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Live Signals Room 100 Pips a Week

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Zupcon - I hope you weren't expecting people from Sheffield to do as they were told?


We never do :)




Ask them not to guzzle 5 jugs of websters penine bitter or John smiths , see how people do what they are told.

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I'm considering buying a pet monkey, just for lulz, but they are a bit messy to keep in the house. If I do persuade my girlfriend that a monkey would be a welcome addition, I'll try to teach it to flip coins, or maybe even get a couple of big buttons labelled buy and sell that the beast can press at random, and I'll let you take a look at the beasts equity curve after a year or so, and you'll tear your hair out with frustration :rofl:


Perhaps I might even let him manage an account for you, but there's no way I'm selling his trade calls for a few hundred bucks a month,


I actually go to one of these trading rooms with a blind monkey wizard , he makes 30 pips and misses golden trading opportunities , I make 150 pips and use the monkey to guide me not to follow his stupidity,He chatters away all day , and his useless chit chat is thought provoking , but the signals are amateurish.I do the opposite of the signal room.

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Most of these trading rooms are most likely to be scams or operated by trading idiots.


If the signal operators are a professional skilled trader (I am not referring to all of you hanging around forums), it is easy to make 100 pips a week ,and compound it every month.


Do a spreadsheet doing this simple maths , 100,000 account to start with , 100 pips a week @$100 per pip = 10,000 a week or 40% a month.

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Most of these trading rooms are most likely to be scams or operated by trading idiots..


Almost correct


It's not most, it's ALL


Do I run a trading room ?


Why not ?



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Almost correct


It's not most, it's ALL


Do I run a trading room ?


Why not ?




They would all be billionaires , if they could call 100 pips average with low drawdowns.


I stopped going to them , because the signal provider's beliefs and my trading style and knowledge did not agree with theirs.They were talking amatuerish conflicting signals and I was listening to idiots and losing by following their losers.


My trades for yesterday


e usd - 10

e yen - 30

crude +14 + +22

E usd +10

usd yen -12

e y = -12

e usd +7

dax + 10

usd y +4 * 5

cable -12

e yen + 5 *5

e usd +3

e usd +2 *5


4 pips profit all day but three winners were 5 times normal size


The position sizes increases made the profit , otherwise a very choppy day.Good money managent and position sizing can make profit


If a scalper is calling signals , the trading rooms won't work due to latency.

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They would all be billionaires , if they could call 100 pips average with low drawdowns.


But thankfully, they'd still run their trading rooms and charge a hundred bucks a month, just to give something back to the trading community




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But thankfully, they'd still run their trading rooms and charge a hundred bucks a month, just to give something back to the trading community





There is a 200 tick move and signal provider comes out with a 15 tick loss , despite being signalled a clear clean breakout on the long bias , the signal provider is actually going for a short .I made 20 ticks because I was confused by this trading wizard and his trading wizardry.


Now we see he needs mugs to pay for his lunch.

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Amazing at what kind of expectations people have - like the market makes the sma linear move every day for which they can tap into - LOL!!


There is a qualitative skill involved , that involves avoiding 40 out of 50 sma lnear moves every week , it can not be taught even to a trading educator .IT IS LIKE PLAYING A GAME OF SNAKES AND LADDERS , knowing which roll of dice to avoid.In trading you have this option , it is not availabke on snakes and ladders.


This is why all eas and automated software won't produce consistent profits.Have you invented a skilled robot to be a surgeon?So why should robot be able to trade without throwing darts blindly at prices.?

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maybe if you tried to loose 1000 pips per day you would end up making for at least one week anyway your desired paycheck of 100 pips. Just an idea?


That is a typical idiotic idea and advice you get on forums.All the failures teaching other failures how to lose 1,000 to make 100.

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At least you can see their trade history and search based on drawdown, system longevity etc. Only stick with the verified systems. From the sounds of things, you haven't even properly explored the sites I mentioned before your reply. FXstat is another one. I hardly call systems achieving over 95% win rates to be a blind monkey. Your monkeys may not be nearly as blind as you think if you would consider that to be blind....


This guy applied to provide signals 1700 pips drawdown on a 250 pip account .IDIOTS


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This is why all eas and automated software won't produce consistent profits.


Here he plainly states that he is not talking about a method or system that can be either taught or precisely defined. If it can be defined, precisely, it can be programmed and thus automated.


I asked this guy about automation and he said he would never consider it. This tells me first that it must only consider very few variables as no human can track more than a very few dynamic variables in real time. It also says there is no real, exact definition of his method because it can't be programmed. Plainly the guy doesn't understand the reach or depth of state of the art artificial intelligence these days.


My personal opinion, as a developer and operator of automated systems that do indeed trade profitably, is that the sum of these posts = ( ignorance * bluster ) + ego = Braggadocio + Buschwa.


Amazing what gets tracked in when you leave the door too wide open.







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That is a typical idiotic idea and advice you get on forums.All the failures teaching other failures how to lose 1,000 to make 100.


one more "idiotic" nicknaming people and the thread is gone..........I told you from the beginning on that PM....you are on thin ice......so behave, or deleted.....no other option



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one more "idiotic" nicknaming people and the thread is gone..........I told you from the beginning on that PM....you are on thin ice......so behave, or deleted.....no other option..TW




While I applaud your patience, this poster is way beyond normal tolerance.


IMHO thread gone is a good thing, poster gone is a better thing. Poster adds nothing, bad mouths everybody, disrespects the community and destroys any positive, contributive vibe.


We are yet to see the slightest idea/concept/explanation of method that would justify his calling us all fools or such bluster and braggadocio.


As they say in Texas, "all hat and no cattle," plus in this case we also get negative name calling, baseless brags and a hugely negative air.





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All of what Urmablume said is true. There is reason this guy has been banned from many a forum over the 10+ years of his trading forum posting. Not to mention, but this "billionaire trader" is yet to make a net profit in his live calls thread - although he makes a handsome profit in his after the fact hindsight weekly summaries. Zero value added. He posts for ego and some sort of side agenda - very professional of this "pro".

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All of what Urmablume said is true. There is reason this guy has been banned from many a forum over the 10+ years of his trading forum posting. Not to mention, but this "billionaire trader" is yet to make a net profit in his live calls thread - although he makes a handsome profit in his after the fact hindsight weekly summaries. Zero value added. He posts for ego and some sort of side agenda - very professional of this "pro".


This guy was banned because some some sponsors did not like the truth , and the forum owners were operating some scams against members.


These sponsors have some crap site , they do not understand drawdowns .Their site shows falsified figures and misinformation , they don't show live account slippage and carry .They calculate $318 dollar account size and aloss of 1850 as 163 % drawdown.They hire clueless professional traders (we can't call them idiots) to post on forums , to market their products.


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This guy was banned because some some sponsors did not like the truth , and the forum owners were operating some scams against members


I know one forum owner who was running a scam, but hes in jail now.


I do question the morality of the owners of trading forums, but apart from the one example, I dont know of any who where actually running scams.


Most forum owners allow scams, or at least turn a blind eye. Some of the scams are being run by moderators, advisors and staff, but by and large forum owners stay clear of getting their hands dirty, or at least thats my (considerable) experience


.... unless you know otherwise ?

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I know one forum owner who was running a scam, but hes in jail now.


I do question the morality of the owners of trading forums, but apart from the one example, I dont know of any who where actually running scams.


Most forum owners allow scams, or at least turn a blind eye. Some of the scams are being run by moderators, advisors and staff, but by and large forum owners stay clear of getting their hands dirty, or at least thats my (considerable) experience


.... unless you know otherwise ?


What about the zoo ?Moderators are sending pms and openly soliciting business on trading education , they know those $5,000 dollar courses (with referrals fees ) are nothing more than scams , as technical anylysis courses on junk science are useless . when taught by failed traders and forum idiots who failed at trading.A one week course from a trading failure (one who profits from selling education and blows live trading accounts) , when one requires a 12/24 month apprenticeship to gain the skills , is a total scam.

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What about the zoo ?Moderators are sending pms and openly soliciting business on trading education , they know those $5,000 dollar courses (with referrals fees ) are nothing more than scams , as technical anylysis courses on junk science are useless . when taught by failed traders and forum idiots who failed at trading.A one week course from a trading failure (one who profits from selling education and blows live trading accounts) , when one requires a 12/24 month apprenticeship to gain the skills , is a total scam.


Im not aware of the zoo's owner running any scams. Im not sure about the moderators, I suspect that theres at least one whose up to no good. Moderators, advisors, and tame vendors running scams are just the price the owner pays for staying in business


Historically the zoo had a problem, and they probably still do. Its the nature of trading forums.


They have a vendor infestation of their own making, and they cant solve it


About a year ago for example their new CEO took the decision to stop vendors sending private messages. A couple of weeks after implimentation of this idea I get a series of private messages from TWO of their long standing members, who just happen to be vendors !


So how did that happen ? I though vendors couldnt send PM's


I report one of the messages to their new CEO asking him how did this vendor PM me if vendors cant use the PM facility.


I get the usual bullshit, it was just a technical fault, how emberrassing etc, etc. A one off problem thats now been rectified. Strange that this particular vendor is an author of their book, has written numerous articles for the site, and has won their annual awards several years running, but that was just a coincidence Im sure.


I then alert him to the fact that theres a second long time member and vendor who still despites the zoos attempts to remove the PM facility can also quite amazingly still send me PM's too (again a very active contributor). We go through the same shinnanagins, teh CEO claims that its a million to one chance that I was able to find 2 example, its a technical fault, how emberassing etc etc


I then alert him to the third example of a vendor PM, hahahahaha :rofl:


meanwhile Im getting PMs from a whole bunch of his favourite vendors who think the whole thing is hillarious.


A few months later, I sign up as a new member, declaring the fact that Im a vendor, and guess what, Im immediately able to send PMs to whoever I like from that account. Meanwhile staff and moderators are telling everyone what a great job theyve done by withdrawing the PM facility


Are they really that incompetant (no they are not)


Theres hardly a day goes by now without a vendor openly asking other vendors (disguised as punters) from sending a PM for more infor about methods, products etc


The truth is, vendors are the only reason the site exists, without vendors, there is no forum. When the vendors realise that the punters left 2 years ago and that theyre part of a massive circle jerk attempting to sell crap to themseleves they'll be off too, and then thankfully someone might pull the plug and put them out of their misery


Are all trading educators running scams ? well thats a topic for another thread I guess

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The truth is, vendors are the only reason the site exists, without vendors, there is no forum. When the vendors realise that the punters left 2 years ago and that theyre part of a massive circle jerk attempting to sell crap to themseleves they'll be off too, and then thankfully someone might pull the plug and put them out of their misery



There are no real forums , just sites for vendors to market products and make the owners wealthy.Threads are deleted because vendors did not agree with content or forum owner 's interest did not agree.

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There are no real forums , just sites for vendors to market products and make the owners wealthy.Threads are deleted because vendors did not agree with content or forum owner 's interest did not agree.


How much do you think a forum owner makes ?


How many forums does the average forum owner operate ?

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Im not aware of the zoo's owner running any scams. Im not sure about the moderators, I suspect that theres at least one whose up to no good. Moderators, advisors, and tame vendors running scams are just the price the owner pays for staying in business


Historically the zoo had a problem, and they probably still do. Its the nature of trading forums.


They have a vendor infestation of their own making, and they cant solve it


About a year ago for example their new CEO took the decision to stop vendors sending private messages. A couple of weeks after implimentation of this idea I get a series of private messages from TWO of their long standing members, who just happen to be vendors !


So how did that happen ? I though vendors couldnt send PM's


I report one of the messages to their new CEO asking him how did this vendor PM me if vendors cant use the PM facility.


I get the usual bullshit, it was just a technical fault, how emberrassing etc, etc. A one off problem thats now been rectified. Strange that this particular vendor is an author of their book, has written numerous articles for the site, and has won their annual awards several years running, but that was just a coincidence Im sure.


I then alert him to the fact that theres a second long time member and vendor who still despites the zoos attempts to remove the PM facility can also quite amazingly still send me PM's too (again a very active contributor). We go through the same shinnanagins, teh CEO claims that its a million to one chance that I was able to find 2 example, its a technical fault, how emberassing etc etc


I then alert him to the third example of a vendor PM, hahahahaha :rofl:


meanwhile Im getting PMs from a whole bunch of his favourite vendors who think the whole thing is hillarious.


A few months later, I sign up as a new member, declaring the fact that Im a vendor, and guess what, Im immediately able to send PMs to whoever I like from that account. Meanwhile staff and moderators are telling everyone what a great job theyve done by withdrawing the PM facility


Are they really that incompetant (no they are not)


Theres hardly a day goes by now without a vendor openly asking other vendors (disguised as punters) from sending a PM for more infor about methods, products etc


The truth is, vendors are the only reason the site exists, without vendors, there is no forum. When the vendors realise that the punters left 2 years ago and that theyre part of a massive circle jerk attempting to sell crap to themseleves they'll be off too, and then thankfully someone might pull the plug and put them out of their misery


Are all trading educators running scams ? well thats a topic for another thread I guess


If you accept that trading can't really be taught or handed over to someone via posts or words, and that the main features of successful trading have been disseminated over time by the market wizards and others. Then all that is left is for one to spend time on it themselves, develop their own understanding and carve out their own niche. If they already have carved it, then all that is left is to repeat truths that are known for a 100 years to the new generation, discuss any differences in the current cycle and shoot the breeze with others. Trading forums provide an option for this for both the newcomer and the experienced.


So they provide an option for the successful to get rid of some of their boredom and feel like they are giving back, and for the newbies to get rid of some of their frustration at losing, and find comfort in the herd. That is why they work, in an industry where you would think a trading forum can't possibly work because it is all competitive and everybody's interest should be in others losing. Amazingly there are a few who do want to help. Is it down to some underlying guilt at knowing that they are taking the money of others on a daily or weekly basis?


In these ways, trading forums all offer something 'useful'. Maybe not so useful in developing an edge, but useful for the psyche. Unfortunately, as with nature, parasites develop, who see the whole thing as prey of which they can suck blood from. They may be your common garden vendor or may be even the site owners and admin. These become an irritant to the other species, but if nature finds mosquitos and leeches necessary, then they must be needed in the system somehow. Perhaps someone can enlighten us as to why they are necessary.


The worst site for this parasitic infestation seems to be Forex Factory (and I don't think that's the one you are referring to as the zoo). Jacko was vouched for by all the gurus over there. James16 vouched for him too, and is also vouched for by dozens of others there, but he probably can't trade either, and was outed by one of his own members (although the cover-up was quick). There are at least half a dozen off shoots of James16 and I'm sure the list could go on. Merlin seemed to disappear prior to all the scandal. Seems like these people are working together.


From what I've seen, there are lots of gurus and vendors with cherry picked charts on all of these sites. Very few have held up to my own testing - that is testing whether what they say is true and whether they can speak clearly rather than talk in generalities.


DBPhoenix was one of those from here that did stand up to testing. There are two or three other posters here that also have stood up to testing.


Here is something for the new trader: If you can't find an edge, don't worry too much, unleveraged buy and hold for indices or a basket of well chosen stocks is profitable if you can afford to wait. Add a bit of timing to it, and you've got something good. Of course there are better ways to trade, but if one is stuck in the myth that nothing works, and hasn't found anything good yet, well there you go.

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One other thing I noticed from another forum that adds to the usefulness of forums.


I noticed that a thread with very active posters, even though they were posting crap, managed to draw in a lot of other posters. The perceived activity dragged in the herd. They couldn't help themselves.

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how do I get refunds from a monkey?This was a real signal on a live account , a signal given by a trading monkey going under the name of mr chart.


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