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Scalper Buys/Sell Replica

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Here is a very useful addition to the Scalper Buy/Sell. The red arrow above or below shows the trigger bar and after the confirmed Scalper signal disappears.


This is a NT screenshot and the code is publicly available.


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Luis, you are the best !

I've had all the TTM indicators from traderslabratory except for this one. Funny thing is, I wrote a letter to carter telling him how expensive I thought his indicators were and that under $1000 sounded better. 2 weeks later they were reduced, but it was a week to late, had already found 90% of the indicators "free" here.

You have just completed the series.

Thank you


p.s. Anyone bought the Journal from TTM it is worth the money and you can easily go to http://www.johnmote.com/ Excel spreadsheet password crack to expand it and get rid of the huge TTM logo.

Just wanted to give back

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Hope someone can help. When I use the scalper buy/sell indicator, ever so often I seem to get an incorrect signal. I have seen this on many different time frames. I'm attaching two images that highlightthe problem. Any help would be much appreciated.



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When I use the scalper buy/sell indicator, ever so often I seem to get an incorrect signal. I have seen this on many different time frames. I'm attaching two images that highlightthe problem.


Hello Shawn,


as far as I understand this indicator (the original and this replica), I think that everything is OK.

Just that you know, I don't own a license regarding the original and I don't use this replica.


OK, but let me try to explain:

In your first example, a red (sell) bar is plotted after some time (pivot bar).

To do this, you need a trigger bar just behind it.

A trigger bar is a bar with no new high behind a potential sell pivot bar. Now we need a close on a following bar lower than the low of the trigger bar without a new high, to mark the potential pivot bar as such.


Hopefully this is understandable. Otherwise, try to explain your example two, and we can discuss it here.






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Hi,Could some one please provide the indicator for ninja trader.thanks,Andreas
The Scapler is actually part of the indicator package in the latest NT so currently you don't need to import it. It was originally ported/coded by Gumphrie, but there is no guarantee that NT won't remove it from NT once TTM starts marketing their TTM suite for NT. So here it is the attached and code listed :

// Scalper v0.1 by Gumphrie, inspired by John Carter's TTMScalper
// v0.2 - removed the period parameter as pretty much useless and changed all the high/low calaculations to be one bar ahead
// v0.3 - fixed possible plotting error
// v0.4 - additional check for highest and lowest
// v0.5 - reduced cpu usage & added trigger bar alert arrows

#region Using declarations
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Drawing2D;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Xml.Serialization;
using System.Text;
using NinjaTrader.Cbi;
using NinjaTrader.Data;
using NinjaTrader.Gui.Chart;
using NinjaTrader.Gui.Design;

// This namespace holds all indicators and is required. Do not change it.
namespace NinjaTrader.Indicator
   /// <summary>
   /// Scalper
   /// </summary>
   public class Scalper : Indicator
       #region Variables
           private SolidBrush ScalpBarBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.Lavender);

		private int counter = 0;
		private int ExtremeBar = 0;
	    private int lastBar=0;

		private bool HighPainted = false;
		private bool LowPainted = true;
		private bool showTriggers = false;
		private double ExtremeBarHigh = 0;
           private double TriggerBarLow = 0;
		private double ExtremeBarLow = 0;
           private double TriggerBarHigh = 0;
		private int TriggerBarLowNo=0;
		private int TriggerBarHighNo=0;

		private DataSeries  scalpSeries;
		private DataSeries 	open;
		private DataSeries 	high;
		private DataSeries 	low;
		private DataSeries 	close;

       /// <summary>
       /// This method is used to configure the indicator and is called once before any bar data is loaded.
       /// </summary>
       protected override void Initialize()
       	Overlay = true;

		scalpSeries = new DataSeries(this);

		open  = new DataSeries(this);
		high  = new DataSeries(this);
		low   = new DataSeries(this);
		close = new DataSeries(this);

       	CalculateOnBarClose = true;

       /// <summary>
       /// Called on each bar update event (incoming tick)
       /// </summary>
       protected override void OnBarUpdate()


           if (CurrentBar <= 4)

			if (HighPainted==false)

           		if ((High[1] < High[2]) && (0==ExtremeBar))
				//if ((High[1] < High[2]) && (2 == Bars.HighestBar(3)) && (0==ExtremeBar)) 
               		ExtremeBar = 2; 
               		ExtremeBarHigh = High[2]; 
               		TriggerBarLow = Low[1]; 
					TriggerBarLowNo = CurrentBar-1;

				//	if (ExtremeBarLow > High[4]) ExtremeBar = 4;

           		if (High[0] > ExtremeBarHigh)
               		ExtremeBar = 0; 
               		ExtremeBarHigh = 0; 
               		TriggerBarLow = 0; 
					TriggerBarLowNo = 0;

           		if (0!=ExtremeBar) counter++; 

           		if ((Close[0] < TriggerBarLow) && (0!=ExtremeBar))

                		ExtremeBar = ExtremeBar + counter;
                		HighPainted = true; 	





			 if (HighPainted==true)
				if ((Low[1] > Low[2]) &&  (0==ExtremeBar))
				//if ((Low[1] > Low[2]) && (2 == Bars.LowestBar(3)) && (0==ExtremeBar)) 
                 		ExtremeBar = 2; 
                 		ExtremeBarLow = Low[2]; 
                 		TriggerBarHigh = High[1]; 
					TriggerBarHighNo = CurrentBar-1;

                 	//	if (ExtremeBarLow > Low[4]) ExtremeBar = 4;

           		if (Low[0] < ExtremeBarLow)
                 		ExtremeBar = 0; 
                 		ExtremeBarLow = 0; 
                 		TriggerBarHigh = 0; 
					TriggerBarHighNo = 0; 

				if (0!=ExtremeBar) counter++; 

				if ((Close[0] > TriggerBarHigh) && (0!=ExtremeBar))
                 		ExtremeBar = ExtremeBar + counter;                 
					HighPainted = false;





		//	else scalpSeries.Set(0);


	public override void Plot(Graphics graphics, Rectangle bounds, double min, double max)
       	// Default plotting in base class. 
		//base.Plot(graphics, bounds, min, max);

		if (base.Bars == null) return;

		if (ChartControl.ChartStyleType.ToString()=="LineOnClose") return;

       	int index = -1;
		Exception caughtException;

           int barPaintWidth = ChartControl.ChartStyle.GetBarPaintWidth(ChartControl.BarWidth);
		int bars = ChartControl.BarsPainted;
           while (bars >= 0)
			index = ((ChartControl.LastBarPainted - ChartControl.BarsPainted) + 1) + bars;
               if (ChartControl.ShowBarsRequired || ((index - Displacement) >= BarsRequired))
					bool ScalpBar=false;

					for (int scalpBar=index;scalpBar<=lastBar;scalpBar++)
						if (scalpSeries.Get(scalpBar)==index)


					if (ScalpBar)
						int x1 = (((ChartControl.CanvasRight - ChartControl.BarMarginRight) - (barPaintWidth / 2)) - ((ChartControl.BarsPainted - 1) * ChartControl.BarSpace)) + (bars * ChartControl.BarSpace);
						int y1 = (bounds.Y + bounds.Height) - ((int) (((high.Get(index) - min) / ChartControl.MaxMinusMin(max, min)) * bounds.Height));
						int y2 = (bounds.Y + bounds.Height) - ((int) (((close.Get(index) - min) / ChartControl.MaxMinusMin(max, min)) * bounds.Height));
						int y3 = (bounds.Y + bounds.Height) - ((int) (((open.Get(index) - min) / ChartControl.MaxMinusMin(max, min)) * bounds.Height));
						int y4 = (bounds.Y + bounds.Height) - ((int) (((low.Get(index) - min) / ChartControl.MaxMinusMin(max, min)) * bounds.Height));

						if (ChartControl.ChartStyleType.ToString()=="OHLC")
							graphics.DrawLine(new Pen(ScalpBarBrush.Color,(int)((((double)ChartControl.BarWidth)/3)*2)),x1,y1,x1,y4);
						else if (ChartControl.ChartStyleType.ToString()=="HiLoBars")
							graphics.DrawLine(new Pen(ScalpBarBrush.Color,ChartControl.BarWidth),x1,y1,x1,y4);
							byte bRed = (byte)~(ChartControl.BackColor.R);
							byte bGreen = (byte)~(ChartControl.BackColor.G);
							byte bBlue = (byte)~(ChartControl.BackColor.B);
							Pen pen = new Pen(Color.FromArgb(bRed,bGreen,bBlue), 1);


							if (y2>y3)
					else if (showTriggers)
						if ((TriggerBarLowNo>0) && (TriggerBarLowNo==index))
							int x1 = (((ChartControl.CanvasRight - ChartControl.BarMarginRight) - (barPaintWidth / 2)) - ((ChartControl.BarsPainted - 1) * ChartControl.BarSpace)) + (bars * ChartControl.BarSpace);
							int y1 = (bounds.Y + bounds.Height) - ((int) ((((high.Get(index)+(2*TickSize)) - min) / ChartControl.MaxMinusMin(max, min)) * bounds.Height));
						    DrawArrow((barPaintWidth/5)*4, graphics,x1,y1,ScalpBarBrush,false);
						if ((TriggerBarHighNo>0) && (TriggerBarHighNo==index))
							int x1 = (((ChartControl.CanvasRight - ChartControl.BarMarginRight) - (barPaintWidth / 2)) - ((ChartControl.BarsPainted - 1) * ChartControl.BarSpace)) + (bars * ChartControl.BarSpace);
							int y1 = (bounds.Y + bounds.Height) - ((int) ((((low.Get(index)-(2*TickSize)) - min) / ChartControl.MaxMinusMin(max, min)) * bounds.Height));
						    DrawArrow((barPaintWidth/5)*4, graphics,x1,y1,ScalpBarBrush,true);
                   catch (Exception exception) { caughtException = exception; }

	private void DrawArrow(int arrowSize, Graphics graphics, int x, int y, SolidBrush brush, bool up)
       	Point[] points;
       	int halfSize = (int) Math.Floor((double) (((double) arrowSize) / 2));
       	Point[] upPoints = new Point[] { new Point(0, 0), new Point(arrowSize, arrowSize), new Point(halfSize, arrowSize), new Point(halfSize, arrowSize * 2), new Point(-halfSize, arrowSize * 2), new Point(-halfSize, arrowSize), new Point(-arrowSize, arrowSize), new Point(0, 0) };
       	//Point[] dnPoints = new Point[] { new Point(-halfSize, -arrowSize * 2), new Point(halfSize, -arrowSize * 2), new Point(halfSize, -arrowSize), new Point(arrowSize, -arrowSize), new Point(0, 0), new Point(-arrowSize, -arrowSize), new Point(-halfSize, -arrowSize), new Point(-halfSize, -arrowSize * 2) };
       	//Point[] upPoints = new Point[] { new Point(0, -arrowSize), new Point(arrowSize, arrowSize), new Point(0, arrowSize/2), new Point(-arrowSize, arrowSize), new Point(0, -arrowSize) };
       	Point[] dnPoints = new Point[] { new Point(-halfSize, -arrowSize * 2), new Point(halfSize, -arrowSize * 2), new Point(halfSize, -arrowSize), new Point(arrowSize, -arrowSize), new Point(0, 0), new Point(-arrowSize, -arrowSize), new Point(-halfSize, -arrowSize), new Point(-halfSize, -arrowSize * 2) };

		if (up)
           	points = upPoints;
			points = dnPoints;
       	for (int i = 0; i < points.Length; i++)
           	points[i].Offset(x, y);

		byte bRed 	= (byte)~(base.ChartControl.BackColor.R);
           byte bGreen = (byte)~(base.ChartControl.BackColor.G);
		byte bBlue 	= (byte)~(base.ChartControl.BackColor.B);

           graphics.FillPolygon(brush, points);
           graphics.DrawPolygon(new Pen(Color.FromArgb(bRed,bGreen,bBlue)), points);        	        


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Hello Shawn,


as far as I understand this indicator (the original and this replica), I think that everything is OK.

Just that you know, I don't own a license regarding the original and I don't use this replica.


OK, but let me try to explain:

In your first example, a red (sell) bar is plotted after some time (pivot bar).

To do this, you need a trigger bar just behind it.

A trigger bar is a bar with no new high behind a potential sell pivot bar. Now we need a close on a following bar lower than the low of the trigger bar without a new high, to mark the potential pivot bar as such.


Hopefully this is understandable. Otherwise, try to explain your example two, and we can discuss it here.







Thanks for your reply Hal. I now have a better understanding of how this indicator works

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Hi Luis..Thanks for the indicator..I noticed today using it that it did not pick up a couple of signals on a 60 min chart. By the definition you offered, with a higher low of last two bars, then a lower low, then a break of that bars low..and it didnt paint.. Have you ever noticed it miss some occurances?? Thanks for any feedback.. CG

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someone mentioned the other indicators are around here somewhere. Can you please give me an idea of how I would go about finding them?


I use NT and there was also a post showing red signal arrows occurring right after the white signal bar. Does anyone know where to download the code for this to NT?




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I downloaded this to my esignal indicators and it says error -line 1: syntaxerror: illegal charactor. any advice? thanks

It is unlikely that Esignal can run Tradestation EL code. The following Esignal code by rebkwez may help:


Here is the esignal code that I wrote. I'm not completely familiar with TS code, so I did my best in trying to do the conversion. Also used the TTM videos as guidance, but the explanation there is very unlcear.


Esignal doesn't have the PaintBar concept that TS does, so right now a box with a "B" or "S" appears above/below the candlestick that generates the signal. The distance above/below where this box appears is fixed in the code. It probably should be made into a parameter so it can be changed for stocks, fx or futures. For the next version...


If anyone makes any changes to improve on this code, please post it to the list. Thanks.




var iColorBuy = new FunctionParameter("iColorBuy", FunctionParameter.COLOR); 
iColorBuy.setDefault( Color.green ); 

var iColorSell = new FunctionParameter("iColorSell", FunctionParameter.COLOR); 
iColorSell.setDefault( Color.red ); 

var iFontSize = new FunctionParameter("iFontSize", FunctionParameter.NUMBER); 
iFontSize.setDefault( 10 ); 

function preMain() 


function main(iColorBuy, iColorSell, iFontSize) { 
if(getBarState() == BARSTATE_NEWBAR) 
if(Three_Higher_Highs() ) { 
if( LowerHigh() ) { 
if( CloseBelowTrigger() ) { 
drawTextRelative(-2, high(-2)+.5, "S", iColorSell ,null, Text.FRAME|Text.CENTER|Text.BOLD|Text.TOP, "Arial", iFontSize,"ScalpS"+ getCurrentBarCount()); 

if(Three_Lower_Lows() ) { 
if( HigherLow() ) { 
if( CloseAboveTrigger() ) { 
drawTextRelative(-2, low(-2)-.5, "B", iColorBuy ,null, Text.FRAME|Text.CENTER|Text.BOLD|Text.BOTTOM, "Arial", iFontSize ,"ScalpB"+ getCurrentBarIndex()); 


function CloseBelowTrigger() { 
//return ( close(0) < low(-1) && high(0) < highest(4, high()) ); 
//return ( close(0) <= low(-1) ); 

// This one gives more signals. 
return ( close(0) <= low(-1) || close(0) <= close(-1) ); 
function LowerHigh() { 
return (high(-1) <= high(-2)); 
function Three_Higher_Highs() { 
return( (close(-2) >= close(-3) && close(-3) >= close(-4) && close(-4) >= close(-5)) || 
(low(-2) >= low(-3) && low(-3) >= low(-4) && low(-4) >= low(-5)) ); 

function CloseAboveTrigger() { 
//return ( close(0) > high(-1) && low(0) > lowest(4, low()) ); 
//return ( close(0) >= high(-1) ); 

// This one gives more signals. 
return ( close(0) >= high(-1) || close(0) >= close(-1) ); 
function HigherLow() { 
return low(-1) >= low(-2) 
function Three_Lower_Lows() { 
return( (close(-2) <= close(-3) && close(-3) <= close(-4) && close(-4) <= close(-5)) || 
(high(-2) <= high(-3) && high(-3) <= high(-4) && high(-4) <= high(-5)) ); 

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