I am not a programmer and not that Internet savvy. Im a trader. A chart reader! And I have always wondered if I was at a disadvantage by not being able to use the Expert Advisers and Backtesting stuff MT4 Platforms give you. As cwell, I didnt find Ninja Traders tools or back testing stuff to be easily usable. So I am wondering, are Neural Network software just a constant rehash of the "magic black box" they keep trying to sell traders on, and who has found a platform that letting them do your backtesting on your system turned out to be profitable?
I ask because trade station programmers wouldnt be getting $100 an hour to program whatever you want if backtesting thru coding really was the answer. They would just code themselves up a neat simple winning system, no?
Also, what is all this backtesting tools with Ninja Trader and MT4. I post this here because it seems they focus this kind of stuff on the futures market first, then Forex and then stock traders. So..am I missing something guys, or what?
BTW.....I went thru a lengthy browser based software program that let me enter any stock I wanted and tweak the results with 2 or 3 dials ( and I could get most stocks to give me a back tested return over 2 years of over 100% annually and almost always 50% or better W/L/ ratio. In forward testing on paper and also in real trading I had a dismal 80% loss ratio!!! So I decided to make lemonade out of lemons and take the opposite trade, (go long if they said short) and I still go decimated. So after 18 months of tweaking this thing, I couldnt understand why it wouldn't work either thru massive winners or massive losers. Has any human being done well with a Neural network program/software or is it all junk?
I now am finding success with Harmonic patterns with Fibonacci work so all that is past me now. I just want to know if I gave up too soon on those platforms.
Linda Raschke pointed out, not to my liking that Charles Dow, and Elliot and all the greats of the stock market in the 30's and 40's did all their charts by hand. And she believes that gives you an edge of some sort. I personally will never trade again if I ever had to hand draw my charts. But maybe nueral networks and Expert advisers are going one step too far in the opposite direction. Comments please..............