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The Chimp`s "Forex Trades"

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Hi PYenner and Walter,


If you wouldn't mind, indulge me one more time and have a quick look at these charts... then I'll let things go. The basic concept here is classic support and resistance. My information comes from Martin Pring.


PYenner, what I have tried to do here is to illustrate some pretty classic analysis working with your indicators on the 60 minute chart. My inexperience makes precise definition of s/r, let's say uncomfortable, yet I have seen prices respect these (past) levels time and time again.


My opinion is that fundamentally the market is driven by psychology as even the shakers and movers in this market are human beings and respond to defined markers.


What I am looking for is indicators that will define the turning points, and yours do quite well...the other thing I have difficulty with is the draw down.


Profitable or not, correct direction or not, it's hard to watch the market move against you as far as it can and still hold on if you're using real money.


At any rate, I appreciate you taking the time.


Regards gentlemen



S&R... yes... actually this analisis eventually gets automatically discounted on the vmar setups, as you most probably will take trades from very good competitive S&R levels... determining them its some times hard, any algorithm of S&R, be it pivots, fibos, MP levels etc, have 50/50 performance in terms of rejections... all of this levels nornally have two posible outputs : break or hold... so the levels are not so important as the capacity of anticipating a break or a hold... and thats where momentum readings (from my perspective) give you the edge on your trading, as it should give you the discernment on anticipating breaks or holds...


Now once you have a perception of momentum thru vmars, you clearly get good in anticipating breaks or holds from some good clear levels, whatever they be... so THE SKILL is "Momentum Discernment"... did you see the video series ?... cheers Walter.

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Hello Bruce;

I thought that you have transferred to Ninja Trader.

Have opened a Ninja account and an EFX account but have not taken on the learning curves with either. Significant programming efforts will probably get done in NT and only easy stuff done in MT4. I still use MT4 charts for trading and for my own currency based indicators which are what I have been working on for 9 months and am still working on because they are central to my trading but they are difficult to interpret still. Walters vma entry timing is now used for trading as well. I will still be using MT4 and doing basic programming jobs in MT4. I may start trading futures and I may switch to an ndd for forex but if either happens it will probably be next year.

I realize that cleaning up the code is not your priority, BUT please explain

1) why the _16, or _12 or _6 suffixes, I thought that they are minor fixes...

They were identical copies of vma6 with just ADX_Bars preset to the suffix value shown in the file name. Any one of those versions could be set to any value of ADX_Bars. We were experimenting with a fantail of vma lines at the time and that was the quick way to make up a bunch of lines to see what fast lines and slower lines had to offer. Walter used other values for ADX_bars in each of the versions he finally chose for trading, that was the intention from the beginning, keeping those options open without needing further programming at each step. The line colours could also be changed.


That group of vma6_nBar lines used..

double WeightDM=ADX_Bars, WeightDI=ADX_Bars, WeightDX=ADX_Bars, ChandeEMA=ADX_Bars;

So changing the ADX_Bars number also changed the smoothing.

The fancy stuff like VI squared was commented out in the code.


Yeah, there are too many threads and too many posts to find this stuff now.

On the 1min chart 6bar was used (and set to 6) and 4bar (but set to 3).

On the 5min chart 12bar was used (but set to 4 bars).

The 5min trend line used 16bar (but set to 40 bars).

It made sense at the time even if it seems nuts now.

2) why the _test3 ? what are you testing? what is the outcome? better, worse?

Test3 was the final test, it became adxvma6 (without the "testn").

3) what is the minor bug?

I repeatedly got confused over the stochastic loop counting and live bars versus historical bars and it still needs to be sorted.

The adxvma6 used...

if (Out>Out[i+1]){HHV=Out;LLV=Out[i+1];}

else {HHV=Out[i+1];LLV=Out;}






It was intended that the first comparison of two bars (one may be live) would be done before the loop and the loop would be used only for 3 bars or greater, but that isnt how it was working...

Should have used...

if (Out>Out[i+1]){HHV=Out;LLV=Out[i+1];}

else {HHV=Out[i+1];LLV=Out;}







What difference does it make?

When you ask for ADX_Bars=2, you get 2 ok.

But when you ask for 3 you get 4 instead.

And so on, ask for 4 get 5 etc.

With the adxvma6_nbar series this will mean using different numbers for adx_bars and also for ema smoothing on other platforms and there may be a further complication with the smoothing weights needing to be different (may need to use numbers other than whole integer values).

I have coded adxvma6 in Amibroker but the vma curves I get are not identical to what Walter has on the posted charts.

What I worry about is the following:

a) there might be a small bug that creates the difference ; small BUG - big disappointment!

b) I certainly do not want the good attributes of the adxvma6 to be due to a small bug; and I certainly hope that after the bug is fixed, the shape of the adxvma6(adxbars=6) will not be transformed and become less successful in indicating the horizontal effect and the laddering.

Fixing the bug made very little difference in the comparison I did but it was not a comprehensive comparison. The problems with matching ami version curves to mt4 version curves may arise if you used an internal ema function then my ema weights dont correspond exactly to the regular formula for weighting ema smoothing and slightly different numbers (eg 3.3 instead of 3.0) may be needed to match the curves. The hand coded version of the adx used in the mt4 version will also differ from an internal adx function in ami. The priority had always been to stay close to the VT adx version that Bemac used and that meant hand coding it across platforms. MT4 does not have a Wilders function and iMAon Array has "known issues" so the ema smoothing got hand coded as a result, the weighting formaula used may not be standard, again it made sense at the time. Frankenstein's workshop stuff.

Drives ya nuts doesn't it?



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all of this levels nornally have two posible outputs : break or hold... so the levels are not so important as the capacity of anticipating a break or a hold... and thats where momentum readings (from my perspective) give you the edge on your trading, as it should give you the discernment on anticipating breaks or holds...


Now once you have a perception of momentum thru vmars, you clearly get good in anticipating breaks or holds from some good clear levels, whatever they be... so THE SKILL is "Momentum Discernment"....

Nicely said Walter, that is how I "feel" the final entry timing and quick stop out if it looks to be not developing normally, momentum discernmet...break or hold...

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Hi Unicorn,


To answer your questions:


Green ADXVMA6 Bar (6)

Red ADXMA4 (4)

The white line is a DECEMA 12, virtually identical to the HMA 9.


I was not at my computer at the time of the first indicated trade, and it was well on its way so I waited for the retracement, hoping to see a continuation of the trend.


Exit when decema (white) turns to cross red (4). I struggle with exits.


Hope that answers your questions.


Thank you sundowner, your answer is crystal clear.:thumbs up::thumbs up:


Is your entry

the red vma(4) crossing the green vma(6)


the white decema(12) crossing the red vma(4) ?



could you please post the mq4 code for the decema?




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MT4 does not have a Wilders function and iMAon Array has "known issues" so the ema smoothing got hand coded as a result, the weighting formula used may not be standard, again it made sense at the time.


Hello Bruce;


wilders(value, wilders_periods) = ema(value, 2*wilders_periods -1);




wilders(c, 3) is ema(c, 5)


wilders(c, 4) is ema(c, 7)


wilders(c, 5) is ema(c, 9)


wilders(c, 6) is ema(c, 11) etc.


Now, I mention this because you guys are missing intermediate settings; in the above cited examples from smoothing using ema of 5 periods your implementation jumps to 7, and then 9 and 11 ema periods.


Your programming the adx computation in order to have an additional smoothing (for a total of three smoothing operations as opposed to Wilder's two smoothing operations) may be lacking some effectiveness on account of using half the resolution because you move in ema_period steps of 2 i.e ema_periods = 5,7,9,11 as opposed to 4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11. I hope that my point is clear. Wilder did not mind that; then again he did not have any use for three smoothing operations; he was not scalping.


Bruce (and Sparrow) you can code the vma


vma[j] = (1 - f*f_adx) vma[j-1] + (f*f_adx) C[j] ;

where f = 2 / (ema_periods +1)


and f_adx is the stochastic_adx value.


in the stochastic adx smoothing operations you can use


smooth_x[j] = (1-g) * smooth_x[j-1] + g * x[j];


for the PDM, PDI, Out, etc.


Then adxvma(6) will correspond to the new implementation using

weightdm = weightdi = weightdx = 2*6 - 1 =11

stochastic_periods = 6 (the one called adx_bars) in the following code








and ema_periods = ChandeEMA = 11; the ChandeEMA variable in




Hope this helps in cleaning up the code. ;) ;)




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Hi Walter, PYenner, Unicorn and sundouner.


Great interaction that you have here. It looks like a pretty game seen from the chairs of a stadium.


Hi Unicorn, thats precisely what I am working right now... taking some decisions into wich is the better combination of indicators... so I am letting the sands settle down and once I get the most simple and optimized combo I will make it public on a new thread... my idea is going live with that defined combination and be consistent posting my live trades during a year at least...


So that thread will be diferent to the research threads as it will show something already defined and used on the live realm... it will be cool... cheers Walter.


Walter, already I am moved by this commentary, I will be waiting for this thread with anxieties....... I have some doubts as those that Unicorn mentioned...



...even I am still not convinced of using NT as it has data problems... cheers Walter.


It is really a very important point... NinjaTrader has 3 forex sources of data and as I understand the confidence order of the data is: TradeStation, eSignal and the last could be data form Gain Capital. But to obtain any of them in order to work with live data as I understand we must pay for, or open a live account with TradeStation or Gain Capital...This condition make me think if it is better to compare NT with other chart packages like Amibroker, Ensign, or any other that have charts with ticks or seconds at least.


NinjaTrader has excellent capacities and also it allows to work with a different kind of markets, But I think it would be advisable to develop more this topic...






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MT4 does not have a Wilders function and iMAon Array has "known issues" so the ema smoothing got hand coded as a result, the weighting formula used may not be standard, again it made sense at the time.

Frankenstein's workshop stuff.

Drives ya nuts doesn't it?


Bruce; and Walter; and Sparrow:


Yes it does drive me nuts. Walter is putting in a lot of time. You have put in a lot of time. I have put in a lot of time. Now that Walter wants to come up with the final formulation, I believe that the tools that he and we will use must be in top shape. That's why I will help you clean the code. As a matter of fact I already did. The following code incorporates my suggestions for higher ema resolution.


The added benefit is that this code will run faster, as it by-passes the Wilder's divisions in the previous implementation. Divisions need more cpu time than multiplications.


// adxvma_U

// Unicorn's modification to adxvma6 computation 18-11-2007


factor1 = 2 / (dm_ema_periods +1); //default for adxvma(6) is dm_ema_periods=11;

factor2 = 2 / (di_ema_periods +1); //default for adxvma(6) is di_ema_periods=11;

factor3 = 2 / (dx_ema_periods +1); //default for adxvma(6) is dx_ema_periods=11;

alpha = 2 / (chande_ema_periods +1); //default for adxvma(6) is chande_ema_periods=11;


for(i=i; i>=0; i--) //Main loop begins after history bars filled.




if(Close>Close[i+1])PDM=Close-Close[i+1];//This array is not displayed.

else MDM=Close[i+1]-Close;//This array is not displayed.


PDM=((1-factor1)*PDM[i+1] + factor1 * PDM) ; // REAL ema.

MDM=((1-factor1)*MDM[i+1] + factor1 * MDM) ; //REAL ema.




if (TR>0) {PDI=PDM/TR; MDI=MDM/TR;} //Avoid division by zero. Minimum step size is one unnormalized price pip.

else {PDI=0; MDI=0;}


PDI=(( 1- factor2 )*PDI[i+1] + factor2 * PDI); // REAL ema.

MDI=(( 1- factor2 )*MDI[i+1] + factor2 * MDI); // REAL ema.


if (DI_Diff<0) DI_Diff= -DI_Diff;//Only positive momentum signals are used.


DI_Factor=0; //Zero case, DI_Diff will also be zero when DI_Sum is zero.

if (DI_Sum>0) Out=DI_Diff/DI_Sum; //Factional, near zero when PDM==MDM (horizonal), near 1 for laddering.

else Out=0;


Out=((1- factor3 )*Out[i+1] + factor3 * Out) ; // REAL ema.


if (Out>Out[i+1]){HHV=Out;LLV=Out[i+1];}

else {HHV=Out[i+1];LLV=Out;}



for(j=1;j<stochastic_periods;j++) // default for adxvma(6) is stochastic_periods=6;







diff = HHV - LLV; //Denominator of stochastics


if (diff>0) VI=(Out-LLV)/diff; //stochastic computation of modified adx.



MA=((1 - alpha * VI) * MA[i+1] + alpha * VI *Close ; //Chande VMA formula.






ok guys. Try this modification and let me know.



NB. I don't run MT, so I have not compiled and tested on that platform.


Take care.



and here are the modifications highlighted:


// adxvma_U

// Unicorn's modification to adxvma6 computation 18-11-2007


factor1 = 2 / (dm_ema_periods +1); //default for adxvma(6) is dm_ema_periods=11;

factor2 = 2 / (di_ema_periods +1); //default for adxvma(6) is di_ema_periods=11;

factor3 = 2 / (dx_ema_periods +1); //default for adxvma(6) is dx_ema_periods=11;

alpha = 2 / (chande_ema_periods +1); //default for adxvma(6) is chande_ema_periods=11;


for(i=i; i>=0; i--) //Main loop begins after history bars filled.




if(Close>Close[i+1])PDM=Close-Close[i+1];//This array is not displayed.

else MDM=Close[i+1]-Close;//This array is not displayed.

PDM=((1-factor1)*PDM[i+1] + factor1 * PDM) ; // REAL ema.

MDM=((1-factor1)*MDM[i+1] + factor1 * MDM) ; //REAL ema.




if (TR>0) {PDI=PDM/TR; MDI=MDM/TR;} //Avoid division by zero. Minimum step size is one unnormalized price pip.

else {PDI=0; MDI=0;}

PDI=(( 1- factor2 )*PDI[i+1] + factor2 * PDI); // REAL ema.

MDI=(( 1- factor2 )*MDI[i+1] + factor2 * MDI); // REAL ema.


if (DI_Diff<0) DI_Diff= -DI_Diff;//Only positive momentum signals are used.


DI_Factor=0; //Zero case, DI_Diff will also be zero when DI_Sum is zero.

if (DI_Sum>0) Out=DI_Diff/DI_Sum; //Factional, near zero when PDM==MDM (horizonal), near 1 for laddering.

else Out=0;


Out=((1- factor3 )*Out[i+1] + factor3 * Out) ; // REAL ema.


if (Out>Out[i+1]){HHV=Out;LLV=Out[i+1];}

else {HHV=Out[i+1];LLV=Out;}



for(j=1;j< stochastic_periods;j++) // default for adxvma(6) is stochastic_periods=6;







diff = HHV - LLV; //Denominator of stochastics


if (diff>0) VI=(Out-LLV)/diff; //stochastic computation of modified adx.



MA=((1 - alpha * VI) * MA[i+1] + alpha * VI *Close ; //Chande VMA formula.



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Hi Unicorn,


My entry is white crossing red or green depending on trade direction. I want to see price cross both and don't trade if there is too much travel between lines.


I am unable to determine trend fatigue and, as I said, struggle with exits using the vmas or chimp 2-1 turning, sometimes s/r. I'm hoping someone will come up with something better.


I will attach the mq4 file of the decema, but I have switched to using sma1.





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I will attach the mq4 file of the decema


Hello Sundowner


thanks for the code.



I am unable to determine trend fatigue and, as I said, struggle with exits using the vmas or chimp 2-1 turning, sometimes s/r. I'm hoping someone will come up with something better.



Walter is using BOP divergence to enter countertrend trades. You can use them to exit your trend trades. Study the info on the Futures Scalps thread.

I think it will work great, when there is a divergence and price crosses a trendline to confirm that actually the trend is over.


Give it a try and post a few charts.




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Yes it does drive me nuts. Walter is putting in a lot of time. You have put in a lot of time. I have put in a lot of time. Now that Walter wants to come up with the final formulation, I believe that the tools that he and we will use must be in top shape. That's why I will help you clean the code. As a matter of fact I already did. The following code incorporates my suggestions for higher ema resolution.


The added benefit is that this code will run faster, as it by-passes the Wilder's divisions in the previous implementation. Divisions need more cpu time than multiplications.

Agree and thanks for sorting out the issues including using a sensible stochastic loop. Its a pity it was not done in a consistent portable way from the start.


It is only the human preference for whole numbers that restricts the resolution, the ema number is an unrestrictive double and is not confined to integer values. Portability is the benefit.

Thank you


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It is only the human preference for whole numbers that restricts the resolution,


TRUE. Then again these whole numbers correspond to bars and it makes a lot more sense to our technical analysis background to say that we apply a 6 bar stochastic to a 10 bar or 11 bar ema smoothed modified adx and all this is used to compute a 10 or 11 or 12 ema_period vma.


the ema number is an unrestrictive double and is not confined to integer values.


Indeed. I just cannot clearly understand what a 3.5 bar ema is;

well, yes it is an ema faster than a 4 bar ema and slower than a 3 bar ema; ok this is as far as I will interpret it.


But I may also point out that the adxvma(6) sometimes is a 7.5 bar ema and other times a 10.3 bar ema. Fine.


Lets do it for portability's shake.

The likely benefit will be an insightful observation by someone reading this thread.


What is amazing is that very few folks post charts, as if they are not sure it's worth their time :shrug::shrug::hmmmm:; perhaps readers are wondering if we are using a bona fide vma, or waiting for Walter to say "this is the final setting for this trade setup".

OR they are using this method to trade profitably and they think that we are overdoing it with this analysis. :haha::haha:




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So far at this point after some testings I am more inclined to use mt4 ...


its true I dont have tick charts there but still its good for forex vmar trading and I never had any data issues there... cant go live tradimng on a platform that sometimes haves 2 or 3 hours of data gap (forex data) ... its not responsable, I am very glad with all the super indicators we got there,I know they will be usefull for lot of people, still data issues are not good... cheers Walter.

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The likely benefit will be an insightful observation by someone reading this thread.

What is amazing is that very few folks post charts, as if they are not sure it's worth their time :shrug::shrug::hmmmm:; perhaps readers are wondering if we are using a bona fide vma, or waiting for Walter to say "this is the final setting for this trade setup".

OR they are using this method to trade profitably and they think that we are overdoing it with this analysis.

The insights and the analysis are good, necessary.

Posting charts and a trading log is not realistic for me.

I am trading it profitably and that is one priority.

I run two other businesses and them and their customers are also priorities.

The timing of the tidy up is a lesser priority for me because it has to be, I have prior obligations to many others particularly over the xmas silly season.


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If you wouldn't mind, indulge me one more time and have a quick look at these charts... then I'll let things go. The basic concept here is classic support and resistance. My information comes from Martin Pring.





I see divergence (warning of trend change);

Then I see trendline break (confirmation of trend change) thus EXIT.


I think that Pring is a good source for divergence.


Take it easy.



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I see divergence (warning of trend change);

Then I see trendline break (confirmation of trend change) thus EXIT.




And this chart has the equivalent of adxvma(6) and adxvma(2) that I presume that you follow.


Take it easy.



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Thanks for the input Unicorn, nice looking charts.


As you know I use metatrader, and if I understand correctly your divergence indicator does not translate. Trend line break ...very good idea.


Here's a trade I took this evening (Sunday about 6:00 pst)..if only they were all as stress free as this.


Thanks for your input this weekend guys. I appreciate it.


Have a nice week.




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As you know I use metatrader, and if I understand correctly your divergence indicator does not translate.




the BOP indicator can be ported just fine.

you can certainly type the code for BOP and have your own indicator.





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Thanks for the input Unicorn, nice looking charts.


As you know I use metatrader, and if I understand correctly your divergence indicator does not translate. Trend line break ...very good idea.


Here's a trade I took this evening (Sunday about 6:00 pst)..if only they were all as stress free as this.


Thanks for your input this weekend guys. I appreciate it.


Have a nice week.







the BOP indicator can be ported just fine.

you can certainly type the code for BOP and have your own indicator.






Hi sundowner.


Do you have a subscription in the section elite of TSD forum? I asked there for someone that code the BOP indicator, and igorad did the indicator. I know that the code is very easy, but as I am not a coder I preferred that a coder make the indicators. The result is a good indicator because the igorad's version permit us to pre-smooth the indicator and to choose the kind of a moving average that we can use.


If you do not have the subscription, I would have to ask him to permit us the free use of that indicator.





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Hi sundowner.


Do you have a subscription in the section elite of TSD forum? I asked there for someone that code the BOP indicator, and igorad did the indicator. I know that the code is very easy, but as I am not a coder I preferred that a coder make the indicators. The result is a good indicator because the igorad's version permit us to pre-smooth the indicator and to choose the kind of a moving average that we can use.


If you do not have the subscription, I would have to ask him to permit us the free use of that indicator.






This is an example of the BOP indicator for MT4...


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This is an example of the BOP indicator for MT4...



Cattus, can you ask Igorad if you can share it with the TL gang ? he knows us, he did the very first vma code for us as well... cheers Walter.

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Cattus, can you ask Igorad if you can share it with the TL gang ? he knows us, he did the very first vma code for us as well... cheers Walter.


Sure, Walter. Let me try...



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Please try to test updated version of BoP with new value BOP_Mode:

0- original(Livshin's version)

1-advanced with a bit different formula:


BOP = (C - C[1])/(TrueHigh - TrueLow)


I think this formula should work more correctly(especially with gaps).





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My pleasure to have you here with us Igorad ¡¡ and thanks once again for sharing your programing work... as you know, since you made the first vma translation from vt to mt4 we had been able to make great improvements on it thanks to Pyenner here at TL... so your first vma code was of great help to get this great process started ¡¡


Welcome to TL ¡¡ cheers Walter.

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Please try to test updated version of BoP with new value BOP_Mode:

0- original(Livshin's version)

1-advanced with a bit different formula:


BOP = (C - C[1])/(TrueHigh - TrueLow)


I think this formula should work more correctly(especially with gaps).






Thanks again for your help, Igorad.



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    • ItuGlobal: Our Latest NETELLER VIPs 2025 ITU GLOBAL VIP Members’ Rewards Every calendar year, we choose 2 customers to become our VIPs. They’ve permanently special status with us and they can fund/withdraw Neteller through us, at parallel market rates, whether they open brokerage accounts through us or not.   These are people who funded with the highest amount of Neteller, and who also withdrew the highest amount of Neteller through us.  They would be announced in January each year and added to our list of VIPs. ItuGlobal: Our Latest NETELLER VIPs 2025 Adetoye Oyebanji Babalola: Adetoye O. has started selling large quantities of Neteller to us since the very beginning of our company’s existence. He also sold Perfect Money to us many times, when PM was still available in Nigeria. Besides, he has given us a lot of helpful business advice, which has proven to be invaluable to us. He deserves to become our VIP. Isiaka Adekunle Mohammed: He is a constant buyer. Buying e-currencies and also funding his Instaforex account through us. We thank Isiaka A. for his trust in us and wish him the best in everything he does. Abiodun Lawanson: This is an avid buyer and seller of Neteller. He buys and makes profits and sells back to us. Sometimes when we are not online, he will send an offline message and we will process his order once we come back online. He has thus become our VIP. Source: Ituglobalfx.com.ng  
    • The best and the most sure-fire way to avoid all these forms of nonsense is NEVER to send any money to anyone, no matter the circumstances they claim... Even your closest family members.   Whatever they claim will happen to them, let it happen.   There is nothing new under the sun...   You need to be extremely cruel.... Never send anything of value to anybody, no matter what they claim, even if they claim death.   If you can follow this GOLDEN RULE, you will avoid a lot of regrets, heartaches and disappointments from all areas.   I send money only to people I have promised before.... Or someone I am seeing face-to-face... Or someone I have confirmed beyond reasonable doubts from external/independent sources that they really need the money.   Otherwise, nobody under this heaven can come out of blue (unless my parents or wife), even my siblings and request money.   Over 90% of requests for financial assistance and are fraudulent.   After all, if you die today... The scammers (even in the family) will continue to live without you.   Those who are merciful, kind-hearted and soft-hearted are the easy preys and targets of these scoundrels - 419 scammers.   They like gullible people and hate tough/cruel people.   Do not allow anyone to cause you to feel guilty for what you don’t do… Those dubious people want to make you feel guilty for not helping. But you don’t need to feel guilty as long as you’re not the cause of their problems or the issues they have.   It is better to lose customers/friends/family members/anyone's goodwill and keep your money, than to lose their goodwill and also lose your money.   Because that is what will happen at last... I have lost count of how many people that are currently regretting giving out loans, just because they want to retain goodwill.   When you're trying to please people, you end up displeasing yourself... And you will discover that those who are encouraging you to be kind and generous are themselves wicked and stingy.   Esin o dede l’oro... Araye lo ko esin loro. (It's humans being that taught the horse how to be cruel).   The best way to avoid falling for scam is NEVER to send anything of value to anyone, no matter who the person is to you or how they relate to you on this planet...   And never try to get anything for free or reap where you don't sow and never try to get rich quickly.   Follow this: You will escape/avoid all scams, lies, pretenses, fakeries, headaches, sorrow, regrets, high BP, later in your life.   Ignore this rule at your own PERIL.   Have a nice day. PS: And scammers will be using AI also for impersonations, phishing attempts and deepfake tricks. Just delay indefinitely and make independent calls, research and investigation before you part with anything of value. If you can't go through the rigors, just ignore the deals. I hope the Western World will soon pass legislation to regulate AI and deal with those who use it for evil.  To get free, winning trading signals, please visit: https://t.me/predictmag 
    • C Citigroup stock watch, pullback to the 68.43 gap support area, with bullish indicators at https://stockconsultant.com/?C
    • HDSN Hudson Technologies stock, strong rally, watch for a bottom breakout at https://stockconsultant.com/?HDSN
    • GLD SPDR Gold Shares ETF watch for a top of range breakout above 273.3 at https://stockconsultant.com/?GLD
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