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[MP] Trading with Market Profile

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I noticed this thread and I have to say something so that those of you who think reading the dom is the same as reading the tape, don't waste your time


Reading the DOM is NOT reading the tape.....the DOM (Depth of Market) consists of bids and offers at the various price levels. Those bids and offers can be pulled, they can be changed and they can be disguised in a number of ways...As a result, the DOM display is of little use because it can be misleading....


Reading the tape is when you read the Time & Sales strip....that display shows orders to buy and sell that are actually executed.....once again I repeat you only see the order that actually execute...so it is accurate...


Unfortunately it is difficult to learn to read the tape (the time & sales strip) because it is dynamic and so it is hard to describe what to look for...I think the best way is to have someone with you looking at the same screen you are trading from, pointing out the various aspects of the data....for example you would want to take note of how fast the strip "rolls" (how fast it moves) also you want to make note of the size, and whether the buys and/or sales are at the bid or the offer...finally most professionals use additional data including market internals (breadth and issues traded) and so it requires patience to learn how to direct your attention and how to interprete what you see...


I hope this helps a little bit, and keeps some of you from wasting time looking at the DOM


Best Regards


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Davinci...Would you please tell me a very good source to learn and get to that level, I have read all Market profile books, screen time, etc and yet not there....consistency with some certainty is what i am for...How did u get to thtat level?





Do a search for "Order Fow Advice." I list some MP sources there. Jim Dalton's site and books have helped a LOT.


I also take screen shots and document my observations on a daily basis so I can review things later. Been doing that for 2 years now. It really gets things into the subconscious.


Stay tuned for a daily ES market profile update that I will put out before the 9:30 open from time to time.


You can get consistency but I'm not sure about the certainty. :)



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Thanks lot for the help Davinci and Steve...I really appreciate it...


I would do a search to see how it goes..


I was also thinking about fine tunning my skills and learning a bit more about market profile..


Do you believe the Field of Vision course from Dalton is a good option? I have read both of his books, Cbot Handbook, and Steidlmayer on Markets: Trading with Market Profile...I want to learn how and when to split and merge profiles to spot high and low volume zones more accurately, and other things more advanced as well, so I'd like to know if dalton's field of vision would help me out with that


also I was thinking about using T&S for entering but I need someone to teach me....Do you have any experience with this one?


Tape Reading Bundle with new Time & Sales indicator


Thanks guys

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Thanks lot for the help Davinci and Steve...I really appreciate it...


Do you believe the Field of Vision course from Dalton is a good option? I have read both of his books, Cbot Handbook, and Steidlmayer on Markets: Trading with Market Profile...I want to learn how and when to split and merge profiles to spot high and low volume zones more accurately, and other things more advanced as well, so I'd like to know if dalton's field of vision would help me out with that


also I was thinking about using T&S for entering but I need someone to teach me....Do you have any experience with this one?



Thanks guys


Dalton does not believe in going into too much detail when it comes to value areas or volume point of controls. I agree with him – trading is not a science. I get into the detail when reading the footprint chart.


I had a lot of screen time before Field of Visions came out, so I have not bought it yet.


If someone has been reading tape of many years, I can understand why they can’t give it up. But if you are new, go with the new technology – footprint charts.




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Hello fellow Market Profile traders,


I just signed up to the forum mainly because you guys seem to have the best understand of MP.

I am currently reading through Mind over Markets and as I am digesting it, I have a couple of questions to ask. I hope you guys dont find me annoying :roll eyes:


I haven't found this situation yet, so I don't have a picture to show you, though I will try to explain to you guys what I am thinking about. It is about Responsive/Initiative buying or selling.


What I have understood from Initiative and Responsive activity is that there are four different activities (correct me about this all if I am wrong):


Initiative Buying: this occurs above yesterdays Value Area. In this new daily MP we have a POC, if one counts the numbers above/below the POC and the numbers below it are more than the ones above (for example 10/20. equals 20 TPOs below POC) then we have Initiative Buying, since it is above Value Area. The implication is that long-term participants find value higher and are defending.


Initiative Selling: occurs below yesterdays Value Area. Essentially same thing as above though there should be more TPOs ABOVE the POC than below. Equals selling strenght and value is lower.


Responsive Buying: Below yesterdays Value Area. In this new MP the buyers react to the falling price. More TPO's above the POC than below.

Question: what is difference between responsive buying and initiative selling?


Responsive Selling: Above yesterdays Value Area. In this new MP sellers react to the rising price. More TPO's below the POC than above.

Same question as responsive buying. Difference responsive selling and initiative buying?


Now here is the real question I wanted to ask. If I am correct in the idea of Responsive buying/selling being less TPO's than the "other" direction, what if the other side had more TPO's? Would that imply that this price is being rejected?



A new daily MP starts below yesterdays value area. At the end of the day, we see have a POC in the middle. Above the POC we have 30 TPO's. Below the POC we have 50 TPO's.

Shouldn't this imply that buyers have control of this pricearea? Something of an "initiative buying in own area"?


Now if you would flip this example, to having 50 TPO's above POC and 30 below, you would have initiative selling since it is below yesterdays Value Area. But in this example, the buyers have "saved" price from falling..

I imagine this should happen, how come it is not in the book? Thanks!!

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Initiative and Responsive activity according to the book can happen anywhere in relation to yesterday's profile(or longer term balance). The TPO count above and below the POC is used to determine a level of OTF activity inside the value area. I personally don't really use it. Initiative and responsive activity is far more useful to me when it occurs outside recent perceived 'value'.

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Initiative and Responsive activity according to the book can happen anywhere in relation to yesterday's profile(or longer term balance). The TPO count above and below the POC is used to determine a level of OTF activity inside the value area. I personally don't really use it. Initiative and responsive activity is far more useful to me when it occurs outside recent perceived 'value'.


Thanks negotiator!


A couple of questions though; you say the TPO count is used to determine other timeframe activity inside the value area.. I thought the value area was where locals and market makers traded with each other, and above/below that area is where large traders traded. How come you say it is the level of activity for the long-termers?


And please, could you give an example of what you mean by outside recent perceived value: maybe a picture or so?

For me recent perceived value is the value area or where price is building a new distribution, but that would by definition be what the book defines as initative/responsive activity wouldn't it?

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Thanks negotiator!


A couple of questions though; you say the TPO count is used to determine other timeframe activity inside the value area.. I thought the value area was where locals and market makers traded with each other, and above/below that area is where large traders traded. How come you say it is the level of activity for the long-termers?


It's just used as a proxy. OTF moves the market inside and outside of value area. Often the most obvious strong OTF moves happen away from value. But also, OTF can enter at value when they believe value has changed. Remember, when value changes, the quicker you can identify changes to value the more of the move you can take. If you watch closely, you'll see that often decent sized moves begin right at the center of balance.


And please, could you give an example of what you mean by outside recent perceived value: maybe a picture or so?

For me recent perceived value is the value area or where price is building a new distribution, but that would by definition be what the book defines as initative/responsive activity wouldn't it?


Effectively the fat part of the bell shaped curve when the market is balanced and contained in a trading range. The POC is where most trades have occurred in a day(or over a time period). This price is supposedly the "fairest price" for the time period being monitored. What you have stated is pretty much correct. Any trading by OTF after price has moved away from value could be considered initiative or responsive action.

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But also, OTF can enter at value when they believe value has changed. Remember, when value changes, the quicker you can identify changes to value the more of the move you can take. If you watch closely, you'll see that often decent sized moves begin right at the center of balance.


And you can see that they entered at value by counting the TPO's inside the Value Area?

I am having problem with seeing how value is changing. What I have understood as of now is that value lies within the value area or where market makes a distribution, so, if a new MP day starts and the market makes a distribution, then moves sharply up and makes another distribution at that new level; there is new value. How could one identify changes to value? What I am taking from MP right now is that you can only see what already has happened, and also, I cant really comprehend how one would see what "type" of day the the day will close as: i.e. a trend day, range day etc. I can't understand HOW.



Any trading by OTF after price has moved away from value could be considered initiative or responsive action.

But I am still overwhelmed by all this. Other timeframe participants ONLY trade beyond the intitial balance, so how can they trade inside value!? They only trade when price is beyond value - that is how they trade. What am I not understanding?


And also, I would like to ask how one should understand which "type" of day this is and what this day represents.



The only "day" I could get today to is the double distribution trend day, but then again, it really is not.

In MoM the D-D trend day the market starts out inactive then shifts perception and moves to another area where it makes a new distribution and closes.

This day starts out, moves down, then back up into IB, moves straight up, makes a distribution in the new "value", then moves straight down to where it started again. What type of day is this and more importantly, what does it tell?

You see we have a VA above fridays VA. But then we have more TPO's above the POC then below, so the implication should be that this is initiative selling at those highs that were rejected (since price moved back to IB)? But then again, can this be bearish when VA is above yesterdays?


Thanks and sorry :crap:

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isamel, you're correct about the TPO count being used as a way to track inventory imbalances in the short-term (usually by the locals) when a market is balancing. TPO count is not as useful anymore, I don't know any traders that use it even though some Market Profile software still track it. Personally, I would learn the concept and move on. But identifying inventory imbalances is extremely useful in trading. Unfortunately, it takes a lot of time to learn and can get quite complicated since you can have inventory imbalances in different timeframes.


Regarding value, if the market opens above the previous day's value area, for example, and let's say 3 brackets or so have occurred above yesterday's value area, the odds are pretty good that the current day's value is going to be higher or overlapping-to-higher. If you trade value, you would probably be more aggressive on the long side. Your goal as a trader should be to assess the odds of certain things happening and then trading accordingly. Does value have to be higher on such a day? Not necessarily, the market could tank, but the more brackets we spend above yesterday's value area, the harder it gets to get unchange, overlapping-to-lower, or lower value. If it changes than we adjust our view of the market. You can also have a gap higher open, and the market auctions lower all day, but value is higher. What does that mean? That usually means that short-term the market is bearish, but longer term the market is bullish because the market is well bid, as they say. That is, if the market was truly weak, value would not be higher, buyers are still supporting the market, but perhaps the market got too long and needs to break before it moves higher (i.e., inventory imbalance). Learn to estimate value from the opening bell - very useful.


You can do a similar thing with day types, but don't get too hung up on the day type labels. Remember, the day types are used to determine whether the market is exhibiting high or low confidence. The labels are useful for learning about MP, but once you learn it you should really start thinking in terms of degrees of confidence. The same applies to opening types. Opening types really address the confidence in the market. This IS the point of day types and opening types. For example, on a trend day, the odds are low that we will revisit the opening price late in the day. can it happen? Sure, but remember, we're talking odds since no one can predict the market. As you can tell, the confidence level in the market is very important for determining trading tactics, at least for me. A high confidence open usually indicates the OTF in the market - fade less or not at all. A low confidence market usually indicates short-term traders in control - don't go for home runs. Discerning the dominant timeframe in the market is as important as it gets, IMO. Longer timeframes behave differently than shorter timeframes. Day traders love short-term references, like previous day's high/low. overnight high/low, opening, settlement price, etc. The longer term couldn't care less about those levels. They don't wait for markets to trade to these levels before buying or selling. Why? Because they can't afford to, they have too much business to transact when they're active. If you see the market trading through the open several times and to these exact levels and then reversing, that is a clue that the short timeframe is dominating. Sorry, I could go on, but I'll leave it here.

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The day you are looking at looks to be a DD day. If it moved from one dist to then create and develop another only to move back, that is additional information. Maybe there was uncertainty short term, such a a pending eco release. The market then breaks but longer term players use the opportunity to get advantageous price and this halts the movement. Weaker short term players then fold and the market moves back.


Like ant says, the open and day types are labels used to quickly define what has happened. What is really important is the confidence and the OTF activity. Often you'll find days which you feel are on the cusp of two definitions and so it is a judgement call you have to make as to what the market has done to make sense of the profile. Profiles are historical yes, but they can help you clearly define market activity. Personally, I feel mp has weaknesses which means I hardly use it. I can 'get' the auction, which is really the big thing you should take from MOM, from a combination of other methods. But stick with it through the book. It'll only complicate things otherwise.


Changing value is about movement and activity relative to current value. If you are at the high value extreme and buyers are still dominating, it's likely that the perception of this value is at least likely to be challenged. Then if the trading activity persists higher and profile development occurs, new value is probably already present, but if the market fails to build and starts reversing, there's a good chance that value is unchanged.


Anyway, one last thing. Keep going with MOM and apply it daily. You may reread it a few times, you may not. I know that a good number of people find it heavy going at times and if you are newly coming into trading this could well be exacerbated.

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I'm new here and just wanted to say thanks to ant; his post 1 up, could be a classic overview of Market Profile interpretation, if that is possible. Not viewing it is as a trading system, but rather one of market structure and development, used as a map of information resting in the background, while you use your indicator system for entries and exits.

Looking forward to involvement with the community.

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Thanks ant and Negotiatior. Essentially there are some very important points you both have talked about but I feel I am not in the right place to comment on them as of right now.


I have been trading for a couple of years, mainly order flow, and stumbled upon market profile just recently. To be real frank I started this Sunday so, two days ago.


What I have taken from MP right now is that it is nothing more than a way of "viewing the market" i.e. what the participants are doing (where is value, has value changed) and if they are doing it "well". For me it looks to be a way of viewing the market participants conviction.


So here are my questions: is there a way to always differentiate (with MP) what short-term traders (market makers) and long-term traders are doing, or is it just guessing within the context of MP?

If there is a way to differentiate, how is that? This is extremely important to me so if one could really illustrate that I would be very grateful.


The reason I am asking because I now am confused, my initial udnerstanding of the book was that LTF participants only trade beyond/outside the initial balance (range extension), but now it seems I have got it wrong.

Really helpful if someone could clear this out for me.


And btw, since FX is a 24-hour market and I plan to use MP for FX, is there a certain time one should have their initial balance? I mean we have Asian, European and American session - or does that not matter at all?


Thank you

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Since Sunday huh? The thing you need to understand is the auction. MP helps that and also gives some nice reference points.


Identifying OTF activity is what people are mainly looking for because OTF moves the market. Much of it is guess work but educated guess work. If you think the market has broken out to the up side and there is initiative buying, is it following through? If it is it's most likely to be OTF.


I think you need to be applying MP to each separate session. FX kinda makes things a little more complicated in that respect. But it's doable for sure.

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MP is simply a graphic that depicts the 2-way auction process. It is a bell curve (i.e., a distribution) that is used to organize the market data just like it is done in other disciplines. As such, MP allows us to gather market-generated information to help us interpret market behavior. MP is a tool - nothing more, nothing less - in your trading arsenal, but successful trading requires more than that.


isamel, the way you asked your question leads me to believe that you may be looking for exact rules for determining the participation of the various timeframes in the market from daily profiles alone. It's not that simple. You need to consider the longer timeframe charts, such as daily, weekly, and monthly, you need to consider market condition and trade location, and you need to consider market confidence like I alluded to in my previous post. With respect to the daily profiles themselves, you need to consider attempted direction, volume, value area placement and profile shape. And finally, just observe how the market is trading. This is where you develop experience reading the market. The market gives a lot of clues, if you're paying attention, but trading is still hard. There will always be ambiguity that creates doubt, but that is what creates opportunity. In short, you need to consider CONTEXT.


Let me give you an example of the type of complexity I am talking about. With respect to the profile graphic, what is the profile shape on a trend day where the longer timeframe may be involved? In general, the profile shape is thin and elongated. So does this mean that if we have an elongated profile that the OTF is dominating? No, it doesn't. If you have a profile that is elongated but too stretched out with multiple distributions and a lot of single prints, that is usually a sign of panic'd buying or selling - short-term traders. The longer timeframe doesn't trade this way. They like to see "backing and filling" so that they don't raise the prices on themselves, if buying, or lower the prices on themselves, if selling. So what does this portend for future trading sessions? A stretched out profile is considered "poor structure" and it is likely that the market will have to trade through that area again before the market can trade with confidence in a given direction. It doesn't have to happen on that day or even the following day. But that becomes background information (context) that you should not forget about. Also, when we trade through a stretched out profile, think about how swift the market may trade through it without any support or resistance. This is the informational edge that MP can provide. While most people see strength on a day like that, you're prepared for the opposite.

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thanks for write ups.


what are the clues to find what market are we trading? like responsive or initiative?





Anything can be a clue. Do you mean in terms of whether we are trending or bracketing? I think if you are talking about this, it's quite clear from a simply looking at a longer term chart. However, what is extremely important is change. To know that the market has moved from trending to bracket or vice versa early on, can save and make you a lot of money. Something to look out for here is how agressive is the market and how is it reacting to previous levels. If what you are seeing is unexpected, change may be taking place.

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Anything can be a clue. Do you mean in terms of whether we are trending or bracketing? I think if you are talking about this, it's quite clear from a simply looking at a longer term chart. However, what is extremely important is change. To know that the market has moved from trending to bracket or vice versa early on, can save and make you a lot of money. Something to look out for here is how agressive is the market and how is it reacting to previous levels. If what you are seeing is unexpected, change may be taking place.


responsive is where we need to fade the extremes & initiative is where we need buy highs & sell lows. my question here how come we can conclude market is responsive so we need to fade the extreme or market is in initiative to trade breakouts? when market turn into responsive to initiative & vice versa?



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How do you gauge confidence real time?


isamel, you're correct about the TPO count being used as a way to track inventory imbalances in the short-term (usually by the locals) when a market is balancing. TPO count is not as useful anymore, I don't know any traders that use it even though some Market Profile software still track it. Personally, I would learn the concept and move on. But identifying inventory imbalances is extremely useful in trading. Unfortunately, it takes a lot of time to learn and can get quite complicated since you can have inventory imbalances in different timeframes.


Regarding value, if the market opens above the previous day's value area, for example, and let's say 3 brackets or so have occurred above yesterday's value area, the odds are pretty good that the current day's value is going to be higher or overlapping-to-higher. If you trade value, you would probably be more aggressive on the long side. Your goal as a trader should be to assess the odds of certain things happening and then trading accordingly. Does value have to be higher on such a day? Not necessarily, the market could tank, but the more brackets we spend above yesterday's value area, the harder it gets to get unchange, overlapping-to-lower, or lower value. If it changes than we adjust our view of the market. You can also have a gap higher open, and the market auctions lower all day, but value is higher. What does that mean? That usually means that short-term the market is bearish, but longer term the market is bullish because the market is well bid, as they say. That is, if the market was truly weak, value would not be higher, buyers are still supporting the market, but perhaps the market got too long and needs to break before it moves higher (i.e., inventory imbalance). Learn to estimate value from the opening bell - very useful.


You can do a similar thing with day types, but don't get too hung up on the day type labels. Remember, the day types are used to determine whether the market is exhibiting high or low confidence. The labels are useful for learning about MP, but once you learn it you should really start thinking in terms of degrees of confidence. The same applies to opening types. Opening types really address the confidence in the market. This IS the point of day types and opening types. For example, on a trend day, the odds are low that we will revisit the opening price late in the day. can it happen? Sure, but remember, we're talking odds since no one can predict the market. As you can tell, the confidence level in the market is very important for determining trading tactics, at least for me. A high confidence open usually indicates the OTF in the market - fade less or not at all. A low confidence market usually indicates short-term traders in control - don't go for home runs. Discerning the dominant timeframe in the market is as important as it gets, IMO. Longer timeframes behave differently than shorter timeframes. Day traders love short-term references, like previous day's high/low. overnight high/low, opening, settlement price, etc. The longer term couldn't care less about those levels. They don't wait for markets to trade to these levels before buying or selling. Why? Because they can't afford to, they have too much business to transact when they're active. If you see the market trading through the open several times and to these exact levels and then reversing, that is a clue that the short timeframe is dominating. Sorry, I could go on, but I'll leave it here.

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Hi Kuokam,


Let me ask you some questions first...


  • What does a high confidence market look like to you?
  • What does a low confidence market look like to you?
  • If short-term traders are dominating the market, is that high or low confidence?
  • If longer term traders are dominating the market, is that high or low confidence?
  • What are signs of short-term traders in the market? If you're a short-term trader, than how do you trade?
  • What are signs of long-term traders in the market?


I've talked about this in my other posts, so you can find some of these answers there. There is also information in the quote you referenced above.

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Well, I admit just starting to learn about Market profile and its lingo. I started reading " Markets in profile" last week. So, here are the answers of an MP illiterate to your questions:


Hi Kuokam,


Let me ask you some questions first...



[*]What does a high confidence market look like to you? trending

[*]What does a low confidence market look like to you? ranging

[*]If short-term traders are dominating the market, is that high or low confidence? low

[*]If longer term traders are dominating the market, is that high or low confidence? high

[*]What are signs of short-term traders in the market? If you're a short-term trader, than how do you trade? not sure, as "short" can be relative

[*]What are signs of long-term traders in the market? market animated


I've talked about this in my other posts, so you can find some of these answers there. There is also information in the quote you referenced above.

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Hi Kuokam,


You did well with your responses. Please note that you do not need to know Market Profile in order to answer these questions. The one question I would like you to think more about is, "how do short-term or day traders trade?" I would also like you to be a little more specific about the signs of long-term traders in the market. The key here is to get into the heads of your competitors, which is a requirement IMO, in order to differentiate between a market that is being dominated by shorter term traders vs longer term traders. I will provide a longer response later this weekend when I have a little more time.


But I will leave you with this, IMO, if you can develop the following 2 trader skills, I think you are well on your way to being a very profitable trader. The rub? These are arguably the most difficult things to do in trading, requiring quite a bit of experience to do it consistently well. You will never be perfect, but to make money in the markets, you don't have to be perfect. As traders, we continue to evolve and get better, but never perfect. There is more to trading than this, but these are key, because the answer to these questions get down to the basics of what moves a market.


  1. Determine who is dominating the market. (This is what this post is about.)
  2. Determine if there is an inventory imbalance.

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Great questions indeed, Ant !


Pardon my late reaction, I was in Brussels all this week end to celebrate mothers' day, as daughter is a young mother of two girls.


My first answer is that I am here just in search of responses to those questions, as I have not digged into them in dept before.

Seems to me that LT players, having billions to put at work "must" invest heavily at a time, therefore leaving a big foot print. Thus the volume might be the first clue in gauging who is dominating the market. That's why you are better off trading during the hours they are around and hope to be able to trade in their direction.

But where I am puzzled is when I see that it is them again who are able to finance HFT tools that conduct trades at a speed Joe the little scalper can't follow behind his computer. The same are LT and ultra short term !?


In my personal trading, if allowed to let run, I never consider myself Lt or day trader. I would put a stop loss in and let run, trailing if in profit.


So, it seems to me that you would only have long term traders present in the market as signaled by big size and momentum, or absent, with a market essentially not very convinced as to what direction to take.


As for inventory imbalance, I can only think of the DOM to find it. Say you have the bids totaling 1200 and the offers 1700. Odds are this market in imbalanced and will PROBABLY drop.


Appreciate your taking time!


Hi Kuokam,


You did well with your responses. Please note that you do not need to know Market Profile in order to answer these questions. The one question I would like you to think more about is, "how do short-term or day traders trade?" I would also like you to be a little more specific about the signs of long-term traders in the market. The key here is to get into the heads of your competitors, which is a requirement IMO, in order to differentiate between a market that is being dominated by shorter term traders vs longer term traders. I will provide a longer response later this weekend when I have a little more time.


But I will leave you with this, IMO, if you can develop the following 2 trader skills, I think you are well on your way to being a very profitable trader. The rub? These are arguably the most difficult things to do in trading, requiring quite a bit of experience to do it consistently well. You will never be perfect, but to make money in the markets, you don't have to be perfect. As traders, we continue to evolve and get better, but never perfect. There is more to trading than this, but these are key, because the answer to these questions get down to the basics of what moves a market.


  1. Determine who is dominating the market. (This is what this post is about.)
  2. Determine if there is an inventory imbalance.

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Hi kuokam,


Sorry for the delayed response. I was in the process of putting together a post about high/low confidence and assessing which time frame is dominating the market, and the post was getting long and I was getting tired writing. So I thought it would be better, if we had a discussion. Do you want to join me in Skype some time so that we can discuss this? I will answer any questions you have about using Market Profile. Otherwise, you can take a look at this post I made a while back, but I could go into more detail in a live discussion.




Feel free to PM me.

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Thanks for the response. I've also responded.


Hi kuokam,


Sorry for the delayed response. I was in the process of putting together a post about high/low confidence and assessing which time frame is dominating the market, and the post was getting long and I was getting tired writing. So I thought it would be better, if we had a discussion. Do you want to join me in Skype some time so that we can discuss this? I will answer any questions you have about using Market Profile. Otherwise, you can take a look at this post I made a while back, but I could go into more detail in a live discussion.




Feel free to PM me.

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