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  1. I need help converting my existing TradeStation file (.ELD) to MetaTrader (.mq4, or .ex4). this is a very cool indicator but I no longer use TradeStation but only MetaTrader. Any help is appreciated. i also attached a few pictures and the open source code for conversion. Thank You... SUPERADX_FIXED (OPEN CODE).ELD
  2. Hi All, For the last Ten years I have been programming, I specialize working with Easylanguage. I have a very comprehensive knowledge of the TradeStation platform. I charge a very competitive rate of $30 per hour. I greatly look forward to working with you to help achieve your goals in the financial markets. I also have some strategies for Futures(@GC, @SI, @CL, @US, @Y and @FDAX). If you are interested , I can send you the performance reports. My mail id is :- easylanguage.india@gmail.com Skype id :- tradestation_programmer Thanks, Easytrader_i
  3. Is it possible to have the same indicator on one chart showing multiple time frames? I currently use a (500, 1500 and 4500) tick charts. All three charts have the same indictors. If possible I would like to have the 500 tick chart show all the three (500, 1500, 4500) indicators.
  4. Hey guys, Has anyone been able to create a strategy with confirmation indicators on time chart (15min & 30min) and executed via tick chart? Been searching around, and TradeStation seems the most probable one at this moment. Thanks in advance! :crap:
  5. Easy to use and very helpful in seeing where should be our stop and profit target - if it's real - by looking at the chart. You can also setup you past trading effectiveness to calculate the Profit Factor you would like to achieve. Your comments and questions are very welcome! Works with Tradestation 9.0+. If you need for an earlier version, please contact us. LID - MONEY MANAGEMENT.ELD LiD - MONEY MANAGEMENT 9.0.zip
  6. Hi. I need assistance in coding some indicators for Prorealtime's Proscreener as well as for Tradestation. If you are interested, contact me at farooqm59@yahoo.com so that we can communicate about my specific interest and potential cost. Thanks.
  7. Hello, I made a very simple indicator which plots the Number of Days inside the BB. The indicator is working fine when applied on a Chart Analysis but when I try to use it in SCAN it is giving me only 1 and 0 like it is calculating only the last bar. Any idea how can I make it work ? The code is: inputs: Length( 20 ),BBNumDevs( 2 ); variables: UpperBBand(0),LowerBBand(0),NumDays(0); UpperBBand = BollingerBand(Close,Length,BBNumDevs); LowerBBand = BollingerBand(Close,Length,-BBNumDevs); NumDays +=1; If Close > UpperBBand or close < LowerBBand) then NumDays = 0; Plot1(NumDays,"Fuse");
  8. Hi, Does anyone have EasyLanguage code or .ELD for the TTM waves? I have searched this site but cant find it anywhere - Also im not adverse to paying for indicators that work but this one is out of my (student) budget. Thanks!
  9. hi everyone, i am new to this Tradestation and EasyLanguage scripting. i am looking for a simple script that places an order once and maybe close it at a certain price. closing is not crucial. Ex. if EURUSD is trading at 1.3356, and the trend is downwards, i want to pass the parameter 1.334 and the order for sell short should be executed. once its executed, the script should become non operational otherwise, it will keep shorting since the condition, if Price <= 1.334 will be triggered many times. thanks for the people who are reading this and trying to help people like me who are beginners.
  10. Hi, I trade automated strategies on Tradestation that I've written. Is there any recommended platform we can port these strategies to for better execution?
  11. I am an EasyLanguage Newb, but have been trading FX for some time manually. I know what I want from my EasyLanguage Strategy, and have actually written one that works the way I want with a single variable. For instance, I procured 83 candlestick formations that come in function and indicator form. I have my strategy going long in a bullish trend, and short in a bearish one. I have a breakeven stop placed and a profit target. It behaves exactly like I want it to. I want to add another point of confluence to be present to initiate a trade. I procured another piece of code that creates a Darvas Box around strong areas of support and resistance and has several outputs to include the top and bottom levels of the box. At this time, I just have the code written to buy or sell when the candle pattern forms (condition1 = CandlestickFormation). I want the ability to utilize the support or resistance area to initiate the trade when the pattern forms and either touches or breaks the support or resistance area. How do I do this in EasyLanguage speak? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
  12. What is the DIG % Bar Bias Indicator? Volume places a major role in our trading decisions. The %BarBias indicator gives you inside in to the power struggle going on inside of the bar. By providing you with on chart representation of the ratio between buying and selling volumes. No sub graphs needed simply add it to the chart and get that crucial bit of information exactly where you need it. Lets see the indicator in action: @ES Futuers 60 Min Chart : Notice how the Down Volume is represented by the red text on the top of the bar (63.%), and the blue text on the low of the bar represents the Up Volume. Together the sum will always be 100% AIG 5000 Tick Chart : Here you can clearly see that power of the indicator, it not only works great on Minute charts but also on tick and volume charts. Giving you the extra boost you need. Key Features: Easy To use. Control Text color Works Great with Tick, Volume and Minute bars NO SUB GRAPHS NEEDED CLICK TO DOWNLOAD DIG_BarBias_[TradeStation].zip
  13. Hello All, [This is a real time indicator that shows an up bar or down bar over a zero line revealing the shifting of bid to ask sizes for 5 levels of the DOM. Also has a numerical representation on the upper chart panel.] I found this nifty indicator and absolutely love it, but can't remember what site I got it on or from who. I trade live with OEC but use this indicator on Ninja demo. I understand that Easy Language code can be used in Open E-Cry but none of the bid ask indicators on this site replicate the Ninja code. Goal is to "convert" this indicator to Easy Language for use in Open Ecry platform. Any thoughts? Thank you, Vin OrderBook.zip
  14. I prefer to short and being I always close out by EOD I am looking for additional RadarScan indicators or setups for TradeStations. Any suggestions? Thanks and Happy New Year. Chris Tina Bruce
  15. Was wanting to get thoughts from anyone whom has used both, was considering going with ninja trader, my needs consist of being able to assess volume as well as viewing market profile. Mostly I am looking at it from a swing trading stand point, appreciate any advice in this regard.
  16. The Perfect R Portfolio I was recently watching a short video hosted by Market Club. This particular video was a presentation on their “Perfect R Portfolio”. The Perfect R Portfolio is a portfolio of four ETFs (SPY, USO, GLD, and FXE) that are traded based upon Market Club’s “Trade Triangles” technology. The system rules are simple and clear. For each trade you dedicate 25% of your trading capital. Go long when you see a green Trade Triangle and close the position on the red Trade Triangle. These green and red signals are actually price levels that allow you to place your buy stop and sell stop orders and wait for the market to fill your orders. These values are updated weekly. It does not get any easier than that. Such a simple greenlight/redlight system can be very appealing. In short, the Perfect R Portfolio is a complete trading system that provides you exact entry and exit levels. Because the portfolio contains ETFs, does not trade very often and only takes long positions (there is no shorting in the Perfect Portfolio) it seems suitable for trading in retirement accounts such as a 401K. In fact, I do believe this is what the creators had in mind when developing the system. How Do They Do It? I enjoy attempting to figure out what is going on when I see a trading system demonstrated on-line. It’s a challenge and great fun to reverse engineer signals. Market Club’s Trade Triangles were no exception. Don’t get me wrong, I have nothing against Market Club and I do believe they provide a valuable service. However, how they generate signals became an interest for me and in the end, the concept they are using is well known, simple and totally free. Market Club does provide a nice looking chart where buy/sell signals (Trade Triangles) are nicely displayed on-screen. When I examined the entry and exit signals over time I came to the conclusion that the Trade Triangles are nothing more than a classic breakout indicator. That is, they simply take the highest high over the past N days to determine when to go long and then determine the lowest low over the past N days to determine when to close that same long position. More specifically in the case for the Perfect R Portfolio they use a three month channel of price extremes to determine market direction (trend) and use a three week channel to determine entry/exit price levels. Trend trading based upon price channels is well documented and continues to be a valid trading method. Trend: Three month price extreme. Signal: Three week price extreme. The trend component of the system is used to filter out bearish market conditions since the system only goes long. So, during bearish times we are in cash or cash equivalents waiting for a trend change to bullish. For example, given an ETF we first determine the overall trend. This is done by determining the price extremes based on a monthly chart of the last three bars. Price touching these extreme levels on a daily chart would determine the trend either bullish or bearish. Once the trend is determined a three bar price extreme based on a weekly chart is used to determine when to exit and when to initiate new trades. When the trend changes from bullish to bearish all trades are closed and we don’t open new long positions until the trend becomes bullish. It’s that simple. Below is a trade example. Cloning The System Logic But how well has the Perfect R Portfolio done? Well, the portfolio is rather new so they don’t provide much backtesting data. Market Club does provide a short PDF report demonstrating how well the system performed during the 2008 market crash. However, Market Clubs price channel breakout concept can be programmed into TradeStation rather easily. TradeStations ability to access several timeframes on a single chart will be required to make this trading system. First, all trades are executed on a daily chart, buy/sell price levels are determined on a weekly chart and trend is determined on a monthly chart. All three of these timeframes can be placed within one chart and accessed by a single TradeStation strategy. Programmer speaking coming up so be warned. First I’ll create a workspace with a chart of one of the ETFs used in the Perfect R Portfolio. I’ll select GLD. I will want to place trades on a daily chart so I set my GLD chart to daily price data. Next I want to generate buy/sell signals based upon a weekly chart. To do this I create a sub-chart of GLD to hold weekly price data within my chart. I can then access this data programmatically by referencing “data2″ in my Easy Language code. I do the same thing for the monthly timeframe of GLD and can access that data by referencing “data3″. Data1 = Daily chart Data2 = Weekly chart Data3 = Monthly chart I created a clone of the system and tested the system with the four ETFs over the life of each ETF. Unfortunately TradeStation does not have the ability to test a portfolio of ETFs given a single strategy. This weakness is rumored to be fixed in version nine of TradeStation. Until then we’ll have to test each ETF individually. So how did it do? Not bad for such a simple system. The results are in the table in the section below. You will see that over the life of the system it is profitable. The life of the system is only from 2004 - October 31, 2010. Most of the ETF data only goes back that far! Modified R Portfolio With Risk Management The most obvious drawback I see with the Perfect R Portfolio is the lack of a position sizing algorithm based upon the risk per trade. That is, the dollar amount you’re willing to lose based upon the stop level. I might be inclined to use the Percent Risk Model to calculate the number of shares to purchase based upon a 2% risk-per-trade. This would help normalize risk by reducing the number of shares when the market conditions are volatile and increase the number of shares when volatility is waning. Instead the Perfect R Portfolio uses a fixed percentage (25%) of equity for each new trade regardless of risk. In a future post I will add a position sizing algorithm to see if we can improve the results. If you can't wait check out this blog post where I already have posted the updated version. There is also a short video that explains the inputs to the system. Download I was having trouble uploading the TradeStation Workspace to this post but the EasyLanguage code should be attached. You can also download a copy of the Workspace or the EasyLanguage code at my blog. This code is for TradeStation 8.8. If anyone finds an errors in the code or would like to make a suggestion please let me know. Thanks, Jeff PERFECT_R_PORTFOLIO_CLONE.ELD
  17. I noticed that in Tradestation there are only green OHLC bars but an option to convert to Red and Green candlesticks. However, I need red and green OHLC bar charts. Can someone help. Also can you suggest 1. a good timer for bars and 2. Pivot point indicator. Thanks to all who respond in advance.
  18. Thia is really a related multi-point post. I would like to know what issues and solution Trade Station, strategy, traders have run into (and the resolutions) when moving from the simulated environment to the live environment. For those that have traded using Think or Swim and TS can you please respond as well (please make note of the platform). Background, I developed a strategy that I was happy with (at least as a initial Live version). So I started it up in TS and the orders were not being executed as they should have according to the strategy (19 bars dif... on a 5 minute chart). I'm still as at loss as to why it would perform differently in the simulated env (in using real time data versus Live env with real time data). But I am working through it with. Thanks to all.
  19. Hello All, I found this nifty indicator and absolutely love it, but can't remember what site I got it on or from who. I trade live with OEC but use this indicator on Ninja demo. I understand that Easy Language code can be used in Open E-Cry but none of the bid ask indicators on this site replicate the Ninja code. Goal is to "convert" this indicator to Easy Language for use in Open Ecry platform. Any thoughts? Thank you, Vin
  20. I am using tradestation for the first time. I configured Metaserver DDE to transfer Data from my excel to tradestaion [ data feed for realtime NSE India] When i start the program exactly sfter 0ne hour the signal stops. i dont know the reason. every time when this happens i have to restart both the applications then only the problem solves. Kindly help me whether i have to change any settings in any of the applications.
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