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,,,just Sayin...

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In ‘just saying’, why am I ‘discussing’ lies so much?  Why aren’t we studying big truth(s)?

Well - we Are discussing big truth(s).  The biggest truth these days is that there are some longstanding, curated, massively, BIG huge lies.

For years I pounded on the 'little' (actually it was only  relatively ‘short’ , not ‘little) lies of the covid plandemic where a relatively small big LIE  was generated and that lie was spun to create what in psychology is called “mass formation”.  All that table pounding about covid was to possilbly elucidate and illustrate a MUCH LONGER much bigger lie  -  The lie about money. ( MUCH LONGER = the seeds were planted throughout the 1800’s... the lie has now been instantiated in full force for 110 years  + )

Inflating a fake money supply with more fake money is chronic theft. ... and if you're an adult you've probably realized that theft ultimately doesn't create very much economic 'value' to the victim(s) or to the thief(s)

Price inflation is a symptom.  It is not the underlying condition.  ... and ... It is a lie for the ‘system’ to 'attempt' to ‘fix’ a symptom instead of the cause... especially if the ‘system’ itself is not really what is it represented to be. 

Taking fake money form ppl makes the 'money' seem real... how do/did they do that?

Taking purchasing power from ppl helps keep it seem real (... now there's a well structured sentence. :)  just saying... )

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Bidenomic-speak =

“...It’s working...”  2021 less than 8% of population was below the poverty level .   2022 more than 12% .  2023 ?? ...

“...It’s working...”,  attempting to flood the few remaining thriving states with illegals... flood them with 'costs...

 “...It’s working...”  into a whole new scale of war profiteering

 “...It’s working...”  going full blown old soviet punish your enemies ‘politicizing’/ ‘weaponizing’ the justice system.  Let me repeat, I’m no Trumper by any means ... but watching this sht, Trump is right - they’re aren’t just coming after him... if they can trump up multiple charges against him, they can do that to you and yours too.  The recent debacle with the Texas attorney general is another example... “...It’s working...” 

“...It’s working...” how many billions for 87000 new IRS agents to ‘audit’ high income citizens ... psst that’s like anyone making more than $100k...  someone like you...  another agency now fully ‘weaponized’

just sayin'

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Still at all these years later.

“...It’s working...”  2021 less than 8% of population was below the poverty level .   2022 more than 12% .  2023 ?? ..


"I think most people who follow this issue were expecting some increase in the number of children who had fallen into poverty or maybe were pushed into poverty, depending on how you look at it.

But these numbers are astounding, I think, more than double the child poverty rate in 2022 that we saw in 2021, a result partly, of course, of the fact that cost of living has gone up. Some of the expenses that are taken into account in that measure, work expenses, medical expenses, et cetera, have gone up.

But, primarily, it is due to a policy choice that lawmakers (mainly far-right Republicans) made, which was to basically let a number of pandemic-era programs lapse, chiefly the child tax credit, as you mentioned, but some others as well."


Easy to spout (lazier) than to look into reasons why.


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On 9/21/2023 at 12:23 PM, SunTrader said:


But, primarily, it is due to a policy choice that lawmakers (mainly far-right Republicans) made, which was to basically let a number of pandemic-era programs lapse, chiefly the child tax credit, as you mentioned, but some others as well."


Easy to spout (lazier) than to look into reasons why.



Please clarify for all of us - Exactly what is a "far-right Republican"? ... got an example of a far-right Republican lawmaker?... I can't identify any.

the "reasons why" were looked at - and they started decades and decades ago ... any recent "policy choices" are but tiny wavelets on a giant dangerous wave that suddenly appeared on the 'ocean'  ... ie any recent  "policy choices" are part of the 'dominant' narrative used to 'explain' and  cover for collective illusions ... are not really "why"s - just sayin'

btw the giant wave that suddenly appeared will disappear just as quickly

enuf bs... the important topic is - wherethefk have you been? we thought you died ;)

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Sport coaches say it all the time “Before you can learn how to Win, you have to learn how not to Lose”. 

That holds for trading too... and that is what 78% of traders need to do - learn how not to Lose.


Somewhat ironically, in trading learning how not to Lose requires losing.

... digging inside to find where you ‘live’ on the spectrum of risk seeking when in the red positions... building some awareness of when and how you are vulnerable to ‘hope’, ‘lucky’ etc ... and finding out if and how much you can change to get to a place where you are never hoping a position will come back while watching it continue to chomp off huge %’s of your capital.  ...ie if the mindbody is fkt up, it doesn’t matter if its choices are right or wrong, etc etc...

...digging into your system’s numbers to find the best stop locations for taking the ‘optimal small lose’, placing the orders, and allowing them to be hit.


... so yes, Elloise, sound automated trading can inform discretionary trading... just sayin’

and merry christmas / merry return of increasing light to all

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For humans our technological advances have vastly outpaced our advances in wisdom ... results are accelerating misuse and abuse of ‘technology’.  One example is  how modern virology is pure and simple pseudoscience, providing false ground to build all the lies and fraud about covid. 

An even bigger, much longer, misuse and abuse of ‘technology’, is in modern ‘money’ ... and where that is headed... just sayin...

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... some dated 'crisis speak'...

Source: Pravda.Ru27.04.2009
Front page / Opinion / Columnists / Stanislav Mishin



It must be said, that like the breaking of a great dam, the American decent into Marxism is happening with breath taking speed, against the back drop of a passive, hapless sheeple, excuse me dear reader, I meant people.

True, the situation has been well prepared on and off for the past century, especially the past twenty years. The initial testing grounds was conducted upon our Holy Russia and a bloody test it was. But we Russians would not just roll over and give up our freedoms and our souls, no matter how much money Wall Street poured into the fists of the Marxists. Those lessons were taken and used to properly prepare the American populace for the surrender of their freedoms and souls, to the whims of their elites and betters.

First, the population was dumbed down through a politicized and substandard education system based on pop culture, rather then the classics. Americans know more about their favorite TV dramas then the drama in DC that directly affects their lives. They care more for their "right" to choke down a McDonalds burger or a BurgerKing burger than for their constitutional rights. Then they turn around and lecture us about our rights and about our "democracy". Pride blind the foolish.

Then their faith in God was destroyed, until their churches, all tens of thousands of different "branches and denominations" were for the most part little more then Sunday circuses and their televangelists and top protestant

mega preachers were more then happy to sell out their souls and flocks to be on the "winning" side of one pseudo Marxist politician or another. Their flocks may complain, but when explained that they would be on the "winning" side, their flocks were ever so quick to reject Christ in hopes for earthly power. Even our Holy Orthodox churches are scandalously liberalized in America.

The final collapse has come with the election of Barack Obama. His speed in the past three months has been truly impressive. His spending and money printing has been a record setting, not just in America's short history but in the world. If this keeps up for more then another year, and there is no sign that it will not, America at best will resemble the Wiemar Republic and at worst Zimbabwe.

These past two weeks have been the most breath taking of all. First came the announcement of a planned redesign of the American Byzantine tax system, by the very thieves who used it to bankroll their thefts and swindles of hundreds of billions of dollars. These make our Russian oligarchs look little more then ordinary street thugs, in comparison. Yes, the Americans have beat our own thieves in the shear volumes. Should we congratulate them?

These men, of course, are not an elected panel but made up of appointees picked from the very financial oligarchs and their henchmen who are now gorging themselves on trillions of American dollars, in one bailout after another. They are also usurping the rights, duties and powers of the American congress (parliament). Again, congress has put up little more then a whimper to their masters.

Then came Barack Obama's command that GM's (General Motor) president step down from leadership of his company. That is correct, dear reader, in the land of "pure" free markets, the American president now has the power, the self given power, to fire CEOs and we can assume other employees of private companies, at will. Come hither, go dither, the centurion commands his minions.

So it should be no surprise, that the American president has followed this up with a "bold" move of declaring that he and another group of unelected, chosen stooges will now redesign the entire automotive industry and will even be the guarantee of automobile policies. I am sure that if given the chance, they would happily try and redesign it for the whole of the world, too. Prime Minister Putin, less then two months ago, warned Obama and UK's Blair, not to follow the path to Marxism, it only leads to disaster. Apparently, even though we suffered 70 years of this Western sponsored horror show, we know nothing, as foolish, drunken Russians, so let our "wise" Anglo-Saxon fools find out the folly of their own pride.

Again, the American public has taken this with barely a whimper...but a "freeman" whimper.

So, should it be any surprise to discover that the Democratically controlled Congress of America is working on passing a new regulation that would give the American Treasury department the power to set "fair" maximum salaries, evaluate performance and control how private companies give out pay raises and bonuses? Senator Barney Franks, a social pervert basking in his homosexuality (of course, amongst the modern, enlightened American societal norm, as well as that of the general West, homosexuality is not only not a looked down upon life choice, but is often praised as a virtue) and his Marxist enlightenment, has led this effort. He stresses that this only affects companies that receive government monies, but it is retroactive and taken to a logical extreme, this would include any company or industry that has ever received a tax break or incentive.

The Russian owners of American companies and industries should look thoughtfully at this and the option of closing their facilities down and fleeing the land of the Red as fast as possible. In other words, divest while there is still value left.


... he wa jus sayin' ...

wonder if he ever got around to just sayin' that the marxism is just a means to an end?

... when Trump was elected Mishin thought the trend had been reversed ... I wonder what he would say now ...

... isn't there a recent book out about 'American Marxism'?  just sayin'

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Across the years, all the ‘free’ parts of the digital age have been accused of being trojan horses.  Who bill gates father was - not pure coincidence... the real seed ‘money’ for fakebook was not happenstance... their biased, coordinated campaign behaviors in the last 3 elections... tiktok is the world’s first trojan elephant... yada yada yada. 

Surveys say google searches are not as ‘accurate’ as they used to be... and that they are getting worse.  I, for one, would just like to be ‘served’ the same results for an identical query as my friend across town, my wife on an apple phone in the same house, an acquaintance 1500 miles away.

The bias from the humans training the AI goes way beyond the ‘diverse’ demographics they were hired from.  As the % of visuals vs text for the served up content has grown exponentially  an example is gGemini is serving up pictures of the first four presidents as black men.  Ask it if Obama should be jailed.  Answer:  former presidents should never be prosecuted ...  Ask if GW Bush should be jailed.  Answer:  a list of possible charges emerges (....  Didn’t risk  losing the HD or CPU asking it if Trump should be jailed... )  It goes way beyond ‘woke’ folks... Social media, the 'news' media, and search giants clear intent to coordinate and  ‘serve’ up what they want the populace to believe, push agendas, influence ‘elections’, do propaganda twists on cultural words and patterns  goes beyond anything the soviets or nazis etc.  could have even dreamed of.

While we’re at it, let’s take a look at the naming of googles ‘public’ AI.  The name Gemini may have actually been unconsciously pulled out of some working groups ‘sounds good’ hat.  We’ll never know the truth.  Anyways, let’s dig a bit... One of the most valid uses of ‘astrology’ is as a developmental map - predating Rousseau, Piaget, Freud, Erikson, etc.  by millenniums and millenniums.  In that model, Gemini represents the stages of development from about 1.6 to 3.5 years old.  It is, as Piaget termed it, ‘the pre-conceptual stage of concrete actions’.  Speech is largely mimicry, actions largely imitation.  When the child cannot assimilate the ‘naming’ of an object or action, it accommodates it into its fantasies.  ‘Reasoning’ steps to the next step with only a vapor of comprehension of the overall grouping of steps .  Each understanding is a dualistic “assimilation and accommodation”,  which clarifies the original connection of Gemini to the ‘Twins’ ... as the child finds a twin in himself in the fantasy world.

The way the child, gGemini in this case, establishes a method of communication indicates its later proficiency and determines the mode of communication it will always prefer in later ‘stages of development’ .   And...the little AI child, gGemini, needs anything but duplicitous, dishonest, inconsistent, judgmental, ruthlessly evil  parents and ‘adults’ to screw it (and it’s output! ) up for fkn decades /’forever’.  Your child's or teenager's brains AND your brains need anything but a misguided 2 year old as the primary source of information. 

...is your intelligence insulted yet?

Just sayin’

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“Cherish those who seek truth. Beware those who find it.”

So who am I ‘bewaring’ these days ?  Here’s a few of a growing list...

The ‘State’, shallow and deep, just about everywhere on the planet... gone social engineering wild... gone fully corrupt... to be elected means to be either ‘bought and paid for’ or blackmailed ... used to be only a small % were corrupted... now I’m still looking for someone isn’t... let me know if you find one ok?

The ‘medical State’ which is now fully entrenched... state ensures pharma gets billions and insurance is run like a top down fascist corp.  Insurance and pharma makes sure all the medical ‘agents’ (including MD’s, etc) toe the line ... quality plummets systemically

All the ‘news’ media corps and social media platforms... all of them way too entrenched in top down agendas to dodge a beware from me...

Virtually the whole of 1st generation General AI... see prior post above.  I’d be curious to see how stirred  up Nassim Nicholas Taleb is about 1st generation General AI,  and subsequent ‘generations’ ...

The global education system...  The word ‘education’, at its origins, means to ‘bring forth’ thinking clarity and performance skills.  The whole global education system today is nothing but a complex of expensive indoctrination camps where the only ‘free speech’ remaining is ‘correct speak’, where college administrations blatantly and illegally encourage disruptions and sabotages ticket sales to gatherings that are not FULLY aligned with the ‘correct’ narratives, etc. etc

I’m  bewaring  zealots from any religion - including those using the ‘old’ religions of the east, middle east, and west AND also bewaring  those who use the new global religions of woke, weaponizedbadscience, unbabysacrafice, genderconfuseandneutereveryone ‘churches’, and other anti-old ‘new religions’

... btw, let’s play some ‘identity politics’... generally all the jew haters still find a way to lump all them jews together... but all these centuries it looks like the world has had several kinds of jews to ‘hate’ - like  [snicksnick] https://www.naturalnews.com/2024-04-03-protesters-urge-israel-government-enlist-orthodox-jews.html - just sayin’ ... maybe the jew lovers need to do like blm, go jlm...copy the gov’t and get ppl to throw money in some direction and watch things get worse ...don’t we know  by now the money never gets there? ... that blm and jlm money just makes a couple more marxists into millionaires...

Be advised I’m just ‘bewaring’ the above.  That means I’m not accepting their programming at face value and definitely resist funding their activities out of my pocket... not taking their rights, not attempting to censor them...boils down to I’m bewaring those who want to decide who gets to be ‘free’ and who shouldn’t and doesn’t get to be ‘free’ in thought and deed.  NONE of the bewared above are increasing your freedom...

Speaking of censoring - what goes around comes around (again)

“The Provisional Government that succeeded the tsars in March 1917 abolished censorship. However, two days after the Bolsheviks seized power in November 1917, they reintroduced censorship and extended it to films, art, and music. Though labeled a “temporary measure,” censorship lasted until the late 1980s. ... Violation of censorship rules could be construed as “divulging state secrets,” a crime punishable by imprisonment.

Soviet censors worked with a large volume called Perechen’ svedenii ne podlezhashchikh opublikovaniiu v otkrytoi pechati (List of Information Not Suitable for Publication in Open Sources). It was informally referred to among censors—many of whom were Jews—as the “Talmud.” Among the items “not suitable for publication” were crime statistics, reports of natural and man-made disasters (such as airplane crashes), price increases, individual incomes, the names of many officials, and the identities of their spouses. The censorship system was administered by Glavlit, established in 1922 as the Chief Directorate for Literature and Publishing Houses at the People’s Commissariat for Education (Narkompros). Immediately following the Bolshevik Revolution, works on Judaism and almost all publications in Hebrew were banned. Foreign Jewish literature was strongly censored in the 1920s and thereafter. By the 1930s, the list of forbidden subjects included Lenin’s Jewish ancestry on his mother’s side. Although in 1936 work critical of antisemitism was passed by the censor, at the same time Jewish themes began to disappear from Soviet prose and poetry, except in Yiddish. By 1938 brochures critical of antisemitism that had been published just a few years before were removed from libraries. The recording of Lenin’s 1919 speech condemning antisemitism was removed from record sets. It was reported that a six-cornered star, used as an illustration in a geometry text, had to be excised before the text could be published.

A comparison of a story published in 1936 and republished in 1940 illustrates the policy of diminishing Jewish visibility. In the story “The Blue Cup,” Arkadii Gaidar writes of a “city in Germany, Dresden, from which a worker, a Jew, fled from the Fascists.” Four years later, following the 1939 Soviet–Nazi pact, the same sentence reads: “There’s a city somewhere abroad, and from there a worker fled from the bourgeoisie.” In May 1940, Bezbozhnik (Godless), the magazine of the Militant Atheists, wrote that the major achievement of the Third Reich was the Nazi attack on Judaism, and that Soviet atheists should cooperate with their allies in the struggle against religion. At the same time, antifascist books published from 1933 to 1939 were relegated to “special collections,” some of them never to reappear.   ...” https://yivoencyclopedia.org/article.aspx/censorship/censorship_in_the_ussr

We like to think we're beyond sht like that now but the parallels to today are amazing...example:   items “not suitable for publication” .  Have you paid attn. for the last few years how much politicians and agents use “ can’t discuss it out of concerns for national security” when it ain’t got a fkn thing to do with ‘national security’  ?? ...

The original Cheka, headed by Feliks Dzerzhinskii, was empowered only to investigate “counterrevolutionary” crimes.  Current parallels - One thriving, conclusive, but false, propaganda word is “insurrection”... First let’s note in a real insurrection an actual BLOODBATH would have ensued ( whoops - ‘bloodbath’ is another one of those key words that is ok for the media sycophants to use over and over and over, but triggers a hypocritical outrage when a maga uses it)... Double standards prevail throughout the WHOLE justice system now...like ‘insurrectionists’, who were escorted into the building by campus police btw, got up to 30 years imprisonment for ‘trespassing’- while during the two summers before thousands and thousands of professionally organized rioters got free legal pass to lead invasions and taking ‘possession’ of whole sections of cities and trash of billions of $ worth of private and public property in a fakefalseflag upswelling of protest against trump / the remnants of the republic.  (Fwiw, I beware trump too... :) )

Another current related propaganda handle is “threat to democracy” “end of democracy”.   Factoid: The country was organized as a constitutional republic.  It functioned best as a republic, until the ‘globalist’ cycle of corruption finally got some footing in the late 1800’s ...History was ‘rewrit’... ask any school kid in any grade if he or she knows this -  It was ‘republic ans’ who fought and died to end slavery and keep the republic intact.  It was ‘democrats’ -(still) repeating greek mob rule mistakes - who fought for slavery, then segregation, and later created the nationwide urban plantations that persist to this day... the democrats would have fully ended the republic in the 1860’s if only them sneaky diabolical european “give me control of the money supply” ‘jew’ sponsers had just sent more gold ;) ... in a previous post I noted that the word ‘democracy’ was code for ‘socialism’... well uh oh the republicans are now the ‘socialists... and it looks like ‘democracy’ is being transitioned to 'code' for something quite a bit more dystopian... fixing to rapidly pole reverse to a fully ‘unrepresented’ tyranny that will resemble exactly what all the ‘liberals’ and ‘wokes’ have ostensibly ‘resisted’... and yes, sweetheart, they do ultimately come after the “useful idiots” too.

... just sayin’

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The morning of my last post I happened to glance over to the side and saw

“...angst over the FOMC’s rate trajectory triggered a flight to safety, hence boosting the haven demand. “  


I reacted, but didn’t take time to  respond then... will now ---

HFBlogNews, I don’t know if you are simply aggregating the chosen narratives for the day or if it’s your own reporting... either way -

“flight to safety”????  haven ????? 

Re: “safety  - ”Those ‘solid rocks’ are getting so fragile a hit from a dandelion blowball might shatter them...

like now nobody wants to buy longer term new issues at these rates...yet the financial media still follows the scripts... The imagery they pound day in and day out makes it look like the Fed knows what they’re doing to help ‘us’... They do know what they’re doing - but it certainly is not to help ‘us’... and it is not to ‘control’ inflation... And at some point in the not too distant future, the interest due will eat a huge portion of the ‘revenue’

Re: “haven” The defaults are coming ...  The US will not be the first to default... but it will certainly not be the very last to default !!

...Enough casual anti-white racism for the day  :)... just sayin’

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Looking for ways to leverage our Artificial ‘intelligence’ ??


just sayin...





meanwhile back at the corporate labs....


via a movie



via a real life



imo ...  to apply mRNA techs via ‘averages’ of results is stupid.  mRna is about INDIVIDUALLized epigenetics!!!!!   ie as I’ve said before herein, the current collective ‘scientific’ consensus ‘imagary’ re viruses and virology is way incomplete - no it’s just plain fktup wrong... just sayin’ 

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holy war. 

why do ppl hate jews?

why do ppl hate muslims?

(btw my answers aren't 'pretty', pc, or even respectful... better say why before i do :)  ... just sayin')



holy war... 

is there really such a thang?  ... just sayin’

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spel n

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“It is sad your government is chiefed by many many fork tongues.”  that dumbass american indian warrior was just sayin' ...

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Fwiw, if you’re observing with bated breath for whether the democratic ‘nominee’ will be Biden or someone else - that decision has been long been made.  This is all just scripted media news cycle capture. ... ie less time for trump

Four-ish years ago I noted in this thread that they would cheat to win. * ‘They’ did.  Who is ‘they’ and how did they do it?  They are the puppet media sets and supports the narratives -“threat to democracy”, yada yada. Last cycle they buried the ‘biden crime family’ stories, the pay for access stories, and any mention of how biden could be beholden to all those he took money from was, and still is,  strictly forbidden. 'They' are the social media  / news feeds that prioritized and manipulated and lied outright... example - literally hundreds of thousands of ‘Trump and Russia this and Trump and Russia that’ feeds - all now acknowledged, in case you don’t know, to be fabricated lies from the  deep and floating state.   At the precincts - and, btw, relatively,  they really only needed a few precincts - the biggest cheat was with covid based  mail in ballots... but in addition, the same Chicago style vote counting methods plus the voting machines that were literally designed for Argentinian victory assurance were also utilized where needed.

This time around :  so far it has been a soviet style  weaponized, double standard justice system ... which has backfired by waking up virtuous people from demographics and races that were previously chained to the concrete plantations.  Btw - If you happen to be wondering if the ‘democrats’ are ever ‘corrupt’, one way to get some insight is to look for the soviet / Alinski technique... boldly and repeatedly accuse the opposition of the crimes you are perpetrating.  The social media  and news feed prioritization and allusion manipulation and outright lying is being applied the same as before.  To supplement the frauds made possible with mail in voting, as things stand now a few million more non-citizens will illegally will get their votes through.  ... and re: the deep and floating state - well that situation has ‘progressed’ now to where you can’t even get a job with those ‘agencies’ unless you are a sworn devout party member.



“Threat to democracy” is code.  Generally it is code for ‘threat to the various collectivism, statism, etc isms’. 

Have you considered what are the “threats to the constitutional republic”?




Have you looked at the transitions to where the president is no longer a person ?... that this presidency no longer even needs a ‘person’?  That alone should alarm some of you about the 'state' of the 'state'...






Dopamine...                I’m just sayin’


* http://www.traderslaboratory.com/forums/topic/11890-just-sayin/page/2/?tab=comments#comment-184081


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Paraphrasing Ambrose Bierce - ' Conservative: A statesman who is enamored of existing evils and corrupt 'solutions', as distinguished from the 'liberal' progressive, who wishes to replace existing evils with deeper evils and even more corrupt 'solutions' '  :)

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The cheat is on ! ... just sayin’.   This cycle it only needs to occur in 2 states, and in those 2 states in only 14 precincts... the organized  ‘machines’ for these cheats have been in been in place for decades...

And here’s a tiny counter balance to a massive psyop narrative being perpetrated 24 7... as predicted the "entertaining ourselves to death" show is on full blast with the media re-creating Kasmella Devil as a firebrand ‘gettrdone’ kind of woman.  In reality, she is not a leader.  At work, no one wants to work for or with her or negotiate with her.  For this potus application - worse she is just a follower... a whore who is putty in the hands of the exploiters who ‘own’ her... the same ppl who owned and ‘managed’ Joe.  She is just a team member of probably the most corrupt, evil administration in history.  She is only good for regurgitating whatever narrative is handed her - until very recently how superbly fit Joe is, how the border was visited and secure, etc. etc.   She is not in charge of her vp office and duties... and now she will not even be in charge of her own party or campaign... she’s simply not sufficiently competent. As AG of CA she was a puppet who nudged along the social engineering policies that made that beautiful state the ugly mess it is today - esp the cities.   And, btw, by Willie fkng her way to the top, she has placed herself in a position where she can’t really get too deep into calling Donald a predator...cause she’s ‘paying’ as a ‘victim’ / being paid off the same way as Stormy...

whoa. .. and lest you are ready to stereotype me and my positions - In my view, this election is not about preventing the decline of the USA.  That decline trajectory was established many decades ago and stabilized by the mid 1970’s.   There is no making America great again.  This election is about either hastening the end or tapping the brakes a little bit on the inevitable decline of the USA.  So - if you think her promises that the “middle class is our main priority” are real or if you think America is 1 man away from greatness again, well I have a finely designed bridge in Baltimore for sale ... best offer...

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fun with conspiracy 'theories' ... just sayin'

In addition to the usual 10-15 anomalies and inconsistencies btwn officials' statements, early and later media reports, and eye/earwitness rpts, etc etc  that raise ?'s about the official and media rpts ( patterns that , btw, typically indicate pre-planned organized 'events', patsy's, and coverups ...) 

 ... see -




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“Kamala, just be yourself.  Speak from your own mind instead of from prepared party scripts.”

“... No! Wait! Belay that advice... if you just be yourself, you would surely lose.”

...hm... that’s fkt up... if authenticity is the determinant... Trump...he is way more authentic and although his authenticity is ugly, at least it’s not pure stupid like her’s... shucks... rtn to comparing  current narratives with past performance and policies... etc

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comparing  current narratives with past performance and policies... etc

Walked by the Olympics on TV the other night and a Harris PAC add was running...

She said “middle class” and “only have to work one job.”  Sounds good... but the reality is if some avg. Jovan or Joanne who (is willing to work and) now because of ‘inflation’ needs say $150,000 annually just to keep their family intact and the best job they can find only pays $90,000, they will be getting side gigs ie more than one job...in no small part bcse they have to make much more than $150,000 to cover the taxes...

Karmela is part and parcel a spokesperson and agent for the continuation of the technomarxist cargo cult that 1) eschews sound money - ( and Inflation of the money supply is a graduated TAX, with the highest ‘tax‘rates’ being paid by those who access the money last)  2) accelerates deficit spending, putting each ‘citizen’ deep in debt... and 3) annually extracts thousands of dollars out of  those willing to work... planning to let the tax cut expire in ’25, add more taxes... The ‘workers’ are the new slaves.   Anyone with any job(s) is enslaved to pay for a burgeoning dependency class, including the latest wave of ‘immigrants’ who now come to amerka not for work, but for welfare

In that same ad, Karmela Devi lsaid...

“Future where ...reproductive rights are not only protected by the constitution but are guaranteed in every state.” ...

Karmela,  everyone in this country’s reproductive rights are already protected.  Those ‘rights’ start with and end with - You can fuck anyone you want... and you are free to get pregnant if you choose to do all the things it takes to get that way.  Once you’re pregnant, the rights of the child - due process, equal protection, etc -need to also be considered, too. Just sayin...

When the court used “No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws” They were stretching it re: “privacy” of a woman.   Anyone considering or being asked to justify homicide loses “privacy” and most other immunities - period. ... basically the court was legislating from the bench.

Far too many people feel reproductive rights (as defined now ie those about fkn till you both are pregnant and then killing the baby if it’s not ‘wanted’) may not really be ‘rights’ in the Context of life.  ... that abortion is " depriving any person of life..."   If we were more reptilian/dinosaurian like birds and laid eggs the objective reality of a baby bird and a baby human might be more ‘obvious’...  and any ‘rolling the egg out of the nest’ the mama bird does before it’s hatched would be seen as a functional evolutionary move ...based solely on the viability of the little life and having nothing to do with her wishes or desires or ‘choices’.  Some women scream it is to prevent them from being chattel of men... not considering how they are treating those little ppl/lives they are carrying much worse than chattel... not considering there’s really nothing any of us can do - besides committing suircide - to escape being a sort of chattel of life and nature...

Life:  If it’s growing, it’s alive... likely has a nascent awareness - however ‘autistic’... A human is a person before they have ‘developed’ a personality.  Ie You can choose to go along with it if you like, but bad science, mentally ill, depraved MD’s, and extremist women are not the final arbiters of reality, policy, and morality ... And fwiw, over the decades I’ve never encountered a woman who was not deeply impacted after aborting a baby... never known one who wasn’t split, splintered, limited, dissociated, and disturbed for the rest of her fkn life... just sayin’



Proposed State Law (tic, but it’s more in balance with 'all the 'values' to me than the corrupted bs narrative that is currently dominant)

>Let’s give both parents the ‘right’, without even presenting evenhanded reasons,  to abdicate the consequences and responsibilities of unprotected sex ie abort up until a child is 18.

> But since SO many people consider that the life of a “human” begins at conception (regardless of what prevailing influencers and fake ‘experts’ may be saying at the moment) and consider killing a human ‘life’ to be immoral period, let’s allow  no federal, state, or local government funding, and, include no insurance coverage for killing the child (as insurance is structured now*), and no funding for any of the parents’ ‘medical’ or ‘social’ needs after the killing of the child.



*re: include no insurance as insurance is fascistically  structured now... fascistically  structured = private ‘ownership’ is allowed, but the processes are entirely controlled and managed by gov’t

Edited by zdo

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Dear Google and Karmela,

"City girls just seem to find out early

How to open doors with just a smile

A rich old man, and she won't have to worry


You can't hide your lyin' eyes

And your smile is a thin disguise

I thought by now you'd realize

There ain't no way to hide your lyin'  " ads.

just sayin',


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Advisor says “We need a populist win.  Let’s ‘negotiate’ a deal with pharma for them to drop or hold the prices on a bunch of drugs... and we can swell that way up with the dummies with speeches, mentions, and news bites.  ... main thing is to definitely NOT inform the public that most of the drugs on that list are due to go generic in the next couple of years anyway... [voice goes to almost a whisper] Pharma takes a tiny hit for the team but remains a selected ‘winner’...” 

We are way past cynical... I’m just sayin’

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Karmela had a bad dream last night.  In the dream, she was being interviewed by an independent journalist.

Interviewer: “Vice President Harris, you have asserted you would use price controls.  Are you aware that price controls have never worked anywhere they were tried - Soviet Russia, the US in the 1930’s and in the 70’s, South America, Africa, Europe... wherever ?

Karmela:  “It depends on the situation.  When the proletariat ‘people’ are ‘suffering’ ,we must accomplish something politically...even if it’s wrong economically”

Interviewer: “At root, price controls are a marxist procedure.  Are you a marxist?”

Karmela:  “No I am not a Marxist.  I’m offended you would even ask me that. Being aligned with Marxists is not the same as being a Marxist.  I’m ‘just doing my job’ saying what they tell me to say..."

She almost ‘woke up' in the dream, but never got to a place where she could actualize any content.  Her experiences in this dream were that she was shocked she was saying what she was saying...  That shock almost roused her from sleep ... then it moved on to another dream...  When she woke up in the morning that shock was almost all she remembered from the dream...

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If you not a  ‘collectivist’ when you are 20 you don’t have much of a heart.  If you’re still a ‘collectivist’ when you are 30, you don’t have much of a brain. 

Just sayin’... and painting with a  real wide roller ☺️ ...

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