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,,,just Sayin...

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Re “Welcome back Mr. Zdo... did what I could to keep "it" alive in your absence...”

Ya’ll did a good job. Just the right number of posts that no one had a clue what they really meant ;), ample just Sayin... etc etc I’m gratified .


When I read your post about the osc fan, I had a weird association --- Maybe you ‘re ready for a :spam: PureWave (CM-07). Works specific points with nearly same overall benefits as (more generalized) vibration plates (that costs thousands), etc. Cleaned up the trigger points in my scalenes in about 3 weeks and I noticed calm/clean brain effects after each session. I use one in each hand ... synergistic...not just 1 + 1 ...

(and no, you freakn preverts, it is not a sex toy :roll eyes::))


Re veritas Pravda @ https://youtu.be/4dRGMME4VnM... Etc. The other ‘networks’ are even more corrupt, fake than CNN... just more ‘polished’ ... CNN ‘plays’ a lot of rookies and almost professionals ... just sayin'


also... police state... mits' is hosed again



Gone again... see ya’ll in a week or so.



Edited by zdo

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Yea, trading the "lesser time frames" day-in-day-out is a bit of a freak show at times. I discovered the brain attachment technique while studying "walking" meditation.


Assemble your tool kit:"Leatherman tool", bailing wire, 5 gallon bucket, a plunger, dental floss, duct tape, and a coffee can (everything fits in the bucket)...


A noisy oscillating fan is the best tool I've found, but I've fallen asleep in an MRI tube and woke up with a "chubby" (Ha! Not kidding). On an bleary-eyed early flight out, I always book that last seat at the back next to the engines... nothing but drool. It may not be your "thing", but it's mine (purchased for $4 at a garage sale).


Gawd forbid: If anyone is searching for an "Ambassador Dyna-Flow" on Ebay... stop. While it does read "Ambassador" on the front grill, I made up the "dyna-flow" part (poetic license).


I too am "out" for a while... don't catch my fuckin roof on fire (idiots).

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Implementation of quantified self technologies in workplaces relies on the ontological premise of Cartesian dualism with mind dominant over body. Contributing to debates in new materialism, we demonstrate that workers are now being asked to measure our own productivity and health and well-being in art-houses and warehouses alike in both the global north and south. Workers experience intensified precarity, austerity, intense competition for jobs and anxieties about the replacement of labour-power with robots and other machines as well as, ourselves replaceable, other humans. Workers have internalised the imperative to perform, a subjectification process as we become observing entrepreneurial subjects and observed, objectified labouring bodies. Thinking through the implications of the use of wearable technologies in workplaces, this article shows that these technologies introduce a heightened Taylorist influence on precarious working bodies within neoliberal workplaces.


SAGE Journals: Your gateway to world-class journal research


Glad to see that neo liberals continue to reassure themselves that the march towards the unwanted, unwelcomed future is bang on course merely by constructing unintelligable garbage such as the above.


They can carry on tossing themselves off to the idea that dumb twats like me (that's most of us btw) haven't got a clue what's coming down the pipline but we just know we don't want it. (because they do)


And they still managed to use incorrect grammer... unbelievable. They can't get mundane right .... probably because they're too fkn busy trying to perfect insanity. Shitheads.


My default position remains NO... now, what do wanna tell me today wiseguy?


Just the right number of posts that no one had a clue what they really meant , ample just Sayin... etc etc etc. Does anything go?


“I have to march because my mother could not have an abortion” Maxine Waters.

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let’s help jpmoneybags make his point about the steep date, etc etc

Have You a Positive Personal Practice? | Zero Hedge


to which I would have to just say - any ‘doing’, whether “positive” or “negative”, that has any appeal has a potential high, enlightening, or bliss loitering below the obvious utility of the ‘doing’, else it would have no appeal...

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Glad to see that neo liberals continue to reassure themselves that the march towards the unwanted, unwelcomed future is bang on course merely by constructing unintelligable garbage such as the above.


True dat! The neo-liberal must always paint "the others" as unenlightened knuckle draggers. It almost always begins with marginally intelligible declarations of the brave new world "they" have envisioned: All wrongs will be righted; all injustice will be made just (or, "just" so). All in the name of the perfected vision of the enlightened, for all of mankind.


F*cked over by good intentions...

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I returned yesterday from 10 days with no television, internet, or cell service.


Day 3: I was suffering from withdrawal (pretty badly). I ended up driving into town for a chicken fried steak. I then proceeded to park myself on a bar stool... drinking with the locals and watching TV. Obama-hating-trump-fans (Yikes...I had to curb my desire to make some "just sayin" comments... poking people that are totally committed is a bad habit of mine) but, when in Rome do as the Roman's do. After dark we stumbled out on the sidewalk to watch the small town fireworks display. Not a bad day.


After that I settled into the routine: Out on the river in the mornings, napping on the front porch after lunch, cooking the day's catch, the daily canoe trip for beer, ice, and bait. The neighbors were about 150 yards away, it was quiet and still. Enjoyed it... I may become a "proper" human being if I could get away from all-ya-all for long enough... who knows... good to be back in my own bed.

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you know what's funny? google, etc now thinks I'm a girl. Makes going blind to their targeted ads even easier! :rofl: just sayin


Surely you jest.........

Edited by jpennybags

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This one is for Mitsu... just more nicey-nice used for garnish:

Ariana Grande to become Manchester honorary citizen


And... Why Sessions was a poor choice for AG. Once you get a reputation, it's hard to shake free:

AG Sessions under fire for closed-door speech - CNNPolitics.com


Edit: Oh yeah; almost forgot. I get the faint smell of blood in the water:


Edited by jpennybags

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Surely you jest.........


no bs :) They think I'm a women under 30.

Unbelievably convenient. Eye catching / time wasting ads for man pharms, tools and toys and etc. - gone



re: "Edit: Oh yeah; almost forgot. I get the faint smell of blood in the water:


Repeat a message with small modifications often enough and even wise people like you can start to believe...


Since the russians would have preferred the policies of and to deal with Hillary (in a similar continuation of O years - with just slightly higher kickback fees) and since the russian lawyer was anti Trump and deeply associated with dem politicians, the most plausible explanation I've heard is that the meeting was a clever plant to 'justify' vacuuming / unmasking / etc ALL subsequent communications of the campaign. jm :2c:


re "smell blood"

smell blood on the street


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They approached him. We can be certain he would have welcomed dirt on Hillary.

Completely ‘innocent’ ? No. But, it’s not illegal at all. Any election ‘collusion’ laws broken?


We can also be certain that dem diplomats and polititians approached and polled their Russian gov’t contacts AND welcomed any volunteered dirt on Trump’s deals and relationships in Russia. Example: They’ve already sued Trump for comping rooms and amenities to Russian officials at his casinos, for pete’s sake, using information volunteered or begged for from Russians. They also offered bribes for intelligence about any deals and dealings Trump had with Russian financial institutions, and even published fake news about it. We can be certain they would have welcomed dirt on Trump.

Completely ‘innocent’ ? No. But, it’s not illegal. Any election ‘collusion’ laws broken?


Biases are tricky. Shifty ing biases... even trickier


All of them are dirty - acknowledged. No clean driven snow in that world... but...

We’re being psy-op ted. Imagine if the msm put the same energy and time into the only the allegations that have some grounding against Hillary --- they wouldn’t have time for any other programming or for commercials. In quantity alone, her ‘potential’ scandals are running at a 30:1 rate to Trump’s. In actual legality, morality, etc etc -> ?!?!? ...




If you value trump blood smell more than calling out hypocrisy then charge right on in... just sayin’ :)


Of Two Minds - We're Fragmenting Because our Experience of the Economy Is Fragmenting

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no bs :) They think I'm a women under 30.

Unbelievably convenient. Eye catching / time wasting ads for man pharms, tools and toys and etc. - gone



re: "Edit: Oh yeah; almost forgot. I get the faint smell of blood in the water:


Repeat a message with small modifications often enough and even wise people like you can start to believe...


First off... I'm disappointed that you didn't play into my straight man line ("Surely you jest"): Don't call me Shirley...


Second... "even wise people like you can start to believe". Well... damn. You should know by now that there are few things that I "believe" (never one to presume too much). Ha! Surely (Shirley) you just called me "stupid"... make your point... no need to get personal.:rofl:


Just an amused member of the "kiddie table" with a lifetime membership... and yes, I do see the hypocrisy in all of it... I remain amused.

Edited by jpennybags

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Surely missed that

Surely snot the brightest bulb on the tree


No worries. It's a stupid play on words... amusing but not really funny. I would be irritated if I had to hear it very often (actually pissed), but considering the context of the conversation, it was my one chance and the only place to ever go "there" (the opportunity may not occur again in my lifetime... that's alright. Done for your entertainment, not mine).


You may want to consider your dual purchase of the (CM-07?) vibrating device(s)... because as any chick under 30 will attest to: "it's so hard to get good service" (words of wisdom from an ole sage... work a little harder, and don't presume too much).


Off for the weekend. I've been trading "sim" since my return from the land of "dueling banjo's" vacation... back to the grind... good to be back in my own bed (no place like home).


I do amuse myself... vacation was good... f*cking amused...

Edited by jpennybags

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Mitsu... that was entertaining. I had to read a portion before I came inline with where you were headed, but after returning to the top and reading with DJT inflections in place... I think you have him down. Salute...

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You may want to consider your dual purchase of the (CM-07?) vibrating device(s)... because as any chick under 30 will attest ...


Surely you were told it’s not a sex toy.

Surely you are a prevert.

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First off… Please Mr. Precedent can you define the phrase “distorting democaracy” (WTF). It's just too much fun to read your tweets (at the same time, so sad...”bad guy”).


Second… This one falls into the “life is just too good” folder: I discussed my attempt at launching the “don't call me Shirley” bit of humor with my significant other (Liz). She said that even though she knows the joke (from the movie Airplane) that she would not have picked up on my straight man feed either (zdo gets a reprieve). At some time during the evening she approached me about attending a family / friends sort of get together (hers, not mine). She rarely asks for such favors, because she understands that I have a very short social candle (it burns brightly enough, but doesn't last long). When she does ask I always agree without question, as I know she has her reasons (motives)...it's cool.


Roughly ninety minutes into this event on Sunday evening, my “candle” was growing dim, and I sought out a chair in the shade. After a few minutes Liz noticed me, and came over to chide a bit about my burnout. As we talked, a girl (6 or 7 years old) approached and stood in front of Liz, waiting to be recognized. I was charmed by this child's good manners (so rare it seems). This is the conversation:


Liz: Hey Connie! This is my friend John.

Connie: Hi. Pleased to meet you.

Me: Likewise. How are you today?

Connie: (with a shrug of the shoulders) I'm good.


At this point I am totally charmed… a polite child that is comfortable around adults. Connie went on to tell about her July 4th weekend at the lake with great enthusiasm and uncommon detail for a child of that age. After Connie had wound the story down, Liz mentioned that I had just returned from a 10 day fishing trip, to which I then proceeded to tell Connie about my trip. She listened with wrapped attention (love this kid).


After I had finished, I got the sense of a bit of one-ups-manship in the works, as Connie then went into more detail about the big fish she caught. For the record, what she described was a “sun perch” of about 1.5 pounds (which is huge for that species, and on light tackle would be a handful for a child). To which I said:


Me: Surely (with an ever so delicate pause), that's a big fish; show me again how big it was.


In my periphery, I see Liz starting to lean in just a bit (wait for it… wait for it… nothing). Connie seemed a bit confused, and I worried that the child thought that I was calling her out as a liar, and I was about to intercede, but she went on to show how big the fish was and described it again in full detail.


Me: Well that's cool. Fishing is fun isn't it?

Connie: Yes! (with a nod of the head).


At this point Connie looks down at her feet as if pondering something, and I kid you not, she takes a step towards me and leans in, and it came almost in a whisper: “My name is not Shirley, it's Connie”. Well, because it's a child… we really couldn't bust out laughing.


Me: Well of course, your name is Connie. Did you think I called you Shirley?


Then Liz swooped in to clean up my mess, and deftly explained the use of the word “surely”. Connie sat with us a while longer until her mom waved her over. The moment for laughter had past, but we joked about it for a time... just another damn fine day.

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Surely you were told it’s not a sex toy.

Surely you are a prevert.


Ha! The manufacturer can claim that it's not a "sex toy" but the general public determines it's use. And, yea I probably am a pervert, but if the thought would not have entered your brain... it wouldn't have entered mine. Enough said; by the way... don't call me Shirley.

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I thought I was surely

You've got some issues bud. ;)


WTF..... Phfffffffffftt... don't we all have "issues"? Come on man... put forward some effort, and don't presume too much. It really is that easy...


Edit: Even a delightful child like Connie could speak to that... just sayin.

Edited by jpennybags

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WTF..... Phfffffffffftt... don't we all have "issues"? Come on man... put forward some effort, and don't presume too much. It really is that easy...




Dang jp, I was just kidding. I thought I was surely. You missed the wink?

I am also not a good poster.


However, the only “effort” I will be putting into a just sayin thread is to attempt to make the wink and :razzn u: emoti larger ;)*

... that’s about all a just sayin thread deserves imo.

Also, I can’t imagine presuming too much in this thread either. Seems like a ‘safe space’ to presume whatever is pleasant to me... ps I will commit to trying only to give you a ribbin hard time about your presumptions, rather than lecture you.


Surely is uncomfortable having it strapped back... Still not going to cut it off like John Massive Spike in Bitcoins Causes John McAfee to Make An Outrageous Prediction, Promises to 'Eat His Own Dick' On National Television - Trading with The Fly


just sayin





*edit: check the source... you'll see font sizing the emoti didn't work. bummer. Let's try


:- )

Edited by zdo

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“Ask anything of men. Ask them to achieve wealth, fame, love, brutality, murder, self-sacrifice. But don’t ask them to achieve self-respect. They will hate your soul.” 'Dominque Francon'




( jp, don’t clit dis : - )


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I apologize for my outburst (it wasn't you; it's me)...


Hopefully, no need to explain. I'm gone... the ten day trip into the void has changed some things for me. It has been the first "real" vacation that I've had since taking up this trading thing. I kinda like that place, and in spiritual way... I want more.


I've enjoyed my time here at TL (and by the way Mr. Zdo, you can come across as a condescending muthrfcker... it's alright... shake it off... I have. Oh yea... and "emotis" really are no help in that regard). Anyway, I'm out for my own reasons.


I've arranged with Connie's parents for Liz and I to take her fishing this weekend... seems like the least I could do. For a grown man to be "baiting" a child for his own amusement is slightly fucked up (I do have issues, but I'm loved just the same). The child may end up in my last-will-and-testament. I don't know... it's all good.



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