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,,,just Sayin...

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On so many levels “Separation is bondage.”

... meanwhile all the peeps are voluntarily and docilely ‘separating’

Do you question the lockdown?  Probably not. 

But if you do - here’s a quick tutorial on how


and I'm not swallowing this one hook, line, and sinker -but - if you do question the lockdown - is  worthy of 1.75 speed consideration


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My opinion on the plandemic
From the intelligence and biologic evidence I’ve seen, this was an engineered corona.   The prime panic was at high levels because when it got out / was deployed, they had almost no guidance on how many people it could kill and damage or how fast it could spread.  Turns out it’s not a ‘plague’ worthy of a lockdown.  It’s probably a prelude to future engineered plagues that will wipe out billions... but this one is just an ‘on the serious side’ corona that has no more effect on healthy ‘cells’ than any other corona.  

The lockdown is a concurrent dark operation with NO basis in facts.  All its basis is in fears.  

The public is now desperate for sensible policymakers who have the courage to ignore the panic and rely on facts. ... and. finally, we see some signs that is happening with this good advice -“take some Clorox internally” :)
From the beginning - and certainly now - the way to handle this plandemic =
> Strictly protect the vulnerable, the aged, the health compromised.
> like with other viruses, self-isolate the mildly sick, ... and 
> leave everything else  WIDE open ( maybe “ with some prudent large-group precautions”. )

ims = In My ‘statistics’  ie  ims is imo based on my 'statistics' ie ims is 'fun with statistics' ... just sayin'

“early WHO reports noted that 80 percent of all cases were mild”
 “more recent studies show a far more widespread rate of infection and lower rate of serious illness.”
ims, even with the lockdowns, the rates of exposure were/ are EXTREMELY high.  ‘Infection” rates are / were also extremely high,  However most infections are quickly handled by healthy immune systems with only minor or no symptoms expressed.  Ie  instead of 80 % cases mild, ims it’s more like 97% cases are mild... like every human gets 5 ~ 6 coronas a year and never even knows about most of them.

"current antibody research now estimates the fatality rate is likely 0.1 to 0.2 percent"...  using ims from the paragragh above,  the fatality rate is nowhere near that high ... for dam sure nowhere near the 3,4,5,6  % numbers put out by agencies like the  World Globalist Health Organization, the ‘gates’ vaccine industry,  and parroted like “Russia Russia Russian “ by the captured MSM.  Btw, the death counts on the tv screens are so skewed it’s unbelievable.  For weeks and weeks, every death was counted as a covid death... don’t get me started on false narratives... *

ims Herd Immunity as currently (mis)understood is bad science.  Ims, herd immunity through exposure to corona viruses is not what happens.   “Vital population immunity” does not come from herds with antibodies.  “Vital population immunity” comes from populations with healthy cells.  Ie on the  dis - ease front the whole dam world has it upside down ... ie all but a tiny percentage of human are hypnotized about ‘pharma’ 

ims, many are being set up for death by the medical facilities sudden exclusions of everything else except C19 cases.  On another hand it makes systemantic  ‘sense’ to classify every intake as c19 because the govt  reimbursements are 112% highly for C19 than standard cases... meanwhile, many who need immediate and ongoing care are no longer getting it and will soon ‘cost more’ then die.  Ims, this is only a symbol of the much hUger scale of destruction the second order effects of the lockdown will bring... on th e current trajectory much more than hospital patients will soon ‘cost more’ then die.



* if you want to keep going - a quote from part one of the link I posted yesterday or ?  from https://off-guardian.org/2020/04/20/coronavirus-lockdown-and-what-you-are-not-being-told-part-2/   ... ie in his statistics.  


...Effectively a small group of policy decision makers have placed an estimated 3.5 billion people under house arrest. It is only possible for them to do so with our consent. Consent is carefully cultivated by controlling the information we are given.

For the vast majority their only source of information is the corporate mainstream media (MSM) and the public announcements of the State. This article is written, as ever, in the hope people will do their own research and make up their own minds.

We are going to look at the evidence which strongly suggests the State and the MSM, adhering to a globalist agenda, have colluded to mislead the public into believing the COVID 19 (C19) threat is far greater than it actually is...

Gotta go...

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Let me get this straight now - through the ‘bailout’ laws the govt is forcing ‘citi sins’ to take out more credit and then the govt is sending that borrowed money to ‘citi sins’ / borrowers so they can service payments to lenders...  that sounds like ‘’dead money” and ‘zoombobway’ all rolled up into one.  Oh well, at least the SP500 is a safe haven...

... meanwhile back at the pandemic - unless we have a personal connection we rarely pay any mind to the multitudes of ‘mysterious’ deaths where the medical agents can only make a short list of possible causes and no autopsy is performed.  Well those days are over, folks.  Going forward there are no more mysterious deaths.  The cause of all those deaths has been found - it was Covid all along.  Just look at the statistics.


Re the  lockdowns - imo vast crowds are still giving consideration to the govts who cried wolf.

Proper procedure  would have  been (and the way to right the course right now today - unless they have other agendas) =

>'Lockdown' the vulnerable.  The vulnerable are those with serious existing conditions, are on a cocktail of toxic prescriptions, and those exposed to significant loads or environmental and airborne toxins.

>Protect the vulnerable.  Ie provide ‘clean’, managed  contact with those who serve the vulnerable. 

>Forget testing... current  tests can’t tell the difference between viruses and cellular ‘products’.  PCR,etc. was never designed to test for viruses - especially a single type of virus. 

>Open - and I mean OPEN - everything else.   Fuck 'governors, czars, etc pretending to provide 'security' by  bringing it on in stages (to preserve their control freak nanny state fantasies.)


... just sayin'

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IMS (see above ‘in my statistics’ post) , no matter where or how it originated, C19 was in existence long and spread all over the planet well before the initial wuhan ‘outbreak’  .... cases going back into early Nov. in the US, etc etc ??

And again, IMS, yes C19 has spinoffs/mutations all over the world (reminder - send a note to bill gates)   

A  buddy  who finds these ‘just sayin’ posts amusing (‘sicko’ 😄 ) asked what I meant by “environmental and airborne toxins”.   I told him for starters to google

petroleum processing wuhan

petroleum processing northern Italy

petroleum processing Louisiana

petroleum processing metro New York

most ‘livers’ can struggle along with these loads...  different story for those already sick and poisoned...  high case rates in those areas not a coincidence




I also told him that he must join all his peers in the lab and “ live in fear “... or all his tubes would be taken down like https://summit.news/2020/04/28/youtube-censors-viral-video-of-doctors-criticizing-stay-at-home-order/

... and that he was safe and could trust the ‘authorities’ ...



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I remember posting in a TL Gold thread that the way gold was being discussed was in terms of fundamentals, narratives, valuations, and technicals of gold itself but that it had nothing to do with that... that instead if you were trading gold instruments you were actually trading dollars (and its other fiat fx correlates)  without acknowledging or considering the fundamentals,  narratives, valuations, and technicals of the dollar.  ie Why bother analyzing gold when it's the dollar that needs to be analyzed?   The same process is now reaching  ‘commentable’ extremes (again) in stocks.  ‘Commentable’ - because fundamentals, narratives, valuations, and technicals can be completely ignored (temporarily )  .  Unless you are Charlie Munger , you are free to see stock indexes as a pure measure of the ‘dilution’ of the dollar.   Ie gold, stocks (and gold stocks ;) )  are currently much better ‘FX’ trades than are cross FX trades 

Meanwhile out in the populace ...



The Fed is robbing the middle class once again...

For the third time in 20 years, the Fed has targeted the middle class for the benefit of the wealthy.

Don't believe Fed lies. Its bailout of risky debt including junk bonds helps investors traders, not employees.

Once again, the Fed Punishes Prudence.

The Fed will deploy more than $1.45 trillion in support of investors in leveraged assets—more than double the size of the 2008 Troubled Asset Relief Program, and over $7,000 for each working-age American. That includes $750 billion to purchase recently downgraded junk bonds and bond exchange-traded funds—an unprecedented intervention in the private credit markets.

Pumping trillions of dollars into corporate credit and even high-yield debt will further distort markets already shaped by a decade of easy-money policies. This is no abstract concern. The result will be an acceleration of two economy-wide transfers of wealth: from the middle class to the affluent and from the cautious to the reckless.







There Are No Temporary Measures, Just Permanent Lies

Under guise of virus support, the Fed Will Buy Junk Bonds, Lend to States to the tune of an additional $2.3 trillion in additional aid.

 Dear Jerome Powell, please tell the truth. This is not virus support, it's stock market support.

This new junk bond "tool" is now permanent.

 Always remember, There Are No Temporary Measures, Just Permanent Lies.





Meanwhile back at the ranch...












In his 1976 film masterpiece, Network, Paddy Chayefsky’s unhinged newsman, Howard Beale, broadcasts this message to his audience on national television—


“So, you listen to me. Listen to me! Television is not the truth. Television’s a god-damned amusement park. Television is a circus, a carnival, a traveling troupe of acrobats, storytellers, dancers, singers, jugglers, sideshow freaks, lion tamers, and football players. We’re in the boredom-killing business… We deal in illusions, man. None of it is true! But you people sit there day after day, night after night, all ages, colors, creeds. We’re all you know. You’re beginning to believe the illusions we’re spinning here. You’re beginning to think that the tube is reality and that your own lives are unreal. You do whatever the tube tells you. You dress like the tube, you eat like the tube, you raise your children like the tube. You even think like the tube. This is mass madness. You maniacs. In God’s name, you people are the real thing. We are the illusion.”

Television, in the main, does not attempt to impart knowledge. It strives to give the viewer the impression that he knows something. There is a difference.

Knowledge, once established, is independent of the viewer. Whereas the impression of knowing is a feeling, a conviction, a belief the viewer holds, after he has watched moving images on a screen. THIS is what the addicted viewer prefers. He wants no part of knowledge.

Therefore: a short circuit occurs in his mind.





I am 'ahppy' to have made it through this whole post without once mentioning the tsunami loss of your rights... could I be intuiting that you don't care?

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From one lab worker to another...


In the absence of the two vital experiments I’ve described in this article, all you’re left with, concerning a single “COVID-19” pandemic and a single new cause, are: anecdote, rumor, gossip, conjecture, speculation, bad science, and lies.


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I wish you could read faster


I wish you could listen faster too... try 2X speed... and btw

...paraphrasing Bill Gates = “ you better listen bitches ... we can catch you outside and  kill you  with invisible stuff”


goes to show how accurate prediction (and all the cred that comes with it) is easy  when you know what is going to happen  ... takes me back to the first post I did in here on C19... link ... JR’s dated old observations about how viruses are NOT good bioweapons but are excellent cover for actual bioweapons...


supplemental reading


that link was about this https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2020/04/what-covid-revealed-about-internet/610549/  ...which if nothing else is a perfect example of covid1984 double speak

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“Library of Mistakes”







“Mistakes ... period.”


I’m requesting links to ANY trajectory model of C1984 that has been correct.  I’m not just talking about the  Gates WHO bought up influencers / bad scientists like Neil Ferguson - who’s , btw, never had a model that was  right in his whole life.  Found this (most will scream bias, but I’m thinking ... she who screams loudest...) https://www.globalresearch.ca/models-tests-consequences/5711194

I’m also requesting links to authorities’ assumptions that have been correct about C1984...



Stockholm Syndrome:

A condition in which hostages develop a psychological alliance with their captors during captivity.


Lockdown Stockholm Syndrome:

A psychological state of mind that causes its sufferers to come to love seeing their economies and liberties being destroyed, whilst simultaneously being incapable of accepting that Sweden kept its society going without resorting to such measures.



 and while you’re at it please  post links to optimal authorities’ policies built on these models and assumptions- in terms of deaths, costs, and liberties.  Here is a sample - NOT! https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/after-cuomo-clintons-and-newsom-call-army-contact-tracers-monitor-citizens-dc-posts-job





The same questions could be asked about the ‘medical community’s’ (aka now as the ‘technocratic medical police state’)  reactions to C1984. For why, see




... back in the library of mistakes...


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And it gets worse: “A new despotism, which in terms of pervasive controls and cessation of every political activity, will be worse that the totalitarianisms we have known so far.” 

Agamben redoubles his analyses of science as the religion of our time: “The analogy with religion is taken literally; theologians declared that they could not clearly define what is God, but in his name they dictated rules of conduct to men and did not hesitate to burn heretics. Virologists admit they don’t know exactly what is a virus, but in its name they pretend to decide how human beings shall live.”    





ims, you probably believe the fed is a well intentioned body that sometimes makes mistakes... here’s another viewpoint



... just say in' pigeon enclish

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Gently at the beginning  - cause      ......   We’re all in this (staying apart) together.



Instead of asking calmly if hydroxychloroquine works, or if the less restrictive Swedish crisis response has merit, or questioning why certain statistical assumptions about the seriousness of the crisis might have been off, we’re denouncing the questions themselves as infamous. Or we’re politicizing the framing of stories in a way that signals to readers what their take should be before they even digest the material. “Conservative Americans see coronavirus hope in Progressive Sweden,” reads a Politico headline, as if only conservatives should feel optimism in the possibility that a non-lockdown approach might have merit! Are we rooting for such an approach to not work?

From everything I’ve heard, talking to doctors and reading the background material, the Bakersfield doctors are probably not the best sources. But the functional impact of removing their videos (in addition to giving them press they wouldn’t otherwise have had) is to stamp out discussion of things that do actually need to be discussed, like when the damage to the economy and the effects of other crisis-related problems – domestic abuse, substance abuse, suicide, stroke, abuse of children, etc. – become as significant a threat to the public as the pandemic. We do actually have to talk about this. We can’t not talk about it out of fear of being censored, or because we’re confusing real harm with political harm.

Turning ourselves into China for any reason is the definition of a cure being worse than the disease. The scolders who are being seduced by such thinking have to wake up, before we end up adding another disaster on top of the terrible one we’re already facing.






Just as centralized decision-making by the very few led to immense desperation during the 20thcentury, so logically does it lead to sub-optimal outcomes in the 21st.  Some have said that expert-informed political responses to the new coronavirus have resulted in cures worse than the disease, which is really a blinding glimpse of the obvious. Anytime the possible brilliance of the few is substituted for the decentralized knowledge of the marketplace, odds are high that something resembling “crisis” will reveal itself. Experts are routinely called on as the answer to “crises,” when it’s more realistic to assert that the experts are the crisis.




The mystery of why today vast numbers of governments around the world (but not all) have crushed economies, locked people under house arrest, wrecked business, spread despair, disregarded basic freedoms and rights will require years if not decades to sort out.

Is it the news cycle that is creating mass hysteria? Political ambition and arrogance? A decline in philosophical regard for freedom as the best system for dealing with crises? Most likely, the ultimate answer will look roughly like what historians say about the Great War (WWI): it was a perfect storm that created a calamity that no one intended at the outset.

For staying calm and treating the terrible Asian flu of 1957 as a medical problem to address with medical intelligence, rather than as an excuse to unleash Medieval-style brutality, this first postwar generation deserves our respect and admiration.





...In other words, the "mitigation" strategies that allegedly save lives are really just shifting the burden from some people onto to others. In some cases, the lockdowns amount to nearly a decade of lost years thanks to the toll on mental health.

Confronted with the likely costs of their lockdown policies, many will fall back on claiming basic arithmetic can give us the answer. "How many deaths are caused by unemployment versus by COVID-19?" This claim is premised on the idea that it's up to the defenders of freedom to prove that the number of deaths caused by economic destruction will outnumber the total COVID-19 deaths. In the minds of the lockdown advocates, if the net number of lives saved by continued lockdown is even a single person, then their policies throwing freedom and the rule of law under the bus are totally justified.

They get it wrong, of course. The burden of proof is on them. After all, they are the ones advocating for violence. That is, they are the ones who want to impose fines on nonviolent people who just want to open their shops, or go to work, or sell their labor for wages. If those people don't comply, the prolockdown position is that these "disobedient" people must then be locked in cages or ruined financially through fines, lawsuits, and criminal charges.

The opponents of the lockdowns, on the other hand, only wish to allow people to exercise their freedom.

The burden of proof lies on those who wish to use police powers to coerce others.

Moreover, the truth is that the "experts" have no idea how much the lockdowns are even preventing the spread of disease or how employment and economic growth would be affected in the absence of coerced lockdowns. The lockdown proponents simply don't have enough data to make the case for their position. They only know they desire to force people to abandon their jobs, abandon their shops, and indefinitely embrace a life on the dole....









not so gently now 

Demonstration of why I’ve been calling out (facsist) Fakebook and Goggle for years

Via: Nicole Sirotek – Facebook:

Let’s see how long it lasts on utub








You want to reclaim some of the ground we’re fast losing to the techno-tyrants?




You don't dare wasch this sht










to Wallace, he states:

“In this book of mine, Brave New World, I postulated a substance called Soma, which was a very versatile drug. It would make people feel happy in small doses, it would make them see visions in medium doses, and it would send them to sleep in large doses.

…this is the pharmacological revolution which is taking place, that we have now powerful mind-changing drugs, which physiologically speaking are almost costless.

…if you want to preserve your power indefinitely, you have to get the consent of the ruled, and this they will do partly by drugs as I foresaw in Brave New World…” ~Aldous Huxley

Furthermore, he spoke about the need to disrupt the natural thought process of human beings, accessing their subconscious minds, so that their emotions instead of logic will lead them. Huxley foresaw advanced forms of propaganda being used to hack the mind’s of the masses.

“[They will do it]… partly by these new techniques of propaganda.

They will do it by bypassing the sort of rational side of man and appealing to his subconscious and his deeper emotions, and his physiology even, and so, making him actually love his slavery.

I mean, I think, this is the danger that actually people may be, in some ways, happy under the new regime, but that they will be happy in situations where they oughtn’t to be happy.

” ~Aldous Huxley







bonus ‘financial’ reading


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On 5/6/2020 at 3:27 PM, zdo said:

ims, you probably believe the fed is a well intentioned body that sometimes makes mistakes... here’s another viewpoint


LOL. Simply brilliant! 😂🤣

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"Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities."

- Voltaire


Let’s review...

We don’t KNOW what is really going on with C1984.  Got that?


All we each have is beliefs about what is really going on with C1984

To review some of the possible beliefs

-Theory 0:  There is no such thing as Covid 19 virus

-Theory 1: Virus jumped from Bats to humans

--   Theory 1.1 Virus jumped from Bats to Pangolins then to humans

--   Theory 1.2 ‘novel’ viruses come into the atmosphere from space

--   Theory 1.3 ...

-Theory 2: C19 is a ’research’ corona accidentally leaked from the lab via black market sale of test animal carc asses at the Wet Market

--    Theory 2.2: Genetically engineered virus accidentally leaked from the P3 lab

--Theory 3: Bioweapon produced by the US, smuggled to Wuhan to target Chinese people... it ‘backfired’ all over the world...

-Theory 4: Bioweapon produced by globalist technocrats, distributed all over the world to facilitate turning the whole planet into a ‘china20++’-state.

-Theory5: ...


Let’s shift to the reactions to C19

>Policy# Continue life as usual

>Policy# Lock down and protect the elderly and vulnerable,

>Policy# Lockdown everyone everywhere until the ‘statistics’ say it’s ok to come back out

>Policy# Lockdown everyone everywhere until ‘everyone’ is dependent on the state... thousands of deaths / billions with loss of independent livelihood.  ... until every business is explicitly in debt to the devil

>Policy# Lockdown everyone until everyone is tested.  Give social licenses to those who tested ‘positive’ and are still alive (on a test that tests for genetic sequences that may or may not be viral)

> -Policy#.1 Lockdown everyone until everyone is tested.  Give social licenses only to those who test ‘negative’ (on a test that tests for genetic sequences that may or may not be viral)

>Policy# Lockdown everyone everywhere until there is a vaccine ( a vaccine that, btw, has a snowballs chance in hell of nailing THE virus... a vaccine where nailing the virus is not the goal at all, rather spreading the other agents in the ‘vaccine’ non related to a virus is the goal ... and this vaccine has already been developed awaiting the optimal time disseminate it)





Belief is what you do when you don’t know.   We don’t KNOW which one of these policies is the best.   Since you don’t KNOW, are you are likely to believe the one(s) that are most believed by others... the one’s most effectively / subtly propagandized  ... the one’s that make you feel safest (even if they actually provide no real safety and in second order effects may be the most unsafe)  ??

There is science / pseudoscience to support EVERY one of these beliefs. Narratives and media propaganda is available to support EVERY one of these beliefs. 

And there is  censorship/programming to discount and actively suppress EACH one of these beliefs.

Examples of examples

Google is blatantly censoring links on searches... You’re going to get what they want you to see - no matter how specific your search string is.

Youtube is shutting down videos left and right that question the official narratives and/or ‘statistics’ ... as if you can’t handle it.

Fakebook is banning content that questions anything that is not straight down the pike with the WHO narrative.

Apple acts the most righteous regarding rights... likely making them ultimately the most hypocritical

Belief is what you do when you don’t know.  You don’t know what’s real about this ‘pandemic’ .  As much as we would like to accept how advanced virology is - the painful fucking truth is ‘science’ does not really have an understanding of viruses.  Each of these theories and policies has its own crowd.  For safety and subjective reduction of uncertainty and confusion, you are joining one of these crowds.

I’m just sayin drop out of your crowd ... if you can...even if it is only to temporarily suspend your ‘safe’ belief(s).  Question your beliefs.  Be inclusive of the other beliefs ... understanding that they are personal substitutes for knowing. ... understanding none of them deserve to be the basis for the ideas of a few to shape human life.

He's  just sayin drop out of your crowd too   https://www.theburningplatform.com/2020/05/07/suspicion-and-skepticism-are-vaccines-for-deception/





Is this to be the new ‘normal’, whereby fear, mistrust, division and suspicion are internalized throughout society? In an age of fear and paranoia, are we all to be ‘contact traced’ and regarded by others as a ‘risk’ until we prove ourselves by wearing face masks and by voluntarily subjecting ourselves to virus tests at the entrances to stores or in airports?

And if we refuse or test positive, are we to be shamed, isolated and forced to comply by being ‘medicated’ (vaccinated and chipped)?

Is this the type of world that’s soon to be regarded as ‘normal’?

A world in which liberty and fundamental rights mean nothing. A world dominated by shaming and spurious notions of personal responsibility that are little more than ideological constructs of a hegemonic narrative which labels rational thinking people as ‘anti-science’ – a world in which the scourge of authoritarianism reigns supreme.






this one has all the earmarks of naiveté  https://economicprism.com/beware-of-plans-to-build-back-better/ especially as you reckon with the realities of the BIG (global level) ‘plans’ being implemented as we speak










fade to black the 'plandemic' ... fade in personal finances








"Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities."

- Voltaire

In the last 200 years, technocracy has made greater gains than all the other technologies combined... I'm just sayin.  You just see'n?

"Those who can make you believe absurdities about yourself, can make you commit atrocities on yourself."

- Voltwatere

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from yesterday's  - "Google is blatantly censoring links on searches... You’re going to get what they want you to see - no matter how specific your search string is."

and you are not going to get what they don't want you to see. 

This deserves just a little bit more than a shrug so here is an example

On Sat. May 9 Zerohedge posted this article




This morning I put a quote out of the article into google and an image of the results is attached. 

No results found for "This, according to BMO, is what’s driving the paradoxical relationship between bond and equity prices in recent weeks, and explains w".

That is a blatant lie because the second query result is a re-run of the original article in another site and the search with quotes DID find something.  It found the quote!  We can be assured  google had indexed the original source and the search also found the original zh article - but censored it!

Results for This, according to BMO, is whats driving the paradoxical relationship between bond and equity prices in recent weeks, and explains w (without quotes):

Returned a bunch of bullshit... no doubt prioritize by what they wanted to show not what we want to see! 

... that is  -assuming what we want to see is the plain and simple truth - in this case it is simply the original link regardless of whether google likes or hates zerohedge or not!  This is only an example from the financial world.  Go 'searching' in political, scientific, or health topics and it GETS MUCH "do        evil" WORSE!



so here is a trade recommendation :)  

Buy the faamgs.  they are the vanguard,, on the b leading edge, of the path into darkness






I close with some quotes from one of your enemies ... who also happens to be a total moron


What they’re going to do is they’re going to keep this going until they reach the point where they think, we’ve now reached a situation where we transformed human society, we have destroyed the independent livelihood of enormous numbers of people, and it’s irreversible. And that’s what they’re holding on to. And what you’re going to see is some of it rolled back, as little as they can get away with, and then they’re planning new waves of the virus… and then they will bring lockdown back.

(what an idiot. he's dummer than chauncy)


On using fear to control:


Once you trigger the survival mechanism, then all rational thought disappears, because the only thing, I must survive, and so, if I must survive by staying in my house and seeing my whole life disappear, then I must. And by the way, if it will help me to survive, then I will agree to any level of Draconian imposition, as long as I think it will help me survive. This the survival mechanism…

all rational thought never EVER disappears... except when .... all rational thought never ever appears


On creating massive social dependency on the government:


The plan in this Hunger Games society is to create mass dependency by giving people, with no other form of income by then, what is called a guaranteed income. And it would be a pittance. Survival level. But that guaranteed income… would come with strings. You get the guaranteed income, but you do what the State says or you don’t get it…

David Icke


the full interview here:



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On Monday we talked about beliefs.  Here is a model for you to emulate.















Re: Debt.  Relax.  The World's Biggest Debtor Is Going To Guarantee Everyone’s Debt. 
Re: Equities. Relax.  The financial world is going to accept a 15% ++ premium of stock prices over ‘fair value’  *
Re: Economy.  Relax.  Although “the U.S. economy has been fully financialized, and so costs are unaffordable”, a segment of the population can always support the rest of the economy through increased taxation.





Just as we can forecast earnings for a stock, we can also use aggregated earnings to price the S&P 500. From those earnings we can determine if the current price is rich or cheap to what a model suggests is a fair price.
To run this analysis, we made the following assumptions:

  • Future earnings growth – we base this on the 4.85% growth rate of earnings from 2012 to the end of 2019. ...
  • Acceptable return premium – we assume a 7% discounting factor based on historical equity returns
  • Years of cash flows to value – we project and discount earnings for the next 25 years.

PS This model has ALWAYS worked in the past and will also ALWAYS work in the future.  tic

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More lockdown wrong ...



A Wirepoints analysis of COVID-19 deaths from the Cook County Medical Examiner’s office reveals that 92 percent of victims from the virus had pre-existing medical conditions.

The medical examiner’s database showed COVID-19 as the primary cause of death for 2,303 people. Of those, 2,112 were shown to have at least one underlying condition as a secondary cause of death. Those conditions, also known as comorbidities, included hypertension, diabetes, obesity and heart disease. There were no secondary causes reported for 191 deaths.


Here’s what I ben just sayin’  ----------- Even though “There were no secondary causes reported for 191 deaths” , of those 191 deaths that actually had and died from the C1984, those 191 individuals also had latent underlying conditions/ comorbidities. (ims,  in my stats, ... of course in my stats of their stats, ‘everyone’ who has died in 2020 has died of c1984 ... notice how suddenly no one is dying of the flu.  No one? )

ie lockdowns are (suspiciously) WAY OUT OF PROPORTION to the actual threat




Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, and one by one.

Charles Mackay ... an Extraordinary ly dated old man.

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fun with viruses and vaccines... primary and secondary effects

Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, and one by one.

Charles Mackay ... an Extraordinary ly dated old man.

Do you fall into the "If we can develop a vaccine quickly..." camp?
Do you think everything rests on “When we get a vaccine, then ...”?
Do you think we can’t get this under control “Until we get a vaccine”

What if vaccines for ‘viruses’ is all bad science? What if you cannot give a generalized dose of toxins (which is what a virus is) to everyone in the hopes the vaccine will be sufficient 'practice' in that dose for each body to fight off any subsequent exposure to the toxin?  For example, what if not a single dose of flu vaccine has EVER prevented flu in even one individual?  What if if they were going to get it they got and if they weren’t going to get it they didn’t - whether they had the flu vaccine or not?   What if biologically viruses vaccines simply doesn’t work the way 'science' is telling us they do  - even if generations of ‘scientists’ believe it does?  Is this a good example of unconscious consensus narratives in living color?  Is the promise of a vaccine for a virus- that has never been proven to prevent anything - all it takes for wall street to believe all is well and stocks are underpriced?.


















fun with lockdowns ... primary and secondary effects







 Nobody really cares at this point about the data or how weak it is because they simply attribute it all to the coronavirus. It’s a self-inflicted wound. Forgetting about the fact that we were actually wounded anyway. People don’t appreciate the problems that the US economy had – the very deep-seated structural problems that lay beneath that bubble that people still haven’t come to terms with. They’re still focusing on the effects of the coronavirus and not realizing that the economy was very sick long before we got infected with the coronavirus.”

And it was Powell’s policies – the ones he wants to triple down on today – that wounded the economy to begin with.

There is no easy path forward. The bubbles need to deflate. The distortions and misallocations in the economy need to reset. But that would create a great deal of pain that the political class isn’t willing to face. Instead, they will kick the can down the road by repeating the same mistakes of the past on a larger scale.


Nationalization of economy

Life in a pod


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Sit quietly at your trading station ... say nothing...






...Big Tech censorship agenda has really kicked into high gear ever since the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) began spreading in the United States and other Western nations. And a big reason for this is the World Health Organization (WHO), which has reportedly been pressuring the tech giants to censor “harmful content” and “misinformation” about the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19).

It would seem as though there is only one narrative allowed concerning this pandemic, and that narrative portends that the virus is so bad that everyone’s freedoms need to be taken away, including the right not to vaccinate, as part of the “new normal.”


















You can tell by drfow chi’s body language that he is pure as the driven snow. 

 why hell I can tell he has no financial interests patents in this game by his body language

You can tell by this doctor’s body language that she is corrupt and extremely dishonest


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If you would be a real seeker of truth, it is necessary that at least once in your life you doubt, as far as possible, all things




it appears all the lab rats have been killed in here. 

can't you just order some more?

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Good news!  (and greatly under-reported, btw) -- Flu(s) and pneumonia(s) may have been eradicated.  No deaths from either in months and months.  Thanks god.

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how many corps in the SP500, NQ100, etc indexes "worth less than zero"?  ie they have negative net tangible assets ??  thx.  just askin'

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“When the people find that they can vote themselves money that will herald the end of the republic.” Benjamin Franklin

Since we always file stacks of paper forms by mail, our $2400 check was late coming.  It finally arrived on Monday so my wife and I are in high cotton ... for the six days it covers our minimum daily expenses, that is...

In my opinion, all those checks are wasted money, but now most people want to receive  even more free money - not realizing that “whenever a new dollar is introduced into the system, it erodes the value of all dollars that currently exist.  Usually this is a relatively slow process, but now our politicians have gone absolutely nuts and very painful inflation is on the way.”  Free money aint free.  That check is borrowed from and owed back to 'the devil'.  I'm just sayin'















“If we don't listen to that scream—and if we don't respond to it—we may well wind up sitting amidst our own rubble, looking for the truck that hit us—or the bomb that pulverized us. Get the license number of whatever it was that destroyed the dream. And I think we will find that the vehicle was registered in our own name.”  Rod Serling








Instead of just one $1200 time, did you know that certain parties can get a refill every night ????

Edited by zdo

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