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,,,just Sayin...

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straight out of ‘the book’ - accuse opponent of doing the things that actually you are perpetrating ...

and here’s another example of what the demosocialists+deep state+msm collusion has been doing all along with the russian collusion narrative -

this example is from almost out in the ‘public’ level ...


Michael Moore Was At Russia-Sponsored Rally | The Daily Caller





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Another boy...


"CNN conducted the town hall on the Florida school shooting with Senators Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Bill Nelson (D-FL), along with Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel and the NRA's Dana Loesch. Students and parents took turns asking questions about gun control and ensuring school safety.


"I expected to be able to ask my questions and give my opinion on my questions," Haab said.


"Colton Haab, a member of the Junior ROTC who shielded classmates in the midst of terror says he did not get to share his experience," WPLG's Janine Stanwood explained.

"Colton wrote questions about school safety, suggested using veterans as armed school security guards but claims CNN wanted him to ask a scripted question instead so he decided not to go," reported Stanwood.


"CNN had originally asked me to write a speech and questions and it ended up being all scripted," Haab said. "I don't think that it's going get anything accomplished. It's not gonna ask the true questions that all the parents and teachers and students have."


In response CNN released the following statement Thursday morning:

"CNN did not, and does not, script any questions for town hall meetings, ever."


Someone is lying."


JROTC Shooting Survivor: CNN Gave ?Scripted? Question After Refusing To Air His ? ZeroPointNow

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Fake news getting its script and town halls together... finally


CommieNewsNetwork TalkingHead to the boy “I’m blown away by how elegant you are”. Let’s not mention your story has multiple discrepancies about when it was real and when it was drill... gushing “you have a better plan than our elected officials” ...

That plan? "People, call your (reptilian, sociopathic) legislators and insist that they do something to keep this from ever happening again."

that’s real leadership folks... and that’s gonna fix it



paraphrased -

‘CNN wants you to believe that being 17-year-old mass shooting survivors instantly makes them experts on complex policy issues, experts in the U.S. Constitution, and experts on the history of the ‘Republic’. ‘

They are none of the above! ... but try reminding the world of that somewhere on MSM... they’ll cream your ass.


ps someone is lying





meanwhile, here is another ‘crisis actor’ learning his trade ;)


ps someone is lying

Edited by zdo
ps someone is lying

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... good reviews... and maybe even a wrapup ?


"It’s always fascinating to me how the “official stories” surrounding almost every mass shooting begin to unravel a few days after the event. ..."







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The psyop biases that accompany every news story makes ALL news untrustworthy. The latest is to imply the NRA was up to its ears in causing this latest ‘Kids killing kids’ *


However, as one pundit aptly put it : Modern day (wacko) ‘kids killing kids’ started at Columbine and since then the govt - local, state, or federal - has effectively done nothing to stop mass killings in schools.


Certainly the fbi has not made schools safer ... they’ve hired too many sjw over the last 25 years to be effective ‘on the ground’ anymore.


Certainly Sheriff “I’ve provided amazing leadership” Isreal has not made schools safer - his amazing work is to hire CAIR representatives as deputies who of course would have no ambivalence about ‘going in’ to stop a terror attack (this bud’s for you mits**). Btw - A strong ‘sheriff’ does deter killings... a weak one like him who gives the msg ‘39 times’ to the perp that he can proceed does not deter killings at all.


Certainly local school boards have not made schools safer - ie harder to get into if you’re carrying a long gun, a short gun, a sword, or bombs. Schools are operated like prisons now anyways... and prisons should control entry as well as exit...


Certainly the mental health community has not made schools safer. The revenue from pharmaceutical straight jacket protocols - that incidentally trigger all kinds of weird shit in a sizable percentage of those taking them - trumps sincere efforts to really do something. ***


Plain common sense says making AR 15’s and, at last, making all guns illegal won’t stop kids killing kids. It’s already illegal to shoot ‘harmless’ people - but that hasn’t even begun to stop the mass killings that have occurred. It certainly hasn’t stopped kids killing kids in Chicago and Baltimore and... likely more than 17 kids killing kids since 2/14 in those towns without a peep from the psyop biases. Certainly the mayors and police in those towns have not made those ‘schools’ safer...


No matter how the psyop biases paint it, kids not valuing human kid life is a more salient factor by magnitudes than AR15 availability and NRA scholarships... Fix ‘kids having kids’ who then neglect / abandon them (except to provide them with virtual killing consoles), fix ‘kids killing kids’ via abortion ...etc etc ---- unless!!! those behind the psyop actually have an agenda completely different from fixing anything...




* parent deserves the first 2 minutes of this YulagTube



** mits, imagine a short from 1943 featuring a patrol coming to a halt so a Japanese-looking soldier in an American uniform could offer Shintoist prayers to Hirohito. Picture how that would have gone over. Now watch this recruiting ad for the British Army:






Edited by zdo
"it's not about guns" what?

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From last week “The auctions have normalized - so rather than try to extend my run at calling tops...”

Wow that was quick... 6 day break is over... back to ‘calling tops’ by noon today...ie

The quanting, MktTyping, etc puts it at 50/50, but in this particular environment it’s better for me not to try to manually ‘mix’ methods as much - so I’m making a judgement call and will be putting on more load on sell signals in run up excursions ie back to ‘calling tops’


What we stop doing is just as important as what we start doing.

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"After a shooting spree, they always want to take the guns away from the people who didn’t do it. I sure as hell wouldn’t want to live in a society where the only people allowed guns are the police and the military.”


William Burroughs

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it's 12 o'clock noon somewhere : :) :


what you get rid of is just as important as what you keep...

Edited by zdo
fix smiley ;)

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Good govment is secular govment. Millions of dollars spent to drop some dude in the dirt...I don't know...zeitgeist always troubles me (in any form). I'm not pissed at all...just sayin...


How's that trans sex change thang workin out for you, penny? ;)

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“If the kids in Parkland are being stupid enough to stand up and do this, we can be stupid enough to stand up with them.” said Edward Stack, CEO of Dick.


He must think the war on alcohol worked, the war on poverty worked, the war on drugs worked, the war on terrorism worked, and now the war on guns will work.


The bottle is out of the genie...

one can buy all the parts for an ‘ar15’ online - none of which have serial numbers...

one can have just a few parts machined, and 3d print up the rest of a fully automatic weapon...

one can co-op poring lead, making gpowder, and reloading brass


a 'legal' gun ain't worth having






maybe it's just me... has anyone else noticed some site 'navigation' issues admin needs to deal with?

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How's that trans sex change thang workin out for you, penny? ;)

That's cool...I take no insult to your statement. I have a totally new vagina...and the doctors have told me it's "super tight"...I plan on using it to my advantage. Any takers?


Edit: For the record...my new vagina was engineered in a joint venture between Microsoft, Google, and Amazon. Trust me...ya'll got bigger fish to fry than "my vagina".


Vagina's rule...

Edited by jpennybags

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“If the kids in Parkland are being stupid enough to stand up and do this, we can be stupid enough to stand up with them.” said Edward Stack, CEO of Dick.


Dick should also stop selling shotguns, especially semi automatic shotguns. With some practice, one can average firing a round every 2 seconds - and that includes reloading... not as much panache for young career school shooters as an assallt weppon...but has just as much short range killing power...


No matter how many laws they pass to make things difficult for those who don’t go around killing people, a really determined ‘school shooter’ can easily purchase or steal a few tech9’s on the street and light up the school - anytime... especially with the help of masked deep state killers.


... and no, such a thing is not unthinkable to those who want the public disarmed... another 17 dead is excellent calculus if it means getting more control leverage on another ~20 million ‘gun owners’. They will keep triggering easy to find mentally disturbed dupes to fall for the ‘glowry’, and provide live cover* and assistance** and law enforcement snafus in the rampages, until the gubment passes the laws they want... which fucks you - but does nothing to stop mass killings.


The ‘people’ have been told the Pigg media narratives that the gubment must “do something” and the gubment has been told from above that they must “do something” ... and, falling in line, President full blown statist Trump told a group of lawmakers that they must “do something” - to keep guns away from mentally ill individuals... ... and yes they do realize that such mores can be used to declare ANYONE mentally ill. (meanwhile - PreDrump probably thinks that just because he’s president he’s immune and hasn’t lost any power via the narrative that’s calling him mentally ill... joke’s on him...... and as he twits broken promises, his peeps fatigue... and start dropping away... )


* https://www.intellihub.com/parkland-teacher-code-red-drill-blanks/


** creative writing? ->

Teacher identified the shooter as a masked “police” officer wearing a bulletproof vest and “full metal gear” ... ie these killings augmented by at least one masked gunman other than Nikolas Cruz?

It still might be up... probably not ... you can’t forget it down the memory hole if you never see it...

In this video, she says the following:

"I suddenly saw the shooter about 20 feet from me standing at the end of the hallway actively shooting down the hallway. Just a barrage of bullets. And I’m staring at him thinking ‘why is the police here?’ This is strange because he’s in full metal garb. Helmet, face-mask, bulletproof armor, shooting this rifle that I’ve never seen before."

Sheriff is real maintains the suspect Nikolas Cruz arrived via Uber at 2:19 p.m. and initiated his attack within 1 minute. If that’s true, that means Cruz had to suit up into full metal body armor, put on a full helmet and mask, assemble the AR-15 which was partially broken down and packed into a duffel bag with a bunch dirty magazines, and hustle to the slaughtering hall... within 1 minute...


...during this deputies were ordered to stand down ***... and then a radio communications outage occurred ( which seems to be a pattern among false flag shooting operations ). Afterwards, armed officers and EMTs were prohibited from entering the school while students were bleeding out. (on purpose ... to maximize the body count? ) ...Then, on cue, CNN was immediately ready with a staged (ie non grass roots) “town hall” event to cast blame on guns and the NRA and gin up the “do something” narrative... now YouTube is desperately deleting all videos that mention a “second shooter.”


Is all the above the truth? Who cares.? What’s is true and what is important is - the fake official story would completely unravel if the truth did really come out. ... meanwhile, the new laws are already written... just like the new laws were written long before and waiting for 911... chicago school Rahm dead fish Emanuel isn’t the only one knows how to not let a ‘crisis’ go to waste...


*** https://rutherford.org/publications_resources/john_whiteheads_commentary/armed_and_dangerous_if_police_dont_have_to_protect_the_public_what_good_are

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time for a break ... which I may not take... :)


since ~10AM 2/27 have manually done 46 shorts and 2 longs - mostly by waiting for buying to subside then getting short... all exits done manually as well... ie no stop loss orders placed (except for one big comm error just in case type emergency stop far away at the beginning of sessions)

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"Government should be good for the liberty of the governed, and that is when it governs to the least possible degree. It should be good for the wealth of the nation, and that is when it acts as little as possible upon the labor that produces it and when it consumes as little as possible. It should be good for the public security, and that is when it protects as much as possible, provided that the protection does not cost more than it brings in.... It is in losing their powers of action that governments improve. Each time that the governed gain space there is progress."


Augustin Thierry

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