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Taylor Trading Technique

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i am not sure if you are addressing me or not.

as for me ... i have wednesday as buy day

however my buy point came on tuesday ....

for me ... another buy point would have been created wednesday on a push below the low of tuesday


my method is not strict Taylor method...

strict Taylor method would call for a long on buy day wednesday on a low made first


strict Taylor method also... i believe does not require that the low on buy day be below the low of sell day ...... though preferable

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i am not sure if you are addressing me or not.

as for me ... i have wednesday as buy day

however my buy point came on tuesday ....

for me ... another buy point would have been created wednesday on a push below the low of tuesday


my method is not strict Taylor method...

strict Taylor method would call for a long on buy day wednesday on a low made first


strict Taylor method also... i believe does not require that the low on buy day be below the low of sell day ...... though preferable


Yes I was adressing you,sorry if that was unclear....thanks,as I understand, you are not into objectives a la Taylor or you call it differently. As far as I understand Taylor,he does leave it open whether the BD Objective is penetrated or not,you just buy a higher bottom then in his words.

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.....Taylor keeps a book ... which has the averages for penetrations and for objectives

.... i have not even begun keeping a book on here


....i am just using ten points as a rule of thumb on penetrations.

... and i am using fib extensions for cycle targets


would love to dig Taylor up and ask him a few questions of my own.


Yes I was adressing you,sorry if that was unclear....thanks,as I understand, you are not into objectives a la Taylor or you call it differently. As far as I understand Taylor,he does leave it open whether the BD Objective is penetrated or not,you just buy a higher bottom then in his words.

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Its amazing but I have the original TTT manual , with all of the original work book on May 1948 Wheat, Soybeans, Dow and the other markets he traded, towards the back of the book in his own handwriting, he documents a daily journal of the prices. Thanks to the original contributors of this thread, including WHY, Dopile and RICHBOIS and others, they have inspired and motivated me to start studying the manual. I never realized how powerful this trading method was and to think that all those 10 years that I have had this manual and never even read the first page, yet I was consistently losing money trading the markets while searching for the holy grail in trading systems and not realizing that what I was searching for was just sitting on my book shelf for 10 years.


I am very impressed with the trade examples and charts that RICHBIOS has shared with us, its reassuring to see that there is a consistent and reliable pattern and its for that reason I am motivated to continue my studies as my desire now is to master this method.

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rally came fast and fierce ... above the high

taylor says take profit same day .... at the close


if you hold on.... you run the risk of losing it all by the next day

if you get out.... you run the risk of missing a gap up to sell into


however .... after a 20 point run up, what are the chances of a 10 point gap up ?


i would say pretty small

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thanks again for explaining your method.I keep a book and pretty much use his 3day method,and speaking of what if one had a chance talking to him in person,yes,there would be some questions to ask.....




Taylor´s book was the most difficult book to read for me-ever,though I am not a native speaker I am used to quality textbooks from Pearsons et al,well Taylor had me write down every single thought of his to work through the book.And just as a hint for the beginning,when there is "." and he continues in small letters I believe it should be a "," that helped me a lot reading it faster.However,this book needs multiple reads and each will thrive understanding a bit further IMO

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richbois is a vendor. go buy his services, you might like them.


I am very impressed with the trade examples and charts that RICHBIOS has shared with us, its reassuring to see that there is a consistent and reliable pattern and its for that reason I am motivated to continue my studies as my desire now is to master this method.

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Originally Posted by Gann Trader »

I am very impressed with the trade examples and charts that RICHBIOS has shared with us, its reassuring to see that there is a consistent and reliable pattern and its for that reason I am motivated to continue my studies as my desire now is to master this method


richbois is a vendor. go buy his services, you might like them.


I am not exactly sure what you are implying by the above statement, there appears to be a slight undertone of sarcasm but in any event, one of the most important lessons I have learned in life, is that if you desire to become successful, its best to be open minded, humble and show respect and gratitude to others, especially when those individuals have exhibited greater knowledge in the subject matter you are studying. The individuals that I mention in my post and others obviously have dedicated more time than most of us in an endeavor to study, learn and emulate the teachings of George Douglas Taylor, and as someone seeking to comprehend this knowledge, I wish to express my humble gratitude to them for sharing with us on this forum the information that they have been able to decipher from his complex manual.


I carefully read and took notes of the information that was discussed and shared regarding the techniques of the Taylot method as stated by Dogpile, WHY, RICHBIOS and others and I did not get the impression that any of them including Richbios that they were trying to peddle their methods or ideas, instead I walked away feeling thankful and fortunate that I had an opportunity to be a member of the Traders Laboratory forum and that because of their willingness to share ideas on such a complex subject, I was able to benefit and I am sure that others like myself who took the time to read all 144 pages of this Taylor Trading Technique thread dating back to its inception 10/11/2007, have learned more than they could ever learn from just reading the manual alone.

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Originally Posted by Gann Trader »

I am very impressed with the trade examples and charts that RICHBIOS has shared with us, its reassuring to see that there is a consistent and reliable pattern and its for that reason I am motivated to continue my studies as my desire now is to master this method




I am not exactly sure what you are implying by the above statement, there appears to be a slight undertone of sarcasm but in any event, one of the most important lessons I have learned in life, is that if you desire to become successful, its best to be open minded, humble and show respect and gratitude to others, especially when those individuals have exhibited greater knowledge in the subject matter you are studying. The individuals that I mention in my post and others obviously have dedicated more time than most of us in an endeavor to study, learn and emulate the teachings of George Douglas Taylor, and as someone seeking to comprehend this knowledge, I wish to express my humble gratitude to them for sharing with us on this forum the information that they have been able to decipher from his complex manual.


I carefully read and took notes of the information that was discussed and shared regarding the techniques of the Taylot method as stated by Dogpile, WHY, RICHBIOS and others and I did not get the impression that any of them including Richbios that they were trying to peddle their methods or ideas, instead I walked away feeling thankful and fortunate that I had an opportunity to be a member of the Traders Laboratory forum and that because of their willingness to share ideas on such a complex subject, I was able to benefit and I am sure that others like myself who took the time to read all 144 pages of this Taylor Trading Technique thread dating back to its inception 10/11/2007, have learned more than they could ever learn from just reading the manual alone.


Hi Gann Trader

Nice post

Have you read Linda Raschke's take on the TTT? Its a lot easier to follow.



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richbois is a vendor. go buy his services, you might like them.


Hi Gann Trader

Nice post

Have you read Linda Raschke's take on the TTT? Its a lot easier to follow.




Thanks very much for your kind words and thanks for the suggestion, I have her book, Street Smarts and I will read the chapter where she discuss the methods of TTT. I am still studying the TTT manual, its a slow read as I have to take the time to duplicate his examples and also create a book as per his suggestions. I should get up to speed in a few weeks after doing a few examples on paper but I am truly fascinated by his method. If you have ever studied W D Gann you will realize that Taylor's method is not as complicated as most people think it is. You almost need to be a PHD candidate to fully comprehend Gann teachings, so mastering Taylor will simple require patience and determination.


How long have you been using TTT method

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if you like his stuff... you might also be happy paying for his services.

i don't know what they cost but they are available.

try them out and see if you like them.

he is probably lurking around here so if you say please he might come back and give some more charts.

i believe he has an automated program you can use to do the taylor method automatically.



i am not using Taylor method myself exactly.


Originally Posted by Gann Trader »

I am very impressed with the trade examples and charts that RICHBIOS has shared with us, its reassuring to see that there is a consistent and reliable pattern and its for that reason I am motivated to continue my studies as my desire now is to master this method

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How long have you been using TTT method


Hi Gann Trader,

I dont use TTT

If you go back and read post 342 , you will see why.

But I follow elovemer. His calls follow my South African market quite accurately.

Unfortunately his answers are usually one liners wth some "under tone", so I have given up on questions.

My market is influenced by commodity prices, the R/$ exchange rate and the euro and I look to these factors for an edge/ daily expectation. Fundamental.

Friday my market fell till near the close then started to recover.(with some volume) . Monday is a buy day.MAYBE.

It could also gap because Greece expects to conclude a debt relief program fairly soon.

I wonder why elovemer expects a gap.

I wont ask

All the above does'nt mean you must stop your efforts.

Enjoy the journey

Kind regards



PS Read Eddie Toppel on the way

He might just change your thinking on predictions

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....i don't remember you ever having asked any questions.

but you sure are annoying.


Hi Gann Trader,

Unfortunately his answers are usually one liners wth some "under tone", so I have given up on questions.

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Hi everyone.


I am new to TTT. I’ve been studying Taylor’s book for several weeks and I have a few doubts.


The thing is that I am trying to apply Taylor’s technique to the Forex market, and there is where my doubts arise. Forex is a 24-hours continuous market, and so are nowadays other futures markets like the S&P 500 Emini, even though there are hours of maximum trading and other with almost no volume.


Quoting Taylor (page 15): “the market is considered as a series of continuous sessions without a break”. In his days the market had fixed opening and closing times and therefore there were frequently gaps, while today those gaps are almost non existent, besides Mondays (or Sundays) after the weekend.


I would like to know how you should deal with this issue. Should I consider the day trading sessions as a 24 hours one, or should I build up my book just considering the opening and closing times of the market I am trading in (in this case de London Forex market, openenig at 8 a.m. and closing at 17 p.m. GMT)?


I guess most people on this forum are trading the S&P 500, but the same problem arises in that market, since that is also now a 24 hours market. I would appreciate that somebody explains if he uses the opening and closing times of USA east coast, or if on the contrary, he trades it as a full 24 hours continuous market.


If I should consider the market as a 24 hours one, then there is still another problem. The timing my broker provides is the GMT, but the opening of the Forex market happens on Sunday at 10 p.m. GMT (5 or 6 p.m. EST), since that is the time when the market starts in Asia. This means that the market in fact has 6 trading days, and that for London there are 2 trading hours on Sunday, and 8 trading hours on Sunday for USA. I such a case, should Sunday be considered as a trading day or could we just include the movements on Sunday as part of the OHLC on Monday?


I want to apologize for my English as well, it’s not my mother language.





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Hi everyone.




Quoting Taylor (page 15): “the market is considered as a series of continuous sessions without a break”. In his days the market had fixed opening and closing times and therefore there were frequently gaps, while today those gaps are almost non existent, besides Mondays (or Sundays) after the weekend.


I would like to know how you should deal with this issue. Should I consider the day trading sessions as a 24 hours one, or should I build up my book just considering the opening and closing times of the market I am trading in (in this case de London Forex market, openenig at 8 a.m. and closing at 17 p.m. GMT)?





I build my book around EOD data,so in your case I would concentrate on the times of your London market,however,IMO the key basically is to keep recording a series,so it should as well be possible to work with a 24hrs market,given open and close are derived from the same market.Once chosen you have to continue with that time-frame.

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Are you managing a desk at Goldman or something? If not, then the above phrase sounds just a tad pretentious . . .


What wording would you have chosen comrade word check?

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ive been thinking about buying taylors book but ive seen a lot of bad reviews on amazon. i havent traded and im just learning, so i dont know much about the markets, but i was wondering if buying his book now is worth it, or if i should buy it after i start trading for a bit.

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ive been thinking about buying taylors book but ive seen a lot of bad reviews on amazon. i havent traded and im just learning, so i dont know much about the markets, but i was wondering if buying his book now is worth it, or if i should buy it after i start trading for a bit.


the book is excellent but very hard to read


the method is as good today as it was in 1948

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the book is excellent but very hard to read


the method is as good today as it was in 1948

alright thanks, gonna pick it up then.


and yea, most of the reviews were just saying that its ridiculously hard to read. makes it even more interesting hah.

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Preface: almost slipped up and put this note in the more current Beyond Taylor thread but there is really nothing ‘beyond’ about it…


FWIW, I am closing / (temporarily?) suspending trading on a 9 (mostly with some + 1 bar variance) bar ‘book’ on a day session 195 minute chart that has been bangin it for years now…


Have been ‘off this book’ since 10/25 and project I’ll be ‘off book’ for about six weeks… forgot to mention it then…

it will be interesting to see what ‘book’ develops next.






Last edited by tradingwizzard; 11-04-2013 at 03:54PM.


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