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Market Profile Trading Room?

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To Swiss Trader:


I'm sure I speak for all of the traders who trade with Kevin Huddy because we're collectively scratching our heads trying to figure out why you posted such incorrect information if not outright slander.


For those readers who have not traded with Kevin Huddy, please allow me to provide some basic information. Kevin calls the trades with specific entries such as short at 1178.25 with a stop of X. The stop is never more than 6 ticks. If most traders are filled, he then posts the trade on Twitter. Often times the post goes up on Twitter before the trade is completed. His trading record is available for all the world to see. Show me another trading room who does this with a success record to match.


What I like best about the room is that it is not filled with political junk, jokes, and other trader talk. It's all about reading price action. I have seen Kevin go above and beyond the call of duty to help other traders. The last two weeks he's had the flu and has worked when he should have spent time in bed trying to recover. In my mind's eye that really shows dedication and commitment to the trading room.


The post from Swiss Trader should be removed and Swiss Trader banned from this room for posting slanderous statements and outright lies.

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I’ve been in Huddy’s room for a little under a year and quite frankly my experience has been a very positive, educational, and profitable one. I believe Huddy appeals to a more cautions and disciplined trader who prefers to break even or stay out or a trade rather than see his account dwindle to nearly nothing. I do realize his perspective is not for everyone but it certainly does not merit the slanderous statements previously made. All his trades are posted in Twitter exactly as the happen. Additionally when he makes a call, I usually have time for clarification beforehand. These calls are made with stops and targets.

I’m appalled at the attacks made on his credibility by a “fellow trader” who apparently has much proof on his side but has obvious difficulty producing it.

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swisstrader1's comments about Huddy couldn't be further from the truth. I have been a member for about 9 months and have been extremely impressed with Huddy's integrity, his trading skill level, and his passion to teach. Besides demonstrating precise MP and price action setups, Huddy spends a fair amount of time teaching us discipline, patience for the right setups, and money management techniques everyday. The trade results are impressive as I can hardly remember a losing week. Huddy is very clear about his entries, exits, and stops and I am certain most members will agree with me that he keeps us out of bad trades and helps us recognize when not to trade, which has been a huge skill for me to learn.


I think Huddy could have charged much higher fees for his room. You can tell that he is dedicated to his students and enjoys teaching other traders. I don't need to see him execute a trade on a DOM. He calls the trades in the room but more importantly he teaches us how to find the setups ourselves and manage our own trades with excellent money management.

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I would like to make a few comments to Swisstraders note on Kevin Hudson of Channel Trading. I am a new trader and have been in Kevin's room for 7 months. What I can categorically state is that I have taken every single trade Kevin has called out and have not had a single losing month yet. Granted, I have not been making millions, but what I have been able to achieve is steady and consistent results and have kept my account in positive territory throughout, even as a new trader. Frankly, I cannot think of anyone who amalgamates and teaches the concepts of price action, tape reading and market profile as well as Kevin does. I therefore find Swisstrader's comments to be quite distasteful and completely contrarian to what I have personally experienced in Kevin's room.

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I have to agree with noego...what the hell planet did this swisstrader character come from.

This person makes me puke,,,his posting is totally uncalled for. I stand by my original review of Kevin...he is an honorable educator and trader....I have recommended him to a number of traders that are still attending his room, the distortions and lies are totally UNCALLED for. You should be ashamed of yourself.



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I found Kevin's room via a webinar from my broker, Infinity Futures, in March. Im VERY skeptical of trading education sales but liked his style of commentary a lot. I joined his room planning to leave if he didnt deliver and since day 1 Ive been impressed with his trading skills, education style and his integrity. Ive probably now spent about 600 hours in the room and always appreciate his approach.


Kevin is very honest about his trades. He always calls them ahead of time and posts all results on twitter. He has a very good track record of winners vs losers and owns up to trades that dont work immediately or if he misses an entry. Im not yet a good trader but Im much better than before I found Channel-Trading.com.


Rob G

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I discovered TL through Channel-Trading because I regard Huddy not only as the best trading teacher I have ever met, but also someone that honestly cares about the success of all the members in his room, so I did not even question the integrity of TL as a site, with such endorsement.

Some of the comments that are published on post 27 from Laguna and posts 45 & 49 from Swisstrader1 are behond unfound - they are pure blunted lies, and I quote:

1 - Profiletraders and Huddy-Traders: Both Are Junk ( will skip word S above to be Proper) ....Huddy takes 2 ticks a trade...at the best… (post 27)

2 - Huddy is NO WAY a profitable trader ..... he constantly took 3-4 tick profits (here forgot to add on 1st scale) (post 45)

3 - Huddy makes very often calls like "I will be looking to sell in that area..." and when price gets there you hear nothing from him ..."glad I didnt stand in front of that!" Its this would have, could have, should have stuff and I dont know about you, but "would have, could have, should have" does not make you any money in this business! (post 49)


What nonsense this is - if a trade turns sower he is the first one to feel bad on our behalf and more importantly seldom he has two bad trades in a raw and when he has one of them e very closed to break even. I am in no position to contest statements like "....traded for us for a short period of time and i can tell for FACT based on the live trades he took, that he did nothing but lose and that VERY consistently! It was not so much the fact that he lost 50k in a heartbeat but the way he lost it." (post 49) but if it is as true as the rest of the JUNK he wrote about him, then if I were in Huddy's position I would not rest until this individuals are dealt with in a civil court.


I have been in Huddy's room since March and my first impression of him being honest, knowledgeable of trading in general and Market Profile and Price Action in particular, caring for the success of all his members, very professional in his approach and above all more than fair on what he charges as been reinforced over and over again, so the sort of accusations made by this two members are nothing else but malicious.


As far as TL allowing this type of slender without demanding some form of prove of the facts stated must as an absolute minimum provide total co-operation for the identification of cowards that hide behind usernames to try to destroy the honest work of others

Tony Salta

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Thanks for the post. As you can understand, the last thing we can do is police every opinion on the site. Without a doubt nobody wants statements that aren't accurate but people are also entitled to opinions. SInce it's November 2nd, the day of the elections we have hundreds of examples of very different, very polar opinions out there. One side will always feel the other side are idiots and they are right.


What is important is what's happened here, and it's a great defense of the room/strategy -- that's better than any advertising. Genuine, clear testimonials and support. It's why we actually kept it 'live' since it has given people a chance to counter that one opinion which is all part of the debate. If someone makes a false statement or an incorrect one than you'd expect there to be a strong counter opinion. Hope that makes some sense.



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While I agree with your room posting strategy, opinion and slander are two different things.


It's one thing to voice an opinion and an entirely different thing to post statements such as "he lost 50,000 dollars" without providing proof of such a statement.


I'm sure most people can handle a bad opinion but to provide a defense against malicious statements such as above, is impossible. My feeling is that another trading room is simply posting such statements to ruin another trading room's business.


Let the opinions and feelings fly but please try to keep this room free from falsehoods.



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To the individual who goes by the alias swisstrader... the net gives one the ability to denigrate ones reputation with the ability to hide behind behind its elusive screen...so I'm going to give you the ability to show said proof that you state you have-

(If you think Im making this up, I could send some moderater our agreement with huddy as well as the live trading statement and some email reference with him.) You can pm me and I will give you the tools to post said trading results on a public forum for the world to see. I will inform this group of your ability to do so.... You see, I have complete confidence in the fact that you will simply disappear back under that rock that you so deservedly belong. I have absolutely no financial involvement with the Channel Trading room and dont benefit in any way from said room...but, I have traded along side Kevin for years in a separate room on the ensign chat room site associated with dacharts. A very small group of us all very experienced somewhat older traders that continue to trade together to this day coexisted exchanging charts and calls ... prior to trades occuring and I can say without hesitation Kevin is one of the best price action traders I've ever had the pleasure of trading with. Transcripts and charts going back over a decade can be found on the dacharts site for those that want to check. I occasionally keep the channel trading audio up just to brk up the monotony and boredom of trading and the positive constructive dialogue Kevin provides is well worth the price of admission to anyone. I can honestly say that if I had had the opportunity to learn from someone like Kevin when I began I would have saved myself thousand of dollars and cut the learning curve down dramatically... as many of you know the web is littered with scores of flybynight self professed trading coaches and mentors who are only to willing to take your money. Huddy takes the time to give his members the tools to trade with and more importantly teaches them the value of trading while understanding your risk. For those that can stay disciplined the road to becoming consistently profitable will be within your reach...but make no mistake the onus is on the individual trader to be disciplined and put in screen time...as malcolm gladwell so accurately states it will take 10k hours to become proficient at your job! My guess is swisstrader sat in on Kevins room looking for the holy grail, taking his trades and not adhering to the advised stops... got beat up a bit and blames everyone but himself for his results...the first step to becoming consistently profitable is accepting responsibility for your actions and becoming disciplined. So monsieur swisstrader - the stage is yours - put up or shut up! and to all of you who are searching for that "edge" that may nudge you down the road toward becoming consistently profitable I would say check Kevins room out you won't be disappointed.



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Thanks for the post. As you can understand, the last thing we can do is police every opinion on the site. Without a doubt nobody wants statements that aren't accurate but people are also entitled to opinions. SInce it's November 2nd, the day of the elections we have hundreds of examples of very different, very polar opinions out there. One side will always feel the other side are idiots and they are right.


What is important is what's happened here, and it's a great defense of the room/strategy -- that's better than any advertising. Genuine, clear testimonials and support. It's why we actually kept it 'live' since it has given people a chance to counter that one opinion which is all part of the debate. If someone makes a false statement or an incorrect one than you'd expect there to be a strong counter opinion. Hope that makes some sense.




Dear MadMarketScientist,


thanks for your post and that you let me openly express my opinion/experience.

Members (who actually just registered solely for answering to my posts and for defending channel-trading ;-)) are calling me a liar and I find it absolutely amazing, as the only one´s that know the truth is me and kevin and his partner. Why dont you guys just approach kevin and ask him if he traded for a swiss asset management firm this year and ask him about his performance :-)! Also, what benefit would I get from bashing some system vendor/trading educator ?? I dont sell/promote anything...

Look, I have been in many trading rooms and what many of you would not argue is the fact that most trading rooms are not worth the money. When I first joined channel-trading I also found huddy a very kind person and thought his calls where solid. However I found that many calls were certainly not as precise as another member mentioned before where you know your entry price right away and you place a limit order, it was rather a "i went short up there" and "you should have your scale off by now"....

Anyway, all of that is not really important because here are THE FACTS:


FACT Nr. 1: Huddy traded for us for about 2 months or so!

FACT Nr. 2: Huddy did nothing but LOSE MONEY VERY CONSISTENTLY!

FACT Nr. 3: Huddy posted different (positive) results on his twitter page!


@ Moderators, as I had already said, I would be willing to prove that every single word I wrote is totally the truth. I would be willing to let a moderater connect/see my computer/screen with all the email references between me, kevin and his partner and show my account statement of the losses that huddy caused!

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@swisstrader1 - I have been in Huddy's trading room for over 6 months and know "exactly" how he trades and your comments about him losing money in some swiss fund has to be a lie because it is 100 percent the opposite of how Huddy trades. Huddy has the tightest stops of anyone I have seen in 10 years of trading and he does that for one reason - to keep your losses small and let your winners run. Now he does trade large size and thus starting to scale off at 4 ticks is nice with large contracts but the main purpose is to take "something" off from the trade and if it goes back to BE, he gets out and I have seen that be the right decision many times. Does Huddy have a lot of break even trades? Yes, he does - but mainly after he's scaled out at least 4 ticks. He also has some large winners with his runners and because of his expertise with market profile and using larger time frames, he is very knowledgable in knowing which areas have a better chance for a runner to have a good run. Also, Huddy calls out "every single" trade in advance letting you know "in advance" where to jump in and he always says at what price he is entering before he enters and it is very easy to see how his trade "that he called out in advance" does. His areas are so well defined, that I call his trading laser trading because he "expects" price to go in his direction "immediately" upon entry. They are very "precise trades" based upon his key setups. There are a lot of traders who consider Huddy's trading style boring and if you consider waiting for a trade setup to meet your criteria vs jumping in at various spots and having to use larger stops with more risk, then it truly is boring but much better fewer boring accurate profitable trades than more losing larger trades. I have seen Huddy miss out on some pretty good trades because price missed his entry by a tick or 2 but it does not phase him at all. He is the most disciplined trader I've ever seen and he knows one thing for sure - there will be plenty more good trades that "will" hit his trade setup and thus, that is why he is so profitable. I have never seen him even once deviate from his trading plan. All of his trades are called in advance and posted on Twitter and only posted if the traders in the room were able to get in on the trade - not posted if Huddy was the only one who got in. I joined Huddy mainly to learn a lot more about market profile and he's the best I've seen at knowing all of the little nuances of MP and teaching how best to use it. If your goal is to make lots of trades and go for the doubles, triples and home runs, Huddy's room will not be for you because most traders who trade that way have to take bigger risks and profitable trading is about quality of trades, not quanity. However, if you desire to be a "consistently" profitable trader trading with less risk and more confidence and want to grow your account on a weekly basis, then Huddy's room can help you do that. Huddy is not only one of the best traders I have ever seen, but he genuinely cares about helping other traders to learn how to trade for a living and the price he charges for his room is not making him a millionaire and is very reasonable, especially in comparsion to many others out there. He makes a good living every day trading and oh - I do not have to see his trading statement to know how profitable he is. I know that by the trades he calls out "in advance". I do not know why you are spreading these lies about Huddy but as someone whose been in his room every day for over 6 months, I KNOW what the truth is and I just explained it.



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Another guru; another defensive attack.


Whenever you get a stack of one post wonders I suspect that its like old Covell stacking the Amazon reviews in his favour so people would waste their money on his book.


The gang is here. And one day, if they survive their infatuation with someone calling their trades for them they just might become traders. For now they are just another type of spammer.

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This is simply another attack Kiwi....most people are NOT in the room to have their trades called for them. Most are there because he willingly teaches all day long and answers emails late into the night to truly assist other traders in becoming better. He preaches everyday to learn this stuff so that you can do it on your own in a market of YOUR choosing. Speaking without knowing for yourself is no different than those who defend. Take the time to observe for a month or two and see if the honesty about the market and the perils it provides those who do not take the time to learn before trading are not preached on a constant basis. I know Huddy would agree with me that there are some absolutely fantastic technicians out there. He readily admits to being good but not great or perfect. And he begs the members of his room to be selective and safe every single day. There are no "get rich" quick promises ever. Only the willingness to help others. I am disgusted by this entire thread.

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Another guru; another defensive attack.


Whenever you get a stack of one post wonders I suspect that its like old Covell stacking the Amazon reviews in his favour so people would waste their money on his book.


The gang is here. And one day, if they survive their infatuation with someone calling their trades for them they just might become traders. For now they are just another type of spammer.





I am usually pretty skeptical about things I read about trading, but seeing all these positive responses to the channel trading room made me curious so i signed up and, its hard to believe, but since this morning I have lost 5 pounds of weight and no longer have the urge to smoke cigarettes. Thanks Hud!


You may want to open up your mind too.





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I have been in Kevin's room for just under a year. I converse with him all throughout each trading day. I know him to be the most helpful, honest, consistent and disciplined trader and person I have ever met. The way he teaches and runs his room is more professional than you will find anywhere. As with most traders we occasionally search around to find out what's new or for a better way to use something we like, in my case MP. Huddy's sense of the market and his amazing way of using MP in concert with Price Action is better than anything I have ever tried in my previous 7 years of trading. His accuracy with entries, targets and stops is simply just incredible. He does call all his trades prior to entry and manages them in the most efficient way possible. Being in his room, listening to his advise, watching him trade and manage the trade, has improved my trading more in the last year than I've done myself and in other rooms, in the last 6 years. Kevin does much more than just call trades; he does what ever it takes to help his traders. If I were just starting out in trading this is the one and only room I would want to be in. As far as I'm concerned his integrity is beyond reproach. I am glad to call him my friend and hope to trade along side him for the rest of my trading career.




Obviously you skimmed the post for Kevin and didn't get the meaning in them, too bad. Maybe you should go back and reread them, see what it means to be a part of something that is good and helpful. Not slam the posters for supporting what they believe in.


For any bystanders that don't know of Kevin and Channel-Trading.com, don't let a couple disgruntled posters influence you, come in the room and make your own informed judgment.

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I will not get into a lengthy discussion here about whoever´s credibility. I think sooner or later we all came across "educators" that seem to be good traders while they are truly o(at best) maybe good analysts.

To make a long story very short. I (part)own a small swiss asset management firm and kevin hudson (huddy) from channel-trading traded for us for a short period of time and i can tell for FACT based on the live trades he took, that he did nothing but lose and that VERY consistently! It was not so much the fact that he lost 50k in a heartbeat but the way he lost it.

If you think Im making this up, I could send some moderater our agreement with huddy as well as the live trading statement and some email reference with him.

I also know a couple of traders that have been in his room for a few months and all of them had the same issues. Huddy makes very often calls like "I will be looking to sell in that area..." and when price gets there you hear nothing from him (let alone you will never see his DOM). If the market acts as "called" he of course took the trade and "you should already have a scale off now" and if the market blows through the level he is "glad I didnt stand in front of that!" Its this would have, could have, should have stuff and I dont know about you, but "would have, could have, should have" does not make you any money in this business!




As a new member I find your post interesting:


1) 50k is really not that big of loss in a managed futures fund


2) a little due diligence on your part could have easily prevented this


3) I find it hard to believe that you were forced to let the trading continue


4) it has been my experience that the futures markets are no place for whiners




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LOL. Love the last three posts.


One can only hope that some of these folk hang around beyond the "defend my guru" phase and contribute something useful to the board.

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Time for this thread to die. There will be no winners here. This is clearly not a forum where fair and honest critiques are given. Allowing this to continue on the part of the staff here has taken a fair and honest dialogue and watch it become Jerry Springer TV. No value for anyone at this point. I support the right of people to give a fair critique of any business. Slander and open use of the internet for self serving purposes should be snuffed out.

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This is a forum, and it is a place people can go to express their opinions. Clearly you've made your point that you disagree and there's been a very open dialogue between everyone/anyone who has wanted to weigh in. This is the internet and if you've spent any time on it, it is clearly a place where people are free to express themselves. You don't have to like the critiques/opinions, and people are free to refute them but as long as it stays on topic, it's a fair discussion. Personally I cannot see what is self serving about it - and if you've spent any time in forums, in particular trading forums it certainly is common to have very critical opinions of virtually any service, strategy, broker, etc... and there are just as many supporters. That's the way it goes. People are free to speak their mind - including on TL.





Time for this thread to die. There will be no winners here. This is clearly not a forum where fair and honest critiques are given. Allowing this to continue on the part of the staff here has taken a fair and honest dialogue and watch it become Jerry Springer TV. No value for anyone at this point. I support the right of people to give a fair critique of any business. Slander and open use of the internet for self serving purposes should be snuffed out.

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do not have a dog in the fight,

just found all the defense posts interesting



i see you know where the trailer parks are hidden

but do you know where the big dogs sleep?




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The belief that huddy calls all trades before they happen, takes small risks, scales out, and has lots of BE trades, can be completely consistent with what swisstrader is stating. The trading scheme or strategy that you all seem to be saying he does will not turn a profit in the long run under a variety of market conditions. if you do the math, you'll see that he probably is at best a long term break even trader, Dependant on how much he pays in commission per trade and Dependant on the size he puts on. Other things to consider are if he enters and exits at market or with limit orders. Somewhere I saw it stated that he takes about 80% BE trades. For anyone not keeping score with real money, each of those trades is a loser.


Do not get me wrong, for a new guy, getting to brake even is no easy task so there is probably value there if you are not break even and you want help.

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Mighty Mouse; If one analyzes his trades as posted on Twitter since mid-April, which I have experienced and logged in the room the whole time, so I believe them to be accurate, the BE % is roughly 25%, the losers are roughly 25% and the winners are roughly 50%. The numbers are online on Twitter, I can vouch for them, unless someone has data to show this data to be untrue, it is up to each reader to decide.In the end though, as a trader, it is expectancy that matters.

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