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Taylor Trading Technique

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.... you want to turn TL into ET... go ahead....


...WHY if you want to discuss how your interpretation of Taylor's writing with differs with mine... you should PM me....

... this forum is not the place for a pissing match...

....otherwise... focus on your own methods....


I am a long time Taylor trader, and I have lurked this thread since its inception. If I may make a suggestion that may please both yourself as well as the other participants in this thread - perhaps you could start a new thread called "Taylor According to Elovemer," and then you can post all you want to concerning your interpretation of Taylor. I really want to remain positive here at TL, and I agree with you - we do not need to see TL turn into ET. In that spirit, why not start your own thread where you can highlight your own use of Taylor.


Best Wishes,



Edited by thalestrader

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... just do it ...


... its ... better ...





P.S.: Sorry but I am in the mood, WHY has her/his analytic mode, very clean and helpful,

but as I use ... myself sometimes, your (elo...) use of it, just avoids complete sentences.

But for analytic purposes, even a complete sentence might lack syntax and/or semantic.

But ...


Anyway, I don't like to read the word "pi**ed" so often.


Yes, I also go hunting from time to time, but ...


So please: PEACE

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IMO, Why? and others are selflessly making considerable attempt to explain Taylor's method as per his book which is a difficult read and open to misinterpretation.

So it is no point telling them to go away and join ET.

I don't know what is ET or what happens there , guess we are not talking about the movie, but this thread on TL here is brilliant.


Presume name calling on the thread and private messages is prevalent at ET as only somebody with experience at ET would be engage in this practice and then state , Do not turn TL into ET.;)

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Hi Folks,


Using TTT, I'd be watchful for a chance to buy the ES at 886.25-887.25 +/- a few ticks for a potential rally rally back to 899.25.


Chart attached with my buy watch zone marked by the rectangle. This is a buy watch zone for me, and PA would need to confirm buying pressure coming into the market.


I'll leave it to you fellow TTT traders to ponder the chart.


Best Wishes,




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Rally zero on Buy day warned of a B.V today, the project low is around 882-884, any rally may or may not reach the Buy day low. Lets see how it pans out.


Nice to have your input thalastrader. How long have you been trading TTT.

Edited by monad

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Watching ... watching



And the probe lower continues - no trade yet. Still high odds that we get back at least to yesterday's lows sometime today or tomorrow, but would need PA to provide signs of buying first, of course.

Edited by thalestrader

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And the probe lower continues - no trade yet. Still high odds that we get back at least to yesterday's lows sometime today or tomorrow.



is that how Taylor would do it?

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Rally zero on Buy day warned of a B.V today, the project low is around 882-884, any rally may or may not reach the Buy day low. Lets see how it pans out.


Nice to have your input thalastrader. How long have you been trading TTT.


Of course, any rally can fizzle out or rocket to anywhere, but given the gap lower and the cycle, odds favor a rally to yesterday's lows. Of course, odds are odds and this we may not get much of a raly at all today.


I've been traing TTT since the beginning of 2007, though it was not until June 2007 that I really grapsed it and used it for my benefit. I now watch the ES as a spectator sport as my firm has me assigned to trade 100% stocks right now. I usually stay away from forums during the day, but I had a good morning, so I am "off the clock" 'til the aternoon, and against my better judgement I am goofing off over here.


I've been a subscriber to RichBois's eBooks from the beginning of his service, and I do use TTT when trading any of the issues he covers in his Stock TTT eBook.


Best Wishes,



Edited by thalestrader

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I was merely quoting Taylor regarding rallies of the projected low.


I keep a book but not as detailed with odds etc as Richbois, just the basics.

Richbois has indeed been a valuable contributer here and has never made any attempt to promote his product or services.


The projected low was indeed in the zone 882-884.

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Richbois has indeed been a valuable contributer here and has never made any attempt to promote his product or services.


RichBois is a class act - one of the very, very few folks who provide a service to traders who really trades for himself based on the information that he provides his subscribers. And yes, he has always contributed to this forum and elsewhere without any mercenary motives.

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Well there was a short rally worth at least 5pts on ES from the projected low of 883, wonder what was the projected low as per your TTT.


I trade Russell also sometimes, the rally there was off 476 to over 480, well below Buy day low of 487.

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... you are the one who is confused....


.... but if you want to turn this into a pissing contest.... go ahead....


You are confused about taylor's methods and unless you can be more open minded you probally won't ever learn his methodology. On top of that you are distorting taylors methodology for other traders on this thread by presenting concepts taylor never presented yet you are trying to label them as taylor. So...as far as I am concerned just go ahead and stew in your own errors if that is what you wish to do. By the way; you never answered the question "Where did Taylor ever say that???" You didn't because you can't. I dont have the time to argue so look at it however, you want to. Others viewing this thread and trying to learn taylor may need to see that what you are doing isn't the Taylor Trading Technique....which is what I thought this thread was about! Happy trading.

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... he does advocate this... as i have already pointed out to you....

.... in a bull market there are more up days than down...

.. in a bear market there are more down days then up ...


.... if you want to trade the same way in bull/bear .... then that is up to you...


.... pissing contest


Bull market/bear market are BOTH full of many 3 day cycles. One must understand that the 3 day cycle IS NOT in itself the bear or bull market. Any prolonged bear or bull market will have any number of the three day cycles in it and per Taylor the continuity of the cycles stays the same. The rules that govern each day of the cycle take into account the market manipulation when in a bull or bear market. No where does taylor ever advocate changing the 3 day cycle simply because a bear market has made the turn into a bull market. As a matter of fact one cannot even know if a bear market has actually turned into a bull market until sufficient trading sessions take place to determine that. So there is no reason to flip the cycle just because it "appears" there may be a change from a bear to a bull. One could easily be wrong in assuming the market is going bull on two or three days of a minor uptrend. It could still end up being a bear market after 3 or 4 days. That is easily seen over and over on any daily chart.

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... you are trying very hard to rationalize....

.... trading the same way with the Taylor method in both bear and bull markets is not reasonable....


... and more importantly... not what Taylor described....


.... but no one could ever convince you of that.... pissing contest


The cycles exist because there must be market stability. Manipulators cannot ALL the time drive markets straight up and straight down or no one would want to trade, as it would be too risky. So, many times markets are taken up in slower bull trends that have many 3 day cycles in it. These cycles stabilize the markets and allow a manipulator to make money many times over on the up and downs of the market as the three day cycles take place within the bull market. Same thing for a bear market. Much more money can be made in many up and down smaller trends as the larger bull trend unfolds than if one took a position at the bottom of the bull trend and sold at the top. The book "The Profit Magic of Stock Transaction Timing " by J.M. Hurst Clearly shows that point. It is much more profitable to trade the short term trends over and over than buy at the bottom of a bull market and sell at the top.

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.... you began posting on a personal basis MONAD.... something which you can't deny ....


... pissing contest is what you wanted.... you got it....


"POST 703... i have friday as buy day on a B/M/S/B cycle...

POST 708: ... today... tuesday... was short day by my count....

.... and wednesday will be buy day "

There is glaring contradiction here, if Friday is a Buy Day, then as per Post 703, Tuesday should be a Buy Day and Wednesday should be a M Day.

OR if wednesday is a buy day, then Friday following M day(Thursday) has to a sell day.

Not that it matters one iota to another trader who has proven/tested strategies in place for intraday trading for each day of the cycle

Think for meaningful discussion here, it is imperative to refrain from person attacks and insults not only on the forum but via unwelcomed Private Messages as well. Name calling via PM like "Joker, Jackass, without balls" etc is not very productive, perhaps Soultrader should look into this otherewise this thread is coming to a grinding halt for it looks like anybody who posts here is considered as wrong, faces unnecessary hostility and instructed to migrate to ET.

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.... what he meant was....

.... in a bull trend... it can and does go down 3 days and then react upwards 2 days.... being the BULL trend that it is

.... and in a bear trend... it can and does go up 3 days and then react downwards 2 days..... being the BEAR trend that it is ....

.... therefore ... he advocates... not changing anything.... and keeping the "CYCLE" as he calls it... the same....

... in essence... he advocates not changing anything.... because to him.... bull and bear markets are the same.....


..... in a pissing contest... anything can be made to seem reasonable....




Back to your excellent Post 704 and some meaningful and mature discussion, hopefully to continue this thead before folks just walk away in disgust at the pissing contests going on in the last dozen posts.

Would appreciate if you could clarify the following:


"That is; in a bull market it can go up 123, or 4 and 5 and then react or it can go down in a bull market 123 4 or 5 and then react off that. Ditto for bear trends.


1. I have observed that in strong uptrends, there is indeed the first cycle 123 where the SS closes on its High Last. Following this Day4 , Buy Day, there would be a shallow decline or zero decline and off to races which continue on the Day5, Sell day. Then it reacts on the SS day with an ideal short. Is that what you meant when you said in a bull market it can go up 123, or 4 and 5


2. Similar scenario occurs in downtrend or a sell off from congestion, SS ending flat or low Last with BV, followed by Day 4 Buy day which ends flat and further downside on Day 5 Sell day, than on the SS day we have the rally.

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.... WHY has gone to great effort to post on a personal basis.....


....by saying that other traders don't UNDERSTAND Taylor's methods... and that they are CONFUSED .....and that they try to DISTORT Taylor's methods....


.... that does not lead to any fruitful discussion... and is rather an invitation for a pissing contest if you ask me....


..... the original question at hand .... was whether or not .... Taylor's writing advocates changing the numbering of days in a cycle....

... according to whether or not the TREND is up or down.....


.... the question was not .... to determine whose interpretation of Taylor's writing is correct.....


.... but since few feel that they can understand Taylor's writing.... it makes it very easy for someone to say they their understanding of his writing is SUPERIOR to someone else's .....


... i tried to illustrate why i think Taylor suggests changing the "cycle" by using Taylor's words....

.... apparently that is not enough since his words can be interpreted any way you want.....according to your own desires....


.... i have a feeling that this thread will be going for a long long time.....

... because there is a lot of energy here.... even if posters get lost in posting on a personal basis....

.... i have a feeling that eventually ... those posters will realize that a pissing contest ... is just that.... and that it does not lead to fruitful discussion about METHODS.... (NOT PEOPLE)....


...everyone here has very different methods.... saying that one person's methods are superior...

.... or that one trader's understanding is superior.... is a childish mistake....


.... quoting other trader's from other threads...

.... while offering nothing in terms of your own methods....

....in order to show that a fellow poster is not on the same page with you ..... is just silly and amounts to a personal post.....MONAD



Agreed, these useless exchanges regarding whose method is right or wrong is not doing anybody any favours. If somebody wants to modify Taylors method, and is making profit from it, fine,

Discuss in a matured way, no need to force the issue onto somebody else and tell them to go away or throw insults. This thread has been very instructive so far due to input from knowledgeable folks like WHY?, Richbois, Hakuna, Frank who have contributed without asking anything in return and I for one am indeed grateful to them.

And there are many who are trying to learn the methodology as the book is pretty diffcult read and WHY? has gone to a great deal of trouble in countless posts to clarify and it would be a great shame if the thread came to a grinding halt.



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.... .WHY? has gone to great lengths to show that he thinks his understanding of Taylor's writing is better than others'.....

.... so instead of writing about what has already happened......

.... WHY? not illustrate your methods on a day-to-day basis ?

.... as the most important thing to traders.... is in seeing a method at work.....


..... i have tried to illustrate my use of Taylor on a day-to-day basis.... while at the same time begging for posts and input from other traders.....


.... further.... i tried very hard to revive this thread after Dogpile had given up on it.... all the while begging for people to post their methods....


..... i never wanted to be the only poster here ....

..... now that some have been roused through PERSONAL posting....

.... the thread has more posts than it ever has..... which is a good thing.....




Taylor is all about "anticipation". .

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..... every time frame ...defines the trend.....

.... you can have down trends in smaller time frames .... within bigger time frames which remain up trends.....

.... but once you have defined which time frame you would like to trade in.....

.... trading the same cycle when the trend has changed.... may not be reasonable....


.... for example.... a smaller time frame down trend within a larger time frame up trend.....

....... and

... a smaller time frame up trend within a larger time frame down trend....

... cannot be traded the same way ....


.... if they can ... it would be quite an illustration to see this done BEFOREHAND .... on a DAY TO DAY basis....


Remember also in a bull market you can not only get 123...4...5 but also get a short-term correction in the bull market that actually unfolds as a 3 day cycle (as shorter term down trend)

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...better yet.... why don't you do the same .... "according to Thales".....

... telling someone to piss off does not lead to fruitful discussion of Taylor's methods.....

.... i have never said that my methods are any better than anyone else's....

... i have only tried to fend off MONAD's personal posts....


....rather than telling me too piss off.... why don't you post your own methods according to Taylor....

..... after all that is what this thread is about..... not telling people to piss off...

.... if you feel that i have made a mistake by contributing my interpretation of Taylor's writing.....


.... then why not contribute your own perspective ?

.... then someone else can come along... and tell you to piss off to form your own thread.... :0)


I am a long time Taylor trader, and I have lurked this thread since its inception. If I may make a suggestion that may please both yourself as well as the other participants in this thread - perhaps you could start a new thread called "Taylor According to Elovemer," and then you can post all you want to concerning your interpretation of Taylor. I really want to remain positive here at TL, and I agree with you - we do not need to see TL turn into ET. In that spirit, why not start your own thread where you can highlight your own use of Taylor.


Best Wishes,


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.... why not contribute your methods....

... focusing on other traders... .does not lead anywhere....


... how do you use Taylor ?


.... myself sometimes, your (elo...) use of it,

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.... thanks for not mentioning me in your post monad....

... let's keep it that way.....


Rally zero on Buy day warned of a B.V today, the project low is around 882-884, any rally may or may not reach the Buy day low. Lets see how it pans out.

Nice to have your input thalastrader. How long have you been trading TTT.

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.... it would be nice to see your METHODS AT WORK.....


..... let's make sure and mention R's product a few more times... since he is not promoting it himself.....


I was merely quoting Taylor regarding rallies of the projected low.

I keep a book but not as detailed with odds etc as Richbois, just the basics.

Richbois has indeed been a valuable contributer here and has never made any attempt to promote his product or services.

The projected low was indeed in the zone 882-884.

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