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Taylor Trading Technique

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... for your personally....

.... at what time did you know that a high had been made ?

.... and how did you come to make that determination ?


.... the reason i ask is that i think this is the main problem for traders using Taylor's ideas.....

.... due to any day holding the potential for a long or a short.... if reaction plays are included..... making the determination quickly ... as to whether a low or high has been made .....

.... seems to be the only obstacle to entering the trade.....


this is a very complex question so I will answer it this way.


The price pattern lined up with the statistical tendencies and this was confirmed by increased volume as price pushed away from the center of a coil at 911.50.


The price pattern was a 'balance' made during mondays very narrow, low volume consolidation day. Market profile dictates that a 'break from balance' that is accompanied by volume is a 'go-with' -- at least in the very short-run. So I began the day ready for that. I then saw price headed for the previous days low and it was occuring on better volume so I entered during first 30 minutes. There is a statistical tendency that if the first 30-min bar close is below the midpoint of the first 30-min range, then this has strong odds of going lower during the 2nd 30-mins. This is kind of similar to a taylor principle applied to intraday market as in, first 30-mins/high made first leads to a violation of the low on the next bar.


Also, there are pretty decent odds for the market to make its high or low for the DAY in the opening 30-mins, so you have somewhat of an advantage here if you can enter within 10-20 minutes of the high of day being made.


Note, I don't use any one thing -- so what I am really trying to do is cross-reference various tendencies and concepts. If volume is no good and you close under the midpoint, I probably won't go short in most situations --- but I might in this situation because of the specific condition that the previous day was very narrow range 'balance'.


So net net, I entered during first 30-mins and exited once it extended down into support and volume dried up. To me, this isn't a 'Taylor trade' --- but its somewhat consistent with Taylor principles -- that is, I am using 'highs and lows across time' to guide me, just as Taylor did at a conceptual level. In this case, the previous days low was the pivot --- short above that pivot and play directionally for that pivot. Once it takes it out (low violation), you have to be aware there might be 'low violation Taylor buyers' --- so you have to 'read the tape' and monitor the situation. In this case, lower prices attracted more selling (ever stronger volume), so I stayed with it until it reached a reasonable range objective (I have done a lot of statistical work with intraday range).

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.... and you would not be making asinine remarks about what kind of language to use on this forum....


..... would love to see your system .... or anything productive... which is based on Taylor's book..... knowing that you have not actually read his book at all.....




"Asinine Remarks" - talk about language, :)

You persist in being unnecessarily confrontational whilst all the time I am trying to be civil in keeping up with the ethics of this website.

Quite capable of responding robustly but it will be pointless for you have already assumed (or possess clairvoyant powers)


1. You are the Master here and in charge of this thead.(which you are not)

2. "I have not read the book" whereas in fact I have gone over it during my exchanges with WHY? so many times and have detailed notes with the relevant patterns for my reference on each day of trading.

3. Unfortunately you are laboring under the delusion that you have made a unique contribution here and any newcomer reading the aforementioned discussions with WHY? and Richbois and Hakuna etc would have nothing to gain..


Infact those very discussion which I had with these guys would motivate and enable a newcomer to gain more knowledge and clarification on the Taylor Methodology.


But as I said this is getting us nowhere, as it is, there are not many participants on this thread. I am perfectly happy with what I do, you keep posting what you like. I have nothing much to discuss with you anymore.


Finally refer to Taylor's Book, Chapter 2, p15 "We are not concerned with how the book started on the first day, whether it was a Buy, Sell or Short Sale.

The book is always kept in this order, never change the continuity and there are no lines left open for Sundays or Holidays, the market is considered as a series of continuous sessions without a break.

Edited by monad

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..... you haven't read the book.... you proved that already when you proposed that changing the cycle for up trend and down trend is not part of the method.....

... go read it ... go study it.....

..... offer something to the thread... once you know what the method entails....


..... if you want to post here on a personal basis.... which is what your original post was.... a personal post.....

.... then send me a pm ....

..... otherwise.... offer something of value... which has nothing to do with individual traders... but rather with method.....best would be something of your own ....


.... your quotes from Taylor don't change the fact that you are not familiar with his work .....

..... your last quote has nothing to do with your proposition that Taylor does not change his cycle when the trend changes up/down

..... and especially ... it has nothing to do with your proposition .... that by changing my cycle.... that i am putting my own spin on Taylor's methods.....


.... if you want to post on a personal basis... go post on ET ... TL is not the place for it.... or contact me privately....

.... i wonder what your handle is over there.... you have probably littered that site with the same kind of personal posting which you are doing here....


... if you have actually read the work .... then it should be no problem for you to determine that the work describes very clearly that changing the cycle depending on whether the trend is up or down ... and depending on the time frame the trader is working with ..... is very much a part of the method....


.... if you want to keep this idiotic exchange going.... then send me private message.... don't pollute this thread......


But as I said this is getting us nowhere,


Edited by elovemer

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..... there is nothing in this post.... which comes from you as a trader.....

..... just you quoting others.... while trying to correct other's methods.... without having read Taylor's work....

.... offer something of your own.... and this thread might benefit from it.....

..... this is not my thread..... Dogpile.... please dogpile this joker.....


...by the way ... i never claimed to offer anything of value to this thread.....and i still don't...

..... but i sure won't take any SH** from someone who has not even read Taylor's work.....(your quotes only prove this out)

As WHY? and Richbois have explained,





and again as Eiger has posted on VSA thread

Edited by elovemer

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..... I have no idea who this writer is or what this writer could possibly mean by this passage....

....it is so .....unclear..... :)


.... changing the cycle in uptrend/downtrend changes.... would be sacrilege..... !!!!!



It is a fact and the records show it, for many years back that the market has a definite 123 rhythm, varied at times with an extra beat of 1231 and at times 5, these figures represent days. The market goes up 123 days and reacts, the 4th and 5th figure is the variation when it runs that extra day or two on the way up and on the way down in both bull and bear trends. This beat of the market subject to these occasional variations occur with surprising regularity, so it seems that the same methods of manipulation used in the past are still used today,


...... that is of buying and then selling every third or fourth day in an uptrend

......and reversed for a downtrend and this action the book records very faithfully.

Edited by elovemer

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Chapter 1 page 10



It is a fact and the records show it, for many years back that the market has a definite 1-2-3 rhythm, varied at times with an extra beat of 1-2-3-1 and at times 5, these figures represent days. The market goes up 1-2-3 days and reacts, the 4th and 5th figure is the variation when it runs that extra day or two on the way up and on the way down in both Bull and Bear trends. This beat of the market subject to these occasional variations occur with surprising regularity, so it seems that the same methods of manipulation used in the past are still used today, that is of buying and then selling every third or fourth day in an uptrend and reversed for a downtrend and this action the book records very faithfully.

We consider 3 days as a trading cycle—the 4th and 5th days are the (1st) and (2nd) days of a new cycle. We use the 1st day for buying and the 2nd and 3rd days for selling.


Therefore the cycle does not change but only the way to trade it.

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".....and REVERSED for a downtrend "


.... therefore.... in an uptrend B/M/S/B for a 3 day cycle

... and in a downtrend S/M/B/S for a 3 day cycle....


... ******** you say the cycle does not change..... i say it does

.... just a difference of language....which is not important




" the market goes up 1-2-3 days and reacts"


... obviously ********... in a down trend... the market will not go UP 123 days and then react

... in an up trend ... the market will not go DOWN 123 days and then react upwards....




"the 4th and 5th figure is the variation when it runs that extra day or two on the way up and on the way down in both Bull and Bear trends"


... obviously ******** .....


..... it runs that extra day or two on the way up ( in bull trend)

.... it runs that extra day or two on the way down ( bear trend)




... again... you say the cycle does not change .... i say it does....

.... but we are saying the same thing in different ways.... which is not important....




... so as far as the 3 day method is concerned..... ********.....


... i think you are not disagreeing with what i have already clearly stated in previous posts.....

... i.e. .... that for an up trend... the majority of days in the cycle will be up days.... the reaction days will be down days....

..... and that for a down trend .... the majority of days in the cycle will be down days... the reaction days will be up days....


.... there is nothing confusing about this.... and nothing confusing about Taylor's writing concerning this point....



... in my original post.... i said that if the trend changed to a down trend.... i would change my cycle to S/M/B/S where it was originally B/M/S/B


.... ******** ... you can say that the cycle does not change all you want to.....


... but the above is very clear and simple to understand.....



.... up trend ... the market will go up most days....and then react

.... down trend... the market will go down most days... and then react...


... if anyone believes this not to be true....... i would love to see any evidence of it.....


.... so... ********..... in your post above.... YOU HAVE SAID NOTHING WHICH HAS NOT ALREADY BEEN SAID.....


.... and frankly... i am tired of saying the same thing over and over again....

.... especially since no one disagrees with it....

.... and since it is not coming from me... but from Taylor....

Edited by elovemer

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.... what i have been trying to do with my posts.... is to use the 3 day method ..... on a day to day basis....

.... as no one else has attempted to do so....

.... by posting my expectation for market action BEFORE it happens....

... and by posting according to the rules Taylor laid out....


... i have not tried to sell any system to anyone....

.... and i have not tried to fit market action into any statistical category... THE DAY AFTER market action unfolded....


.... anyone can make anything seem reasonable.... THE DAY AFTER .... in retrospect....

.... that is not the point

... the point is to show the system at work.... before the market opens....not after




.....********.... your system is something that you developed....i suppose

.... and as far as i can tell....

.... in order to use it... one would have to purchase it from you....


.... so unless everyone had already purchased your system.... there is no point in you demonstrating how the market fit into your statistical expectations....


.... unless you are willing to provide everyone on this thread a copy of your system FREE OF CHARGE.....in order to evaluate its merit...

..... if so ..... i will let you know where my copy can be sent in a private message.....



.... if not.... you should at least provide ***** with a free copy ... as you have gotten at least that much free advertising from him on this forum.... ha ha ho ho..... ;) ... just a little humour..... but not really..... ha ha hee hee

Edited by elovemer

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Quote from Taylors book chap 1


"It is a fact and the records show it, for many years back that the market has a definite 1-2-3 rhythm, varied at times with an extra beat of 1-2-3-1 and at times 5, these figures represent days. The market goes up 1-2-3 days and reacts, the 4th and 5th figure is the variation when it runs that extra day or two on the way up and on the way down in both Bull and Bear trends. This beat of the market subject to these occasional variations occur with surprising regularity, so it seems that the same methods of manipulation used in the past are still used today, that is of buying and then selling every third or fourth day in an uptrend and reversed for a downtrend and this action the book records very faithfully.

We consider 3 days as a trading cycle—the 4th and 5th days are the (1st) and (2nd) days of a new cycle. We use the 1st day for buying and the 2nd and 3rd days for selling."

End Quote


The topic under discusion here by Taylor is the rhythm of the market which is caused by the "same methods of manipulation" used in the past. This rhythm is to be seen in the larger "trend" i.e. bear or bull trend. He is saying that those methods of manipulation that cause to market to tend to go up or down 123 and sometimes 4 and 5 days takes place in BOTH bull and bear trends. That is; in a bull market it can go up 123, or 4 and 5 and then react or it can go down in a bull market 123 4 or 5 and then react off that. Ditto for bear trends.


He is not dealing with the subject of changing the cycle or reversing the cycle. He is simply saying that this rhythm seen in the market (in both bear and bull trends) is caused by the METHODS of manipulation used in the past and still in use today. The 3 day cycle is a mechanism to take advantage of this rhythm. The rules employed by Taylor in the use of his 3 day cycle mechanism are designed to keep you on the right side of the market in bull and bear trends wherein many 3 day cycles occur. The continuity of the cycle, per Taylor, does not change. He is NOT advocating a reversing of the cycle. He is dealing with the rhythm of the market caused by manipulation and showing how a 3 day cycle mechanism gives one an edge. This is the only explanation to his statement above that will logically concur with other statments in his book indicating clearly that the continuity of the cycle is not to be changed. You cannot take a Taylor statement in a paragraph or two out of the larger context of the book and make it say something he is not trying to say or make it say something to support ones own "spin" on the cycle.


One must remember Taylor is dealing with manipulation, larger trends, and how 3 day cycles fit into this. One can tweak Taylor anyway they wish..maybe for the good maybe for the bad..but it is a bad interpretation of his system if one cherry picks a statement or two in his book to build a straw man to support ones own particular spin.


Taylors system is one thing. Our own spins to his method are another thing. Not that our spins are necessarily bad or even better but it seems to me we must be careful to separate our particular version from his and perhaps give our reasoning but we certainly can't call it "Taylors method". At best we can call it a modification of Taylor.


However, one must remember that any modification has the potential to affects the rules he designed around the 3 day cycle and how to play it. That must be taken into consideration when we tweak or toy with his method.


You see, the larger market trend (bull or bear), the beat (123 or 4 and 5), tend to create things he calls "failures to penetrate" and BV's..etc. The cycle is still there and intact but the rules he employed deal with senarios such as these two and other senarios.

Edited by WHY?

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....why does everyone keep saying the same thing over and over again....


... has anyone missed their turn at interpreting this quote ?



... up trend has more up days than down.... down trend has more down days than up ....

.... nobody can disagree with that....

....that's what i call a cycle.... B/M/S/B ... OR ... S/M/B/S ....

.... or else ... B/M/M/S/B .... S/M/M/B/S


... on a 3 day cycle... in an uptrend... there is one down day ..... and two up days...

... on a 3 day cycle in a down trend... there is one up day .... and two down days....

.... this is a very simple concept....


.... your interpretation of Taylor's book.... IS YOUR OWN SPIN....

.... unless you are .... Taylor himself...


..... let's dig up Taylor himself... and we can find out who is spinning what around here.... :)

....until then.... let's keep reinterpreting the same quote to suit our own... egos...


Quote from Taylors book chap 1

"It is a fact and the records show it.

Edited by elovemer

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....why does everyone keep saying the same thing over and over again....



Maybe you should ask yourself that question??????





... on a 3 day cycle... in an uptrend... there is one down day ..... and two up days...

... on a 3 day cycle in a down trend... there is one up day .... and two down days....

.... this is a very simple concept....?????


Where does Taylor ever say that??

Edited by WHY?

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... yep... you are right WHY ... there are more down than up days in an up trend...

.... and more up days than down days in a down trend....

... now that we have established that the market goes up in a down trend and down in an up trend...

...next topic... who can piss the farthest ? i vote for Taylor...


.... i just spoke with Taylor himself... and he informed me ... that your take on his method is baloney....

.... i'll let you know if he calls me again....

.... you want to turn TL into ET... go ahead....


...WHY if you want to discuss how your interpretation of Taylor's writing with differs with mine... you should PM me....

... this forum is not the place for a pissing match...

....otherwise... focus on your own methods....


Maybe you should ask yourself that question??????

Where does Taylor ever say that??

Edited by elovemer

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... yep... you are right WHY ... there are more down than up days in an up trend...

.... and more up days than down days in a down trend....

... now that we have established that the market goes up in a down trend and down in an up trend...

...next topic... who can piss the farthest ? i vote for Taylor...


.... i just spoke with Taylor himself... and he informed me ... that your take on his method is baloney....

.... i'll let you know if he calls me again....

.... you want to turn TL into ET... go ahead....


...WHY if you want to discuss how your interpretation of Taylor's writing with differs with mine... you should PM me....

... this forum is not the place for a pissing match...

....otherwise... focus on your own methods....

You are confused about taylor's methods and unless you can be more open minded you probally won't ever learn his methodology. On top of that you are distorting taylors methodology for other traders on this thread by presenting concepts taylor never presented yet you are trying to label them as taylor. So...as far as I am concerned just go ahead and stew in your own errors if that is what you wish to do. By the way; you never answered the question "Where did Taylor ever say that???" You didn't because you can't. I dont have the time to argue so look at it however, you want to. Others viewing this thread and trying to learn taylor may need to see that what you are doing isn't the Taylor Trading Technique....which is what I thought this thread was about! Happy trading. Edited by WHY?

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Bull market/bear market are BOTH full of many 3 day cycles. One must understand that the 3 day cycle IS NOT in itself the bear or bull market. Any prolonged bear or bull market will have any number of the three day cycles in it and per Taylor the continuity of the cycles stays the same. The rules that govern each day of the cycle take into account the market manipulation when in a bull or bear market. No where does taylor ever advocate changing the 3 day cycle simply because a bear market has made the turn into a bull market. As a matter of fact one cannot even know if a bear market has actually turned into a bull market until sufficient trading sessions take place to determine that. So there is no reason to flip the cycle just because it "appears" there may be a change from a bear to a bull. One could easily be wrong in assuming the market is going bull on two or three days of a minor uptrend. It could still end up being a bear market after 3 or 4 days. That is easily seen over and over on any daily chart.

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The cycles exist because there must be market stability. Manipulators cannot ALL the time drive markets straight up and straight down or no one would want to trade, as it would be too risky. So, many times markets are taken up in slower bull trends that have many 3 day cycles in it. These cycles stabilize the markets and allow a manipulator to make money many times over on the up and downs of the market as the three day cycles take place within the bull market. Same thing for a bear market. Much more money can be made in many up and down smaller trends as the larger bull trend unfolds than if one took a position at the bottom of the bull trend and sold at the top. The book "The Profit Magic of Stock Transaction Timing " by J.M. Hurst Clearly shows that point. It is much more profitable to trade the short term trends over and over than buy at the bottom of a bull market and sell at the top.

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"POST 703... i have friday as buy day on a B/M/S/B cycle...


POST 708: ... today... tuesday... was short day by my count....

.... and wednesday will be buy day "


There is glaring contradiction here, if Friday is a Buy Day, then as per Post 703, Tuesday should be a Buy Day and Wednesday should be a M Day.


OR if wednesday is a buy day, then Friday following M day(Thursday) has to a sell day.


Not that it matters one iota to another trader who has proven/tested strategies in place for intraday trading for each day of the cycle


Think for meaningful discussion here, it is imperative to refrain from person attacks and insults not only on the forum but via unwelcomed Private Messages as well. Name calling via PM like "Joker, Jackass, without balls" etc is not very productive, perhaps Soultrader should look into this otherewise this thread is coming to a grinding halt for it looks like anybody who posts here is considered as wrong, faces unnecessary hostility and instructed to migrate to ET.

Edited by monad

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Back to your excellent Post 704 and some meaningful and mature discussion, hopefully to continue this thead before folks just walk away in disgust at the pissing contests going on in the last dozen posts.

Would appreciate if you could clarify the following:


"That is; in a bull market it can go up 123, or 4 and 5 and then react or it can go down in a bull market 123 4 or 5 and then react off that. Ditto for bear trends.


1. I have observed that in strong uptrends, there is indeed the first cycle 123 where the SS closes on its High Last. Following this Day4 , Buy Day, there would be a shallow decline or zero decline and off to races which continue on the Day5, Sell day. Then it reacts on the SS day with an ideal short. Is that what you meant when you said in a bull market it can go up 123, or 4 and 5


2. Similar scenario occurs in downtrend or a sell off from congestion, SS ending flat or low Last with BV, followed by Day 4 Buy day which ends flat and further downside on Day 5 Sell day, than on the SS day we have the rally.

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Agreed, these useless exchanges regarding whose method is right or wrong is not doing anybody any favours. If somebody wants to modify Taylors method, and is making profit from it, fine,

Discuss in a matured way, no need to force the issue onto somebody else and tell them to go away or throw insults. This thread has been very instructive so far due to input from knowledgeable folks like WHY?, Richbois, Hakuna, Frank who have contributed without asking anything in return and I for one am indeed grateful to them.

And there are many who are trying to learn the methodology as the book is pretty diffcult read and WHY? has gone to a great deal of trouble in countless posts to clarify and it would be a great shame if the thread came to a grinding halt.



Edited by rigel

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1. I have observed that in strong uptrends, there is indeed the first cycle 123 where the SS closes on its High Last. Following this Day4 , Buy Day, there would be a shallow decline or zero decline and off to races which continue on the Day5, Sell day. Then it reacts on the SS day with an ideal short. Is that what you meant when you said in a bull market it can go up 123, or 4 and 5


2. Similar scenario occurs in downtrend or a sell off from congestion, SS ending flat or low Last with BV, followed by Day 4 Buy day which ends flat and further downside on Day 5 Sell day, than on the SS day we have the rally.


Taylor is all about "anticipation". You anticipate the ideal cycles and you also anticipate the less than ideal cycles. He has rules that govern both. Actual market action gives you a cue on the the most probable cycle that is unfolding.


In the senario # 1 above you have a less than ideal cycle. Do you play it? Sure. This sort of senario tells you that with the high close on the SS day you are likely to have a shorting opportunity on the next day i.e. the Buy day. However, one can't forget we are in a strong up trend. This being the case you would "anticipate" a shallow decline on that buy day so get ready to cover any short taken very quickly and most likely very early in the session. You also anticipate to go long later in the day (afternoon) on an HB (higher bottom). On buy days a stock that has held a higher bottom all day and it is say within and hour or two off the close (30 minutes even better) then an HB is likely to occur. An HB simply means that the stock held a higher low than the previous days low. HB's only count on the buy day. They are not to be used on other days. Taylor says most HB's made on a buy day are profitable. Of course, they must be held overnight generally speaking. You would look to sell the long HB taken the next day of the cycle i.e. the sell day. One could even wait for the next SS day to sell it but usually it is best to sell the HB the very next day.


In summary, the cycle has continued intact. The way you played it was different that playing the ideal cycle. You anticipated a less than ideal cycle cycle coming up because of 1) the strong uptrend 2) the high close on the previous SS day. Usually, when the market has that extra beat or two on the way up you get these HB's more often. It has that extra beat because of the strong uptrend. Again, many 3 day cycles take place in uptrends or downtrends. Some are ideal and some are less than ideal cycles. Rules govern both. You are always anticpating the cycle. While observing actual market action you must always be asking yourself is it an ideal cycle unfolding here or is it a less than ideal cycle? Your tactic for the day depends on the actual cycle that unfolds. This business of flipping the cycle to try and make it fit an ideal cycle only confuses and wrecks havoc with Taylors rules. I have for years toyed around with tweaking Taylor. I have found very few circumstances where it is even a possibility to rephase the cycle and still play by the rules or reap much benefit from doing so.


Senario # 2 above is what you want to see for an ideal cycle setup if not in a strong downtrend. If it is a strong downtrend then the low close on the SS Day gives more weight to the next day (buy day) making a lower low than the SS day. However, that is NOT a BV. BV's ONLY occurr on sell days. The flat close on the buy day is a very strong implication of a BV taking place the next day i.e. the sell day. BV's are for taking long positions and are counter trend trading. You are actually trading against the longer term trend using Taylors rules. So, how do you play senario 2 above?


Well, the weak close on the SS day and the longer term downtrend indicates, of course, weakness. So, you are anticipating a failure on the buy day for the high to penetrate the high of the precious day (the SS day). One could short a weaker high on the buy IF and ONLY if it is made early in the session. If it then closes weak on the buy day one could look at holding the short over night (the longer term downtrend puts the probabilities in your favor the decline will continue down on the next day). So does the weak close on the buy day. So, I would look at holding the short overnight and covering on the next day (sell day) then reversing on a BV (a buying day violation...this occurs when the price very early in the session of the sell day trades under the low of the precvious buy day). So I would be long on the BV (i.e. I am taking a counter trend trade). What is my selling objective? I would try and sell my long the SAME buy day at or just under the low of the previous day (i.e. the buy day). One can't afford to follow the long position up very far because the general trend is down.


In summary, the weak close the SS day and the weak close the buy day helped me to anticipate a weak high on the buy day and a possible shorting opportunity to be held over night which is confirmed by the weak close on the buy day. Together the weak close on the SS day and the weak close on the buy day and the longer term downtrend, all three added together, helps me to anticipate a possible BV being made on the next day (sell day) and thus gives me an opportunity of reversing from my short position and taking a long position counter trend trade. You will find several BV opportunities in strong longer term downtrends. The cycle stay intact. How you trade it is what changes. I think Rich Bois has already told us that in a previous post. The longer term downtrend creates those extra beats in the rhythm that Taylor talks about.

Edited by WHY?

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Remember also in a bull market you can not only get 123...4...5 but also get a short-term correction in the bull market that actually unfolds as a 3 day cycle (as shorter term down trend) even creating a BV on the sell day! Again the cycle stays intact but because it is a bull market in a correction you play it as less than ideal cycles and must be very careful shorting these senarios as it remains a BULL market (it is only in a correction). Ideal cycles are found more in sideways markets. Does this make any sense??

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Remember also in a bull market you can not only get 123...4...5 but also get a short-term correction in the bull market that actually unfolds as a 3 day cycle (as shorter term down trend) even creating a BV on the sell day! Again the cycle stays intact but because it is a bull market in a correction you play it as less than ideal cycles and must be very careful shorting these senarios as it remains a BULL market (it is only in a correction). Ideal cycles are found more in sideways markets. Does this make any sense??


Great elaboration on the essence of Taylor Methodology and clarification of ideal and not-ideal cycles., highly appreciated.


Today continuing with our count is Buy day, perhaps you can view ES and make some comments.

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    • PLTR Palantir Technologies stock, watch for a local breakout at https://stockconsultant.com/?PLTR
    • Date: 6th March 2025.   The Euro is on The Rise But Is the Currency Overbought?     The Euro rose more than 4% over four days making it the currency’s best performance since COVID lockdowns. The upward price movement is primarily driven by the European bond market which saw its worst day since the 1990s. However, investors are now evaluating whether the Euro is overbought.   Why Is the Euro Increasing in Value? The Euro's rise is driven by the EU's new ‘re-arm’ plans, announced by the European Commission President. This is in response to the US suspending military aid to Ukraine. Analysts believe increased military spending will strengthen the Euro in the short term, but its impact may fade, especially if the Ukraine-Russia conflict ends. The US is looking to achieve this by halting aid and no longer sharing military intelligence.     In addition, the German Bond fell and witnessed their worst day in almost 30 years. As a result the higher bond yields also continue to support the Euro. Currently, the Euro Index is trading 0.09% higher and is only witnessing a decline against the Japanese Yen. However, the price movement of the Euro will also depend on the European Central Bank and potential Trump Tariffs. Economists remain convinced that Trump's tariff threats are serious and will be imposed on the EU. Just last week, he announced that Washington will impose 25% tariffs on Europe-made ‘cars and all other things’. On April 2nd, Washington plans to introduce another round of ‘reciprocal’ tariffs, adding to those already in effect. Germany remains particularly vulnerable, as a large portion of its industry relies on exports to the US. This can potentially have a negative effect on the Euro and the European stock market.   Is the European Central Bank a Risk for the Euro? The European Central Bank is due to announce its rate decision this afternoon and conduct a press conference thereafter. The ECB may potentially aim to calm the market after German Bonds took a hit. If the ECB remains dovish and also reassures the market of the Eurozone’s fiscal and monetary policy, the Euro can retrace in the short term. Analysts currently advise today’s ECB meeting will most likely be the most interesting in years and the most unpredictable. Markets are expecting a rate of 2.65% from the ECB. Analysts at Morgan Stanley believe the ECB will maintain its "dovish" stance in March and April to support the economy, especially as inflation slowed to 2.4% in February from 2.5% the previous month, nearing the 2.0% target. If the ECB advice rates are likely to continue falling in 2025, the Euro will struggle to maintain bullish momentum.   EURUSD - Technical Analysis and Indicators The EURUSD is still witnessing indications of bullish price movement on the 2-hour chart and fundamentals also support the upward price movement. However, simultaneously, the price is obtaining indications the currency is overbought in the short to medium term. The EURUSD is trading above the overbought level on the RSI and is obtaining a divergence signal on most timeframes.       Therefore, the possibility of the price being overbought and retracing remains, but the price action will depend on the ECB. Until the ECB’s rate decision and press conference, the average price at 1.08000 will be key as it has been so far today.   Key Takeaway Points: The Euro surged over 4% in four days, its best performance since COVID lockdowns, driven by European bond market turmoil. The EU’s ‘re-arm’ plans and rising German bond yields boost the Euro, but US tariffs and ECB decisions may impact its trend. The ECB’s upcoming rate decision and monetary policy stance could shape short-term price movements, with a dovish approach expected. Despite strong fundamentals, RSI overbought levels and divergence signals suggest a possible retracement, depending on the ECB. Always trade with strict risk management. Your capital is the single most important aspect of your trading business.   Please note that times displayed based on local time zone and are from time of writing this report.   Click HERE to access the full HFM Economic calendar.   Want to learn to trade and analyse the markets? Join our webinars and get analysis and trading ideas combined with better understanding of how markets work. Click HERE to register for FREE!   Click HERE to READ more Market news.   Michalis Efthymiou HFMarkets   Disclaimer: This material is provided as a general marketing communication for information purposes only and does not constitute an independent investment research. Nothing in this communication contains, or should be considered as containing, an investment advice or an investment recommendation or a solicitation for the purpose of buying or selling of any financial instrument. All information provided is gathered from reputable sources and any information containing an indication of past performance is not a guarantee or reliable indicator of future performance. Users acknowledge that any investment in Leveraged Products is characterized by a certain degree of uncertainty and that any investment of this nature involves a high level of risk for which the users are solely responsible and liable. We assume no liability for any loss arising from any investment made based on the information provided in this communication. This communication must not be reproduced or further distributed without our prior written permission.
    • PDYN Palladyne AI stock, great day off the gap support area at https://stockconsultant.com/?PDYN
    • MRNA Moderna stock, nice day with a rally off the lower 30.6 double support area, from Stocks to Watch at https://stockconsultant.com/?MRNA
    • Date: 03rd March 2025.   The NASDAQ and Global Stocks Rebound On Tariff Optimism.   Stocks rebound during yesterday’s US session after the US Commerce Chief advises there is room for discussions with tariffs. The NASDAQ initially fell to the lowest price since before the US elections, but quickly rebounded and rose 3.25%. On Wednesday, all stocks are rising in value including in the US, Europe and Asia. NASDAQ Rebounds on Optimism Over Tariff Talks The price of the NASDAQ rose in value as investors took the lower price as an opportunity to buy the discount. The US Commerce Chief said that even though the US will not remove tariffs on Mexico and Canada, they are looking to negotiate and meet them ‘in the middle’. As a result, investors quickly reentered the stock market, particularly the NASDAQ. The NASDAQ previously fell almost 10% from its recent high due to the potential negative effect of tariffs.     Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced retaliatory tariffs on US products worth 155 billion CAD ($107 billion), set to take full effect at the end of the month. Meanwhile, China imposed 10–15% tariffs on various US agricultural goods, including soybeans, corn, dairy, and beef. Experts warn these trade barriers could accelerate inflation. However, the effect on the stock market in the long-term will depend on if the US will negotiate a ‘[middle ground’. Additionally, the GDPNow model from the Atlanta Fed revised U.S. GDP projections down to -2.8% from the previous -1.5%, increasing uncertainty around the Federal Reserve’s next move, whether to maintain high rates to curb inflation or lower borrowing costs to support the economy. The NASDAQ may positively react if the Federal Reserve considers earlier and more frequent rate cuts. The NASDAQ and The Global Stock Market The performance of the NASDAQ depends on if the US can work out a deal with Mexico and Canada. However, the performance of the global stock market indicates that sentiment is improving after the dip. All global indices including the DAX, Euro Stoxx 50, Nikkei225 and Hang Seng are trading higher today. Additionally US Bond Yields continue to indicate the Federal Reserve will cut interest rates at least on 2 occasions. The VIX, which is used as a risk indicator, is trading more than 3.00% lower which is known to be positive for the NASDAQ. This can also be seen in the price movement of the NASDAQ’s most influential stocks which are on the rise in the market pre-open trading hours. Apple, Microsoft, Alphabet, Amazon and NVIDIA are all trading higher during Wednesday’s Asian and European Session. NVIDIA is witnessing the strongest increase rising 1.70%. Whereas, on Tuesday, only 46% of the most influential stocks saw an increase in value. NASDAQ Technical Analysis Although the NASDAQ and global stocks have shown positive movement in recent hours, they are still in a retracement phase. Based on the medium-term average price and oscillators, the price maintains a bearish bias. Therefore, at first any bearish signals will mainly target the $20,728.00 price which is in line with the trend-line and resistance level. Whereas, if momentum is lost and falls below $20,424.32, sell signals may again materialize. Key Takeaway Points: NASDAQ Rebounds: The NASDAQ surged 3.25% after the US Commerce Chief suggested room for tariff discussions, with investors buying at a discounted price. Tariff Impact: Canada imposed $107 billion in retaliatory tariffs on US goods, while China introduced 10-15% tariffs on US agricultural products, raising inflation concerns. Global Markets Up: Global indices, including the DAX, Nikkei, and Hang Seng, are rising, indicating improving market sentiment after recent declines. Fed Uncertainty & Rate Cuts: The US GDPNow model lowered GDP projections to -2.8%, increasing speculation that the Federal Reserve may cut interest rates in the near future. Always trade with strict risk management. Your capital is the single most important aspect of your trading business.   Please note that times displayed based on local time zone and are from time of writing this report.   Click HERE to access the full HFM Economic calendar.   Want to learn to trade and analyse the markets? Join our webinars and get analysis and trading ideas combined with better understanding of how markets work. Click HERE to register for FREE!   Click HERE to READ more Market news.   Michalis Efthymiou HFMarkets   Disclaimer: This material is provided as a general marketing communication for information purposes only and does not constitute an independent investment research. Nothing in this communication contains, or should be considered as containing, an investment advice or an investment recommendation or a solicitation for the purpose of buying or selling of any financial instrument. All information provided is gathered from reputable sources and any information containing an indication of past performance is not a guarantee or reliable indicator of future performance. Users acknowledge that any investment in Leveraged Products is characterized by a certain degree of uncertainty and that any investment of this nature involves a high level of risk for which the users are solely responsible and liable. We assume no liability for any loss arising from any investment made based on the information provided in this communication. This communication must not be reproduced or further distributed without our prior written permission.
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