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Never Lose Again!! TheRumpledOne

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Highly successful traders don't go around posting winning systems on trading forums dominated by those trying to become profitable, especially systems which show alleged golden entries all over the place with no stats to back up that it's an actual winning system.


The irony is that you're posting "cheese" to attract newbie traders into your own sort of trap.


Don't "think like a rat". Think like the person who set up the experiment in the first place and then you'll know what you're really dealing with.

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BocaCrazy re: "Please could I just ask one thing... where can I find an explanation of the purpose's and usage of all the indicators in the "Never Lose Again" file? " For history of all his stuff, check TradeStation forums – unless they censored/deleted his lodes, and kreslik.com - Traders Community :: Index, and the forum of his current platform, etc

Having now been labeled as a vendor, this is a great chance for TRO to, as Optiontimer puts it, “answer their flippin' questions for cryin' out loud!”

(I’m probably breaking some new unspoken rules here, but), in TRO’s case, you might be better off just sending him some money :rofl: See below…


steveh2009, this has some carry over from my posts on the Vendors, Vendors, Vendors thread, but it is perfectly ok for a vendor to leave the burden of ‘statistics’ to the consumer!

Plus - you, the consumer, sets the purchase price of his products and ideas …

Plus - No! He is not promoting the sale of services… He loathes servicing people and teaches that we really must learn to service ourselves.


I doubt you would be so quick to judge if you knew the sheer magnitude of high quality ‘re-usable’ code TRO has contributed to the trading community over the years. … probably more than anyone else on the planet!

Edited by zdo

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BocaCrazy re: "Please could I just ask one thing... where can I find an explanation of the purpose's and usage of all the indicators in the "Never Lose Again" file? " For history of all his stuff, check TradeStation forums – unless they censored/deleted his lodes, and kreslik.com - Traders Community :: Index, and the forum of his current platform, etc

Having now been labeled as a vendor, this is a great chance for TRO to, as Optiontimer puts it, “answer their flippin' questions for cryin' out loud!”

(I’m probably breaking some new unspoken rules here, but), in TRO’s case, you might be better off just sending him some money :rofl: See below…


steveh2009, this has some carry over from my posts on the Vendors, Vendors, Vendors thread, but it is perfectly ok for a vendor to leave the burden of ‘statistics’ to the consumer!

Plus - you, the consumer, sets the purchase price of his products and ideas …

Plus - No! He is not promoting the sale of services… He loathes servicing people and teaches that we really must learn to service ourselves.


I doubt you would be so quick to judge if you knew the sheer magnitude of high quality ‘re-usable’ code TRO has contributed to the trading community over the years. … probably more than anyone else on the planet!


I am not sure if quality is the word,

maybe you meant quantity ?

a lot of his codes were iterations of previous codes -- he kept on modifying them, changing them, curve fitting them, and calling them the new and improved wonder indicator. It's a moving target LOL.

I am not saying the codes have no educational value; you can learn a thing or two between the lines. But definitely not never lose again.

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If we can't "bash" a vendor, it doesn't really make sense that we can praise them either - so I'm probably out of line here under the new laws :) but


...the amount of 'curvefitting', etc. is miniscule compared to the base quantity of quality projects TRO initiated and followed up with multiple rounds of timely fixes, improvements and enhancements (from requests and unsolicited), integrations, etc ..

:haha:I tell ya -It was frickn ADHD for a couple years there ...

so - whether measured by quanity or by quality - the body of work he contributed freely is probably the largest and best on the planet


That said...the sheer general uselessness of much of that code illustrates one of the points I was making over in the VVV thread - each vendor's market is actually only a tiny niche...ultimately no need to label / brand them at all

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If we can't "bash" a vendor, it doesn't really make sense that we can praise them either - so I'm probably out of line here under the new laws :) but


...the amount of 'curvefitting', etc. is miniscule compared to the base quantity of quality projects TRO initiated and followed up with multiple rounds of timely fixes, improvements and enhancements (from requests and unsolicited), integrations, etc ..

:haha:I tell ya -It was frickn ADHD for a couple years there ...

so - whether measured by quanity or by quality - the body of work he contributed freely is probably the largest and best on the planet


That said...the sheer general uselessness of much of that code illustrates one of the points I was making over in the VVV thread - each vendor's market is actually only a tiny niche...ultimately no need to label / brand them at all


Please name ONE quality work he contributed that is a worthwhile mention?


I can't think of one name... and I am not looking for an enduring work like MACD, RSI, or Stochastic. I am just trying to find one quality name that is associated with him.



so - whether measured by quanity or by quality - the body of work he contributed freely is probably the largest and best on the planet


sure, the body of work is there... this is how he solicits donations -- to blanket the WWW with his enticing posts... the more he posts, the more "contribution" he makes... the more posts he makes, the more donations coming in. That's why he is banned from a number of forums -- he posts to solicit donation.


He then keeps on modifying the indies with little tweaks and calls them "New". Like the guy who posted his "Grail version 2.0" in another thread, if the original indie never lose any money, why do you need to have version 2.0 ?!?!?

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Highly successful traders don't go around posting winning systems on trading forums dominated by those trying to become profitable, especially systems which show alleged golden entries all over the place with no stats to back up that it's an actual winning system.


The irony is that you're posting "cheese" to attract newbie traders into your own sort of trap.


Don't "think like a rat". Think like the person who set up the experiment in the first place and then you'll know what you're really dealing with.


“I am not forcing you to accept my concepts. I only request the traders to review the market from time to time keeping in mind my concepts and if found suitable use in the trades or just ignore. Thanks for your opinion.”

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btw, Tams, I was never talking innovations. I’m talking about functional, clean, reusable, quality code

… DynamicFibsSR is actually just another tiny niche…one has to know (of course, how, but much more importantly) when to use it…

useless to those not of that niche… just like some of the "enduring" uselessness -like “MACD, RSI, or Stochastic” etc ;)

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1) Price within 20 pips of the daily low (ClLo < 20) - that is OPPORTUNITY




The important part is to enter WITHIN 20 pips of the daily low. The RAT REVERSAL is only one entry method.




Trading is GUESSING. If it wasn't, you wouldn't need a STOP LOSS.















1) To trade like a RAT is to ALWAYS trade in ONE DIRECTION - either LONG or SHORT. Once you pick a "team", you can't switch.


2) The "within 20 pips of the daily high/low" is the BEST possible entry to get the maximum run BUT the RAT REVERSAL entry works ANYWHERE on the chart.





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I don't think there's any question that the win rate could be high. We all have eyes here.


But the only way to know if what you have been showing for years on end now is completely bogus or of actual value as a trading system is for you to open up an account at Zulutrade or Collective2 and show everyone that you can walk the walk.


It doesn't matter if you trade real money with these signals sent to the 3rd party or not. There are many who don't.


Given that you're this kind-hearted individual who has merely been showing newer traders 1000's upon 1000's of successful signals for over 3 years now out of the graciousness of your own heart in order to "rob the banks", it would be the last step in everyone's education, doubters and believers alike that you and your favorite systems are the real deal.


Besides, it would be far more profitable in the form of subscriptions and residuals than the donations and broker kickbacks you're getting now. No contest.


[Moderator: given the claims of TRO for 3+ years now on the web, I would mark this post as a helpful suggestion, not harrassment of a vendor as laid out in the "Vendors, Vendors, Vendors" forum recently. I would make the same suggestion to ElectronicLocal as well. What better education could we all receive than having these great educators show us their true metal through a 3rd party auditor?]

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"Look, for example, at this elegant little experiment. A rat was put in a T-shaped maze with a few morsels of food placed on either the far right or left side of the enclosure. The placement of the food is randomly determined, but the dice is rigged: over the long run, the food was placed on the left side sixty per cent of the time. How did the rat respond? It quickly realized that the left side was more rewarding. As a result, it always went to the left, which resulted in a sixty percent success rate. The rat didn't strive for perfection. It didn't search for a Unified Theory of the T-shaped maze, or try to decipher the disorder. Instead, it accepted the inherent uncertainty of the reward and learned to settle for the best possible alternative.


The experiment was then repeated with Yale undergraduates. Unlike the rat, their swollen brains stubbornly searched for the elusive pattern that determined the placement of the reward. They made predictions and then tried to learn from their prediction errors. The problem was that there was nothing to predict: the randomness was real. Because the students refused to settle for a 60 percent success rate, they ended up with a 52 percent success rate. Although most of the students were convinced they were making progress towards identifying the underlying algorithm, they were actually being outsmarted by a rat."


P64 HOW WE DECIDE (italics added)


========================= ====================


"Now, 2 patterns of market behavior happen on a regular basis:


1) the price breaks to new high's (or low's)


2) the price reverses from new high's (or low's)


They happen regardless of time frame (with the obvious limitations explained above)


They are phenomena that can be exploited without the fear if found out by others, that they might cease to exist." - H. Rearden




1) Price within 20 pips of the daily low (ClLo < 20): This is OPPORTUNITY






Most of you know I catch a lot of flak on my forums because SOME PEOPLE don't like the way I post.


One worn out argument that is used repeatedly is, "If this is so (simple, great, profitable, ), then why isn't everybody doing it?"


Simple answer is because SOYLENT GREEN is people!


We all know exercise is great, but how many actually exercise?


We all know smoking is bad, but how many do it anyway?


We all know which foods are bad for our health, but how many eat those foods?


We all know that we should save for our future and spend less than we earn but who does that?


The list is almost endless.


As long as there are people, there will always be some STUPID people and some smart people making STUPID decisions, where STUPID is defined as knowing better but acting otherwise.


Meanwhile, the RATS are still beating the Yale students.






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will vthis work for NT7,..very intrested,..thanks




My TREND INDICATOR - NEVER LOSE AGAIN!! thread was the most widely viewed thread in TradeStation history. I believe it still holds the record for the most number of views. I have decided to "revive" it again.


The bottom line is you don't have to end the day, week, month, or year in the red. You can be profitable. You may not win every trade but you will be profitable.


I know most of you have read about money management, risk management, position sizing, stops, etc... So then what are the reason(s) you are still losing? Is the market beating you? Are your stops being hunting? Or are you simply giving your money away?


When you enter the TRADING JUNGLE, you are up against the best traders in the world. They are smarter, faster, have more money, have better equipment, better access to information... better everything than you do! What makes you believe you can win? What "edge" are you bringing to the table that will allow you to take their money? Don't you know the game is "rigged" against you just like in Vegas?


What's the reason you see some currency pairs move over a 100 pips a day yet you're happy barely breaking even? What makes trading so difficult for you? What are you doing?


I know you have read about having a trading plan, haven't you? Do you have one? Come on, be honest... DO YOU REALLY HAVE A TRADING PLAN?


If you do, DO YOU REALLY TRADE ACCORDING TO YOUR PLAN? Come on now, it's time to FESS UP.


What about all those trading books, tapes, videos, and seminars? Ever wonder why there are so many? I just ONE had the answer, then wouldn't it go "viral" and everybody would be trading that method? THINK ABOUT IT.


What about all those indicators, EAs, blackboxes, trading signals and systems for sale? If one of them worked wouldn't it go "viral", too?


I have posted hundreds of FREE INDICATORS for TradeStation, eSignal and MetaTrader. Why? Because I can! I don't like seeing people pay hundreds and thousands of dollars for code, most of which, doesn't work or is way overpriced, IMHO. If you check me out, you'll see I have been banned from many forums. My FREE indicators are a THREAT to their cashflow. My free education materials also threaten their cashflow. Just do the math.


I have been accused of "renaming" indicators. Yes, I rename them AFTER I enhance them because if I post a modified version with the exact same name as the original then it gets "stepped on" and any good programmer knows better than to step on code. But I post my revised/enhanced/fixed version FOR FREE on the same site I downloaded them from. So where's the crime? Some people let their egos get in the way.


I have been accused of SPAMMING because I am an IB for MB Trading. Before I was an IB, I didn't even know what an IB was. The reason I am an IB was because when I found out that there is NO FIXED SPREAD in Forex, I immediately opened an account with EFX Group and posted about it everywhere I could. That had the effect of bringing EFX more customers. As a THANK YOU, they made me an IB. And it got me banned from sites that had FIXED SPREAD BROKERS as advertisers.


Whenever MONEY is involved, it is a DOG EAT DOG, EAT CAT TOO jungle. The sooner you learn that fact the better.


The goal of this thread is to show you how to NEVER LOSE AGAIN. Trading is simple. People traded long before there were computers and indicators. So why do you have so many computers and indicators?


Do you really know how the FOREX market operates? Or do you just know how to place an order? What have you gotten yourself into? THINK ABOUT IT!



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Just so you know...this "stuff" has been posted on dozens of boards over the past several years without one decent set of statistics on its viability as a trading system. It doesn't matter how frequently a system wins. What matters is achieving and maintaining a positive expectancy.


If the creator of the above system repeatedly pounds the table on how good it is for 2+ years yet will not divulge their own long-term statistics on trading it, well, would you be so excited on being the one to find out for yourself?


The better trading systems are counter-intuitive to what a more green trader wants. They typically have moderate to low winning pcts and that's not what newbies want to experience. They tend to have too high of an emotional response to losing so they're attracted to people yelling the loudest about how often their systems win.


Steve, take some time to research 30-40% winning systems which add to their positions when they're right. No one goes around advertising those. That's your big hint.

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Just so you know...this "stuff" has been posted on dozens of boards over the past several years without one decent set of statistics on its viability as a trading system. It doesn't matter how frequently a system wins. What matters is achieving and maintaining a positive expectancy.


If the creator of the above system repeatedly pounds the table on how good it is for 2+ years yet will not divulge their own long-term statistics on trading it, well, would you be so excited on being the one to find out for yourself?


The better trading systems are counter-intuitive to what a more green trader wants. They typically have moderate to low winning pcts and that's not what newbies want to experience. They tend to have too high of an emotional response to losing so they're attracted to people yelling the loudest about how often their systems win.


Steve, take some time to research 30-40% winning systems which add to their positions when they're right. No one goes around advertising those. That's your big hint.


you are missing the whole point... I don't think anybody is trying to move you.

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good point,..I will try to do that! ,thx




Just so you know...this "stuff" has been posted on dozens of boards over the past several years without one decent set of statistics on its viability as a trading system. It doesn't matter how frequently a system wins. What matters is achieving and maintaining a positive expectancy.


If the creator of the above system repeatedly pounds the table on how good it is for 2+ years yet will not divulge their own long-term statistics on trading it, well, would you be so excited on being the one to find out for yourself?


The better trading systems are counter-intuitive to what a more green trader wants. They typically have moderate to low winning pcts and that's not what newbies want to experience. They tend to have too high of an emotional response to losing so they're attracted to people yelling the loudest about how often their systems win.


Steve, take some time to research 30-40% winning systems which add to their positions when they're right. No one goes around advertising those. That's your big hint.

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Just so you know...this "stuff" has been posted on dozens of boards over the past several years without one decent set of statistics on its viability as a trading system. It doesn't matter how frequently a system wins. What matters is achieving and maintaining a positive expectancy.


If the creator of the above system repeatedly pounds the table on how good it is for 2+ years yet will not divulge their own long-term statistics on trading it, well, would you be so excited on being the one to find out for yourself?


The better trading systems are counter-intuitive to what a more green trader wants. They typically have moderate to low winning pcts and that's not what newbies want to experience. They tend to have too high of an emotional response to losing so they're attracted to people yelling the loudest about how often their systems win.


Steve, take some time to research 30-40% winning systems which add to their positions when they're right. No one goes around advertising those. That's your big hint.


Honestly, I have to disagree here. Systems that lose more often than they win drain accounts. It's the death of a thousand cuts. I'd rather win most of the time, and have the confidence to put more money on the line, than have to suffer loss, after loss, after loss waitng for the big trade to not only make up for all that, dig me out of the hole, and hopefully add a bit of profit too.


One of the base premises of the Facts Trading is that we really can't predict the market. We have no way of knowing the future, and ultimately we don't know what we are doing. So it's better to wait for massive momentum to begin, and jump in while the market is already moving.


Obviously we want to get in as early as we can on a move, but it's important to jump on when the market is already doing something, rather than suffer repeated losses trying to "Predict" the next megga trend that will hopefully recover the last 20 loses and then some.

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"Look, for example, at this elegant little experiment. A rat was put in a T-shaped maze with a few morsels of food placed on either the far right or left side of the enclosure. The placement of the food is randomly determined, but the dice is rigged: over the long run, the food was placed on the left side sixty per cent of the time. How did the rat respond? It quickly realized that the left side was more rewarding. As a result, it always went to the left, which resulted in a sixty percent success rate. The rat didn't strive for perfection. It didn't search for a Unified Theory of the T-shaped maze, or try to decipher the disorder. Instead, it accepted the inherent uncertainty of the reward and learned to settle for the best possible alternative.


The experiment was then repeated with Yale undergraduates. Unlike the rat, their swollen brains stubbornly searched for the elusive pattern that determined the placement of the reward. They made predictions and then tried to learn from their prediction errors. The problem was that there was nothing to predict: the randomness was real. Because the students refused to settle for a 60 percent success rate, they ended up with a 52 percent success rate. Although most of the students were convinced they were making progress towards identifying the underlying algorithm, they were actually being outsmarted by a rat."


P64 HOW WE DECIDE (italics added)


========================= ====================


"Now, 2 patterns of market behavior happen on a regular basis:


1) the price breaks to new high's (or low's)


2) the price reverses from new high's (or low's)


They happen regardless of time frame (with the obvious limitations explained above)


They are phenomena that can be exploited without the fear if found out by others, that they might cease to exist." - H. Rearden




1) Price within 20 pips of the daily low (ClLo < 20): This is OPPORTUNITY






Most of you know I catch a lot of flak on my forums because SOME PEOPLE don't like the way I post.


One worn out argument that is used repeatedly is, "If this is so (simple, great, profitable, ), then why isn't everybody doing it?"


Simple answer is because SOYLENT GREEN is people!


We all know exercise is great, but how many actually exercise?


We all know smoking is bad, but how many do it anyway?


We all know which foods are bad for our health, but how many eat those foods?


We all know that we should save for our future and spend less than we earn but who does that?


The list is almost endless.


As long as there are people, there will always be some STUPID people and some smart people making STUPID decisions, where STUPID is defined as knowing better but acting otherwise.


Meanwhile, the RATS are still beating the Yale students.





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"Look, for example, at this elegant little experiment. A rat was put in a T-shaped maze with a few morsels of food placed on either the far right or left side of the enclosure. The placement of the food is randomly determined, but the dice is rigged: over the long run, the food was placed on the left side sixty per cent of the time. How did the rat respond? It quickly realized that the left side was more rewarding. As a result, it always went to the left, which resulted in a sixty percent success rate. The rat didn't strive for perfection. It didn't search for a Unified Theory of the T-shaped maze, or try to decipher the disorder. Instead, it accepted the inherent uncertainty of the reward and learned to settle for the best possible alternative.


The experiment was then repeated with Yale undergraduates. Unlike the rat, their swollen brains stubbornly searched for the elusive pattern that determined the placement of the reward. They made predictions and then tried to learn from their prediction errors. The problem was that there was nothing to predict: the randomness was real. Because the students refused to settle for a 60 percent success rate, they ended up with a 52 percent success rate. Although most of the students were convinced they were making progress towards identifying the underlying algorithm, they were actually being outsmarted by a rat."


P64 HOW WE DECIDE (italics added)


========================= ====================


"Now, 2 patterns of market behavior happen on a regular basis:


1) the price breaks to new high's (or low's)


2) the price reverses from new high's (or low's)


They happen regardless of time frame (with the obvious limitations explained above)


They are phenomena that can be exploited without the fear if found out by others, that they might cease to exist." - H. Rearden




1) Price within 20 pips of the daily low (ClLo < 20): This is OPPORTUNITY






Most of you know I catch a lot of flak on my forums because SOME PEOPLE don't like the way I post.


One worn out argument that is used repeatedly is, "If this is so (simple, great, profitable, ), then why isn't everybody doing it?"


Simple answer is because SOYLENT GREEN is people!


We all know exercise is great, but how many actually exercise?


We all know smoking is bad, but how many do it anyway?


We all know which foods are bad for our health, but how many eat those foods?


We all know that we should save for our future and spend less than we earn but who does that?


The list is almost endless.


As long as there are people, there will always be some STUPID people and some smart people making STUPID decisions, where STUPID is defined as knowing better but acting otherwise.


Meanwhile, the RATS are still beating the Yale students.






I seek to wait until the guy in the lab coat is actually putting the food somewhere, then I go there.

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1) Price within 20 pips of the daily low (ClLo < 20) - that is OPPORTUNITY




The important part is to enter WITHIN 20 pips of the daily low. The RAT REVERSAL is only one entry method.




Trading is GUESSING. If it wasn't, you wouldn't need a STOP LOSS.















1) To trade like a RAT is to ALWAYS trade in ONE DIRECTION - either LONG or SHORT. Once you pick a "team", you can't switch.


2) The "within 20 pips of the daily high/low" is the BEST possible entry to get the maximum run BUT the RAT REVERSAL entry works ANYWHERE on the chart.





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1) price within 20 pips of the daily low - that is OPPORTUNITY


2) red candle closes


3) green candle closes - note the high price of the green candle.


4) enter long at the green candle's high price




6) Take whatever profit you can.


7) If the rules do not mention it, then it is of no concern.



"The technique is so simple that just several lessons (or a few pages of explanations) cover it all. Now what? Now the student has to practice, practice and practice again to understand what he had been taught. The teacher DOES know much more than the student, but his understanding can't be "passed", "transferred" or taught in any way -- not even by reading books."





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"Now, 2 patterns of market behavior happen on a regular basis:


1) the price breaks to new high's (or low's)


2) the price reverses from new high's (or low's)


They happen regardless of time frame (with the obvious limitations explained above)


They are phenomena that can be exploited without the fear if found out by others, that they might cease to exist." - H. Rearden




"The technique is so simple that just several lessons (or a few pages of explanations) cover it all. Now what? Now the student has to practice, practice and practice again to understand what he had been taught. The teacher DOES know much more than the student, but his understanding can't be "passed", "transferred" or taught in any way -- not even by reading books."





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1) Price within 20 pips of the daily low (ClLo < 20) - that is OPPORTUNITY




The important part is to enter WITHIN 20 pips of the daily low. The RAT REVERSAL is only one entry method.




Trading is GUESSING. If it wasn't, you wouldn't need a STOP LOSS.















1) To trade like a RAT is to ALWAYS trade in ONE DIRECTION - either LONG or SHORT. Once you pick a "team", you can't switch.


2) The "within 20 pips of the daily high/low" is the BEST possible entry to get the maximum run BUT the RAT REVERSAL entry works ANYWHERE on the chart.





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As a result the higher bond yields also continue to support the Euro. Currently, the Euro Index is trading 0.09% higher and is only witnessing a decline against the Japanese Yen. However, the price movement of the Euro will also depend on the European Central Bank and potential Trump Tariffs. Economists remain convinced that Trump's tariff threats are serious and will be imposed on the EU. Just last week, he announced that Washington will impose 25% tariffs on Europe-made ‘cars and all other things’. On April 2nd, Washington plans to introduce another round of ‘reciprocal’ tariffs, adding to those already in effect. Germany remains particularly vulnerable, as a large portion of its industry relies on exports to the US. This can potentially have a negative effect on the Euro and the European stock market.   Is the European Central Bank a Risk for the Euro? The European Central Bank is due to announce its rate decision this afternoon and conduct a press conference thereafter. The ECB may potentially aim to calm the market after German Bonds took a hit. If the ECB remains dovish and also reassures the market of the Eurozone’s fiscal and monetary policy, the Euro can retrace in the short term. Analysts currently advise today’s ECB meeting will most likely be the most interesting in years and the most unpredictable. Markets are expecting a rate of 2.65% from the ECB. Analysts at Morgan Stanley believe the ECB will maintain its "dovish" stance in March and April to support the economy, especially as inflation slowed to 2.4% in February from 2.5% the previous month, nearing the 2.0% target. If the ECB advice rates are likely to continue falling in 2025, the Euro will struggle to maintain bullish momentum.   EURUSD - Technical Analysis and Indicators The EURUSD is still witnessing indications of bullish price movement on the 2-hour chart and fundamentals also support the upward price movement. However, simultaneously, the price is obtaining indications the currency is overbought in the short to medium term. The EURUSD is trading above the overbought level on the RSI and is obtaining a divergence signal on most timeframes.       Therefore, the possibility of the price being overbought and retracing remains, but the price action will depend on the ECB. Until the ECB’s rate decision and press conference, the average price at 1.08000 will be key as it has been so far today.   Key Takeaway Points: The Euro surged over 4% in four days, its best performance since COVID lockdowns, driven by European bond market turmoil. The EU’s ‘re-arm’ plans and rising German bond yields boost the Euro, but US tariffs and ECB decisions may impact its trend. The ECB’s upcoming rate decision and monetary policy stance could shape short-term price movements, with a dovish approach expected. Despite strong fundamentals, RSI overbought levels and divergence signals suggest a possible retracement, depending on the ECB. Always trade with strict risk management. Your capital is the single most important aspect of your trading business.   Please note that times displayed based on local time zone and are from time of writing this report.   Click HERE to access the full HFM Economic calendar.   Want to learn to trade and analyse the markets? Join our webinars and get analysis and trading ideas combined with better understanding of how markets work. Click HERE to register for FREE!   Click HERE to READ more Market news.   Michalis Efthymiou HFMarkets   Disclaimer: This material is provided as a general marketing communication for information purposes only and does not constitute an independent investment research. Nothing in this communication contains, or should be considered as containing, an investment advice or an investment recommendation or a solicitation for the purpose of buying or selling of any financial instrument. All information provided is gathered from reputable sources and any information containing an indication of past performance is not a guarantee or reliable indicator of future performance. Users acknowledge that any investment in Leveraged Products is characterized by a certain degree of uncertainty and that any investment of this nature involves a high level of risk for which the users are solely responsible and liable. We assume no liability for any loss arising from any investment made based on the information provided in this communication. This communication must not be reproduced or further distributed without our prior written permission.
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