Here is a workspace featuring a TICK chart and an ESINX chart.
The indicators are as such:
(Index Arbitrage Program Trading Premium Values) This is a simple indicator that will plot the most probable levels where trading programs are bound to generate buy and sell orders. Please see for more information. You will need to update new levels daily before the market opens. For Tradestation users other symbols are $SPINX and $ESINX, $NDIQX and $NQIQX, and $RLIUX and $ERSIUX. Other data vendors may use PREM or EPREM. The video of Hubert Senters using $ESINX is below or alternatively find it here: [ame=
@Tick Bias.
It is important to know the market bias from the first half hour of trading whether it be bearish (average below zero) or bullish (above). I wanted something visual so that it would remind me to go with the trend of the day ie. don't go short when the Tick trend is bullish. Fade the Tick lows if it's bullish. Of course this is a simplification . My dilemma was how to produce an average from the start at 9:30 am ET. So I wrote code to calculate the moving average of the TICK as each bar unfolded (ie. incremental......average of 2 bar closes on second bar, average of 3 bar closes on third bar until a suitable moving average could kick in (say, a moving average of 50 on the 50th bar)). Blue (bullish), Pink (bearish), Gray (neutral). *******The last high and low in the format dialogue must be a wide histogram*********
@Tick Alert Lines.
Simple enough. Obvious levels of Tick extremes. Alerts as well.
@sk_Value Chart show me.
Plots Value Chart extremes on Tick chart. Signals a possible reversal. Play with the levels to suit.
N.B. These indicators are as is with no time spent being fussy with code. You are welcome to modify them. If you have an improvement in code or other ideas feel free to post.
You may need the XVid codec to watch the video.
****** For Tradestation users it would be best to install the .ELD first then open up the workspace in the zip file. I'm not sure if it will open up the way the image portrays but just make sure if you insert indicators that you insert @Tick Bias last as the background painting will cover the others otherwise! ******
Hubert-Program Trading3.avi