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Playing with the VMAR`s open research

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let me see Pyenner what your first vague idea its all about... you have a very strong midline (magenta line ) it is a line in the sand... we could say that she represents some kind of center of all action and from that line we could expect centrifugal or centripetal action...



Think of that 1 min chart as being zoomed way out.

Those are 5 min ladders you are looking at, the last one has an icon look.

This is about trading the spaces between 5min ladders. Joining the dots between the bigger trades, scalping the inward swings.


Each chart timeframe has its own progressively larger "sawtooth" and time frame that its ADX is using, the longest one there is 16 min and its sawtooth covers most of the price range of that chart. When the 16Min line is a strong flat it is telling you that it is near the centre of its current sawtooth range.


Now that range is dynamic and it will usually be slowly shrinking and as it shrinks it becomes more sensitive to recent price movements. The ADX gets a little more restless as time goes on and nothing much happens, it wants more and more to start going places. An ADX line will only stay rock steady if it gets a continuing sawtooth or wave to keep its range adjusted to that size of sawtooth. Thats a side issue but I see it happening in that chart as time passes, so I mentioned it.


If the price gets towards the top or bottom of the 16 min sawtooth levels it will start the 16 Min line turning towards an outward break. But near the start of that chart was the weekend step which has tended to fix the 16 Min flat line near the middle of the chart. Provided the price swings within that range, and about the 16 min line, it will tend to be stable and you can buy the dip back up towards magenta 16 min line and sell the peak back down towards magenta.

It is the centre of a swing range so long as there is no outward break and with a "growing restless" factor over time.


As time passes, the 16 min line gets restless and becomes more mobile, starts to follow the final upward trend.


Now those smaller trades have the 16 min line as their price target but as you see, most times it takes a couple of attempts to get there and sometimes it shoots straight past the price, but it is handy to have a swing centre and a swing range for scalping inwards towards the centre.


One way to fill in the time waiting for a 5 min icon move to come up.


So I see some use for unusually slow VMA lines as well as a need for some faster than 1 min lines. Maybe the middle parts of a vma line fantail have other uses as well.


Maybe that got closer to the ballpark.

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Hi Armand


I mostly trade GBPJPY, Pound Yen to me, so the tag was Pee Yen er.

The real name is Bruce but I'm not Scottish either...

Not a biggie.


Yes, I risk confusing people with the vagueness of thoughts that are still forming and I probably should do a video for some of the stuff, but I'm no rock star or politician argh.


I'm kind of in limbo over which step to take next because the view ahead keeps shifting, and I'm also quite slow at programming.


Stay tuned, I hope I will get more focus.


PYenner...Pound/Yen - "er" - "pee-yen-er" makes perfect sense...thanks for the explaination. I look forward to a video. I think your focus is in great shape. So far, it has really propelled things forward. Thanks for all your hard work...Armand :)

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Walter...the laddering video is awesome. Looks like great potential there. Thanks for including the settings...I look forward to testing it out. I appreciate all your hard work and your willingness to share it...Armand :)

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Walter...the laddering video is awesome. Looks like great potential there. Thanks for including the settings...I look forward to testing it out. I appreciate all your hard work and your willingness to share it...Armand :)


Thank you Walter and PYenner for your in depth analyses of the VMAR.


PYenner.... not a politician!!! Your "grand vision" is only come from a Master Politician.

I wish that our leader has your brain. :D


Thank you guys.. there is lot of work and fun ahead ¡¡... and the final product will be so simple even a 8 years old boy can trade... please all inputs are more than welcome... cheers Walter.

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Pyenner : would you like to take a shot on some waco programing ?


its an idea that could be very usefull or just a pure experiment without any use...


this is my great question now... you all now I am a CCI lover... I use a lot of CCI on my timing... right now I am impressed with timing potential of vma... what I was wondering was : how would it look a pyenner vma applied to a cci ¡¡ jejejeje... dont get me wrong I am very curios mind...


now not any cci... but specifically fxsnipper T3 CCI wich already is a CCI smoothed by a T3 average...


Here I atach an image of him :




I draw an imagination of this vma... would it look like that ?


I dont know if its possible Pyenner, also dont want to abuse your good disposition... but do you think this could be possible ? no compromise... cheers Walter.


also attach fxsnipert3 cci..


FX Sniper's T3 CCI.mq4

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Thank you Walter and PYenner for your in depth analyses of the VMAR.


PYenner.... not a politician!!! Your "grand vision" is only come from a Master Politician.

I wish that our leader has your brain. :D

Thanks for the support michaltrade

but if your leader had my bucket of bolts for a brain...

bring on the revolution :helloooo:

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Pyenner : would you like to take a shot on some waco programing ?

... but specifically fxsnipper T3 CCI which already is a CCI smoothed by a T3 average.....

T3 explains 1 bar of lag, good start.

CCI seems to do the opposite of ADX.

ADX filters out the swings and leaves just the trend.

CCI seems to filter out the trend and leave the swings.

+100 to -100 is good start.

It is worth a look at the innards, see what makes it tick.

No promises on where or how it will fit in but see its use in timing.

Will put in on the list but getting zero multi-tasking at the moment.

One thing in the brain kicks everything else out.

Need to make some steps with ADX_VMA first.

Need to test out ADX averaging/smoothing since that is where Igorad seems to have scored over Bemac. A vidya for MT4 was mentioned in a post and that also has to go on the list, should have said so at the time and thanked him, manners, but I already seemed to be saying too much.


I would like to see someone publishing icon/VMA trade log with $, even if they are demo $. Forex gets some bad press and it deserves some, but it is tradable. My system isnt a trade by formula system, so I cant publish it and that means I can't "prove" that forex works. argh.

Icon/vma looks like it can do both.

The scalps are window dressing really, a trader may do them, but for proving the P/L they are not exactly needed.

It will probably come once the steps are in place.


Laddering video said it well.


The explanation for why ADX appears to lead is easy enough in that case you demonstrated.

On that flat line you demonstrated, you drew a flat line across the highs.

If you had drawn another line along the lows, you would have seen the rise that the ADX was reading. It does have a few bars of lag in it but there were enough bars of rising lows to overcome the lag. ADX uses Highs, Lows and close. Looks for trend in both highs and lows. Also looks at where close is in relation to hi and lo.



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Now I understand Pyenner why would it lead... thats a nice phenomena there...


About the fancy oscilator, its just a waco idea, in the future if you get some inspiration and have energy would be interesting other wise I believe the research right now is on a complete diferent arena... thanks for this synergized collaboration... I am testing diferent inputs on vmas... they really change quite...


about the adx type input, how would they work ? they are set default to 0... are they other numbers /types ? cheers Walter.

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I am testing diferent inputs on vmas... about the adx type input, how would they work ? they are set default to 0... are they other numbers /types ? cheers Walter.


Mostly worked on "oscillators" that are good for swings but lousy for trends.

Tried to modify them to cope with trends. That class works much the same way, just variations on the basic theme. High, low, close and time are about what you get to play with, maybe volume, but people have been able to extract a surprising amount of variations. You can sort of "lever" the data from different directions to get you closer to whatever direction you are trying to go.


Programmers like inputs that are "bounded", stay within known limits like 0-1, +1 to -1. You know the computer isn't going to crash or have accuracy problems with safe numbers like those. Some signals are friendly to process and others are pigs.


Some have a signal that looks like CCI output but the "zero" mid line doesn't stay on one place, it keeps moving up and down and it melts my brain because it alters all the historical perspective when it does that. So you look at the old stuff, hey that looks like its got something to say, but when you try to trade off the leading edge you find it tells you nothing at all about the future, its useless, it only confirms what you just found out the hard way with no help from the indicator. argh


ADX main output is "safe" 0-100%, usually 20-70%, user friendly, easy to feed it into a VMA or whatever second stage. I gotta wonder if the dude who put ADX and VMA together was a major genius who thought it through before hand or a plug'n'play bit of good luck.


Any indicator in the same "class" as ADX might be tried with our VMA.

An indicator from another class might need some adaption to match its output to the input type that our VMA uses. Our VMA likes 0 to +1, 0 to +100%, like that. Other types that go +1 to -1 need to have the negative part sorted out in some way. Some signals like to hug the middle, some hug top or bottom, you get to figure things out as you need to do them.


One option with CCI that goes plus and minus might be to feed it through an ADX which turns it into just positive. Another way might be to just add 1 to it so it goes from +2 to zero. Depends on what matters, you can lever it different ways.


Fast is important, gotta be fast, lag is blown opportunities, one more pip margin on top of all the others.

Gotta stack good things in your favour and minimize as many bad things as you can. If its a laggy indicator, best to keep looking for a faster version in the same sort of class.


Its difficult to imagine anything being much better at giving "flat" than what we have got but who knows what some lateral thinking might flash up.


I would like a have a measure of a target exit price before entering, your icon is one flag on one bigger trade. The fantail spread/compress is a vague measure, it would be nice to get that as a hard number like 10 pips, 50 pips etc. If you have reason to believe the profit will be higher, you can tolerate risk or drawdown in the early stages. Trading with the trend can be useful in forex for the longer trades, if you have good reason to trust the trend, you can set your tactics accordingly. Hard numbers can be tested to see how reliable they really are. How wide is that fantail, well it depends on how zoomed in or out your chart is, as to how it looks, but is looks good enough?


If you rely on a trend slope, would a hard number on that slope tell you something about future payout?


Like you say Walter, 12 years looking for ADXVMA, needle in a haystack.

Then you go and share it....:cool:

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I am a strong believer that oscillators should not be used for trend definition... on the other hand I believe oscillators do not necesary outperform other methods... by the contrary oscillators most of the time as leading indicators contain certain amount of noise that can be harmfull to any acct...


What oscillators could have as an edge is the normalized visual scenario for specific timing purposes... the so called binary reading white/black... up/down...


From my experience stochastics was my first love when I got started... they have probably the best leading with less noise BUT with a saturation component that for my surprise cci doesnt have that much... later I started to play on the optimization of cci... did a lot on TS and came with very decent formulations for timing that really got me to certain interesting performance...


the black part of the cci story has been the changes in volatility and how the performance would eventually be hijacked by extreme lead or lag... thats where my curiosity was arround the idea of vma on cci if it would eventually be the case of an "horizontal effect" on the oscillator would be able to absorv this volatility changes and optimize his performance... I repeat its just an hipothesis... dont even know if it could be donned...


Any way, at this point I am focusing on this open research to laddering... great concept... great potential ¡¡ cheers Walter.

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On this paralel research I am principally focusing on the Horizontal Effect (HE) and the "laddering" effect it causes... my optimization at this time is focused into timing... I would love to be able to time better my trades, still with the HE concept of absorbing noise on the "erratic pullback"... all this concepts are dealed on this thread http://www.traderslaboratory.com/forums/f24/walter-s-forex-trend-trades-2364.html


So one of the problems I encountered on the other thread has been in some cases: extreme lagging entries...


let me show you some examples of this lag wich I know it can be optimized without loosing the vma HE edge...










you can see in all this cases that the entries could had been done with more anticipation... NOW... HOW ? and still use the vma with its HE edge ?


one of my ideas is arround the "quirurgical" "very specific timing" in 1 min... using smaller inputs on the vma so we can have a more leading signal STILL very clean one on the context of an erratic pullback scenario...


I will take some coffee and keep posting... cheers Walter.





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Thank you for the pix Walter

Thats just what I need for optimizing.

Have to know what question to ask before you can hope to find the right answer.

I am not getting enough chart time at the moment to find these things myself.

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Ok.. excellent coffee ¡¡ argentinean ¡¡



you see my base line (blackline) on the vmar 1 min is a Pyenners fantailvma1 with this inputs 2-4-8-0-1...


now if we want to see something of quirurgical precision and still see this horizontal efect, I tried this inputs 1-1-4-0-1 wich means specially that I reduced my adx to 4... mmmm as to Pyenners explanations I would interpret that this new inputs would emulate like looking a smaller time frame...


how does it look ? let me show you alone :




well its the most near to a step ma BUT its NOT a step ma... because the steps are not dictated by price action alone... rather by price action and volatility... now thats a cute piece of moving average representing the real price action as he is also representing whats really going on in his volatility... that blue line is representing a real sustained move not only by price action but also by momentum action... let me tell you guys, this IS a powerfull line if you really meditate on whats behind the calculation...


noisy ? maybe... but remember we are on a CLEAN context looking at our setups on 5 minutes... so lets live the cleaning sanitary aspect to that timeframe... now I need more leading anticipation.. I want to get inside the trade more early.. I want to cash more pips from the begining and dont want to leave so much on the table as I showed on previous examples... (thats why my timing definitions are still on open research)...


Now lets add to this line a simple signal... in this case I add a sma 6 of the vma... how does it look ? :




in this case the white line can help us read more easy a trigger signal and as it is a quite tight signal line we will mostly always have her there to help us click the mouse... its a visual aid into trading its a way to have clear rules, so you can relax more on the process of specific timing decision...


Now lets see this two lines on the 1 min vmar context:




here is where we can start to compare the edge of still having an HE and at the same time we can see how much anticipated is our entry into our trade..


The red circles tells us how this new vma and signal gave a much early entry in comparisson to our classic (black line cross darkgreen line) cyan circles....


on the next post let me show you how the last three icon trades I posted on the other thread could be timed with this possible new method... cheers Walter.




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Today I posted this 3 trades here http://www.traderslaboratory.com/forums/24/walter-s-forex-trend-trades-2364-22.html wich I consider timing not on the best optimized perfomance...


Now lets revisit this 3 "VMAR Icon" Trades with this possible timing optimization... you will notice trade 1 and 2 did have a great difference, maybe trade 3 there was not much difference... but on the overall performance of this timmings we had clean and leading entries...









If you observe when the blue line crosses his white signal line the black line its still way on the other side of the dark green...


in the second trade we had an HE on the blackline that did not give us any pull behind the darkgreen line wich as too the classic entry rules there would not be trade... thanks to the new possible optimization we would have a very good entry... lots to meditate on folks.. let me add video... cheers Walter.




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FantailVMA2 for evaluation.


Turbo version.

The input settings are-


ADX_Length = 2, accepts 2 to 8, 3 or greater gives late entry.

Weighting = 2.0, accepts 1 to 8, 2.3 or greater gives late entry.


The fastest settings give the shortest HE length and show market uncertainty, the HE can wiggle right about the time you want it to tell you up or down, instead it tells you "don't know yet".


May suit experienced traders better than beginners.


The horizontals are shorter than before.

I hope that does not greatly affect the degree to which the fantail compresses.


The yellow VMA line hugs the Close price more closely now when laddering.


Walter, there may be some work to do redefining timing??

Check it out, see what you think.


Picture of VMA1 versus VMA2 default settings weighting=2.0 versus VMA2 with weighting=2.3.


Enjoy, I hope.


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There will still be fast clean 3 bar reversals which "turbo" is still too slow to catch on a 1Min chart. The only answer there is to move to a platform like Don is using that has 10sec or 2sec charts. MT4 doesn't do faster than 1Min charts.


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Pyenner... man... I feel like a kid with a new toy...


did someone ever told you how genius you are ? I have to publicly congratulate you man, you ARE a genius... and not only that, but you are a very generous person...


I never imagined that vmar`s programming would ever grow to this point, and that hapenned thanks to your great capacity, willingness and generosity...


Now I look to a chart at VT and I only laugh at it... we have 2 weeks and two days since I started the vma thread... look how long we came in such few days... outstanding ¡¡


Ok... my next procedures here on the resesarch process :


This new lines fantailvma2 (and diverse input variations) they will be all oriented to the TIMING arena...


the fantailvma1 vmar on 5 min is already definitive for me in terms of settuping... so in this case I will not bother any more experimenting or optimizing nothing related to setuping...


on TIMING I did present a variation on some previous post (blue/white lines), that was before Pyenner introduced this cool new fantailvma2... SO... I will have to put some hours of research here, about how this line will show their edge into the timing optimization process... so far having some eyeball look, they already outperform the blue/white duo... so I will keep you posted...


Thanks again for such great contributions Pyenner ¡¡ cheers Walter.

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There will still be fast clean 3 bar reversals which "turbo" is still too slow to catch on a 1Min chart. The only answer there is to move to a platform like Don is using that has 10sec or 2sec charts. MT4 doesn't do faster than 1Min charts.



Unless you want to use Excel to process the ticks.... and give faster charts??? MT4 does export tick data to Excel ok.



1 min its ok for me... going any smaller complicates things to much in terms of charting platform access...


also reading so small movements can get the trader un-focus of the real swings he has to really shoot for...


so small movements in the case of forex... wich still has quite high costs ( even on ecn type brokers) does not give a good RRR for the trader...


So I would suggest that the trader is trading pattern out of a 5 min chart and doing a "very specific timing" out of a 1 min chart (max small reading)... cheers Walter.

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My question would be kind off topic but I am a new user of this platform /MT4/ and would love to participate in research.

Is this software has no features as a very basic and necessary for me like global cursor to truck a price across multiple timeframes/charts and tick charts or it’s just my inexperienced first impression?

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