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Traders International

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I know Traders International's system extremely well, I've used it for nearly a year. If you join, I recommend the 24/5 room, I find the moderator a lot more accurate than the pro room moderator, and a lot more enjoyable too.

You will find after a good six months of studying and "paper trading" you will be spotting entry signals without even thinking (I can look at a chart and tell you where entry signals are withing seconds.) :cool:

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If you want hand holding and a room to lean on, then maybe TI is for you. Personally after seeing their demo's before and the many discussion on elitetrader about it, you simply have a divergence trading system which can be found all over the internet for free. They will tell you that their indicator settings are 'magic' but it's anything but.

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Without starting up a slandering war, a few things about TI. Their indicator settings are not something you find plastered all over the internet (I know, I've tried), they certainly do not claim them to be magic, and they improve their indicator(s) on a regular basis. Results always speak for themselves. Checkout http://aus.tradersinternational.com/content/category/10/20/73/


This is their live signal results page. It does cost a bit to join (but hey, you are buying into a BUSINESS to set yourself up financially) but it also depends on how much your willing to invest in your education. As I mentioned in my previous post, the 24/5 room is great. If you want to learn about price action as well, then the pro room can help you out.


They have been around for over a decade, and won many awards for their education (They are an educator, not a magic bullet).




There are two things we all need to learn before setting out to make money.

1. Your mindset. Without the correct mindset, you'll go no where.

2. Education. Learn what the market is all about. Find someone who trades for a living, and learn from them.


There are thousands of free indicators out there, yes, but they aren't going to help you unless you know how to use them in a way that works FOR YOU.


I recommend a book called In The Zone by Mark Douglas. This will help with your mindset to begin with.



As a final note (because I spend more time learning from a few professionals than I do on a forum), Nothing is ever going to be the "perfect system". What may work for one person, won't necessarily work for another. You need to find out what works for you. I use TI and pulseline trader as these both work for me (2-4 points on the S&P is all I need). A quote from someone I respect in the trading world "It's not what you trade, it's how you trade it".



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Without starting up a slandering war, a few things about TI. Their indicator settings are not something you find plastered all over the internet (I know, I've tried), they certainly do not claim them to be magic, and they improve their indicator(s) on a regular basis. Results always speak for themselves. Checkout http://aus.tradersinternational.com/content/category/10/20/73/


This is their live signal results page. It does cost a bit to join (but hey, you are buying into a BUSINESS to set yourself up financially) but it also depends on how much your willing to invest in your education. As I mentioned in my previous post, the 24/5 room is great. If you want to learn about price action as well, then the pro room can help you out.


They have been around for over a decade, and won many awards for their education (They are an educator, not a magic bullet).




There are two things we all need to learn before setting out to make money.

1. Your mindset. Without the correct mindset, you'll go no where.

2. Education. Learn what the market is all about. Find someone who trades for a living, and learn from them.


There are thousands of free indicators out there, yes, but they aren't going to help you unless you know how to use them in a way that works FOR YOU.


I recommend a book called In The Zone by Mark Douglas. This will help with your mindset to begin with.



As a final note (because I spend more time learning from a few professionals than I do on a forum), Nothing is ever going to be the "perfect system". What may work for one person, won't necessarily work for another. You need to find out what works for you. I use TI and pulseline trader as these both work for me (2-4 points on the S&P is all I need). A quote from someone I respect in the trading world "It's not what you trade, it's how you trade it".




67% of your post are in favor of TI, that's good stuff. There results page has nothing to do in real time. There's not one actual trading statement of someone taking there signals. Easy to put numbers in excel and claim that's what would have been done.


TI, Franz, Felton, all those bullshit artist ( that's what they really are) are all full of shit. Selling a dream. Think about it; why would they sell a system that can generate hundreds if not millions of dollars for a measly $8k or whatever the hell it is. They could make so much more being a CTA, hedge fund, CPO, etc. Why dont they do that?? That's because then they would be governed by the NFA and CFTC and have to show ACTUAL trading results, not some bullshit on a webpage.


What all these jokers offer, there is nothing that can't be found for free using google.


I hope the OP saves his money and just does some basic research.


Oh, and you said they won awards. Well yeah, so has Tradestation, and they are terrible.

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Here's more on them:





I would suggest that you carefully read the disclaimer at the bottom of the page that has their trade "results." They trade with sims not real money.


Bottom line, before you send them $7,000 or whatever they're charging these days, ask them to fax you brokerage statements that show the results of somebody trading real money with their method. I doubt they'll do it.

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IMO, all of these systems that are for sale on the net are BS. If anyone had a consistently profitable, scalable system, why would they need to sell it? Why would they need to sell it if their system was that good? It makes no sense. If Chewbacca lives on Endor...you must acquit.


Edit: For the record, I've never tried any of these 'pay to play' systems, but I've stayed away from them specifically because they are very suspicious to me. It can't be that easy--that's what I think. Pay $7,000 to make millions? That just doesn't make sense in the markets.

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In the beginning, I researched and bought a few trading systems and methods. TI was one of them. Actually, at the time of this writing, I have almost all of them.

Most of them sit on the shelf. It cost a lot of research time, and quite a bit of money.


Now, 6 years later, I am still trading, and actually making a living. No mega millions, just steady and consistent, and trading professionally for others who pay me a small percentage. I found a trading method that worked for me.


My point is that in the beginning you need to keep an open mind, and you need to be willing to test a few methods and systems until you find one that works for you. There is no easy way around it. So I suggest that you spend time in trials, spend time doing research about the methods - what it's built on, and the posted results. They are not too difficult to verify. Look for posting that have the entry price and time, stop, target and exit time. This will tell you if the trade was possible. Sure, some places may be sim, so the question is, could you have gotten a fill?

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I do not use TI.

But do not let that discourage you from checking it out. I think that is a good method if applied well, and if it makes sense to you. Take their trial. See if it clicks. Every method is going to take some effort. But the one that is going to work for you will seem to make the most sense to you and you should easily recognize the signals.


At least that is what happened to me. After many methods and systems, and lots or money spent (and lost trying to make them work for me) I came across an indicator set and method that clicked. The difficulty I now realize was trying to learn a method while also trying to learn to trade; I mean the dicipline and patience part, taking the losses and not fearing I would never recover.


So, whatever method you choose, IMHO do not make the number one mistake of all traders - jumping into cash too soon. The number two mistake is being under funded.


I use Blue Wave Trading. But do not take my word for it. BWT works for me. Will it work for you? I do not know. I can list everything I think good about it, but that may not be good for you.

I can also list all the methods I think are junk...but that won't mean its junk to you. Sorry, but there is no easy way. I suppose if I were mentoring someone I would recommend a method, but otherwise I am afraid you will have to look around for yourself. Actually this is a good thing. You will pick up a lot of information as you research that will add to your progress as a trader. So, do not make mistake number three...impatience. take your time, do your research, do many trials and try to apply each one in real market time using sim with a particular goal in mind...say double the sim account (without cheating!) and see if it works. Be prepared to take losses. No method is devoid of losses. A good system (and that is relative meaning for you ) should not have more than 70% signal failure to first target providing the target is realistic. The ratio should be no more than 2:1. Some say 1:1, but in the beginning just get to 1st target all in all out and see if the method is accurate. Hope this helps.

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Hi there, I am also currently looking at the Trader International Program, However I am reluctant to spend the initial $7K after hearing so many mixed reviews. I was wondering if anyone could recommend some books to start off with for a beginner? I've already placed the book "Trading in the Zone" on order from Amazon, but I was wondering if there is anything else that people can recommend? I have basic knowledge of how options and emini's works, but would like to build on that before making any big commitments on what I want to trade and what systems to use.

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Hi there, I am also currently looking at the Trader International Program, However I am reluctant to spend the initial $7K after hearing so many mixed reviews. I was wondering if anyone could recommend some books to start off with for a beginner? I've already placed the book "Trading in the Zone" on order from Amazon, but I was wondering if there is anything else that people can recommend? I have basic knowledge of how options and emini's works, but would like to build on that before making any big commitments on what I want to trade and what systems to use.


When starting out in this trading business, its a good idea to know why you are going to go through the learning curve - and it can be pretty steep emotionally.


Couple of good books on techincal analysis by Jack Schwager, and Bollinger on Bollinger bands, and any of Jake Bernstein books are good overall books about the tools and various methods and views on technical analysis.


Save your money for now, and just start to read. Then after you read a bit, get yourself a charting program - like tradestation, ninja or esignal, and just start playing with the charts and the tools. After you are comfprtable with knowing a macd from a cci, then look around for a few trial trade rooms and just poke in and listen during the free trial. Look at your charts, and see what goes on. Then when you are comfortable with charts, tools and the lingo, read trading in the zone about 3 times.

Then drop me a line. We can talk about the experience and maybe decide on a good course of action. So far, its costs you almost nohting, and you gain for free loads of experience and maybe you will be ready for the crucial next step...

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When starting out in this trading business, its a good idea to know why you are going to go through the learning curve - and it can be pretty steep emotionally.


Couple of good books on techincal analysis by Jack Schwager, and Bollinger on Bollinger bands, and any of Jake Bernstein books are good overall books about the tools and various methods and views on technical analysis.


Save your money for now, and just start to read. Then after you read a bit, get yourself a charting program - like tradestation, ninja or esignal, and just start playing with the charts and the tools. After you are comfprtable with knowing a macd from a cci, then look around for a few trial trade rooms and just poke in and listen during the free trial. Look at your charts, and see what goes on. Then when you are comfortable with charts, tools and the lingo, read trading in the zone about 3 times.

Then drop me a line. We can talk about the experience and maybe decide on a good course of action. So far, its costs you almost nohting, and you gain for free loads of experience and maybe you will be ready for the crucial next step...


I guess one of my biggest reasons for looking into day trading is for the change in lifestyle. I work for a bank here in Australia and sure the job comes with its perks, and sure I can work my way up the corporate chain, but I see what the people sitting above me need to do while their up there. But to put it basically more stress = more pay.


I believe by opening some doors and learning more about day trading I can dictate a bit more of my own life. Work the hours I want to and concentrate more on things that I want to do, rather than feel I need to fulfil the obligations of the "business."


I've already taken the first step and ordered a few books like "The Candlestick Course" & "Trading in the Zone." But I know that I still have a very long way to go.


But I'm determined to succeed as a day trader, and I know that it will take a lot of leg work on my behalf to get there. But I am thankful for forums like these because it gives guys like me a helping hand up to hone my skills and broaden my knowledge.


What are some names of the free trial trade rooms? It sounds like a good opportunity to listen in and see what I’m in for.

I would just like to thank all of you for the contributions on these forums. Hopefully as I progress I can even convince some of you who are willing to mentor a newbie like myself. Or at least help point me in the right direction.

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Let me first tell you straight out that learning to trade is very stressful, even gut renching agonizing at times, and can be an emotional roller coaster. So, please do not think it is or will be any easier than what you are doing now.

What is great - at the other side of the tunnel - is a certain amount of life-style freedom. You still need to trade when the trading is good, you still need to put in the daily prep, and you still need to sit and do the work of the trade. But, if you get your head straight, start slow, be willing to NOT repeat all of our mistakes, then you should be ok.

Here are a few mistakes NOT to be repeated:

DO NOT TRADE UNDERFUNDED- this is mistake numero uno. Give yourself, in the beginning at least, $10 or $15k per contract in your account.

DO NOT TRADE CASH UNTIL YOU HAVE TESTED YOURSELF AND KNOW WHAT KIND OF TRADER YOU ARE AND HAVE YOUR METHOD DOWN PAT - this is mistake numero uno. Too many traders jump into trading half prepared, with too much hope and too much greed.

DO NOT TRADE MORE THAN 1 INSTRUMENT YOUR FIRST YEAR IN CASH - this is mistake numero uno. I have seen many traders have a couple of months success trading the instrument they just spent the last 6 months studying, and then suddenly branch out to a new instrument in cash, and blow out their accounts. This is because the process you go through for your first instrument needs to be repeated for each instrument you decide to add. Each instrument trades similarly, but they each have a certain price character. So, tackle one, master it, then study the next before using your cash on it.

DO NOT BUY ANY INDICATORS UNTIL YOU HAVE EXHAUSTED YOUR OWN RESEARCH INTO A METHOD OF YOUR OWN DESIGN. This is mistake numero uno. This is also the hardest for traders to do since it means a long time before you even get to trade. So many traders are so impatient and they want the quick fix, easy answer, and have the just give me the magic indicator so I can make money attitude. Its the industries fault, not yours. So safeguard yourself and learn about the indicators already available in your charting platform. Put 3 or four of them together and start tweeking them, studying them, and keep a detailed journal of what you consider good setups that your discover. Trade those setups in strict sim; tweek them some more, record the results. Spend as much time as you need until you have something that shows about a 60% to 70% accuracy rate to first target completion. Devise your trade rules to enhance this. Then, take a formal acid test. See how you make out. The confidence in yourself is more more important than confidence in someone else, and it is going to be the same for your tools.

There are hundreds of free trade room trials available. Why do you even ask this question?!!? If you are not willing to do your own research and study, then you are already behind the 8 ball. You want me - or other traders - to make it easy for you? Forget it. The best thing I can do for you is to tell you that you are going to succeed because you are willing to. That means YOU research the internet yourself for free trial rooms, YOU go and get a book list from just about any decent trader education website, YOU go and get a couple of trade platforms and check them out. YOU start creating a chart design with tools you understand, and start recording in detail the results.

Do not be afraid of not knowing a lot in the beginning. That is actually a very good thing. It will toughen you up for the real deal later.

Now, if you want to pay me money then I would be glad to tell you exactly what to do. I won't guarantee any of it will work for you, but if that's what you want, sure. Pay me $7k dollars and here's the manual, here's the trade room, now take this trade, and do exactly what I do when I tell you, and good luck buddy.

I hope you understand what I am trying to tell you. Trust yourself. The successful traders who want to sell you their stuff all have one thing in common. Their stuff works for them, and maybe a lucky few. Otherwise, there would not be hundreds of indicators, hundreds of methods, hundreds of styles, etc. If you are lucky you will find the right match with minimal cost. This is not a bad thing.


Now, having said all that - I can recommend the indicators and method that works for me.

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Hi Skilganon213,


I from Melbourne I am a Project Manager and i have been looking at Traders International too but i dint like the TI people. Every time i spoke to this salesman he was telling me another story, I know how overwhelming it feels at the start i only started looking at the stock market in Feb 09 but i have go hard and read alot of forums and starting on some books. I learned the most from youtube there are videos there explaining every indicator and the basics. Now i dont feel like i need Traders Int anymore but i know i still have alot to learn.


maybe we can help each other with this new career.

also look up informedtrades.com they have free educational videos very good.

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Thanks edabreu,


I think you hit the nail on the head but its a hard o hear the truth, i know because i didnt like hear what you wrote about doing long hours of research and testing but i know its the truth.


Its hard for new people like myself because we dont know what the basics are, like what is best practice and every time i read a forum i discover a new word which leads to a whole new can of worms. The problem is that the new traders dont know how much i enough, i mean i dont know if i should be using 5 indicators or 1 and on what time frame charts or tick charts the variables are unlimited basically. So now i am focusing only on stoch and macd and some EMA, and im trying to workout some settings to make the system %70 accurate.


At the moment im trying to see what these methods are and i getting a lot of general info on all of them, but not much real info on how to best use these techniques. It takes an experienced trader to put it all to ghether to see how if should work that's why most of the book knowledge is only half of what is needed.


That's what im doing now using for free trial rooms to get that human experience.



Volume spread analysis

Price action

multiple time frame analysis

Tick charts

Volume Charts


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Which is... don't leave us hanging like that!




I didn't want to recommend anything unless someone wants a recommendation. Keep in mind that any recommendation is going to be what has worked for me. I still highly recommend you try the original approach which is to try and develop a combination that you define with a set of rules and see if you can get that to about 70% to first target. If I had to do it all over again I would do this first since it would have saved me a lot of money because even if I could not get a good set going, it would have forced me to learn all the current tools in-depth and hence been able to make a better decision once going to market to look for a pre-defined method and tool-set.

But here is my recommendation for the indicators and method that I have found to be the best.


#1 - Blue Wave Trading Precision Indicators

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