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Live Signals Room 100 Pips a Week

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I am looking for live signals that make 100 pips a week , with 30 pip stop , a low drawdown of 200 pips .



I know this is highly possible because if I am sitting infront of a screen 16 hours a day , I see

5 to 10 trades every week that can make 100 pips a week , so this is not impossible.


please advise where I can find such a room.

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I don't mean this as a put down. I am trying to be constructive. Your goal is 100 Pips a week.

Let's break this down and make it more manageable. 50 Pips a week. ( you have to walk before you can run ). 50 pips a week / by 5 trading days a week = 10 Pips a day.

How long have you been watching the screen 16 hours a day? You have to eat, you have to void. So what is the quality of the sixteen hours? What pairs do you like to watch? Whether good, bad, or indifferent Have you received any education? Are you teachable ? Can you follow instructions ?

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I don't mean this as a put down. I am trying to be constructive. Your goal is 100 Pips a week.

Let's break this down and make it more manageable. 50 Pips a week. ( you have to walk before you can run ). 50 pips a week / by 5 trading days a week = 10 Pips a day.

How long have you been watching the screen 16 hours a day? You have to eat, you have to void. So what is the quality of the sixteen hours? What pairs do you like to watch? Whether good, bad, or indifferent Have you received any education? Are you teachable ? Can you follow instructions ?


I have been watching for many years eur/usd/gbp/usd/egbp /usd/y.eur/y ,aud/usd, nzd /usd , ftse and dax.I am teachable and can follow instructionsThe quality is not good , it kills you sitting at a chair 16 hours a day.


I was hoping there might be a signal provider , I just hire a couple of system followers to input the signals.

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How much are you willing to pay ?


It's going to be expensive, although it doubt it exists.


$100 per week ?What is it worth?


I am not looking for useless robots and their signals , I am looking for professional signals .

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I am looking for live signals that make 100 pips a week , with 30 pip stop , a low drawdown of 200 pips .



I know this is highly possible because if I am sitting infront of a screen 16 hours a day , I see

5 to 10 trades every week that can make 100 pips a week , so this is not impossible.


please advise where I can find such a room.


Just want to make $100 per pip or $10,000 per week with a $20,000 drawdown .Any body know of professional signal providers without latency in live skype room?

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Have you looked at something like zulutrade or myfxbook? Pretty sure there is a facility to piggyback signal providers of your choice.


I might as well get a blind monkey to throw darts at prices.These are high risk providers have huge 700 to 2,000 % bigger drawdowns , in comparison to real traders with 2% drawdowns.

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At least you can see their trade history and search based on drawdown, system longevity etc. Only stick with the verified systems. From the sounds of things, you haven't even properly explored the sites I mentioned before your reply. FXstat is another one. I hardly call systems achieving over 95% win rates to be a blind monkey. Your monkeys may not be nearly as blind as you think if you would consider that to be blind....

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At least you can see their trade history and search based on drawdown, system longevity etc. Only stick with the verified systems. From the sounds of things, you haven't even properly explored the sites I mentioned before your reply. FXstat is another one. I hardly call systems achieving over 95% win rates to be a blind monkey. Your monkeys may not be nearly as blind as you think if you would consider that to be blind....



Look at it .1200 pips risk , 600 pip risk ,21 % drawdown


ZuluTrade - Signal Provider Performance - arda1988


I am looking for 2 % drawdown as opposed to 21 % , that is 1,050 % more drawdown..I am looking for for professionals , not some blind monkeys throwing darts.

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Here are the trades for the last 5 out of 6 weeks , these show an verage of 102 pips (510 pips ) with a drawdown of 24 pips on a 10,000 pip account .The drawdown is 0.0024 % .


This ia all possible using my refined trading system.Infact 100 pips is possible on some days.


I am looking for a professional trading room that calls live signals , with low drawdowns .I have idiots in my trading room .







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Look at it .1200 pips risk , 600 pip risk ,21 % drawdown


ZuluTrade - Signal Provider Performance - arda1988


I am looking for 2 % drawdown as opposed to 21 % , that is 1,050 % more drawdown..I am looking for for professionals , not some blind monkeys throwing darts.


If that is what you are looking for, then enter it in the search criteria. You haven't explored things before responding.

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Here are the trades for the last 5 out of 6 weeks , these show an verage of 102 pips (510 pips ) with a drawdown of 24 pips on a 10,000 pip account .The drawdown is 0.0024 % .


This ia all possible using my refined trading system.Infact 100 pips is possible on some days.


I am looking for a professional trading room that calls live signals , with low drawdowns .I have idiots in my trading room .






1) Judging from your ego and the big swinger you portray yourself as on the forum, I find it ironic that you would use your "refined trading system" on a demo account.


2) You wanting to take find someone else's coattails to ride when you have such a "refined trading system" is highly suspect intentions of any professional trader.


3) why not show results of the last 100 trades rather than such a narrow sample. 5 out of 6 is obviously a cherry picked sample. Why even post this cherry picked example if it isn't for your ego. Keep it to yourself, just like a professional would.

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If that is what you are looking for, then enter it in the search criteria. You haven't explored things before responding.


I am not looking for 20 % drawdowns at Zulu gamblers ,I am seeing 0.0024 % ,that 8,333% more drawdown.Even blind monkeys can do that huge drawdowns.

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1) Judging from your ego and the big swinger you portray yourself as on the forum, I find it ironic that you would use your "refined trading system" on a demo account.


2) You wanting to take find someone else's coattails to ride when you have such a "refined trading system" is highly suspect intentions of any professional trader.


3) why not show results of the last 100 trades rather than such a narrow sample. 5 out of 6 is obviously a cherry picked sample. Why even post this cherry picked example if it isn't for your ego. Keep it to yourself, just like a professional would.


I thought missed one week due to too much work , training staff , staff issues and I am basically overworked and made a mistake.There is no cherry picking , all five weeks are included.I don't have to show the actual trades or dish out the method on forums , a few of you will start selling the system and make millions.


There were 22 trades in the 5 weeks, you only see the folders , 2 losing trades and an average profit of 23 pips per trade .There is nothing to hide on forums , because I have not given you the method.That is the truth , and I told you the problems are to do with phsychology , not the system/technique.


The demo trades are by a trainee , who is now in the professional league .They were done in July.

Edited by OILFXPRO

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If that is what you are looking for, then enter it in the search criteria. You haven't explored things before responding.


I am not looking for 20 % drawdowns at Zulu gamblers ,I am seeing 0.0024 % ,that 8,333% more drawdown.Even blind monkeys can do that huge drawdowns.




I was referring to 8,333 % more , that is eight thousand , three hundred thirty three %

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I want a professional signal room , where the professional signal provider only knows two to four words or instructions .These words or instructions are entry price ,initial stop loss , move stop to , close or exit .


I don't want an idiotic trading signal provider , who is chit chatting crap all day and uttering nonsense and confusing the whole room.Most of theses noisy signals rooms have chaos and are uttering multiple dubious signals and the provider is like chatterbox confusing the signals entry/exit.It is difficult to follow such idiots and place trades.


Chatterbox is a person who doesn't stop talking.When he is chatting all day , it is difficult to know when he is giving a serious signal , cause he is waffling all day about potential opportunities.

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I want a professional signal room , where the professional signal provider only knows two to four words or instructions .These words or instructions are entry price ,initial stop loss , move stop to , close or exit ..


What's the point ?


You've already admitted that your people can't execute the system you gave them, so why on earth would they be able to follow someone else's ?


If they can't follow rules knowing how the system was built, and it's historical edge, how will they blindly follow someone else's calls ?


It's not going to work

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What's the point ?


You've already admitted that your people can't execute the system you gave them, so why on earth would they be able to follow someone else's ?


If they can't follow rules knowing how the system was built, and it's historical edge, how will they blindly follow someone else's calls ?


It's not going to work


I agree with that



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What's the point ?


You've already admitted that your people can't execute the system you gave them, so why on earth would they be able to follow someone else's ?


If they can't follow rules knowing how the system was built, and it's historical edge, how will they blindly follow someone else's calls ?


It's not going to work


Of course it is not going to work , unless we have a professional signal room , not like the Igors of this world.Professional means billionaire standard live room , not some 2 bit monkey on forex-tsd or the other zoos , not one who is calling trades several times a day like a blind monkey .


I am looking for a professional room not a trading monkey room.They can follow a professional , not a monkey.


I have found two people who can finally execute the system as per rules , so there will not be a problem following a professional.

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Of course it is not going to work , unless we have a professional signal room , not like the Igors of this world.Professional means billionaire standard live room , not some 2 bit monkey on forex-tsd or the other zoos , not one who is calling trades several times a day like a blind monkey .


I am looking for a professional room not a trading monkey room.They can follow a professional , not a monkey.


I have found two people who can finally execute the system as per rules , so there will not be a problem following a professional.


I suspect that Igor's is one of the better rooms out there, despite his brief foray into using labrouche staking, and even then, he had a few interesting perspectives. Igor has given a lot more than he's ever taken from the trading community, and most of his insights, he's given for free.


The only reason I'd ever consider running a trading room is to front run subscribers, but then why risk eroding an edge for chump change ?


I really would be amazed if you'd been able to find someone capable of following instructions. Having run various businesses for years that required people to do as instructed, I probably met 2 or 3 out of hundreds of thousands who could do as they where told


I've certainly never met anyone with the discipline to follow any system, and that includes close friends and family, including a pro poker player who certainly has discipline as the variance in his equity curve is brutal, and he understands the concept of an edge etc, but he still can't follow my method, and the reason why is because he hasn't taken the time to understand why the edge works (and the conditions under which it doesn't work etc)


I'm considering buying a pet monkey, just for lulz, but they are a bit messy to keep in the house. If I do persuade my girlfriend that a monkey would be a welcome addition, I'll try to teach it to flip coins, or maybe even get a couple of big buttons labelled buy and sell that the beast can press at random, and I'll let you take a look at the beasts equity curve after a year or so, and you'll tear your hair out with frustration :rofl:


Perhaps I might even let him manage an account for you, but there's no way I'm selling his trade calls for a few hundred bucks a month,

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Having run various businesses for years that required people to do as instructed, I probably met 2 or 3 out of hundreds of thousands who could do as they where told


Zupcon - I hope you weren't expecting people from Sheffield to do as they were told?


We never do :)



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