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so if these traderts are so great why wont they share there trdes FOR ONE DAY and let the proof be in the pudding???????????????????????


This thread has some real traders posting their EOD results, but I don't believe many are selling services if that's what you are looking for. We don't have sneaky blogs with 'free' in the name but then ask for donations or have clinics that you can pay for.



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This thread has some real traders posting their EOD results, but I don't believe many are selling services if that's what you are looking for. We don't have sneaky blogs with 'free' in the name but then ask for donations or have clinics that you can pay for.




Hes not selling anything. All I see is a donation option.

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Just had to click around a tad James. I think it took me 3 minutes to find the sites this guy is tied to. All of those sites link to one another in some form or fashion.


But, that could be the loophole - create one free blog site where 'donations' are accepted and then link to the sites where you are pimping your other products. Brilliant!


Thanks bf, I didn't see it. Ive removed the post with explanation.

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I am sorry, but edabreu must have a time machine to get in on this ES trade at 4/12/09 05:30:22 at a price of 854.50. CME opened at 18:00:00 Eastern and it dropped 5.50 points in half a second from 852.75 to 847.25, it never traded at 854.50. Zenfire replay data for this period is attached.


Even the chart on edabreu's blog showed this.


Please be careful out there. Trading well consistently is difficult. A trading room may get you started, but it is really up to you to become independent and be able to analyze a trade without undue influence of another trader.





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Too late I clicked on them arggghhh is it contagious do you think ? :D


Doesn't really matter. All one has to do is google "edabreu" and he will find all he needs to find. And it's a lot faster than tracing link after link to find the bloody knife or the smoking gun :)

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Doesn't really matter. All one has to do is google "edabreu" and he will find all he needs to find. And it's a lot faster than tracing link after link to find the bloody knife or the smoking gun :)


Yes, b/c clicking around a site for a few minutes is way too much time. It literally took me about 3 minutes to find those links DB.


Plus, those google links will take you right back to what I posted anyways... So you can google the name, and then click over to what I found OR you can just click there to begin with.


:roll eyes:


Maybe ed just needs to create an e-book that people here can pay for, right?

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Yes, b/c clicking around a site for a few minutes is way too much time. It literally took me about 3 minutes to find those links DB.


Plus, those google links will take you right back to what I posted anyways... So you can google the name, and then click over to what I found OR you can just click there to begin with.


:roll eyes:


Maybe ed just needs to create an e-book that people here can pay for, right?


A more interesting question is why would you bother to ferret out the links in the first place? 86834 provides a link to his blog in his posts and "mentorship" is clearly advertised. Why have you not launched one of your investigations into 86834?

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You two really need to grow up. Otherwise welcome to ET version 2. If you really need to have these arguments, please take advantage of the PM function, as I don't think the forum itself is meant for the resolution of personal vendettas and the public display of immaturity. If you realize how stupid it is what you two are doing, it would probably benefit your trading in a big way. I really do appreciate the real contributions you two make here, but it should be obvious why posts like the ones above do not belong on this forum.

Edited by diablo272

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You two really need to grow up. Otherwise welcome to ET version 2. If you really need to have these arguments, please take advantage of the PM function, as I don't think the forum itself is meant for the resolution of personal vendettas and the public display of immaturity. If you realize how stupid it is what you two are doing, it would probably benefit your trading in a big way. I really do appreciate the real contributions you two make here, but it should be obvious why posts like the ones above do not belong on this forum.


This has nothing to do with a personal vendetta, unless there's something going on between edabreu and brownsfan. Rather it has to do with what constitutes "spam". I've seen no evidence of spam in edabreu's posts. Yes, he's referred to a site that he finds valuable and which assesses a fee after a free trial. How is this any different from Linda Raschke? Are all references to her trading room to be deleted and/or banned because it isn't free? As for demonstrating trading prowess, Steve Nison and Brett Steenbarger are widely admired, but has anyone ever watched them trade in real time? Have either of them ever posted blotters? If so, have those blotters ever been verified? How about their trading accounts?


My point is that this anti-spam campaign can easily become a witchhunt, and those who have something valuable to offer (two of edabreu's posts have been nominated for POTM) can be run off by this pointless persecution.


If edabreu or any other member relentlessly trumpets his for-fee services, whether he offers anything in return or not, then he should be shown the door. But if everyone who has ever mentioned a for-fee trading room or software package or seminar or DVD/CD instructional packet or course or trading program is to be banned, TL will have only a few dozen members left.

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Their bantering has negated all the valuable contributions they made to this forum.

They are now a net liability to TL.

I disagree. Strong personalities with consistent attitudes always attract conflicts, though it might not be their intention. But this fact does not belittle the value they have offered here.

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I am sorry, but edabreu must have a time machine to get in on this ES trade at 4/12/09 05:30:22 at a price of 854.50. CME opened at 18:00:00 Eastern and it dropped 5.50 points in half a second from 852.75 to 847.25, it never traded at 854.50. Zenfire replay data for this period is attached.


Even the chart on edabreu's blog showed this.


Please be careful out there. Trading well consistently is difficult. A trading room may get you started, but it is really up to you to become independent and be able to analyze a trade without undue influence of another trader.




Yes...dependency is not a good thing in the long run.


We don't know why Ninja recorded that trade with that late date. We put that trade on Thursday and let it keep over the holiday. Came back to see it hit the target, and it recorded the date weird. It was a MB trade, and those of us that trade together have been testing them out on a few time frames. It worked pretty well,... the stats are good on the MB setups. Soon we will all go to cash with them. We have a massive dbltp coming frm way back 2/9 , 2/10 so we are going to see how it lines up for the MB setup. Didn't see the point in explaining anything to people who don't trade together. What was important to us was whether or not the number got hit within 6 ticks.


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A more interesting question is why would you bother to ferret out the links in the first place? 86834 provides a link to his blog in his posts and "mentorship" is clearly advertised. Why have you not launched one of your investigations into 86834?


Theres the rub. Some things are considered OK others not. I only discovered 86834's blog a couple of days ago (Ironically it was probably because someone questioned his integrity). I quite liked it, certainly didn't seem like the home of an internet marketeer.


I am sure Brown would not mind the odd link to Nisson or Bigalow for example. Nisson in particular is all about product. The thing is, some websites that list commercial services also have a wealth of 'good' (depending on your view) free material too. What are the criteria that determines what is acceptable and what not? I guess that this will come under discussion as more formal forum guidelines are established.


Edit: Read ahead a few posts and DB has said much the same thing...still not worth deleting this having taken the trouble to write it. It is relevant in the context of the forum guidelines currently being established but probably not in Edabreus thread. Apologies for that.

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A more interesting question is why would you bother to ferret out the links in the first place? 86834 provides a link to his blog in his posts and "mentorship" is clearly advertised. Why have you not launched one of your investigations into 86834?


My blog is free, and i like to think what i post on my blog is helping people. Mentorship is advertised, and lets be honest, it isn't exactly in your face advertising, and this is the first time i've spoken about in on a public forum. It's only really aimed at people who would like to trade exactly how i do in a live room to see how i actually enter my trades, and it only came about because i get a few emails a week with people asking for mentorship. Not particularly interested in having hundreds of people in my trading room, nor am i bothered about doing webinars etc


If you have the basics down, then i think just reading my blog can help a lot, but that's just my opinion, and i've never suggested people should read my blog over anything else out there. The way i see it, i'm a full time trader, but at the end of the day i'm just another guy out there. My blog is my take on things... take it or leave it, i'm not particularly bothered, but if people are liking it then great, and i'll continue with the blog. One of the reasons why i started the blog was because personally, in my opinion, i think it's hard to actually give out advise to someone on a forum because there's too many people who will just steam and in go 'no you're wrong' or 'this guy isn't real' or 'this guy is talking crap' and the thread is just turned into an argument. With my blog i get to post my take on the market without any of that crap ruining it.


It annoys me that someone might just say 'oh he's just marketing something' or 'he's selling a dream' because i genuinely don't care if you read my blog or not, let alone pay for mentorship etc. If you like what you see then read it, if you don't, then don't read it. Pretty simple really.


Just adding my 2 cents seeing as i was dragged into it.

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another thing that i want to add after receiving some pm's off that steve guy who posted earlier.... On these forums that are a small handful of traders that are actually successful traders, DbPhonix, Firewalker, SoulTrader, Atto, myself included to name a few. Amongst them they've had a various levels of success, some have have reached the magic million mark, others are well on there way, but regardless of how much they've made so far, for us this our full time job, our living which we support our families and nutty girlfriends with (maybe i'm the only with a nutty bird) so getting into arguments us telling us we're wrong, we're just trying to sell something etc isn't really gonna help your cause when you're trying to learn, especially seeing as we're trying to help you. We don't have do, it's not like it's our job to help new guys, we do it out of our passion for trading.


Just had to get this off my chest as i think traders lab is a really good resource for new guys and there are some cracking traders here like the ones i named above, so don't go ruining it for yourselves by turning the place into a bitch fest.

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Not everybody can show you their trades (or PnL).


-- a registered person is bound by laws and regulations

-- a person with a firm is bound by his employment

-- a professional who is trading OPM



If you can't tell a good thing when you see one, move on. It is probably not good for you.

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