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,,,just Sayin...

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preface: I don’t really give a rat’s ass about education or quality of education... ie no special interest in education   

That said, I do harp a lot on how the 'voice of trading‘ education paradigms can cripple noo traders’ development.  My own ‘schoolin’ education was a mix of private and public and was much higher quality than typical even for then.  No matter - it too interfered with my development as a trader and hindered  the journey to a personal awareness of that interference.

See yourself in any of this? 


...top-down education system has stifled innovation, taken away individual choice, and tied the hands of local educators. The one-size-fits all common core standards do not inspire students and do not prepare them for the real world. The plunge in ACT test scores shows that students aren’t getting any smarter. They are being dumbed down by a controlling system that does not inspire learning. The majority of students no longer want to ask questions and push the boundaries of science. They don’t want to explore the depths of knowledge in reading. The majority aren’t even prepared to calculate and compute mathematics.

Common Core abandons time-tested approaches to solving math problems. Common Core indoctrinates students with so-called “settled science,” discouraging students from asking questions and seeking answers of their own. Common Core is laced with corporate and industry propaganda and sells a very limited perspective in the subjects of social sciences and history. Common Core pushes for social justice initiatives, which are out of touch with reality. Common Core distracts students with screens, but doesn’t impart the freedom necessary for students to explore past the boundaries. Common Core is presented in a way to indoctrinate, instead of expanding student’s own ability to problem solve and pursue knowledge.

Point is - your ‘scrool larnin’ is likely interfering with your development as a trader in ways  not mentioned above and in ways you have never even considered... just sayin...

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Didn’t have time to post yesterday...  Taking money in the morning and trying to keep from giving it back in the afternoon :) ( ... and you would think - I know I would -  after all these years that wouldn’t be an issue :))... anyways...

Yesterday morning predawn I had a dream that I gave my grandpa (rip) a used but high quality tractor with a back hoe on it and he backed it down a bank and adroitly pulled a large fresh stump out of the ground with just the right amount of rpm, clutch, and lift and pull on the hoe... Later in the day I saw this quote “There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root.”  HD Thoreau... This morning it occurred to me, the “I” is at the root of evil... just sayin’

If no one posted in TL yesterday, did anyone even click on TL ?? more rip?

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AI works with data it is given.... just sayin’

There are rumors that the ‘artificial intelligence’ in all the AI funds may stop buying and even start selling.... just sayin’

...not an issue --- until you consider that there is not a diverse universe of AI ‘models’ out there.  In fact, the universe of neural net models are close to a weird ‘singularity’ esp on the trading platforms.... just sayin’

ie...not an issue --- until you consider that the outputs of Unsupervised Learning models, Supervised Learning models, Semi-supervised Learning models, and Reinforcement Learning models all correlate much more than one would hope.  Ie Some ‘geniuses’ develop an original model in Boston, another team builds a new proprietary model in Chicago... another out of Princeton,  etc etc. etc etc etc and all the models learn to do about the same things.... what am I just sayin’ ?

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ever want to talk about how many of the fires in CA were started by energy weapons from us aircraft ?  how houses and cars were torched but not the adjacent trees, etc... ??   :stick out tongue: I'm just sayin'

ever want to talk about how fakebook is being sacrificial lamb takedown so EU, US, and CHn can impose new dystopian social score internet control?    :D I'm just sayin'  

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Re the ‘word’ of god...
God’s ‘words’  do not ‘speak’ in Arabic, Hebrew,  Greek, (for sure not) English... or any other verbal human language ... I’m just sayin’

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On 11/8/2018 at 10:01 AM, zdo said:

preface: Again, I don’t really give a rat’s ass about education or quality of education... ie no special interest in education, but I do harp a lot on how the 'voice of trading‘ education paradigms can cripple noo traders’ development. Something 'educational' correlates with the quality and integrity of this generation of noobies... at the least with the sample I encounter now in contrast with the samples I encountered previously     



Point is - your ‘scrool larnin’ and upbringing is likely interfering with your development as a trader in ways  not even mentioned above and in ways you have never even considered... just sayin...


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re yellow vests, etc.  he's juste dire ...




The lies are now continuous, hence the explosion of elite concern over fake news. The spark that lit the fuse of the current protests was a lie, of course; the fuel tax wasn't intended to "save the planet", it was intended to raise revenue so the elites could continue to extract their skim without endangering the economic order.

The elites' clever exploitation of politically correct cover stories has enthralled the comatose, uncritical Left, but not those who see their living standards in a free-fall.




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more btw

re " fuck 'democracy'... authentic republics are more better...I'm just sayin' "

authentic republics are more better...but not by much ...I'm just sayin'

quiz:  'democracy' is now code word for '_________' ?

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hey folks, even though i made some bonehead trades this year, 2018 turned out to be a pretty good year... thankfully the bad discretionary positions were properly sized. 

eg fx was plain and simple not  fun this year... too much like work :stick out tongue::stick out tongue:


fwiw closed out several 'campaign' / scale trades this year... the long crude trade was one I had discussed the most herein.  moved a small portion of profits to permean... but I'm thinking i'm way late to that party and will have to hold through several cycles for this to really pay off... actually wishing they would shut my wells down for now instead of pumping for cash flow... etc.

got out of shorts on fangs... a little too early btw  (an :almost chagrin:  smiley thang) .. and will be looking to get back in on a fakebook bounce.. maybe... etc etc

and btw Still in the treasury short trade but am not adding size as aggressively as early in the campaign. 

also still accumulating physical silver and actively hedging the position with PM futures

re: 2019... your edge(s) ready?  your 'you's' ready? 


only 2 or 3 give a rats ass (as it should be) but my TL time here will be even more limited going forward. 

going bird south for the 'winter' ... then back for a software project

pm if you want an email to stay in touch 

also, the 'voice of trading' on this forum has degraded so far it is no longer necessary to point out its pitfalls... wishful thinking but here's hoping some real quality will step in here.

wishing ya'll all the best in the new year.


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A cover. 

You’ve been hearing it for years now the Russians interfered in ‘our’ elections, and you’re still hearing it... how they’ll be changing their techniques in 2020, etc , etc.   It’s all bullshit. Russia  Russia  Russia  Russia  Russia  Russia  Russia  Russia  Russia  Russia  Russia  Russia  Russia  Russia  Russia  Russia  Russia  Russia  Russia  Russia  Russia  Russia  Russia  Russia  Russia  Russia  Russia  Russia  Russia  Russia  Russia  propaganda is actually a cover for outright organized election cheating EVERYWHERE . nationwide in 2020. 

“Irregulatities” will be plentiful, boxes of ‘missing’ votes will suddenly appear, vote counting ‘apps’ errors will be blamed  -meanwhile the vote counting apps have built in backdoor cheats to give the election to anyone ‘they’ want, ... and as usual, illegal people can vote ... dead people too. ... and none of it will be accurately reported by MSM.   So Re: digital voting -Think again when you hear MSM say ” It’s just minor issues with bringing untested, non-transparent technology into the democratic process...”  This technology is fully tested to give tptb any dam election they want.  ... and no I’m not talking about the DNC Shadow app (even though it’s a perfect example) . I’m talking about official voting ‘machines’ manual and digital ...coming to a Nov 2nd near you...

Russia didn’t change one fkn vote.  Nobody colluded with Russia (any more than usual). Here’s what really going on... Rampant Rampant Rampant Rampant Rampant Rampant Rampant Rampant Rampant Rampant Rampant Rampant Rampant Rampant Rampant Rampant Rampant Rampant Rampant Rampant Rampant Rampant Rampant Rampant Rampant Rampant Rampant Rampant Rampant Rampant Rampant Rampant Rampant Rampant Rampant election fraud

... just sayin’

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Speaking of “covers’

... He’s just saying too...





Hey guys,

Re: the indexes , I’ll tell you what I been telling all my friends - I hope you’re long and that you know exactly when to get short...

Hope you’re all doing well.  I’m gone again - for god knows how long ...


Edited by zdo
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re:  " I hope you’re long and that you know exactly when to get short..."

Most posters tend to use about 90% more words than they need .  It's called hedging -just in case someone actually understands what they are saying and they end up being wrong.

anyways ...



Re:  “Fuck off”

Most posters tend to use about 90% more words than they need .   Not mitsubishi  :)




it vent viral




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Posting is expensive so I’ll keep this short

A narrative of LIES took the markets up. Now, a narrative of LIES is taking it down

 ... bluntly, there’s the ‘dominant concern’ narrative - which is usually fake - and then there’s the real reasons for major moves.

... and btw my dear Bill Gates this NOT the “once in a century pathogen.” ... It’s actually just a gd really bad cold.  I’m just sayin’





... meanwhile back at the panderamic ranch



ps the accuracy of viral tests is even worse than this portrays ... just ask an objective pathologist.




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re: stocks.  Imo,we have a long ways to go down before we get to ‘value’ .  “Even at the March 23rd low...the Wilshire 5000-to-GDP ratio was at 101.38 percent, the 73rd percentile”   No place to be shopping for 'value'

Yet, with all the fake money flooding in, the stock mkt could still soar.  But - up is not really up.  The long ‘bull of the last dacade + was actually ‘bull’sht.  Bullsht = steady injections of more fiat, taking on cash flow dependent corporate debt to finance ‘supply reducing’ buybacks,  malinvestments galore, capital DESTRUCTION - all clouded by a steady stream of FALSE msm narratives and fake numbers - from top numbers (ie GDP, etc.) all the way down to individual corp reports and reporting. ... ie Any ‘bull’ action now is in the  category of obese elephant bull sht...

And as I have been posting for years, we can’t use dollars as a measure anymore.  ie  Up is not really up


and using dollars as a measure is getting worse and worse.  ‘money’ not ‘working’ anymore. ..



... ” Another day, another trillion dollars.”


re:  “all clouded by a steady stream of FALSE narratives. “  Yes, sweetheart the same thing has been happening in the covidity lockdown ... a steady stream of FALSE narratives  https://medium.com/@caityjohnstone/peoples-skepticism-about-covid-19-is-the-fault-of-the-lying-mass-media-91216ad7fcf3  ... I just chuckle now anytime I hear any US press comment on/ criticise Russia or Chinese ‘disinformation’ .  Imo, China’s ‘Police State’ is currently only a tiny click or two worse than our ‘Pharm State’.  

Re:  trading. 

It’s been a wild wonderful wide range last six + weeks  to trade.  I have been preparing for it a long time and still didn’t capture as much as possible... for one thing, didn't increase/balance sizing for  those outlier bounces as robustly as I should have, etc ... but still it’s been amazing.  First signs starting to show up that ‘volatility’ is slowing down ... will deal with that by up sizing all positions appropriately.

I’m no longer ‘trading’ fx.  I’m now speculating in fx.  ... gradually scaling into a pretty good sized dollar short...  do you make a distinction btwn ‘trading’ and ‘speculating’?


btw atlas shrugged about a “secret coin”.... I’m just sayin’ :)


later... maybe

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to all 3 of you... god bless


As a trader, I have to consider alternatives.  Keeping “anything can happen” near the front of my mind is part of the game   ... that this perfect setup and trigger may not work this time... or the next n times, etc etc.  It’s now automatic... and when it droops, that’s a sure sign I’m the source of increasing risks. 

In the MSM news narratives I also have to consider alternatives too.  It’s now almost automatic.  So some just sayin alt thoughts...

Alt: corvidity.  At best - Policy made in panics is generally AWFULLY bad policy.  At worst - policy unveiled in panics has dark motives.  At best or at worst - panic policy hurts the many and helps the few. Instead of https://off-guardian.org/2020/04/14/50-headlines-welcome-to-the-new-normal/ , JR says it better - so...




Alt:  Bailing everything and everyone out is in effect backstopping nothing and no one.  Backstopping/Bailing everything and everyone out can never be complete... some are bailed  out better than others.  Alt thought - It  might have been better to just stop... simply “No one should be bailed out!”  period.  "...nobody should be bailed out. No company should be bailed out. No individuals should be bailed out. Everybody needs to deal with the consequences of their own actions."  Let’s see what the  current social fabric of this world is really made of.... and btw alt: we are NOT ‘all in this together’.   Let’s see what happens when a large percentage of  businesses fail, re-org or be taken over and re-orgd.



Alt:  Are the FAANGs really the best buy trade on the whole planet right now?  Really?  They have as much or more operational and revenue fragility than most of the companies they are outperforming ... hm.  And they actually have very little self control ... rapidly decreasing adaptability...

  (if it hasn’t been taken down .... run at 1.75 speed...)

Edited by zdo

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to all 2 of you





All was not well in wholesale dollar markets at least five months before the virus hit, so the problem is more complex than a simple return to normality when the virus passes. Furthermore, the authorities trying to keep the economy from imploding are out of their depth, so much so that individuals in the private sector are gradually realising it as well. Financial risk has escalated considerably, which has one effect: bankers will use every opportunity to reduce the size of their balance sheets. The authorities will struggle to get banks to hold fast, let alone distribute subsidies to producers and consumers alike.





ps:  newsflash you heard it here first - covid19 has already mutated... the copies they are using to engineer 'vaccines' are useless... reminds me of 1976 (profitable to a few) swine flu vaccine fraud...

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Lockdown LIES = something like a Milgram / Asch /Fow Chi: 'experiment' on the masses

Subject: Why must I press the shock button?

Fow Chi: We must flatten the curve and raise the line.

Zap followed by whimpers.

Subject: The patient sounds like this is hurting him.

Asch: Some must suffer today so that some old people can die of the flu, next year.

Next higher voltage switch, zap, followed by a scream for mercy.

Subject: I don’t know how much more the patient can take.

Fow Chi: What part of flatten the curve and raise the line don’t you understand?

Subject: I don’t understand how torturing this system helps anything.

Chi :  How dare you! I am Doctor Fow Chi, M.D., D.O., S.T.A.T.I.S.T., Ph.D. I, and I alone know what is best.

Voltage up, zap, blood curdling scream.

Subject: I still don’t understand.

Milgram : And oh by the way you are not zapping just one guy but almost every business owner in America.

Subject: I won’t!

Asch: You will, because I am wearing a white lab coat!

Subject: Do you understand economics? Economic policy? Economic history even?

Chi: Of course not! All irrelevant to flattening the curve and raising the line.

Subject: I don’t know …

Asch: Here is a bunch of money and laws that say you do not have to pay your bills.

Voltage up. Zap. A low moan, then silence.









more "At best - Policy made in panics is generally AWFULLY bad policy.  At worst - policy unveiled in panics has dark motives.  At best or at worst - panic policy hurts the many and helps the few. "





Stick around ... for ... as the world turns... for... as your fiat literally disintegrates... vaporizes...



ya'll have fun now

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let’s circle back around to the corvidity a moment

whatif - far more humans have been exposed to covid than they report... far more ‘recoveries’ and  failures to ‘infect’ than they report

whatif - ‘every’ death is now a ‘covid’ death ie the statistics are now just plain ole fake

whatif - from the very beginning,  vaccine science is bad science  whatif the consensus models of viruses are just plain wrong

whatif - you lap up what ‘fauci’ say

back to $


where I’m having fun is watching a $ whatif - “John Exter’s inverse pyramid shows how the world’s credit obligations are all supported on a diminishingly small apex of gold.”

where I’m having fun is connecting and reconnecting with my old network of traders instead of posting in forums.  Many of them are more sucked into the narratives than they used to be...  a huge mistake in my view.   Many of them are dazed and confused - but nowhere near as traumatized and frozen as the boys and girls in this laboratory...  just saying. 


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