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Help with Easy Language

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I am working on a strategy for Open E cry. I have the beginning but I am having trouble writing my next step. I want it to say


"when price moves above moving average X sell second bar"


If you could help that would be great or send me a PM.





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<<"when price moves above moving average X sell second bar" >>


you have been vague but I will make some assumptions -- if you want it to sell the open of the second bar after the first CLOSE above the 20-period moving average:




if c>value1 then sell next bar at market;

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What if I wanted to wait for the second bar above the moving average before I entered the trade? I have tried every way my limited ability allows, but no luck





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Thanks, but it seems to buy every bar after entry and sells them all when it crosses under. instead of just buying the entry and selling the exit?


I do really appreciate your help



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Guest sep344

Not sure what kind of exit strategy your using...

here is a chart with following startegy for entry and exits,, take a look. to me it looks like its working fine....but im also trading and did this real fast while trading, you need to check it to make sure.







if c[1]>value1[1] and c>value1 then sell next bar at market;

if c[1]<value1[1] and c<value1 then buy next bar at market;




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Take a look at the following chart..looks good to me but idid this very fast...make sure to check it.

remember your exit strategy will change the strategy.







if c[1]>value1[1] and c>value1 then sell next bar at market;

if c[1]<value1[1] and c<value1 then buy next bar at market;





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Brian, copy/paste your code below your posts. this is simple stuff and can easily be corrected -- you need to think like Easylanguage does in order to program it correctly -- ie, think in 'bars'. how many bars do you want to hold the position for or what does a bar have to do to generate the exit you want?

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What I am trying to write is


Buy when second bar is above the nine day moving average and exit or sell when the second bar is below the 9 day moving average.


I would like to get out before it crosses below the 9 but not sure how to put it in to words that translate into easy language.




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Here is a chart with an idea what I am trying to do. Hope this makes it a bit more clear.



Thank you guys for your time I really appreciate your time. I am trying to learn Easy language, but from the few sources I have it is difficult.


I hope the chart shows up.


Brian9day MA.pdf

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Brian you need to define exactly what this means before it can be coded.

" I would like to get out before it crosses below the 9 "

for example if you were doing it manually would you trail you trade by the 9 period average and close it if price was = or < then average?? or would you want a close = or < the 9 period average? etc..


you also said BEFORE it crosses below the average....again how would you define before if it was a manuall trade you were managing?


Define what you want exactly (all details) in English first then begin the coding process, it will be much easier.

by the way, I could not see the chart ..couldnt open it.




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When I used this code




if c[1]>value1[1] and c>value1 then sell next bar at market;

if c[1]<value1[1] and c<value1 then buy next bar at market;


It bought or sold multiple times. I am trying to get one entrance and one exit.



Here is what I think I am trying to do.


When the second negative bar crosses below the MA ( or when the second bar below the 9ma is negative) Sell short.


(Exit trade)

When the second positive bar crosses above the 9ma then buy to close the trade.



I also would not mind knowing how to just reverse direction instead of exiting the trade.


Is this a bit more clear?


Thanks again



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I also would not mind knowing how to just reverse direction instead of exiting the trade.n


What you want to do to reverse is to use Sell Short (or SellShort, same function), ie., ..... SellShort next bar at Market;

Order Verbs

Buy: Establish or add to a long position. Any existing short position will be covered entirely before the

long position is established. Two orders are generated.

SellShort or Sell Short: Establish or add to a short position. Any existing long position will be liquidated

entirely before the short position is established. Two orders are generated.

Sell: Liquidates a long position only. Can never establishes a short position.

BuyToCover or Buy To Cover: Cover a short position only.



You are trying to implement EL strategy using a platform that is not 100% EL compatible. I don't know what kind of support OEcry gives to strategy development, but all these questions are covered in the TS support forum, tutorial and documentation. The problem you are facing is how compatible is OEcry to TS EL strategy coding?


Here are some references to look at. Unfortunately, many other online tutorials and the TS forum are only accessible to Tradestation registered users.


Tradestation and TS Support combined Knowledgebase:



Getting Started with Easylanguage:



EasyLanguage Reference Guide:



TradeStation EasyLanguage Extension Software Development Kit:



The essential EasyLanguage programming guide



---> At least, get the following two files, then make a shortcut to them in your quicklaunch bar.


The EasyLanguage Functions & Reserved Words Reference:



Multicharts User Guide:



Also see:


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Thanks, I have most of the PDFs and have been working to seach them to help me write the code.


Posted Before;





if c[1]>value1[1] and c>value1 then sell next bar at market;

if c[1]<value1[1] and c<value1 then buy next bar at market;


In looking at this code that was posted for me before and it seems that c[1}> value1 means if the close of bar 1 > than MA 2 then sell next bar at market?


Then?? would c[2]>value1 mean second bar > Value1??


Then if I want the two bars c[1} & c[2] to both be positive, would I say c[1]>than value1 and c[2]> c[1] that would mean the first bar is above the MA and the second bar is more than the previous?? And use that to trigger a buy or sell?




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Brian, you should probably get a basic Easylanguage book and sit down and go through it -- it isn't hard.


c = close of 'this' bar

c[1] = close of the bar prior to the current one

c[2] = close of the bar prior to that

c[3] = close 3 bars ago



so if:


c>value1 and c[1]>value1[1]


this means the current close is > the current location of the moving average

AND the close of the prior bar was > than where the moving average was one bar ago.


if you wrote c[1]>value1 --- then that would be comparing the prior bar to the current moving average -- which wouldn't make sense. so, you just have to think in terms of bars and logically flesh it out -- good luck.

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c[1] = close of the bar prior to the current one How would I reference the Next bar? Such as second bar after the price crosses over a moving average?





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you are missing how programming works. it reads bars -- the current bar and past bars is all it can read -- it can never read the next bar because that hasn't occured yet to a computer -- you can reference the next bar with an anticipatory order like 'buy on stop' or 'sell at XX limit'....

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What about???


Can a formula be written that take into account 2 charts? If X happens on a 15 minute chart and x happens on a hourly chart then do X.


Can something like that be written?



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you can have more then 1 sysmbol in a chart.

e.g. symbol one is a 15min chart as data1 and symbol two is a 60 min chart as data2.

then you would refer to each symbol in your strategy as data1 and data2.

there are lots of resources on TS forums, if you have access check them out.


for example,


If data2(60min chart) Close> Average then begin



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I assume you would put that Data1= at the top of the formula like when I start a strategy with


Value1= average (Close,50)



I tried data1= (60min chart) but that language is wrong I think?




I did order some books so maybe I can stop bugging you guys!



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