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There Is Something Intriguing About Trading

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“In my experience trading takes a very important and somewhat rare personality trait which is: the ability to see the next logical step and to then get it done. If this ability is lacking you will always be behind.” – Garachen (Source: Elitetrader)


Why Is Trading a Good Money-making Vehicle?

It’s a level playing field. Everybody is welcome.

You don’t have a boss to control you.

You need only a PC and Internet connection.

You can make money whether the market goes up or down.

The more experience you’ve, the better you become.

The starting capital is minimal.

You’ve great money management flexibility. You stay in control.

You choose when to trade and when not to trade.

Profits come naturally when you’re away from your system.

You can coach others including your family members.


There Is Something Intriguing About Trading

Most members of the public don’t believe they can trade successfully. They’ve been convinced that they can only give their money to professional funds managers to manage, without knowing that they can do this themselves. Your parents don’t have trading secrets to give you. Your school doesn’t have trading secrets to give you. The society don’t have the secrets to give you.


While there are pros who can manage your money successfully, it’s true that when you’ve correct trading methodologies and use them faithfully, you can even do better than the so-called pros in terms of percentage returns.


Forex trading is a good business, but many people don’t understand it. It’s controversial because the public opinions about it are unfair and warped. Most members of the public understand other types of business, save Forex.


There are ways to make small and consistent profits on monthly basis, which become considerable on annual basis. Since most people don’t have experience and others around them don’t have the knowledge, they’re afraid to get in. The reality is; successful traders are just normal people like me and you.


There are good trading systems you can use to make money, and those who use these systems aren’t smarter or better than you in any way. The only difference is that those who use good trading systems have the willingness to attain riches through discipline.



Conclusion: Trading is different from investing. As a trader, you buy and sell within days or weeks, but an investor may hold a position for months or years. The greatest market speculators are faithful to strategies that give them an edge. They stick to those strategies when they work and when they don’t work. I pray that your fortitude will not be shaken in trying times. Your true trading potential lies beyond your innate gifts.


The article is concluded by this quote:


“Trading is not a sin, but trading without knowing what you are doing can lead to a lot of problems. Trading, in and of itself, is not considered as gambling…. However, gambling is considered to be foolish. Trading without adequate knowledge of the markets and self is foolish because, by doing so, you are gambling… There is a certain amount of self-knowledge needed to choose the proper trading method.” – Andy Jordan


Copyright: Tallinex.com

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I am amused...


Mitsu, give the guy a break; everyone has to eat in this business...


There will be those that are pulled into this sort of advertising, and there is nothing you or I can do about it. It has been and will continue to be a part of the trade. As with all things in the business: "due diligence is required". If you are a 'noob" and have been impressed by much of what A75 posts here, and you do not have the where-with-all to discern the "helpful" from the "not so helpful", well then listen up...


A75 has posted a lot of trading pablum on this site. For the most part it's harmless, and he may be running a business that is on the up-and-up. I have no opinion on that matter, nor do I care to take the time to form a valid opinion on the matter. Much (if not all) of what he has posted here is about so called "super traders"..."elite traders"... and the like. Well, let's just be honest: "you ain't that, and in all probability (even if you are successful) you will never be "that".


In short, because I don't care enough to elaborate further (any more than A75 does) you will probably fail, because you don't have a boss; all it takes is a computer and an internet connection; it takes very little capital to get started; and best of all... you can train your family to become rich... just like you.


Come on man; it's laughable... you're killing me...

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Mit, you always look for errors and try to make someone's piece irrelevant. Give folks a break.


Mits is beyond. His cynicism and bitterness sees beyond and cuts through. His contributions are, imo, more valuable than the 'positive' candy posts.


btw When an author doesn't appear to know the difference between trading and investing it is quite reasonable to question the relevance of "someone's piece".



We have a new GSD puppy. He will eat ANYTHING :) But that doesn't mean we should let him eat just anything.


Noobs are like puppies. They will eat ANYTHING. But that doesn't mean we should feed them all kinds of crap. But we do.


We feed them lists of rules. Gann's 18 rules of trading... magically reinvented over and over again... each reinvented list with a small personal twist, addition, or deletion that only has meaning to the list maker temporarily and to no one else. And each list is published as if it is applicable across the board - when in actuality, it is only salient to a small set of systems. *


* like at http://www.traderslaboratory.com/forums/markets/20443-10-rules-successfully-read-stock.html

Edited by zdo

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I am the worst jerk on TL .... but ...


"Part of engaging online is dealing with jerks. It’s part of the deal. Back in the old days when people got up on soap boxes to vent there were jerks then too. No doubt many a slur was hurled in many a public square back in the day along with many a fist.

In most respects we are probably a much more courteous [world] today, even with the relative anonymity and ease of communication via the Internet. But the sensitivity level of some has just gone off the charts in recent years. Some people cannot dismiss jerks any longer. They must be protected from views and words which do not fit their worldview. The dialectic orchids must be shielded from the harsh breezes of reality and – gasp – people who think “gender studies” is a bunch of BS." Nick Sorrentino


You got to be pretty serious and intolerant to tell someone (like Mits) to just shut up because he thinks a post is stupid or counterproductive or downright harmful. Believe me, there are thousands upon thousands of positive fluff lists and pieces strewn across years and years of trading forums for noobs and struggling traders to lap up. One of our latest fads in here is to resurrect 3 year old dead topics as if they are brand new discussions.


imo, these mushy lists have their place. Unfortunately, their place is forever locked at the first cusp between losing and surviving at trading and even there they never have anything but an allopathic, symptom suppression purpose... which, btw, pretty much sums up what the 'voice of trading' is and does.



1 if a noob and/or struggling trader 'needs' gushy, positive pabulum posts - they likely ain't going to make it anyways.

2 if a noob and/or struggling trader is not sufficiently and consistently risk averse within each and every trade that goes into the red on his/her own, no amount of reading about it in someone's 'new' list of rules will bring sudden realization and fix it.

3 Statistically - those who start learning trade selection first are forever at a disadvantage...




Here is a list ;) of substance I respect in posts:


1 questions. Rarely are answers provided btw. You can assess the quality of questions on forums. Note that the VERY BEST questions get no replies at all... Still - I encourage peeps to broadcast the question and simultaneously carry the attitude that " the question is the answer"


2 acknowledgement of polarity and oscillation. These 'helpful' cream of wheat lists don't do that. Notice that Mits red replies to these mush lists (above and at http://www.traderslaboratory.com/forums/markets/20456-just-some-basic-tips-investing.html#post203735 etc) reveal the polarity and oscillation that the list maker wishes to conceal. From my perspective, outright denial of the biphasic tendencies that hold, then switch to another 'tendency' - both internally and price patterns of trading instruments - is rampant.

One of the main hypnotic tenets of the 'voice of trading' is that traders should have a list of rules (and if a potential trade does not precisely fit those rules don't take it, etc). I have taught for years that traders (noobs too (who btw have already been trading their whole lives and don't need fkn elementary school all over again)) have the capacity to categorize the various states that a market oscillates/mutates between and that they need to develop sets of rules for each of those states. Bluntly - One 'list' will keep you at the first cusp fo ever


3 acknowledgement of 'stuck' states. This one is closely related to #2 above. Don't have time to go into it now


4 open with the pain


Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses

your understanding.


Even as the stone of the fruit must break, that its

heart may stand in the sun, so must you know pain.


And could you keep your heart in wonder at the

daily miracles of your life, your pain would not seem

less wondrous than your joy;


And you would accept the seasons of your heart,

even as you have always accepted the seasons that

pass over your fields.


And you would watch with serenity through the

winters of your grief.


Much of your pain is self-chosen.


It is the bitter potion by which the physician within

you heals your sick self.


Therefore trust the physician, and drink his remedy

in silence and tranquility:


For his hand, though heavy and hard, is guided by

the tender hand of the Unseen,


And the cup he brings, though it burn your lips, has

been fashioned of the clay which the Potter has

moistened with His own sacred tears.

Khalil Gibran

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Ha! As usual, I had to look up definitions for some of the words used, but all-in-all... nicely stated Mr. Zdo.


I have a single rule; not a rule written on a stone tablet handed down from "on high" (so to speak of the "voice of trading"). It is quite simple, and only serves as a personal reminder to my own idiosyncratic tendency of over aggression. It consists of an 8 X 10 framed statement, that hangs on the wall above my trading desk. It is as follows:




To my way of thinking... there are no rules, only observation, consideration and context. To try to define trading as a protocol of "if-then" statements that can be transferred from one person to the next, is frothy at best, and utterly ambiguous at it's worst. Most of what is posted here is the later rather than the former, but both are problematic.


Edit... I realize that I'm being ambiguous in what I've said. Truth of the matter is... there is no hope for you unless you can solidify "ambiguity" into something coherent to your own understanding. The "market" is filled with ambiguity, and you need to learn to deal with it. Sorry man... more ambiguity... I can't stop. So, in all manner of helpfulness and good faith, I will shut the fuck up.

Edited by jpennybags

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I confess I had to look up words too He does it deliberately you know. He doesn't want you speed reading his posts. Probably because he doesn't speed write them.


Actually I do speed write them... posting the first thing that pops into my head... using as few words as possible. If you have to look up words - I probably should be looking up some words too...

Since my audience is 1 in a 1000

(and when 1 of them shows up we quickly get off this medium),

the first cusp (ie TL) gets on average less than 5 minutes a day


:roll eyes:

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I woke up this morning, scratched my ass, and thought: "there is great potential in this new day"...


(1) We have Janet Yellen speaking at Jackson Hole (always a money making opportunity when the queen stands and delivers... I did alright today; played it nicely); (2) I mowed the lawn yesterday ahead of the rains (always a good thing to stay up with the chores); (3) Checked my phone, and had received a text message from my daughter with an invitation for dinner tomorrow (way cool). I am a simple man; my pleasures come easily...


And then... Fucking Yikes!


I would not venture to defend Mr. Zdo... I see no reason... it's an open forum. What I will say though: it is interesting to read his posts. Does he write this stuff off the cuff? I would say he does; talk about "disjointed" writing (well, fuck yes). Even though I may be "the one in a thousand", am I a disciple? Well, no... but I have come to appreciate and find merit in his point of view (thanks for playing "the disciple card").


I don't know where you are headed with your latest bend [possibly "bender" is more appropriate (ask any alcoholic for the definition)], but this seems a bit over wrought.


For the record: I will be out of the office for the remainder of the weekend (enjoying it). My press agent won't be available either... come on man... really?

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I just L'dOL. Thanks. It does my heart good to know you are healthy enough to REALLY be back :grin:


Actually ;) I have yet to ever really deal with third cusp on TL... It is 'beyond'... Its guidance is built in.


and your clarification/interpretation of "1 in 1000" is off.

fwiw, there are no "chosen one"z -bcse the 1's I work with 1) have already accomplished a series of non 'voice of trading' choices and actions on their own ... long before we ever meet, 2) have a predilection or at least readiness to set aside consensus blfs and do the work to assure that flow in the first body is reestab'd before 'proceeding' through 2nd cusp... and wtf is a cusp?


It is their acts that separates the 1'z... not their attitudes of exclusivity...and zdo has no special dispensation or capacity to anoint.

They are 'choosen ones' ... not 'chosen ones'

the "other 999 can't be bothered to not carry on in their ignorance." is one of many good ways to say it.

...that TL is not really a place to discuss 'health first' is another...

...in 10 years, not a single '1' has shown up from TL

Maybe turn it around. That discussion was focused more on the 1000 than on 1 or on zdo ...




... and btw, since 1991 the slightest indication of 'disciple' has elicited an unpleasant, distasteful reaction in me... those relationships are ended quickly.

Projection... transference... yuk...


> 5 sentences and > 5 minutes

ie enuf data provided and bs now quantifiable by the mitmitmeter and gotta scoot time's up :)

have a good one ... and thanks again ...





Remember when you were young, you shone like the sun.

Shine on you crazy diamond.

Now there's a look in your eyes, like black holes in the sky.

Shine on you crazy diamond.

You were caught in the crossfire of childhood and stardom, blown on the steel breeze.

Come on you target for faraway laughter, come on you stranger, you legend, you martyr, and shine!

You reached for the secret too soon, you cried for the moon.

Shine on you crazy diamond.

Threatened by shadows at night, and exposed in the light.

Shine on you crazy diamond.

Well you wore out your welcome with random precision, rode on the steel breeze.

Come on you raver, you seer of visions, come on you painter, you piper, you prisoner, and shine!

Written by Dave Gilmour, Richard Wright • Copyright © Imagem U.S. LLC, Warner/Chappell Music, Inc

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I woke up this morning, scratched my ass, and thought: "there is great potential in this new day"...


(1) We have Janet Yellen speaking at Jackson Hole (always a money making opportunity when the queen stands and delivers... I did alright today; played it nicely); (2) I mowed the lawn yesterday ahead of the rains (always a good thing to stay up with the chores); (3) Checked my phone, and had received a text message from my daughter with an invitation for dinner tomorrow (way cool). I am a simple man; my pleasures come easily...


And then... Fucking Yikes!


I would not venture to defend Mr. Zdo... I see no reason... it's an open forum. What I will say though: it is interesting to read his posts. Does he write this stuff off the cuff? I would say he does; talk about "disjointed" writing (well, fuck yes). Even though I may be "the one in a thousand", am I a disciple? Well, no... but I have come to appreciate and find merit in his point of view (thanks for playing "the disciple card").


I don't know where you are headed with your latest bend [possibly "bender" is more appropriate (ask any alcoholic for the definition)], but this seems a bit over wrought.


For the record: I will be out of the office for the remainder of the weekend (enjoying it). My press agent won't be available either... come on man... really?


The residual effects of your morning routine could lead to unintended consequences and possibly a dysentery death. Thoroughly clean your hands after you scratch your ass and before you think or type.

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The residual effects of your morning routine could lead to unintended consequences and possibly a dysentery death. Thoroughly clean your hands after you scratch your ass and before you think or type.


Ha! There are several appropriate replies that come to mind:


(1) What? I sniffed my fingers after; I was good.

(2) No, ass! Not ass crack.

(3) It may have been my head that I scratched; I sometimes confuse the two.


Anyway, thank you to the OP for sponsoring another fine get together. Sorry about that stain on the carpet.

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:haha: yep the OP, anal75, is probably saying "look what they've done to my thread mom... "




I don't know about any of the rest of you - but

I'm triggered and I need a safe space :rofl:

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“In my experience trading takes a very important and somewhat rare personality trait which is: the ability to see the next logical step and to then get it done. If this ability is lacking you will always be behind.” – Garachen (Source: Elitetrader)





Having developed automated trading systems for over 18 years now ( in several 3-4 month long project spurts and not continuously all 18 frkn yrs btw) I can say that (unless you are not going for anything with the slightest hint of adaptability or robustness) the following is equally true ...


“In my experience trading takes a very important and somewhat rare personality trait which is: the ability to see the next illogical step and to then get it done. If this ability is lacking you will always be behind.” – Graysheen (Source: eweetwada)



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