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Feltontrading Method

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This guy doesn't charge people for his analysis archives.And when he posts that analysis on here:




He doesn't insult people who ask him questions.A bit different to the Felton approach,to put it mildly.Feel free to actually answer the questions you were asked a dozen times already.See if you can get through a post without the insults.

Just for the record,if Goldman Sachs ever offer to mentor me,i think i could tear myself away from kicking your ass around in this thread.



Originally Posted by Roger Felton »

For the record, Gosu is a mentor hater just as you are. I said adios to that previous thread and, as promised, did not return to see anybody's comments. I'm a very good trading instructor but I cannot help someone whose heart is filled with hate and wants to argue, fight and smear. No one can help anyone like that...sorry.


Although you will continue to spew your ignorant venom ( I know you like a book, remember) this will be my last exchange with you. Trying to have a civil discourse with a damaged jaded trader is usually a total waste of time and energy. I wish you well.



Thank you for the kind words. As you mentioned, I would be happy to answer anyone's questions.



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for the record - I said I would actually check it Rogers testing if I had the time and give what I would consider to be a fair appraisal in the last thread....and I dont think I am a mentor hater - skeptic definitely - but I reckon you would be hard pressed to say hater - I mean I even stick up for them sometimes.


(Loved the haters ball video, especially the photo walk through)

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I respect your opinion Suiya,but just exactly what should i be be open minded about here?


you can be as closed minded as you like.....:)


Some people might find something worth while in Rogers teachings. My aim would be to be as open minded and as fair as I could be (apart from a few instances I think I would be seen as a pretty impartial fellow here :))


If I had any biases/pre determined areas to judge it would be on

a....was Rodger offering anything new/exciting/worthwhile that could not be found elsewhere for free

b....is this value for money for both new and experienced traders (I would probably rate this so you can make your own subjective judgments)

c....based on there being a legitimate trade off for speed learning or backup via a mentor rather than trawling through the net and working it out yourself.


(My predetermined biases that I am happy to be forthcoming about are that

- generally there is not a lot of new stuff there, most things are just variations of the same price action

- but there still might be value in short cutting the learning curve.)


I think that would be a pretty fair and open way to view it.

Thoughts? (without rants ;))

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* * *

I will guarantee you Roger will never take up the 2 offers from yourself and Gosu.The first time Gosu offered, Roger left the thread using my "venom" as an excuse.* * *


In the interest of complete reporting, my offer was conditional: (a) grow an account of at least $10K two orders of magnitude ($1x to $100x) regardless of duration; AND (b) extract $100K+ in a single day at least once.


Since he was touting his expertise, I thought it would be good to put a benchmark to it. I didn't realize at the time that he's an expert that trades 2 lots in simulation. I'm not sure if that's better or worse than the fact that there are actually people in his chatroom who are impressed with the results. What's that proverb? In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.


Don't want to be seen as picking on poor old Roger too much as that will stir SIUYA the AVENGER to take action defending weak vendors from my critical remarks. :D

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The next time I get married, I am going to post her name on this thread and let you guys pick her apart. You guys will find all the shit on her that I couldn't find and save me a lot of time and money. I wish I had access to you 18 years ago.

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The next time I get married, I am going to post her name on this thread and let you guys pick her apart. You guys will find all the shit on her that I couldn't find and save me a lot of time and money. I wish I had access to you 18 years ago.


Just post a link to her website. I'm sure mitsubishi will get right on it. :D

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for the record - I said I would actually check it Rogers testing if I had the time and give what I would consider to be a fair appraisal in the last thread....and I dont think I am a mentor hater - skeptic definitely - but I reckon you would be hard pressed to say hater - I mean I even stick up for them sometimes.


(Loved the haters ball video, especially the photo walk through)


No kidding, the video was a hoot.


To my knowledge, I don't think I ever said you were a "mentor hater" and I don't think we've had much of an exchange in the first place. I apologize if you got that impression. I admire (and I have always strongly promoted) healthy skepticizm. It's vital these days so keep it up!



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How about it Roger? 2 offers Gosu and SUIYA both have asked you twice both have been IGNORED.They don't fit your customer profile do they Roger?

Just direct us to the the public record of your million dollar offer you made "years ago"

Just show us a scrap of evidence you ever made one thin dime in a market.Just show us the "5000" who aren't part of the 90% losers.Just write one goddamn sentence on the market today..here on a trading forum where traders talk about trading.



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This is Roger's sales letter.Pure and simple marketing.The product could be anything.Not a single chart.Not a single thing a trader would expect to see from "a trader with 25 years..25 years experience. Boy is this guy passionate about trading.


I respect your opinion Suiya,but just exactly what should i be be open minded about here?

Let's just forget about this guys' wonderful charm offensive every time you challenge him.


Do not make claims and then repeatedly refuse to substantiate them and then attack anyone who challenges you and then expect them to be "open minded"

All vendors are snake oil salesmen unless they provide absolute proof of any claims made.

And anyone who pays 6.5k to Roger without that proof seriously needs their head testing.


Man, you just don't stop, do you? I have thoroughly reviewed this entire thread and nowhere does SUIYA ask me for my help. GOSU did and I chose to ignore it. The guy has so much seething hatred right down to the core of his soul towards me that there is no way in hell I could help him. No matter what I did for him he could never bring himself to say anything even civil much less honest about me. So be it.


SUIYA is another matter. If he/she had simply asked, I would have gladly done everything in my power to make a big difference. I love working with skeptics. I do it all the time. Please show me in this thread where SUIYA asked me for anything.


You read but you didn't comprehend. I specifically said that I made that "million dollar offer" while speaking at a tradeshow. Had I known you would get so hung up on it I'd have had it video taped. Whenever the topic of black box autotrading systems comes up, I repeat the offer. If someone could produce such, and could prove that it did and would continue to make vast amounts of money, ANYONE could get that amount of money together from investors if they didn't have it themselves. If I didn't have that much liquidity, I could raise it in less than 30 minutes. You're getting way too bent out of shape about something so common sense. Trust me, nobody has any trading system auto or otherwise that comes with a performance guarantee...and nobody would pay a million for one that didn't. So far, no takers.


Where did you get the phony $6500 figure that I supposedly charge for my help? I have never charged anyone that figure...not even close. Another in your long list of made up bunk. The bigger question is, if someone can actually vastly improve someone's trading ability and turn a loser into a consistent winner, why would that not be worth a lot more than a lousy $6500? If they can't do squat, then 65 cents is too much to pay. It's the results, not the price that matters and I'm surprised that you are so clueless about that basic fact.


What's your problem with the website? I'm one of the very few, if not the only, trading educator that invites anyone to come in to my trading room and actually interact with me and the group as they watch trades, not just called, but actually taken...for virtually as long as they care to stay. If they want more time, they simply ask and it's totally free. Who else does that? At no time is anyone ever asked to buy anything by anyone at Felton Trading. Wouldn't it be great if all were that way?


The trades are in simulation and with just two contracts per trade. No moderator in their right mind would consider moderating a constant interaction and commentary trading room and trade a live account in fast action discretionary trades. The computer I use is one of the most powerful money can buy but with 20+ charts running along with Omnovia in moderator mode, the resources are completely maxed out. It's a rare day the order execution platform doesn't run a second or two slow. Trading in sim is actually harder than my live account trades that are done on a dedicated computer used only for trading.


Many of my trades for 10 to 20 tick scalps can take less than 5 seconds from beginning to end. Sorry, but to sacrifice otherwise successful real dollar trades by using a stressed out machine just to please you just ain't gonna happen. You'd never take the time to come in and watch it happen anyway. Your only agenda is to lie, criticize and smear.


I trade just 2 contracts because that's a number most traders in the learning stage can relate to. I want to demonstrate what can be done with just 2 per trade. My daily goal is to exceed $1000 in sim although many follow my trades with their live account positions. If a trader can consistently do that with 2 contracts, there's not much they can't do. Because my trades are so conservative vs. potential, when my trades win, so do theirs the vast majority of the time. But the goal is to teach them to trade on their own better than I do so they don't need me any more.


Criticize all you wish, what I do works and I'm not going to change my training model for you or anyone else who have no clue what me or Felton Trading are about.


The problem here isn't that you guys challenge me. You insult me. You lie about me and make things up, you slander and distort everything you can in order to try to discredit me. None of you have ever met me or let me work with you for even 2 seconds. You never will. So don't call it "challenges" ...call it for what it is. I can never prove anything if I'm never given a chance.


P.S. You still haven't posted these "questions" that you keep saying I'm not answering. Just make them legitimate questions and not insults with a question mark.

Edited by MadMarketScientist
no personal attacks

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Trading in sim is actually harder than my live account trades that are done on a dedicated computer used only for trading.



Chief it is you who are insulting others. Who the hell do you expect to fool with this? What next? You are more angry when you lose in sim than you are when you trade live?


In addition, no one makes 1k a day trading with 2 contracts, but somehow we are not supposed to think you are a complete fraud.

Edited by MadMarketScientist
no personal attacks

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During a cursory examination of Roger Felton's website (by me, onesmith) I observed a pattern .. of multiple irregularities that separate Felton's site from other's .. and raise red flags that IMO have a high probability of resulting in legal sanctions if reported to the authorities. I haven't reported them but I can and will, when and if Roger questions these allegations.


Let it go Roger. Move on.



All these snake oil services should be closed down for fraud.


Look in the charts, there is no shortcut to trading.



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Chief it is you who are insulting others. Who the hell do you expect to fool with this? What next? You are more angry when you lose in sim than you are when you trade live?


In addition, no one makes 1k a day trading with 2 contracts


Hey, I didn't come here and start this, you guys did. Go back and read the post history. I think it began with JoshDance. I'd bet that if I had simply hid behind a phony name like you guys do and made the same contributing posts as before, none of these personal attacks would have ever happened. It was only because I used my real name and didn't try to hide in the shadows and didn't conceal that I was a vendor that this stuff started. I'm a trading mentor and a professional trader. I'm very good at both and I don't have to hide that from anyone. I never intentionally insulted anyone, I simply responded to viscious personal attacks...and you know it. It's sad...we might have actually been friends if I were just a trader.


If I believed it to be impossible for anyone to make $1000 a day trading only 2 contracts and someone offered to prove it can by inviting me to come watch it happen, I'd get off my lazy duff and go take a look. But not you guys. Your mind is made up. You ask for proof and won't bother to even try to give me a chance. Maybe it's more fun to try to destroy my reputation with false accusations and snide remarks. If it can't be done then you need to tell the large group of traders who watch me do it practically every day. I not only do it, I teach it. Life is hell when it's lived in a hole.


I've tried as hard as I know how to correct the misstatements that happen here constantly. But there's just no reasoning with this group. Did I get angry? Sure, at times. I think anybody would but I'm disappointed in myself for getting down to the mean-spirited level of this bunch. A really dumb waste of time and energy for sure but at least I didn't stoop to making things up in order to damage anyone or their business. My fault...should have left a long time ago when I first realized that there were no friends to be found here.


Well, I'm toast. I give up. Ya'll win. You guys go ahead and trash me and pack this thread with all the manufactured "facts" you want. I've got a lot more productive things to do with my time so let's get out of each other's hair. If I unjustly offended or insulted anyone here, I sincerely apologize. It was not my intent or my nature.

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During a cursory examination of Roger Felton's website (by me, onesmith) I observed a pattern .. of multiple irregularities that separate Felton's site from other's .. and raise red flags that IMO have a high probability of resulting in legal sanctions if reported to the authorities. I haven't reported them but I can and will, when and if Roger questions these allegations.


Let it go Roger. Move on.


My website has been thoroughly inspected by the NFA, a former attorney for the CFTC plus the legal departments of Mirus, AMP, Global Futures, TradeStation and many others. If you have managed to find something they overlooked, please let me know and it will be immediately removed. It would be greatly appreciated. This is how gentlemen behave. The last time I checked there were no gurarantees or promises made anywhere on my site...unlike most of the other websites I have seen. But, I will give you the benefit of a doubt and allow you to educate me...more consideration, by the way, than any you ever gave me.

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Given your accusations about me in the note quoted below .. it is appropriate to caution you. Do not make any further statements about me that you're not prepared to prove.


If you can't state facts, just make something up and then threaten, right?. My website has been thoroughly inspected by the NFA, a former attorney for the CFTC plus the legal departments of Mirus, AMP, Global Futures, TradeStation and many others. If you have managed to find something they overlooked, please let me know and it will be immediately removed. It would be greatly appreciated. This is how gentlemen behave. The last time I checked there were no gurarantees or promises made anywhere on my site...unlike most of the other websites I have seen. But, I will give you the benefit of a doubt and allow you to educate me...more consideration, by the way, than any you ever gave me.

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I have thoroughly reviewed this entire thread and nowhere does SUIYA ask me for my help. ...................

SUIYA is another matter. If he/she had simply asked, I would have gladly done everything in my power to make a big difference. I love working with skeptics. I do it all the time. Please show me in this thread where SUIYA asked me for anything.


Post #98 Page 13...http://www.traderslaboratory.com/forums/trading-markets/12555-if-i-hear-price-action-setup-13.html


It was an offer by me in the original thread where the original altercation took place.

By the way it was not so much asking for help, but it was in response to your post #86 page 11

I could satisfy those 4 criteria - maybe I might spend slightly less time on a daily basis as I have other things happening, I also am not inexperienced, though sometimes I do struggle, I am not aware of any emotional mental issues I may have.....(though this is debatable)



I'm seeking a couple of honest individuals who are struggling to succeed as traders. Assuming they have at least some trading experience, what I wanted to propose was to let me work with them for one week. At the end of that week, I will personally guarantee that they will be able to identify excellent market entries in real time 95% or more of the time they spend in front of their charts. Since I cannot force anyone to actually take any particular trade, I can't guarantee that they will make any money...many traders have serious emotional issues that are beyone my control. But I can guarantee they will see the trades in plenty of time to take them and they will easily be able to recognize their profit potential. They will also know the exact moment to exit each trade. They will also know how to spot the majority of the few trade signals that are likely to fizzle.


Pretty bold stuff but I know what I can do and I'm willing to stake my 15 year reputation on it (which is impeccable, by the way. I've never been sued, censored, fined or even investigated by any agency. We enjoy a spotless A rating at the BBB while most other "competitors" wouldn't dare join that group).


What are the terms?


1. To keep an open mind and be willing to learn something only a handful of traders know about.


2. To never pay me a dime for anything at any time.


3. To allow me to work with them daily for one week.


4. To go back to their group, forum, etc. and give a full honest report on the experience and how they are doing.


What do I get out of this?


The best I could hope for is simple professional respect. I know I'll never get that from everyone no matter what I do (especially here) but it would be refreshing to be able to join and log into a trading forum and not be verbally spit upon. Who knows, I might even make some friends along the way."""""""""""""""""""

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Hey, I didn't come here and start this, you guys did. Go back and read the post history. I think it began with JoshDance. I'd bet that if I had simply hid behind a phony name like you guys do and made the same contributing posts as before, none of these personal attacks would have ever happened. It was only because I used my real name and didn't try to hide in the shadows and didn't conceal that I was a vendor that this stuff started. I'm a trading mentor and a professional trader. I'm very good at both and I don't have to hide that from anyone. I never intentionally insulted anyone, I simply responded to viscious personal attacks...and you know it. It's sad...we might have actually been friends if I were just a trader.


If I believed it to be impossible for anyone to make $1000 a day trading only 2 contracts and someone offered to prove it can by inviting me to come watch it happen, I'd get off my lazy duff and go take a look. But not you guys. Your mind is made up. You ask for proof and won't bother to even try to give me a chance. Maybe it's more fun to try to destroy my reputation with false accusations and snide remarks. If it can't be done then you need to tell the large group of traders who watch me do it practically every day. I not only do it, I teach it. Life is hell when it's lived in a hole.


I've tried as hard as I know how to correct the misstatements that happen here constantly. But there's just no reasoning with this group. Did I get angry? Sure, at times. I think anybody would but I'm disappointed in myself for getting down to the mean-spirited level of this bunch. A really dumb waste of time and energy for sure but at least I didn't stoop to making things up in order to damage anyone or their business. My fault...should have left a long time ago when I first realized that there were no friends to be found here.


Well, I'm toast. I give up. Ya'll win. You guys go ahead and trash me and pack this thread with all the manufactured "facts" you want. I've got a lot more productive things to do with my time so let's get out of each other's hair. If I unjustly offended or insulted anyone here, I sincerely apologize. It was not my intent or my nature.


A 1000 can be made in a day. A 1000 cannot be made every day trading only 2 contracts for very long. So, stating that you can make a 1000 a day trading 2 contracts is at best misleading.

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A 1000 can be made in a day. A 1000 cannot be made every day trading only 2 contracts for very long. So, stating that you can make a 1000 a day trading 2 contracts is at best misleading.


If you think about it allocate $10,000 per contract - =$20,000

Make $1000 per day

give or take holidays a few bad days etc....total profit $200,000 for the year

Simplistically calculated Net return 1000% ---- not bad.


Possible - not probable.....hence I am willing to see and report in a fair manner as any skeptic would.


We cant forget that Mr Felton is offering to sell services, and hence as per any sales person will talk up the good things - completely normal, fair and understandable.

Maybe this does cloud peoples judgments but show me any sales pitch that does not.

eg; this car/beer/clothes/gym membership will get you the girls, the nice weather, the glamourous lifestyle etc; etc;....


That does not make him a bad teacher, nor a poor value service......

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A 1000 can be made in a day. A 1000 cannot be made every day trading only 2 contracts for very long. So, stating that you can make a 1000 a day trading 2 contracts is at best misleading.


The stats are kept through the diligent efforts of my students, not by me. So we're clear, I do not make $1000 every day. Sometimes I make $2,000 and occasionally $3,000. But there are days I fall short. And some days I'm negative but usually not by much.


So, over the past 2+ years in my calls and trades taken in full view of the room participants, my daily average is somewhere between $1100 and $1200 mostly trading CL, GC and the 6E.


My plan was to come here to TL and share a lot of what I do with the group while building friendship and acceptance among my peers. You guys have no clue what I can do or the extent I was willing to go. I think I could have changed a lot of negative minds about me in a training webinar or two. Got gang tackled and never made it out of my own end zone. Never had a chance.


There was never any hidden agenda as has been put forth by several of you. Perhaps my biggest blunder here was assuming that anyone here needed my help. Apparently not and I should never have made that assumption.


I must admit that the "welcome wagon" was quite overwhelming here and I wasn't prepared for it. The rules seem to be that others can say any nasty untrue remark about me they can think of but I can't respond with the true facts or defend myself. I probably handled it badly and should have packed up my candlesticks and just moved on to a more suitable forum. Been way ahead. Live and learn.

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The stats are kept through the diligent efforts of my students, not by me. So we're clear, I do not make $1000 every day. Sometimes I make $2,000 and occasionally $3,000. But there are days I fall short. And some days I'm negative but usually not by much.


So, over the past 2+ years in my calls and trades taken in full view of the room participants, my daily average is somewhere between $1100 and $1200 mostly trading CL, GC and the 6E.


There you go MM its average $350 per day per instrument - definitely doable.


My plan was to come here to TL and share a lot of what I do with the group while building friendship and acceptance among my peers. You guys have no clue what I can do or the extent I was willing to go. I think I could have changed a lot of negative minds about me in a training webinar or two. Got gang tackled and never made it out of my own end zone. Never had a chance.


There was never any hidden agenda as has been put forth by several of you. Perhaps my biggest blunder here was assuming that anyone here needed my help. Apparently not and I should never have made that assumption.


I must admit that the "welcome wagon" was quite overwhelming here and I wasn't prepared for it. The rules seem to be that others can say any nasty untrue remark about me they can think of but I can't respond with the true facts or defend myself. I probably handled it badly and should have packed up my candlesticks and just moved on to a more suitable forum. Been way ahead. Live and learn.


Well does that mean you will not take me up for a fair and impartial trial?

I think if not then that really does explain the unwelcome wagons......


(plus Mitsubishi I am a he :) despite my soft feminine touch and delicate disposition)

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The stats are kept through the diligent efforts of my students, not by me. So we're clear, I do not make $1000 every day. Sometimes I make $2,000 and occasionally $3,000. But there are days I fall short. And some days I'm negative but usually not by much.


So, over the past 2+ years in my calls and trades taken in full view of the room participants, my daily average is somewhere between $1100 and $1200 mostly trading CL, GC and the 6E.


My plan was to come here to TL and share a lot of what I do with the group while building friendship and acceptance among my peers. You guys have no clue what I can do or the extent I was willing to go. I think I could have changed a lot of negative minds about me in a training webinar or two. Got gang tackled and never made it out of my own end zone. Never had a chance.


There was never any hidden agenda as has been put forth by several of you. Perhaps my biggest blunder here was assuming that anyone here needed my help. Apparently not and I should never have made that assumption.


I must admit that the "welcome wagon" was quite overwhelming here and I wasn't prepared for it. The rules seem to be that others can say any nasty untrue remark about me they can think of but I can't respond with the true facts or defend myself. I probably handled it badly and should have packed up my candlesticks and just moved on to a more suitable forum. Been way ahead. Live and learn.


Awesome, your average gain increased from 1000 to 1100 or 1200 in less than 1 page of forum thread. Pinocchio, are you sure you are telling Papa the truth?


You are a saint for forgoing hundreds of thousands a year. Of course your sim trading, which by your account is harder, is much smaller than what you would actually trade. So, you are forgoing millions to pursue altruistic motives. God will look after you. Bless you.


Of course you will only get a sim God where you are going.

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There you go MM its average $350 per day per instrument - definitely doable.




Well does that mean you will not take me up for a fair and impartial trial?

I think if not then that really does explain the unwelcome wagons......


(plus Mitsubishi I am a he :) despite my soft feminine touch and delicate disposition)


No, SIUYA, it does not mean that. So far, to my knowledge, you have never asked me for my help. Perhaps you asked in another thread that I left in frustration. Although I am leaving this incredibly negative forum, I will help anyone who asks in friendship for my professional assistance.


As I said before, and many times in the past, I welcome and encourage skeptics. If there is no hatred towards me personally, then I would heartily welcome the opportunity to help you. It's what I came here to try to do. Please stay highly skeptical (I'm sure you will) and question everything I teach you. Although I am confident I can give your trading results a big boost, rest assured that I will never ask you for a dime in exchange. Just trader helping trader, ok?


Please give me your contact info in a PM and we can get started. I'll be finishing a training course for a small group tomorrow so we can hit the ground running as early as next week. Thanks for always being civil and I look forward to working with you as a mentor and as a friend.

Edited by Roger Felton

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Awesome, your average gain increased from 1000 to 1100 or 1200 in less than 1 page of forum thread. Pinocchio, are you sure you are telling Papa the truth?


You are a saint for forgoing hundreds of thousands a year. Of course your sim trading, which by your account is harder, is much smaller than what you would actually trade. So, you are forgoing millions to pursue altruistic motives. God will look after you. Bless you.


Of course you will only get a sim God where you are going.


The ignorance in this forum is astounding. I said my goal was to average $1000 plus...


No one can possibly hit an exact target goal every day. You're a trader, aren't you? You can't wrap your brain around that?


I also said that some days I miss my goal...market aren't always great. Some days I lose a little. And then there are days when I greatly exceed my goal.


A goal is a level I try to achieve but it's not necessarily a stopping point. Many days the trades just keep firing and working all day long and I'd be an idiot to stop trading. My 2-year average beats my minimum goal level...so what?


By what measure of logic to you figure that, because I teach and trade in sim for 3 hours a day, that I therefore cannot possibly have time to trade my live account? Ridiculous nonsense and so typical of the vile tactics you guys constantly post here. I no longer have the stomach for this anymore.


Why am I trying to explain something this elementary to you? You are one of the many here who will twist everything I say into something else. As fact twisters, you guys win the trophy every time.


And it will never ever change.....

Edited by Roger Felton

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Anyway, I just got back from spending a wonderful day at the beach with friends. That's what's important to me. Good luck in your further discussions. I hope you work it out.

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    • ItuGlobal: Our Latest NETELLER VIPs 2025 ITU GLOBAL VIP Members’ Rewards Every calendar year, we choose 2 customers to become our VIPs. They’ve permanently special status with us and they can fund/withdraw Neteller through us, at parallel market rates, whether they open brokerage accounts through us or not.   These are people who funded with the highest amount of Neteller, and who also withdrew the highest amount of Neteller through us.  They would be announced in January each year and added to our list of VIPs. ItuGlobal: Our Latest NETELLER VIPs 2025 Adetoye Oyebanji Babalola: Adetoye O. has started selling large quantities of Neteller to us since the very beginning of our company’s existence. He also sold Perfect Money to us many times, when PM was still available in Nigeria. Besides, he has given us a lot of helpful business advice, which has proven to be invaluable to us. He deserves to become our VIP. Isiaka Adekunle Mohammed: He is a constant buyer. Buying e-currencies and also funding his Instaforex account through us. We thank Isiaka A. for his trust in us and wish him the best in everything he does. Abiodun Lawanson: This is an avid buyer and seller of Neteller. He buys and makes profits and sells back to us. Sometimes when we are not online, he will send an offline message and we will process his order once we come back online. He has thus become our VIP. Source: Ituglobalfx.com.ng  
    • The best and the most sure-fire way to avoid all these forms of nonsense is NEVER to send any money to anyone, no matter the circumstances they claim... Even your closest family members.   Whatever they claim will happen to them, let it happen.   There is nothing new under the sun...   You need to be extremely cruel.... Never send anything of value to anybody, no matter what they claim, even if they claim death.   If you can follow this GOLDEN RULE, you will avoid a lot of regrets, heartaches and disappointments from all areas.   I send money only to people I have promised before.... Or someone I am seeing face-to-face... Or someone I have confirmed beyond reasonable doubts from external/independent sources that they really need the money.   Otherwise, nobody under this heaven can come out of blue (unless my parents or wife), even my siblings and request money.   Over 90% of requests for financial assistance and are fraudulent.   After all, if you die today... The scammers (even in the family) will continue to live without you.   Those who are merciful, kind-hearted and soft-hearted are the easy preys and targets of these scoundrels - 419 scammers.   They like gullible people and hate tough/cruel people.   Do not allow anyone to cause you to feel guilty for what you don’t do… Those dubious people want to make you feel guilty for not helping. But you don’t need to feel guilty as long as you’re not the cause of their problems or the issues they have.   It is better to lose customers/friends/family members/anyone's goodwill and keep your money, than to lose their goodwill and also lose your money.   Because that is what will happen at last... I have lost count of how many people that are currently regretting giving out loans, just because they want to retain goodwill.   When you're trying to please people, you end up displeasing yourself... And you will discover that those who are encouraging you to be kind and generous are themselves wicked and stingy.   Esin o dede l’oro... Araye lo ko esin loro. (It's humans being that taught the horse how to be cruel).   The best way to avoid falling for scam is NEVER to send anything of value to anyone, no matter who the person is to you or how they relate to you on this planet...   And never try to get anything for free or reap where you don't sow and never try to get rich quickly.   Follow this: You will escape/avoid all scams, lies, pretenses, fakeries, headaches, sorrow, regrets, high BP, later in your life.   Ignore this rule at your own PERIL.   Have a nice day. PS: And scammers will be using AI also for impersonations, phishing attempts and deepfake tricks. Just delay indefinitely and make independent calls, research and investigation before you part with anything of value. If you can't go through the rigors, just ignore the deals. I hope the Western World will soon pass legislation to regulate AI and deal with those who use it for evil.  To get free, winning trading signals, please visit: https://t.me/predictmag 
    • C Citigroup stock watch, pullback to the 68.43 gap support area, with bullish indicators at https://stockconsultant.com/?C
    • HDSN Hudson Technologies stock, strong rally, watch for a bottom breakout at https://stockconsultant.com/?HDSN
    • GLD SPDR Gold Shares ETF watch for a top of range breakout above 273.3 at https://stockconsultant.com/?GLD
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