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Personal Information

  • First Name
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  • City
  • Country
    United States
  • Gender
  • Occupation
    equity options trader

Trading Information

  • Vendor
  • Favorite Markets
    forex, options
  • Trading Years
    3.5 years
  • Broker
    EFX, institutional
  1. gid

    Busy Day Tomorrow

    Thanks for the detailed explanation of your thought process during the trade! I'm sure this is very helpful to and much appreciated by many. One thing i was not sure of is why you entered after the third rejection? The first 2 attempts also provided an entry after an exhaustion type bar (although yours proved to be far better), do you wait for an RSI divergence for confirmation? Also any reason for having the stop above 165 (round number/option barrier?) instead of above the 3 bar highs around 164.95? I join Sledge in asking for more of these examples if your time permits.
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