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,,,just Sayin...

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have you ever attempted to 'uninstall' goolag from a workstation?

oodles and oodles of 'self-repairing' processes and services and files...

If anyone knows how, please post instructions. Many thx.

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typically, until you can get and keep ALL the goolag stuff off your machine, they can make the DuckDuckGo's etc sluggish and crashy ... just sayin'

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“So the name Robert Lee for an Asian American sportscaster was not ok for you, but a president with the middle name of Hussein was ?” some dumb white third grader


“The past was erased. The erasure was forgotten. The lie became truth.” GO

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Google knows quite a lot about all of us. No one ever lies to a search engine. I used to say that Google knows more about me than my wife does, but that doesn’t go far enough. Google knows me even better, because Google has perfect memory in a way that people don’t.

—Bruce Schneier, cybersecurity expert



... well, almost“no one” ever lies to a search engine... :)

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In the era of Clinton in the US and Blair/Brown in the UK there was a sea change in the ‘left’. I think Clinton, Blair and Brown ['s handlers] had all decided that the traditional left dream of redistributing wealth from the richest to the less well off, was no longer politically viable. Reagan and Thatcher, they felt, really had shifted the political ground. What to do? The answer, I think, was fed to them precisely by those whose wealth the left had traditionally been trying to ‘redistribute’. Why try to prise wealth from us, the wealthy, they whispered, when instead we wealthy people will be delighted to give the poor debt instead? Instead of being at war with the wealthy and the managers of our wealth, why not work with us? Leave wealth with those who ‘have earned it’ they would say. Leave it with those who know how to manage it, how to make it grow and give a healthy return. Instead, give the poor debt. Or to paraphrase the obvious, “Let them eat debt.”


And so Clinton and Blair and Brown re-launched the left, or murdered it, depending on your point of view, with their new idea. Leave wealth with the wealthy and give the poor debt. Free the financial world from silly FDR-era restraints and irksome, stupid regulations and allow a rising tide of debt to float all boats.

And so long as you could convince others, and believe yourself, as that arch fool Brown declared, that he had left behind boom and bust, then all was good. The rich were no longer assailed for being rich nor asked to give any of it up, to those less well off. In fact the new politics needed their wealth and was in fact tailor made for them to become much more wealthy. The poor would be given debt as a substitute for wealth. They would feel wealthier, and would indeed have more to spend. And as long as house prices grew faster than their debt payments,



The rich were no longer assailed for being rich nor asked to give any of it up, to those less well off. In fact the new politics needed their wealth and was in fact tailor made for them to become much more wealthy. The poor would be given debt as a substitute for wealth. They would feel wealthier, and would indeed have more to spend. And as long as house prices grew faster than their debt payments, and the stock market made every GDP figure larger and more endlessly fabulous than the last, then the debt machine would churn on and on. Debt was sugar without the calories. You could gorge without getting fat. What could go wrong? House prices were never going to go down again! Remember that?

And then it popped and fear bloomed. And a lesson, I think, was learned .

People knew that in the good times Debt kept poor people quiet. Like any drug it could take away the fears and worries of being poor. For as long as their high lasted they would feel better, happier and politically calmer. Debt drugged the poor into happy passivity. Why should they listen to those who argued for the old, hard, political struggles, when the politics of debt was so seductive and easy?



The political lesson learned, was that when the bad times came, far from being useless or harmful, debt worked new wonders. In the bad times debt created fear. Fear of losing your house, your job, your future. Debt, in the last ten years has created a powerful, pervasive, global narrative of nameless fear. Debt is a fear that is everywhere. Not just over there, a weapon pointing at you from afar, but right here at home. It could reach in to your house and take it from you. And there was no one who would prevent it. It was not a foreign invader but a new force of nature. This was the new narrative. It was just the way things were and are. You can yell about austerity but debt does’t care. You are in debt and your whole nation is in debt. And debt is a faceless, unknowable, uncontrollable, supranational, almost supernatural force which you cannot tame or defeat. So proclaimed the new debt-backed narrative of fear and insecurity.


The political lesson is that in the good times, use debt to drug and pacify. In the bad, use it to create fear and insecurity.

The same debt that floated their boats can be used to drown them. And it might just be that the fear and insecurity of the bad times can be maintained for longer than the drugged euphoria of the good times. All you need to make it last and last and last some more,.. is more debt.

It’s simple, if you need more fear, create more debt.


Raise that debt ceiling. Expand your lending criteria. Embrace sub-prime. They are not your enemies! They are you allies. Through them you create the debt that creates the fear that creates the supine acceptance of the system that has enslaved them.


It’s perfect.


But not quite.


The Narrative of Fear and Insecurity - Golem XIV - Thoughts

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Nobody noticed that the mits you see here today is different to the mits in the past.


If anyone should have noticed it should be you zdo... just sayin



But maybe the reason is because it's not the sane zdo. I mean, it's been ages since I had trouble understanding what the hell you were (just) saying ...so that explains a lot... I think..


mits, haven't been around much to notice anything in here.


The mits I 'see' today is not the same mits I 'saw' before. yes it is


re the video... ran 4 minutes of it at 2X speed... looks like a perfect example of how lenses twist images. see wilbur (aka Theoria Apophasis aka ugly bitter fukface) 'reviews' of lenses on utoob... anyways, everyone who eyeballs those images 'lenses' them up some more... two traders who eye the exact same chart can not see the exact same thing... the differences can be small... and they can be " It's gonna be huge".


it is the insane zdo who plants seeds in infertile soil ... it is the sane zdo who does not plant seeds on rock ... which is why I'm over here just sayin instead of actually composing and sharing content about trading these days



ps creatures been staging shit since even before they had lenses to see it... just sayin

Edited by zdo

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There is a very beautiful method. You can start it as you are; no other prerequisite is

needed. The method is simple: you are surrounded by persons, things, phenomena --

every moment something is around you. Things are there, events are there, persons are

there -- but because you are not alert, you are not there. Everything is there but you are

fast asleep. Things move around you, persons move around you, events move around

you, but you are not there. Or, you are asleep.

So whatsoever happens in your surroundings becomes a master, becomes a force over

you; you are dragged by it. You are not only impressed, conditioned by it, you are

dragged by it.

Anything can catch you, and you will follow it. Somebody passes -- you look, the face is

beautiful -- and you are carried away. The dress is beautiful, the color, the material is

beautiful -- you are carried away. The car passes -- you are carried away.

Whatsoever happens around you, catches you. You are not powerful. Everything else is

more powerful than you. Anything changes you. Your mood, your being, your mind,

depend on other things. Objects influence you.

This sutra says that enlightened persons and unenlightened persons live in the same

world. A Buddha and you both live and move in the same world -- the world remains the

same. The difference is not in the world, the difference happens in the Buddha: he moves

in a different way. He moves among the same objects but he moves in a different way.

He is his own master. His subjectivity remains aloof and untouched. That is the secret.

Nothing can impress him; nothing from the outside can condition him; nothing can

overpower him. He remains detached; he remains himself. If he wants to go somewhere,

he will go, but he will remain the master. If he wants to pursue a shadow, he will pursue

it, but it is his own decision.

This distinction must be understood. By `detachment' I don't mean a person who has

renounced the world -- then there is no sense and no meaning in detachment. A detached

person is a person who is living in the same world as you -- the difference is not in the

world. A person who renounces the world is changing the situation, not himself. And you

will insist on changing the situation if you cannot change yourself. That is the indication

of a weak personality.

A strong person, alert and aware, will start to change himself... not the situation in which

he is. Because really the situation cannot be changed -- even if you can change the

situation, there will be other situations. Every moment situations go on changing so every

moment the problem will be there.

This is the difference between the religious and the non-religious attitude. The nonreligious

attitude is to change the situation, the surrounding. It doesn't believe in you, it

believes in situations: when the situation is okay, you will be okay. You are dependent on

the situation: if the situation is not okay, you will not be okay. So you are not an

independent entity. For communists, Marxists, socialists, and all those who believe in

changing the situation, you are not important; really, you don't exist. Only the situation

exists and you are just a mirror which reflects the situation. The religious attitude says

that as you are you may be a mirror, but this is not your destiny -- you can become

something more, someone who is not dependent.

There are three steps of growth. Firstly, the situation is the master, you are just dragged

by it. You believe that `you are', but you are not. Secondly, `you are', and the situation

cannot drag you, the situation cannot influence you because you have become a will, you

are integrated and crystalized. Thirdly, you start influencing the situation: just by your

being there, the situation changes.

The first state is that of the unenlightened; the second state is of the person who is

constantly aware but as yet unenlightened -- he has to be alert, he has to do something to

be alert. The alertness has not become natural yet so he has to fight. If he loses

consciousness or alertness for a single moment, he will be in the influence of the thing.

So he has to stand on his toes continuously. He is the seeker, the SADHAK, the one who

is practising something. The third state is that of the SIDDHA, the enlightened one. He is

not trying to be alert, he simply is alert -- there is no effort to it. Alertness is just like

breathing: it goes on, he does not have to maintain it. When alertness becomes a

phenomenon like breathing, natural, SAHAJ, spontaneous, then this type of person, this

type of centered being, automatically influences situations. Situations change around him

-- not that he wishes them to change, but he is powerful.

Power is the thing to be remembered. You are powerless so anything can overpower you.

And power comes through alertness, awareness: the more alert, the more powerful; the

less alert, the less powerful. Look... while you are asleep even a dream becomes powerful

because you are fast asleep, you have lost all consciousness. Even a dream is powerful,

and you are so weak that you cannot even doubt it. Even in an absurd dream you cannot

be skeptical, you will have to believe it.

And while it lasts, it looks real. You may see just absurd things in the dream, but while

you are dreaming, you cannot doubt. You cannot say this is not real; you cannot say this

is a dream; you cannot say this is impossible. You simply cannot say it because you are

so fast asleep. When consciousness is not there even a dream affects you. While awake,

you will laugh and you will say, "It was absurd, impossible, this cannot happen. This

dream was just illusory." But you have not noticed that while it was there you were

influenced by it, you were totally taken over by it. Why was a dream so powerful? The

dream was not powerful -- you were powerless. Remember this: when you are powerless

even a dream becomes powerful.

While you are awake, a dream cannot influence you, but reality, the so-called reality

around, does. An awakened person, an enlightened person, has become so alert that your

reality also cannot influence him. If a woman passes, a beautiful woman, you are

suddenly carried away. Desire has arisen, the desire to possess. If you are alert, the

woman will pass by, but the desire will not arise -- you have not been influenced, you

have not been taken over. When this happens for the first time, when things move around

you and you are not influenced, you will feel a subtle joy of being. For the first time

really you feel that you are; nothing can drag you out of you.

If you want to follow, that is another thing. That is your decision. But don't deceive

yourself. You can deceive. You can say, "Yes. The woman is not powerful, but I want to

follow her, I want to possess her." You can deceive. Many people go on deceiving. But

you are deceiving nobody except yourself -- then it is futile. Just take a close look: you

will know the desire is there. The desire comes first, and then you start rationalizing it.

For an enlightened person, things are there and he is there but there is no bridge between

him and the thing. The bridge has broken. He moves alone. He lives alone. He follows

himself. Nothing else can possess him. Because of this feeling we have called this

attainment MOKSHA -- total freedom, MUKTI. He is totally free.

All over the world, man has searched for freedom; you cannot find a man who is not

hankering after freedom in his own way. Through many paths man tries to find a state of

being where he can be free, and he resents anything that gives him a feeling of bondage.

He hates it. Anything that hinders, that makes him imprisoned, he fights. He struggles

against it. Hence so many political fights, so many wars, revolutions; hence so many

continuous family fights -- wife and husband, father and son, all fighting each other. The

fight is basic. The fight is for freedom. The husband feels confined, the wife has

imprisoned him -- now his freedom is cut.

And the wife feels the same. They both resent each other, they both fight, they both try to

destroy the bondage. The father fights the son because every stage of growth in the son

means more freedom for him. And the father feels he is losing something: power,

authority. In families, in nations, in civilizations, man is hankering after only one thing --


But nothing is achieved through political fights, revolutions, wars. Nothing is achieved.

Because even if you get freedom, it is superficial -- deep down you remain in bondage.

So every freedom proves a disillusionment. Man longs so much for wealth, but as far as I

understand it, it is not a longing for wealth, it is a longing for freedom. Wealth gives you

a feeling of freedom. If you are poor, you are confined, your means are limited -- you

cannot do this, you cannot do that. You don't have the money to do it. The more money

you have, the more you feel you have freedom, you can do anything you like. But when

you have all the money and you can do all that you wish, imagine, dream about, suddenly

you feel this freedom is superficial, because inside your being knows well that you are

powerless and that anything can attract you. You are impressed, influenced, possessed by

things and persons.

This sutra says that you have to come to a state of consciousness where nothing

impresses you, you can remain detached.

How to do it? Throughout the whole day the opportunity is there to do it. That is why I

say this method is good for you to do. Any moment you can become aware that

something is possessing you. Then take a deep breath, inhale deeply, exhale deeply, and

look at the thing again. While you are exhaling look at the thing again, but look just as a

witness, as a spectator. If you can achieve the witnessing state of mind for even a single

moment, suddenly you will feel you are alone, nothing can impress you; at least in that

moment nothing can create desire in you. Take a deep breath and exhale it whenever you

feel that something is impressing you, influencing you, dragging you away from you,

becoming more important than yourself. And in that small gap created by the exhalation

look at the thing -- a beautiful face, a beautiful body, a beautiful building, or anything. If

you feel it is difficult, if just by exhaling you cannot create a gap, then do one thing more:

exhale, and stop inhalation for a single moment so the exhalation has thrown all the air

out. Stop, don't inhale. Then look at the thing. When the air is out, or in, when you have

stopped breathing, nothing can influence you. In that moment you are unbridged -- the

bridge is broken. Breathing is the bridge. Try it. It will be only for a single moment that

you will have the feeling of witnessing, but that will give you the taste, that will give you

the feeling of what witnessing is.

Then you can pursue it. Throughout the whole day, whenever something impresses you

and a desire arises, exhale, stop in the interval, and look at the thing. The thing will be

there, you will be there, but there will be no bridge. Breathing is the bridge. Suddenly

you will feel you are powerful, you are potential. And the more powerful you feel, the

more YOU will become. The more things drop, the more their power over you drops, the

more crystalized you will feel. Individuality has begun. Now you have a center to refer

to, and any moment you can move to the center and the world disappears. Any moment

you can take shelter in your own center, and the world is powerless.




IN THINGS. He remains in the subjective mood, he remains within himself, he remains

centered in consciousness. Remaining in the subjective mood has to be practised. As

many opportunities as you can get, try it. And every moment there is an opportunity,

every single moment there is an opportunity. Something or other is impressing you,

dragging you out, pulling you out, pushing you in.

I am reminded of an old story. A great king, Bharthruhari, renounced the world. He

renounced the world because he had lived in it totally and he had come to realize that it

was futile.

It was not a doctrine to him, it was a lived reality. He had come to the conclusion through

his own life. He was a man of strong desire, he had indulged in life as much as possible,

then suddenly he realized it was useless, futile. So he left the world, he renounced it, and

he went to a forest.

One day he was meditating under a tree. The sun was rising. Suddenly he became aware

that just on the road, the small road which passed nearby the tree, lay a very big diamond.

As the sun was rising, it was reflecting the rays. Even Bharthruhari had not seen such a

big diamond before. Suddenly, in a moment of unawareness, a desire arose to possess it.

The body remained unmoved, but the mind moved. The body was in the posture of

meditation, SIDDHASANA, but the meditation was no longer there. Only the dead body

was there, the mind had moved -- it had gone to the diamond.

Before the king could move, two men came from different directions on their horses and

simultaneously they became aware of the diamond lying on the street. They pulled out

their swords, each one claiming that he had sene the diamond first. There was no other

way to decide so they had to fight. They fought and killed each other. Within moments

two dead bodies were lying there next to the diamond. Bharthruhari laughed, closed his

eyes, and went into meditation again.

What happened? He again realized the futility.

And what happened to these two men? The diamond became more meaningful than their

whole life. This is what possession means: they threw away their life just for a stone.

When desire is there, you are no more -- desire can lead you to suicide. Really, every

desire is leading you to suicide. When you are in the power of a desire, you are not in

your senses, you are just mad.

The desire to possess arose in Bharthruhari's mind also; in a fragment of a moment the

desire arose. And he might have moved to get it but before he could, the other two

persons came and fought, and there were two dead bodies lying on the road with the

stone there in its own place. Bharthruhari laughed, closed his eyes, and went into his

meditation again. For a single moment his subjectivity was lost. A stone, a diamond, the

object, became more powerful. But again the subjectivity was regained. Without the

diamond the whole world disappeared, and he closed his eyes.

For centuries meditators have been closing their eyes. Why? It is only symbolic that the

world has disappeared, that there is nothing to look at, that nothing is worth anything,

even to look at. You will have to remember continuously that whenever desire arises, you

have moved out of your subjectivity. This is the world, this movement. Regain, move

back, get centered again! You will be able to do it: the capacity is there with everyone.

No one ever loses the inner potential, it is always there. You can move. If you can move

out, you can move in. If I can go out of my house, why can I not come back within it?

The same route is to be traveled; the same legs are to be used. If I can go out, I can come

in. Every moment you are moving out, but whenever you move out, remember -- and

suddenly come back. Be centered. If you feel it difficult in the beginning then take a deep

breath, exhale, and stop. In that moment look at the thing which was attracting you.

Really, nothing was attracting you, YOU were attracted. That diamond lying there on the

road in the lonely forest was not attracting anybody, it was simply lying there being

itself. The diamond was not aware that Bharthruhari had been attracted, that someone had

moved from his meditation, from his subjectivity, had come back into the world. The

diamond was not aware that two persons had fought for it and lost their lives.

So nothing is attracting you -- YOU get attracted. Be alert and the bridge will be broken

and you will regain balance inside. Go on doing it more and more. The more you do, the

better. And a moment will come when you will not need to do it because the inner power

will give you such a strength that the attraction of things will be lost. It is your weakness

which is attracted. Be more powerful and nothing will attract you. Only then for the first

time are you master of your own being.

That will give you real freedom. No political freedom, no economic freedom, no social

freedom, can be of much help. Not that they are not desirable, they are good, good in

themselves, but they will not give you the things which the innermost core of your being

is longing for -- the freedom from things, from objects, the freedom to be oneself without

any possibility of being possessed by anything or anybody.



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Juncker and the other statists / globalists needs to stop sayin ...and just send in the EU troops ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)



wait don't just send them all to spain split them up and send some of them to greece




while you're at it Junk, send some to poland too ... what the hell send some to gb too before this sht gets out of hand :rofl:

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Every once in a while it's rewarding to see a little bit of realism online

Of Two Minds - Hey Advertisers: The Data-Mining Emperor Has No Clothes


just sayin'


The author of that article has the potential to become a great trader...


On the other hand, it doesnt really matter if these techniques work or not, it all boils down to numbers, either the cost of advertising allows you to make a profit, or it doesnt. Its a zero sum game, If the targeting becomes better, and conversion significantly improves, advertisers will ultimately end up paying more for their ads anyway.

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hey zup :)

re: "targeting becomes better, and conversion significantly improves..."

point is---the targeting does NOT become better.. it gets worse... and conversion goes flat / does NOT improve


+ sig % users learn to tune out the ads... + sig % refuse to do business with someone who puts content where they didn't ask for it... etc


today old CHS continues...


Of Two Minds - Are Facebook and Google the New Colonial Powers?


re: "The author of that article has the potential to become a great trader..."

he's a great zoomin in and out analyst... I doubt he would sustain it as an active trader...just sayin...

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