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The Trading Zone Review

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Thank you tickiman and hlm for your replies, hlm....there's certainly no need to apolgize, any comments regarding trading and TTZ are greatly appreciated.

It's good to know that the 3M chart determines the set ups rather than MP, maybe they push the MP bit in the room to throw people off the scent a bit as to the true set up rules. I have certainly seen them take a position in a "MP" S/R level which seemed contra to my (basic) understanding of MP. In fact, I may be completely wrong on this, but MP to me shows areas of possible S/R or good areas to buy/sell which would obviously mean working limit orders, whereas their set ups are buy/sell at the market (orders), but as my name suggests, I'm new to this and could easily be wrong.


I'm not surprised that Sec has possibly left, but I still won't, for the time being at least, be buying their course.

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Do you have a room? Do you have an educational service? Do you have a method for trading the e-minis?


Do you have anything else to offer besides "Greg is the devil incarnate"? Like - perhaps - TTZ doesnt work, methods dont work, training is not consistent, Greg is not honest about his trades, etc?


See here is the deal. Your plan to smear TTZ is actually working against you here. I have done some homework and here is what I have discovered.


TTZ offers a set of educational materials to teach its members its methods.


TTZ gives its members trading ideas via Yahoo every day - first thing in the morning then throughout the day.


TTZ (Greg and Gator) calls out their official trades every day - including the ones gone wrong


TTZ reviews all of their trades taken - winners and losers - 2 nights a week, to teach their members "why".


This is the most honest approach I have seen online. And in fact, I would encourage all of you to review and consider. Remember, the goal is not for any one person to call out trades for us to take. The goal is to LEARN how to trade futures.


The more you rant regarding your personal conflict with Greg, the more you draw people like me to TTZ to see what it is you are angry about. Just fyi, I get it, because they are successfully helping people identify and build a profitable trading style, and you are obviously jealous.


You are offering nothing but a negative attitude, with no constructive criticism. In fact, Tickiman, just exactly what is your goal here? Is it to discredit the TTZ methodology, or is it to personally smear Greg? Bad business deal? Dislike Canadians? What is it?


Really, I dont care what it is - just please stop with the "high-school" smear of TTZ.



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...I can say most paid trading rooms are up to no good. So buyers beware.
Yes, do your own due diligence and be weary of anything involving money. However, I still find it so interesting that people are referring to it as a "room" (on this forum and others). The room itself is mainly for demoing/advertising. Almost all the traders I know that currently use the methodology do not spend time in the room. Many even think the "demo room" is annoying and distracting. At most they are connected to Greg via private message through yahoo and stop by during the training. Again, I am not promoting this service or any other paid service. This is by no means a "holy grail" and may be of little use depending on the individual.

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Thank you tickiman and hlm for your replies...

I may be completely wrong on this, but MP to me shows areas of possible S/R or good areas to buy/sell which would obviously mean working limit orders, whereas their set ups are buy/sell at the market (orders), but as my name suggests, I'm new to this and could easily be wrong.

Yes, Market Profile can be used to find areas of S/R but is also tells a larger story (context) based on alignment with previous areas and distributions. As you continue your journey into trading you will see that there are different ways to trade S/R areas. Some like to wait for the reaction while others (with context) like to have inventory (a position) going into the S/R area.


...but I still won't, for the time being at least, be buying their course.
It's good that you aren't jumping into anything blindly with being new. There are tons of free resources out there and one should exhaust those first. :)

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I've been in there on and off for about 3 weeks now, I said they are batting about 50/50, have not conviced me yet to cough up the dough to see their secret formula, they are no scammer, you do need to use your own judgement on whether their trading style suits you or not, one thing about this kind of trading room, how the hell do we know they really trading for real or not......I"ll check them out a bit longer, as long as they dont password protect their room:o

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Hello All, sorry its been a while since I posted to the thread, I have been busy soaking up the TTZ method.


So yes, I became a member. Why? Because unlike so many people here and elsewhere who are simulating to save their few thousand dollars in "investment capital", I am doing futures for a living, with a substantial bankroll, and I do not have the time or the patience to listen to the typical bs of "its too expensive", or "its all information you can get for free from the web". I got to a point where I said to myself 1 - AM I going to do this? 2 - CAN I do this / figure this out on my own? 3 - WHAT is the best resource to help me to achieve this?


The truth is, if you have really attempted to trade futures, you have already lost far more than the "signup fee" of 3K ish. If you have not lost this yet, then you in all likelihood land in the category stated above ie Simulating a few thousand in capital playing at trading futures for a living.


But for those of you that do have the capital, and do want to make trading futures work as a consistent income, then here is why I went with the TTZ.


Honesty - every day the moderators trade in real time - time-stamped calling entries and exits, using the method. No other room I have found has the moderators trading in real time, period. They make gains, they take losses, but they are not hiding. Anything. Further, two nights a week Greg (the lead moderator) reviews how he did in a members only room to 100+ people. He talks very openly about exactly why he made entries and exits. Oh, and as to the "is he trading for real" question, it only takes a few minutes of hearing him do real trades to hear the exuberance in his voice, the emotion, to know its the real deal.


2 - Value - Again, if you are a lifelong simtrader, as so many naysayers here are, you wont get this, but for all of us hardcore futures traders, we KNOW 3K is a great deal for a lifetime of support with a complete system. I made back my tuition in days. Enough said.


3 - Education - I must say what the TTZ has taught me is how to put it all together - Money Management, MP, Entry Patterns, Exit Strategies, and most importantly resetting what the goal is. Are we here to hit homeruns? Or are we here to consistently hit singles, and position ourselves for making consistent ticks? Do I make those consistent ticks overtrading, or waiting for my precise high-probability setups?


Bottom line - if you are trading in the day timeframe, looking to trade 4-6 trades a day (ie not scalping), and you are serious about making futures trading your living, then the TTZ is an excellent choice for education and community.


On the other hand, if you are playing at this, or if you are using a faster (ie scalping) or slower trading time frame, then you would obviously be better served with a different approach.


I am in the TTZ room in Paltalk, my ID is Bannor45 - so if you slide in there and you want to talk, feel free to IM me in the room.


Otherwise, I wish all of you luck in finding your path to success in this extremely difficult career we have chosen of trading futures.




PS - I expect to get flamed from this message, but just remember what I said - if you cannot afford to pay for the TTZ room, then you are not truly here for the same reason I am ie a consistent day job making 100K+ a year. Oh and no, I am not paid by the moderators or anyone else to state this, I just believe in my choice, and believe in the positive karma of helping folks out there in my position to see the light and make futures trading for a living work for them.

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I was able to get a few good ideas from listening to the TTZ room and piecing together their approach. There are a few hidden nuggets on the the internet that can help you enjoy the chat rooms' secrets. They were well hidden, but since they were published by Greg himself there should be no question as to publishing his trade secrets. The following link has several days of the charts ("see them like never before") that they published in an open blog. Thankyou wayback machine.




From this you can setup your chart to look like the TTZ chart when you are listening. Most of it is straight forward except for the indicator similar to a bollinger band. This is a moving market profile with a TPO count above and below the POC. POC is the red band in the center and the UVA and LVA are in gray. The detailed explaination can be seen here.


THN Price Profile


The other pivot/S/R point indicator from the charts is a price target indicator from the same site. There is nothing very speial about this one.


TTZ Targets


I think that these are sold by Sec, but I am not sure about that. I have re-created these indicators for Tradestation. If there is interest, we can start a thread detailing this methodology.

Hi Sinatra,

I could not open the link you posted. I'll love to see their chart setup, I ask for a screenshot of their setup in the TTZ traderoom, Gator tolm me it is proptietary and remmains close to their chest.

Have you started a thread here somewhere already.



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If you are in his free trial room you better not ask him about his old "service" (website), he will kick/ban you faster than you can blink.


I was in there as a trial once and some guy got in there and started asking him why he ripped him off and started pasting info about his old site...at the time I knew nothing about it so I asked what site the guy was referring to, BAM, I was kicked and banned for asking a simple question


I strongly suggest you do your DD, there is plenty of info out there about the place and there is quite a history...I did my DD and what I found wasn't pretty...but that is for you to decide.


P.S. hop over to the market profile forum...there are some other mp rooms out there if that is what you are interested in

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Ric, Secretariat, who used to do their live scalp calls had left them and setup his own room [public access]. You may want to check his new room and his ES/DAX/Stock calls. I don't trade them but I do check them from time to time on my charts. So far so good. For me, I just pop in there once in a while to enjoy his sound and the music. :)







If you are in his free trial room you better not ask him about his old "service" (website), he will kick/ban you faster than you can blink.


I was in there as a trial once and some guy got in there and started asking him why he ripped him off and started pasting info about his old site...at the time I knew nothing about it so I asked what site the guy was referring to, BAM, I was kicked and banned for asking a simple question


I strongly suggest you do your DD, there is plenty of info out there about the place and there is quite a history...I did my DD and what I found wasn't pretty...but that is for you to decide.


P.S. hop over to the market profile forum...there are some other mp rooms out there if that is what you are interested in

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Ric, Secretariat, who used to do their live scalp calls had left them and setup his own room [public access]. You may want to check his new room and his ES/DAX/Stock calls. I don't trade them but I do check them from time to time on my charts. So far so good. For me, I just pop in there once in a while to enjoy his sound and the music. :)







Hello ztrader,


yes, he has his own room now with quite some members. I stopped by the other day just to take a look for maybe 1h...stopped by another day, typed in a imho completely harmless question to the room and got booted. Very funny, this guy.

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Yes Secretariat is a piece of work.

I have done some due dilligence and would caution anyone considering his recent room. He was formerly elricardo and seems to be following his modus operandi of running a free room while he \"puts together\" a web site and/or \"methodology\" which he then tries to rope people into buying. He did just that with his ElRicardo Paltalk room until membership gradually tapered off and finally it was closed. (It would seem as the membership realized the smoke and mirrors shell game that they were being subjected to). It seems the TTZ and it\'s members were unwittingly victims as they eventually had to part ways due to membership complaints about him, his rudeness and \"questionable\" perhaps paper trades.


I certainly would find suspect any moderator who changes names/handles, not to mention uses a name that dosen\'t identify themselves, goes from one room to another, copies the name of a room that\'s not his (first uses Secretariat\'s Tradingzone then secretariat\'s tradingworld - how original). It would not surprise me if his course turned out to be very similar to TTZ\'s.


Caveat emptor as they say.

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thetardingzone greg is SCAM BIG TIME so as secretariat

they both need to be put in jail

Wow, I am so convinced by the great details backing your claim up via the perfect grammar and word structure. Btw, Sec (where the majority of complaints were focused) "left" a long time ago. He was never the teacher, only a filler that I guess eventually got out of hand. However I do not know the details past what some members/friends have told me.

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thetardingzone greg is SCAM BIG TIME so as secretariat

they both need to be put in jail



Interestingly, after having made a rather negative comment about Sec last year in this thread ( regarding booting), I lately found his room to be pretty good, I'm not a paid member though due to time constraints.


Imho, you cannot say that this guy can't trade, calls were very good and were given in advance or real time. However, whether his current methodology is similar to Greg's or whether it can be effectively taught at all, I cannot say.

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Hey Guys :)


Sorry, but I have to weigh in here.


Tickiman, welcome back to your opportunity to rip TTZ! Its been a while, interesting to see you are still out there and still bitter. For the life of me, I do not understand why the moderators do not kick and ban people like you. We have been over this - your negative comments with no backing material again portray you for who you are: a bitter, lower iq person that has nothing better to do than bash something you obviously do not understand.


Or, wait, is it more? Is it personal? Could it be you have a personal grudge against Greg? Hmmmm I wonder . . .


Well regardless, I always welcome the opportunity to fully explain the value of a service like TTZ - so here we go.


Here is the first most important point - no system is going to be the holy grail. No system is foolproof. And, most importantly, no system will trade for you. You MUST put in the work and effort to understand and learn all the concepts necessary to be able to consistently trade futures. These concepts include but are not limited to Entry/Exit Strategies, Money Management, Market Profile / Market Structure, and Trading Psychology.


Tickiman - have you ever even heard of these concepts? Do you fully understand all of them? Can you even spell them (lol)?


Well it should be no surprise that I did not understand how all these concepts could fit together in symphony, when I joined TTZ a little less than a year ago. However, I was determined to NOT be a sim-trader, a perennial loser, or a bitter person that needs to blame others for my failure (like you). A friend of mine here recommended TTZ as the best way to learn and understand not only each of the concepts individually, but how they work together to create a positive, consistent cashflow.


Make no mistake - that is my goal. I am 100% sure that is not Tickimans goal, folks.


I am now positive and consistent with my cashflow. With that said, here is the next most important question.


Why do I still lose occasionally?


There are only 2 reasons for this. 1 is that the market probability said it was time for my loss. 2 is that I made an entry mistake. Notice, I did not blame anyone or anything else. When Greg makes a bad call in his chat room, why is that a bad thing for me? Unless I am shadow trading, I could care less what Greg does. It's the concepts his course has taught me that are invaluable, and what I do with those concepts is my responsibility. This is what the gamblers like Tickiman will never accept - the concept of responsibility.


So, dude, get over your inability to trade futures. Get over your grudge with TTZ. Recognize that if you cannot learn from a course like TTZ, you need to move on and do something productive with your life, and stop pretending you are a trader.


You aren't.


Oh, and thank you for allowing me to use your ineptitude as a golf tee to drive yet another positive comment regarding TTZ down the fairway!



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Tried out the free trail, some calls in hindsite, comercials,(thats ok) good pit comentary.


The course is one of the more expensive of the good ones that I seen. Greg is for real, NOT a snakeoil salesman.


There was a very negative rush limbaugh member motor mouth in the room dominating chat during their slow times:offtopic: (not necessiarly mine) that I just couldn't stomach!:spam: :fight:


I would RECOMMEND the trail. If you have that kind of money for TRAINING it may may be just what the doctor ordered:) I just can't see paying big bucks and hang out with rush

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For the life of me, I do not understand why the moderators do not kick and ban people like you.


Perhaps no one has reported the posts. If this continues to be a problem, contact me via PM.

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Im wrapping together something regarding rants and reviews. Theres a law protecting and allowing any content posted on website but that only protects the site owner. Apparently firms have the right to pursue lawsuits at the actual poster. Anyhow, still doing some research on my end so will have something for the boards shortly.


FYI - Communications Decency Act


Interesting material by the Ripoff Report (could be a good place to post your rants and reviews and linkback to TL)

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I attended the presentation by TTZ at the Las Vegas Traders Expo and walked away feeling if I watched the T&S for large orders I would make an extra 50k per contract per year. This did not work when I gave T&S a chance as it reports the large orders after they have gone through and the move has taken place.


In all fairness to The Trading Zone I have not taken the free trial, but after looking into tape reading it did not seem to be of much help.:confused: If I am missing the boat regarding this please correct me.


One more thing regarding trading education; this site especially ;) and many other sites provide great education for free.

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I attended the presentation by TTZ at the Las Vegas Traders Expo and walked away feeling if I watched the T&S for large orders I would make an extra 50k per contract per year. This did not work when I gave T&S a chance as it reports the large orders after they have gone through and the move has taken place.


In all fairness to The Trading Zone I have not taken the free trial, but after looking into tape reading it did not seem to be of much help.:confused: If I am missing the boat regarding this please correct me.

Tape reading is only one time frame they look at (out of a few including Market Profile). However, most individuals use the other technique they teach for reading the tape which is watching a small interval tick chart. So what you saw was most likely only a small fraction of the whole package...which is what you would expect at an Expo. Also, the service is an educational service and not a calling service. So even the "demo" wouldn't be going into any details. Now I am not saying that the entire package would be beneficial to you or anyone else since different strokes for different folks. Everyone must do their own due diligence. The key with reading any review is to ignore the promotion/bashing aspects and just focus on the facts.


One more thing regarding trading education; this site especially ;) and many other sites provide great education for free.
Excellent point.

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