_s(value7, d , time_s , highd(4) );

tl_setend_s(value8, d , time_s , lowd(4) );



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Always trade with strict risk management. Your capital is the single most important aspect of your trading business. Please note that times displayed based on local time zone and are from time of writing this report. Click HERE to access the full HFM Economic calendar. Want to learn to trade and analyse the markets? Join our webinars and get analysis and trading ideas combined with better understanding of how markets work. Click HERE to register for FREE! Click HERE to READ more Market news. Michalis Efthymiou HFMarkets Disclaimer: This material is provided as a general marketing communication for information purposes only and does not constitute an independent investment research. Nothing in this communication contains, or should be considered as containing, an investment advice or an investment recommendation or a solicitation for the purpose of buying or selling of any financial instrument. All information provided is gathered from reputable sources and any information containing an indication of past performance is not a guarantee or reliable indicator of future performance. Users acknowledge that any investment in Leveraged Products is characterized by a certain degree of uncertainty and that any investment of this nature involves a high level of risk for which the users are solely responsible and liable. We assume no liability for any loss arising from any investment made based on the information provided in this communication. This communication must not be reproduced or further distributed without our prior written permission.
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