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,,,just Sayin...

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May 1st

Karl Marx goes to Washington



Democrats are jubilant over the predicted blue wave backlash against Trump. We had better not let it happen. The ascendant ultra-radicalism of today’s Democrat Party is not something that Andrew Jackson, JFK, or even the Clintons could recognize. Obama opened the door to radicalization; now that door has been taken off the hinges.
Bernie Sanders, a communist who runs as a socialist and gets elected by Democrats, has gone openly Bolshevik, promising healthcare benefits and a $15/hour job to everyone as an entitlement. The Soviet Union collapsed because an economy that pays two people to watch each cow graze is not sustainable. No matter; Sanders is an expert at Marxist demagoguery, not economics or history — and Marxist demagoguery is what appeals to Democrat voters.
Scrambling to keep up, Senators and presidential hopefuls Kirsten Gillibrand and Cory Bookeralso back the economically insane notion of jobs as entitlements. Inflation alone would cause devastation if this lunacy were imposed, never mind the astronomical expense to taxpayers and all the jobs that would be destroyed because only the government can afford to pay $15/hour for work that isn’t worth it.
Dems haven’t figured out what to do about people who neglect to show up for the jobs they are entitled to, other than granting Labor Department bureauweenies power to “take disciplinary action if needed.” A vision of Vietnamese slaving in rice paddies with AK-47s poking them in the spine comes to mind.
Sanders-level radicalism has become mainstream among Dems. In addition to the $15/hour job as an entitlement lunacy,
Rep. Ro Khanna, D-Calif., said he was proposing a bill that would boost the Earned Income Tax Credit to almost double the current payout for families and tenfold for childless workers. He urged Democrats to go bold with big visions in response to the election of President Trump.
That is, the IRS would be turned into a firehose to blast other people’s money at Democrat voters.
Not to be outdone,
Andrew Yang, an entrepreneur and a Democratic presidential hopeful, told Fox Business Network [last] Monday that he is proposing $1,000 a month for all citizens between the ages of 18 and 64 as part of a universal basic income program…
Get ready for taxes and inflation to skyrocket; there’s more:
The Washington Free Beacon also reported that a wealthy Democratic donor club used an event attended by Democratic National Committee Chairman Tom Perez and former Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe to call for “reparations” — presumably to black people for slavery — along with other big spending projects.
Apparently the $trillions that have been wasted subsidizing poverty don’t count as reparations because the extravagant handouts don’t go exclusively to Persons of Politically Preferred Pigmentation.
“It’s 2022 and we are celebrating policy victories across the nation: Medicare for All and Free College, and next on the agenda is Reparations,” Democracy Alliance said in invitation to the event.
Other Democrats bark about impeaching Trump for no real reason other than because they don’t like him. This would place our system of government in jeopardy.
More radicalism:
“ICE operates as an unaccountable deportation force,” former Clinton spokesman and Democratic consultant Brian Fallon tweeted in January. “Dems running in 2020 should campaign on ending the agency in its current form.”
Combined with opening the open border still further, the gargantuan redistributive spending Democrats plan on would collapse the economy. Americans would quickly become a minority in a floundering Third World collectivist hellhole. A nuclear war might be less permanently devastating.




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Started a large short USDTRY position on April 11.  Just added more short at ~ 4.2121.  Orders are in to add more at ~ 4.254... hope this trade works out... could literally live off the interest :) ... just sayin’

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What the hell is the “swamp” anyways?  And why the hell does it need to be “drained”?



Is that it? No wonder hardly anyone believes in the deep state.  

... or maybe it’s because the  world has been flooded with ‘deep fake’ memes* for 60 years now


“Deep fakes” usually refer to videos that have been altered to make it look like someone said or did something they did not. For instance, celebrities heads have been realistically attached to porn star bodies, so that it looks like the celebrity is starring in a porn film. Videos have also been created of politicians saying ridiculous things.
But don’t worry! The U.S. government is here to save the day:
The U.S. Department of Defense is fighting back. After testing projects like driverless cars and early iterations of Siri, Apple’s virtual assistant, years ahead of their release to the public, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency is now taking on fake news…
“We have a mission within DARPA to invest in breakthrough technologies that prevent strategic surprise,” said David Doermann, program manager of DARPA’s new media forensics project called MediFor, “and essentially guarantee national security.”
Doermann’s team of researchers is working to create an automated tool to detect manipulations and then provide detailed information about how a photo, video or audio file was altered.
“If our adversaries are able to generate material that can spread quickly, they can generate all of this in a disinformation campaign,” Doermann warned, emphasizing that people should always be skeptical that anything they are exposed to online could be challenged in one way or another for reality.
Problem: Deep Fakes. What can we believe? Which videos are real?
Proposed Solution: DARPA tells us what is real and what is fake.
Now the question: What if DARPA tells us real stuff is fake? Or fake stuff is real? Will we ever know?
All this does is put more power in the hands of government to shape the way we see the world. The deep state would love to monopolize the technology that can analyze these videos and images and inform the public. DARPA can create their own disinformation campaigns.


Edited by zdo

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two boys: named bill and bill

two boys, both named bill,  were confirmed rapists. 

Re: prison.  The one going to prison was pretend CIA.  The one not going to prison really was CIA.     hm ????

No?  Not that?

Ok ... The one going to prison is black.  The one not going to prison is white.  

... that can’t be it either !  ??

“Politically correct racism gives rise to politically incorrect racism. This is not a bug but a feature, since cultural marxists have no power without social discord.”

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Cynical is as cynical does

This - at  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=enHas7XCRSY&feature=youtu.be - is not dog abuse.  The dog was not heeling properly and was appropriately corrected.

This - at https://thefreethoughtproject.com/illinois-police-threaten-to-kill-drug-dogs-if-marijuana-is-legalized/  - would be dog ‘abuse’... and is indicative... if ‘police’ dogs are not well trained enough to lead a normal life in society, then something is definitely wrong with the Shooters * and their training philosophies (on leash except for release to attack, etc) .  Don’t tell me it’s not possible... I have three active duty GSD’s (plus two ‘retired’ and one puppy coming on) and they easily trained on ‘watch him’ ( be unfriendly/aggressive) and ‘stand down’  (be friendly / sociable) ... and they do it all off leash... 

*shooters ...  http://www.shtfplan.com/headline-news/rulers-foolers-and-shooters-theyre-closing-the-cage-in-plain-sight_05072018
(Note to ‘progressives’:  in the 1911 poster, the left painted the right as the ‘perpetrators’ ... but in the century since, they have ‘perpetrated’ far more atrocities than the right... ie "... collectivism is the go to system for all parties regardless of what they call themselves"  Mitsubishi  ... just sayin’ ) 


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buggin out a little early this year folks... 

as usual putting on 'one' position to see what happened when I get back...just for snicks.  This year it's short the USD across a basket of about 15 curr... stops are arrayed all over the place... some far, some near... we'll see.

ya'll have a nice month or so ... without my oppressive presence, maybe TL post count will multiply and post quality will soar from one liners to at least 4 line posts ;)

all the best,


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hey folks.  Back home for a few days and then gone again...

Re:  USDTRY trade 
Before I left was stopped out of the short position posted about on May 3 herein. ... so placed resting orders with different brokerage and  account to get short again in even larger position. See picture attached for what happened in my absence.  Each entry on the USDTRY trade is geometrically larger than the last.   Quiz:: Where is average price on the trade?  

ie don’t tell me revenge trading doesn’t work ;)   just kidding! It is definitely not recommended to apply Paroli sizing, especially geometric Paroli, across the board in FX... in fact, if you do apply it generally it is only a matter of time in FX before you go broke.  

But in specific situations it can be applied ... have already more than recovered first loss, and stops are in the green ... and although the position is not that huge it is still pulling in 4 figures a day in interest... which is why I got into the position to start with... just sayin’

not to be remiss... here’s some real just sayin’ - https://thetollonline.com/2018/06/05/ten-ways-the-democratic-northern-hemisphere-nations-became-the-orwellian-west/

see ya’ll later. 


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Hi peeps, I'm back in for a few days... making you throb yet? :)

25 ways Silicon Valley resembles the former Soviet Union

  1. Mandatory workplace political education (i.e. Starbucks, Google, Facebook, etc.).
  2. The United States as a whole is depicted as evil by default.
  3. Workers are viewed as political pawns to be weaponized against political opponents rather than unique creators with their own ideas.
  4. You wait for years to receive a car you ordered, only to find it’s of poor workmanship and quality. [and runs on batteries :stick out tongue:]
  5. You’re told that you’re part of a high-tech utopian sci-fi automated manufacturing mecca, but it turns out you actually work in a giant open-air tent where products are kludged together by hand to meet make believe production goals.
  6. Failures are bizarrely upheld as triumphs. (Note all the Obama-era government grant money to now-defunct “green energy” companies that produced nothing.)
  7. Lapdog media “journalists” fawn over incompetent leaders while censoring good ideas.
  8. Fellow workers are promoted for being the right “class” of protected victim groups rather than anything based on qualifications or competence. This, in turn, leads to the most incompetent leaders rising to the top and running everything into the ground.
  9. The currency most people are talking about is fake and worthless.
  10. Your abhorrent working and living conditions are justified by bosses who claim you’re “under attack” by whatever named political enemy the Politburo says is responsible for all the problems in the world. (The current boogeyman is Trump.)
  11. You’re treated to promises of colonizing the solar system while you toil in drudgery day in, day out, in s##thole collapsing cities covered in human feces and ruled by morons. (San Francisco, anyone?)
  12. You get to experience living with five adults in a two-room apartment while being told you’re part of the “resistance” that can only regain power by crashing the economy and driving even more people to desperation.
  13. Each day, the amount of money needed to buy a modest home skyrockets compared to your own wages, to the point where “high-tech” workers are the new homeless in California.
  14. You’re routinely told you are constructing utopia while the system crumbles around you.
  15. ‘Totally not illegal taxi’ taxis by private citizens moonlighting to make ends meet.
  16. Everything slaved to the needs of the military-industrial complex.
  17. Productivity is largely falsified to satisfy appearance of sponsoring elites. (It’s all fake news, fake innovation, fake market valuations and fake earnings.)
  18. Deviation from mainstream narrative carries heavy social and political consequences. (You lose your job and reputation, and you’re blacklisted by other potential employers.)
  19. All the central planning failures of the past are said to have occurred only because “the right people” weren’t running things. The future will be bright, you’re told, if only the most radical Leftists are finally given unlimited power to control your life and tell you what to think.
  20. Blind conformity is considered a virtue, while individual expression and cognitive diversity are rooted out and punished. This is, of course, all carried out in the name of “progress.”
  21. Otherwise extremely intelligent people toil away, just turning the crank because it’s the only way to get ahead in a society that punishes individualism.
  22. The plight of the working class is discussed mainly by people who do not work.
  23. Everybody runs around demanding to be paid for producing nothing. Today it’s called the “Universal Basic Income,” but it’s really just universal welfare for the dumbed-down masses.
  24. The economy is centrally planned, using opaque algorithms not fully understood even by their own creators. “Black box” economics dominates finance discussions as monetary debasement steals wealth from the workers, to be concentrated in the hands of the politically-connected elite.
  25. Citizens are told by the fake news media whom to love, whom to hate, how to think, which words are banned and which words are encouraged. Soon, people who used to be men and women find themselves talking like gender-confused fairy-queer trans-morons babbling out complete nonsense. [ that last part doesn't sound very much like 'soviet' to me.. but maybe it was that way, and we just didn't know it... anyways ...  ie "Wake away"... ]


"All we have to fear, is."


You need a good broker?

I need a good brexit  ... just sayin

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When all obsessive group-consciousness on Earth is finished, exhausted, when it admits defeat, then a different era will emerge. But for now, we are in the middle of the collective experiment.

High-flying cloying sentiment, profound dependence on others, covert repression—these are the order of the day.

How long until the collective age is over? A hundred years? A thousand years? The answer is, as long as it takes for every human to realize that the experiment has failed, and why.

The why is clear—the individual has been overlooked. He has been demeaned. He has been grabbed up and drafted into groups. His creative power has been compromised in order to fit in.

The majority of the world still believes in this approach, as if from good groups will flow the ultimate and final solutions we have all been seeking.

This is sheer mind control, because good groups morph into evil, and vice versa, in the ongoing stage play called reality.

Ideals are twisted, infiltrators subvert plans, lessons are ignored, and the whole sorry mess repeats itself again.

What constituted a triumph of good over evil at one moment is guided into yet another collective, whose aims are “a better kind of control.”

The most deluded among us believe we are always on the cusp of a final breakthrough.

But there is no “we” to make the breakthrough.

It comes to every person on his own. And it does not arrive as the thrust of an external force, but from one’s own struggle, accompanied by insights for which there is no outside agency to lend confirmation.

If indeed it will take a thousand years to bring this collective illusion to a close, that is no cause for despondent reaction.

On the contrary, it is simply an understanding that all experiments come to an end, as does the method of thought on which they are based.

One or ten or a hundred collapses of civilization, and the resultant rebuilding, are not enough.

The pattern endures.

It can only dissolve when overwhelming numbers of individuals, each in his own way, absent self-deception, sees its bankruptcy.

The “we” and the “us” are merely postponements and cover stories splashed on the front pages of the mind.

Fighting for what is right, here and now, is vital. But it does not preclude the knowledge that, as long as people are fixated on groups as the Answer, the underlying problem will persist.

Therefore, as part of my research over the last several decades, I have explored what is now commonly called the Matrix, from the point of view of freeing the individual from it.

The first step is understanding Matrix as an ongoing perverse “work of art” and viewing the nuts and bolts of it.


:spam: :spam: :spam: :spam: :spam: :spam: :spam: :spam:

:nospam:  ??

u'v ben spamd :)  just sayin'



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Summer vacation really is fkn over now biches

 “China ... if all [or a good sample ] of the Bernie Madoff Bombs in their economy [were to] go off, the Chinese ‘Communists’ [would ] be put against the wall and shot [wot???11!!1111]... China is hoping it can bribe enough u.s.[ nwo ] politicians to get them out of trouble.”
i.’m just sayin’ what i shouldn’t be sayin’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’ just sa     YIN

punichin turkey tooo ? ok ,,, now that I’m bak, some lucky ashol is going to buy a wad of my fakebook puts amd shorts, etc... been short fakebook for some time now...see herein for when... and ... with some of  them greens I’ll see them and moar than double the usdtry position afkngain ... just sayin’... ... no screen shot included... not sorry ... orders at ~ 4.9972 , 5.1387. ... and if not met(and maybe even if met), stop entries below at  _and  _ (don’t  got time to peck in #’s and nobody except me cares anyways ...) 
(... and with some of them fakebook greens I will be in a low markup outfit somewhere buying many si bars.. just sayin’) ... meanwhile...

your problem for the day - which is more important to u?

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“Today, no informed American citizen should have any doubt but that the Russian government attempted to meddle in the 2016 presidential election...” 

‘russian’ agents hired by whom? 

Actual bad actors in the Russian state?  ...

or were they on the payroll of the deep state from right here in the u.s. ? ...

or was all that action generated right here in the us and digital evidence planted that it was ‘russians’ (they can do that?  Oh hell yea)...

I’m just sayin’

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