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,,,just Sayin...

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Re trading through report time.  Well that was fun.  Main thing beginners - you got to be able to trade without stops in place anywhere close to the action...

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I am going to bring suit against fakebook for selling / giving  and 'abusing' my data and my friends’ data during the 2008 and 2012 obama campaigns ...

Re FANG’s ...I’m glad ZukFuklberg waited to say something "meaningful" rather than delivering a quick, boilerplate comment about this.  If he had spoken quickly, he may have slipped and told the truth (or some of it)  .  By waiting, I can rest assured everything he’s going to say will be lies - however well crafted and consistent with the newest msm narrative they may be.

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For the record, ...   (you know - the records at NSA, and other 3 letter agencies, etc etc etc)  ...   I prefer plowshares instead of swords - from top to bottom.  Nothing about big booms from a tank, or a bomb, or a fast fighter jet is attractive to me.  ...  and ...

There’s not a country on this planet, large or small, that would not be better off with less war, less war creation, and way less military spending...

next bet?

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free speech

the long





of it


btw hope ya'll are enjoying these indexes auctions this afternoon as much as I am... I love it when the ease of movement is just as easy going either way - up or down ... been wearing a little 'these are the good old days' grin on my face for over an hour now... 

shifted from NQ over to YM (and some ES) just after 3 PM ... cleaner charts, less bouncing around btwn screens, etc ...  to prevent a potential 'give a bunch back' moment - which I've done before blve me and hope you never do... :0

also, will probably close out or at least size down to  almost closed the YM/NQ spread in the next little bit...

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Zukfuklberg finally spoke?  Did he divulge the plan to tighten things up so that only those he and his masters want can have access to the various nodes and angles of fakebook data?  Did he mention that the dam platform wasn’t made for just anyolebody that wanted to mine the data?  Did he declare that fakebook users aren’t customers ... that they are the product?

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OP ED     the ‘tricks’ that “undermine democracy” (their term, not mine)

CA is not a scandal ... at least no more scandalous than Carol Davidsen and friends*  - an operation given the willful assistance of Sheryl Sandberg COO and many others way high up in Fakebook itself (and the help of many gullible nerds **) .  But did the Trump campaign need CA and the data it acquired from Kogan to do this kind of outreach in 2016? Likely not. Facebook cut off the friends functionality for app developers because it wanted to control its own offering to clients interested in microtargeting.

...All Facebook requires for access to its data trove is a reasonable fee.

... Facebook ads can work quite well for businesses. If they also worked for Trump, the CA story is a red herring: It's Facebook's own data collection and the tools it makes available to clients that should be the target of scrutiny and perhaps regulation, both from a privacy perspective and for the sake of political transparency. 


But let’s get real -  Oceania telescreens are not intended for use by any opposition EVER AT ALL!


And if it was the Brits instead of the Russians that ‘did it', ( ie beat hilliry, and it had to be somebody... she could and would never beat herself ), one thing for sure - anyone who wasted their time and the advertising portion of their purchases watching the russians russians russians russians russians russians russians russians russians russians russians story featured on the news x times per day every day for 16 months got screwed. ... Only good thang is now the doubters/saboteurs on the msm channels are now doubted more than ever. 

Paraphrasing - ‘This just a payment dispute. CA got info for free from Fakebook. Somebody got paid, but not Fakebook. Had Fakebook been paid like they ‘use’ally are, this would never have been ‘leaked’ to the eager biased news. How is this any different from what Fakebook does daily with other data customers?’


* see http://theduran.com/bombshell-video-shows-barack-obama-campaign-director-bragging-about-exploiting-facebook-users/



** see https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2012/11/when-the-nerds-go-marching-in/265325/



Goff described the Facebook tool as "the most significant new addition to the voter contact arsenal that's come around in years, since the phone call."

The digital, tech, and analytics teams worked to build Twitter and Facebook Blasters. They ran on a service that generated microtargeting data that was built by Will St. Clair. It was code named Täärgus Taargüs for some reason. With Twitter, one of the company's former employees, Mark Trammell, helped build a tool that could specifically send individual users direct messages. "We built an influence score for the people following the [Obama for America] accounts and then cross-referenced those for specific things we were trying to target, battleground states, that sort of stuff." Meanwhile, the teams also built an opt-in Facebook outreach program that sent people messages saying, essentially, "Your friend, Dave in Ohio, hasn't voted yet. Go tell him to vote." Goff described the Facebook tool as "the most significant new addition to the voter contact arsenal that's come around in years, since the phone call."







PS also for snicks, see http://truepublica.org.uk/united-kingdom/what-you-really-need-to-know-about-the-scandal-engulfing-cambridge-analytica/



... and yes sweethearts I do have time to write an op ed... automation got me short at 2:24 last night... all I've had to do this morning is stay out of its way ...

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If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.

This is now a well known big fat intentional obama lie - statistically...

but there is another slightly more disturbing element making “ If you like your doctor,   you can keep your doctor” a lie.

Last night after their call I was chatting a minute with one of my wife’s friends from way back who lives in Maine and she mentioned that she indeed had been able to keep the doctor she liked... but across the years their relationship had shifted  from real empathetic warmth to a shammy, uncomfortable remoteness on the part of the doctor.  She also noted a qualitative shift in the medical care.  Early on in the shifts, the doctor had complained to her about new and impending constraints and standards... 

So you can no longer keep your doctor if you like your doctor because the doctor you kept has radically changed.  Doctors now widely hate being doctors and feel stuck in a bureaucratic ‘managed care’ system that progressively gets less and less effective and more and more expensive to administer...

now sing " The best part of waking up is centralizing collectivizm in your cup" 

... just sayin’

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Big picture trades:

FX: fx trading is weird right now.  No - it Sucks right now :eek:  Positions are featuring JPY GPB CHF pairs... ie currently light on USD pairs... part of the 'wierd'...

COM:  Getting my toes wet in ag positions.  (I’m also going to be an idiot and buy some copper ... however the copper is not really a big picture trade bcse I won’t be giving it much staying power ie likely to be  holding  it only for a short time ... )

UST: still resisting urge to cover shorts / take some massive profits...still reducing size on new trades to the downside, but sticking with plan to add more shorts on handles no matter which way it goes...

INDEXES:  No big picture trades at the moment ie am just intraday trading... ( the intraday signals are nice and clean today but my  trading finger is about a tenth of a second slow this morning :) - which ain’t too good :)  )  ... will be watching to put the YM/NQ spread on again after a retrace and leg in and out... will probably post when it’s instantiated...

PM’s: are still precious ;)


Have a great weekend all.



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The “Hitler Youth” invasion of Washington D.C. took place today as young fascists-in-training were corralled into the nation’s capitol to demand that government authoritarians strip away the civil liberties of all law-abiding Americans in the name of “gun control.”

Just like Hitler Youth enthusiasts, these fascists-in-training are told they’re “saving lives” for “a better future,” and that the only thing standing in their way is a bunch of violent gun owners who want to murder every baby in sight. (The irony of all these left-wingers actually condoning the abortion murder of babies, of course, is completely missed in all this.)

What none of these children are being told, of course, is that Hitler took away gun rights from the Jews before exterminating six million of them in the Holocaust. It’s so much easier to commit genocide, Hitler discovered, when the people you’re tying to murder can’t fight back. Echoing the madness of the Third Reich, the propagandist-in-chief of today’s lunatic Left anti-gun movement is David Hogg, a profanity-laced, foulmouthed student who is seething with anger and seems forever on the verge of outright calling for all gun owners to be exterminated by the government.





The State must declare children to be the most precious treasure of the people. As long as the government is perceived as working for the benefit of the children, the people will happily endure almost any curtailment of liberty and almost any deprivation.

 A hitler in Mein Kampf









Americans can always be counted on to do the right thing—once they have exhausted all other possibilities. 

Winston Churchill



... and yes, I am aware that it was not my trading finger that was slow last Friday :)


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way back when ... when he was ‘innocent’ ...

Zuck: Yeah so if you ever need info about anyone at Harvard

Zuck: Just ask.

Zuck: I have over 4,000 emails, pictures, addresses, SNS

[Redacted Friend's Name]: What? How'd you manage that one?

Zuck: People just submitted it.

Zuck: I don't know why.

Zuck: They "trust me"

Zuck: Dumb fucks.






Friends don't put their friends into a giant intelligence database controlled by a megalomaniac who calls his users "dumb fucks" for trusting him. 

— Julian Assange (@JulianAssange) March 23, 2018




Mark Zuckerberg will go down in history as a tragic figure, and one befitting an age of billionaire savior delusions. He claimed to change the world even as he maimed his country. He pledged to rid the world of diseases while ignoring the disease he was spreading.

— Anand Giridharadas (@AnandWrites) March 19, 2018


HOW TO (try to) GET OUT

“it can take up to 90 days to fully delete your account and the information associated with it, but it notes that your account will be inaccessible to other people using Facebook during that time.

If you’re really serious about quitting Facebook, remember that the company owns several other popular services as well, like Instagram and WhatsApp, so you should delete your accounts there as well.”




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(btw It’s unfortunate we have to go to the level of high school students in here on TL ... but the unfortunate reality is we have a large population of ‘traders’ in here who aren’t much more advanced than high school students ... mainly because they were purposely dumbed down by their culture... anyways )








'Trampling the 2nd Amendment is just fine to David Hogg, but touch the first, which is upheld by the second, and you are a tyrant.

“One of the other important things to realize is many students want their privacy. There are many, for example, [boys :stick out tongue: and ] females in our school that when they go through their menstrual cycle, they don’t want people to see their tampons and stuff,” he explained.

“What we should have is just more policies that make sure that these students are feeling safe and secure in their schools and not like they’re being fought against like it’s a prison,” he added.

The irony of the students’ ignorance is astonishing. Luckily, there are still many people out there that see this irony and are calling it out.

I get what you mean.

It’s REALLY frustrating when the law abiding are punished because of the actions of a criminal. 
🤦‍♂️ https://t.co/5UqKM6e8pr


This is incredible. Hogg apparently now objects to giving up rights or privileges for safety, but only those rights and/or privileges that he personally cares about. https://t.co/OdSh657ClP


Destroy the second amendment? 
No problem!

Require kids to have clear backpacks?
Woah woah woah, let’s be rational here!


“I feel like our school is now a prison,” Nicholas Fraser, a 16-year-old Stoneman student said. “It doesn’t feel like home.”

Indeed, when you advocate for only government to have guns, you are making the entire country a prison. Bravo young America, you have successfully asked for fewer rights and you now have fewer rights. Hopefully, this serves as a wake-up call to those who think it is somehow heroic to punish law-abiding Americans for the actions of a single deranged lunatic.

If this ridiculous astroturf activism is not called out for what it is, these are the folks who will be responsible for creating the horrid police state that comes from their selective definition of “freedom.”




MEANWHILE ...  speaking of only government to have guns !!!!!!


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There was recently a projection on me in here that I probably love bombs and tanks, etc etc... wrong.  Nothing about big booms is attractive to me.  Been there done that... didn’t like it before during or after... anyways...


so re: the horribus bill and ‘paying’ the military so much - I say Fuck the military ! ... and fuck! - stop being the most evil country on the planet... and I wish 20 to 140 million would join me saying that (but they won’t... can't ... collective insanity)...

just sayin'


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“A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world's greatest civilizations has been 200 years. These nations have progressed through this sequence: From bondage to spiritual faith; From spiritual faith to great courage; From courage to liberty; From liberty to abundance; From abundance to selfishness; From selfishness to apathy; From apathy to dependence; From dependence back into bondage.”

― Alexander Fraser Tytler


The next crisis will be the last. 

No, the next crisis after that will be the last. 

No, it's the one after that...


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Under the guise of a social mission to connect people, build community and bring the world closer together, my top priority has always been amassing and selling as much data about each usee as possible.  Advertisers and developers will never take priority over that as long as I'm running Facebook.

Markel Zunderburd              


Something didn’t seem quite right so I truthtitup ... but I still may be misquoting him...


more fake news at 


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"Will the real (pot calling the kettle green)  Heinrich Müller please stand up?"
Robert Mueller is charging that  Paul Manafort, President Trump’s former Campaign Manager, ‘worked with’ former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych in 2013. 
Mueller failed to mention that he also ‘worked with’ Yanukovych in 2013... 

Re: obstruction of justice... ( these days wtf is obstruction of justice anyways?)


Fake news - Mitsubishi style

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That last post was to catchingup...

If this coup d'etat by the 17 three-letter Geheime Staatspolizei (aka Gestapo ) agencies Cohen thang don’t work, their next step will be assassination ‘attempt’...

Now caught up... just sayin’

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