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Everything posted by MC

  1. It's not a FF issue, I have it on FF and IE. James you probably have to check a box in the usergroups or tweak a usergroup setting in the add on's settings to enable the add on for non mods it seems. Only reason I could imagine I can see it and DB and others can't. See why I said the ignore stuff is a waste of time fellas? We should mentally be able to ignore who we want, like filtering a noisy signal on a trade. LOL
  2. what browser? http://kb.iu.edu/data/ahic.html
  3. Try to clear cache. I have it in firefox and IE.
  4. http://www.traderslaboratory.com/forums/ Look near the bottom guys, you can click on "mark forums read" just above the "need help" section. Edit--- This is where HLM was referring to...just read his post.
  5. I disagree with this, as mods we represent the community and our actions reflect on James and TL. I mean, sure everyone has their opinions but there's certainly a clear line where things become unprofessional and should be dealt with. If someone is PM'ing you to continue to beef or cause drama that has to be dealt with. I don't knowfor TL as I see it and it would be like me getting in a pissing ma the background but mods should be held to a higher standard IMO. Mods in a way work tch with a customer here at work. It just can't happen, the mod can put you on ignore or better yet just step aside and drop it. Again, I have no idea of the background here either.
  6. Not as a moderator, we have no board setting access. James will have to be involved on this if there is even anything he can do. I run a vbulletin board and I'm 99.9% sure you cannot ignore admins/mods no matter what. The only thing that could be done is to revoke that persons mod status so you could ignore them. NOTE that even ignored peoples posts will show up if quoted.
  7. Whats the issue here guys? Is there something we can resolve easily perhaps? Let me know if I can help at all. MC
  8. I wish your HPT blog was on a domain you owned...you got so much publicity and linkage on your video, that traffic would be worth $$$ now. I'm sure that's the last thing on your mind though. Can one sell the rights to a blogpress site I wonder? At least you can do ads on the site. I'm glad you didn't take offense to my opinion. Honestly, the way you handle the peoples criticism you should NOT quit the market at all. You know you can do this, you had wicked profits before your mind blew up on ya. Just start back with a small size and don't over leverage and realize the gains you made were that large from gambling. Focus on discipline and execution and you WILL be profitable again, just a bit slower this time around. You didn't really quit did you?
  9. I feel the same, it wasn't until I started watching the eminis that it all started to sink in. This is in part because of the liquidity and fluid motion. Then also I think the rapid fire speed makes you focus more. I do think a new trader would be a total fool to trade live on futures without significant paper trading and developing their edge of course. Great point though.
  10. I didn't know him personally, IMO he was NOT profitable. Or if he was profitable in the bull, the bear market likely wiped his a$$ out. Way too much ego and celebration on wins, and excuses on why he was holding losers. Also no consistency, we all know loss is often is a bi-product of being inconsistent. He had me chasing the grail with him, does that give you a further hint as to why it was NOT a good/productive experience? In regards to screen time, I totally disagree. When you're profitable you shouldn't need a ton of screen time because you've found the flow and your "zone". You're in your element and trading what you know and see. As a new trader you are looking and trying to find out what you should be seeing. It goes without saying that trying to find what you should see takes way more time than after you've developed your edge and intuition. Are you telling me you spent limited time (4-6 hours) and tackled the market in a brief period? It's possible, I'm sure some are naturals. If you are a natural perhaps you should spend more time being thankful for your gift and less critiquing others learning curves. Thanks for the congrats DB, I'm not a pro or done evolving but I'm yet another step closer. Like you said, its all coming together through patience and perseverance.
  11. Well I had a light bulb moment on Friday. For the first 9 months I had a horrible "mentor" that had no clue, though I still respect that he helped me the best he could. From then it has been mainly allot of self learning and I'm finally getting to see things properly now. Thursday and Friday I wasn't at work and was able to devote 100% attention to the markets movement which proved to be what I needed. Looking at the market as a slighted auction driven by the big money and chopping it into waves is crucial IMO. So the lightbulb went on when my mind saw volume and price action in the proper fashion, much clearer than I had before using VSA and trends alone, kind of a mixup of what all I've seen in probably 10-12 hours of screentime daily. Another thought that clicked is that trending moves are emotional, and congestion is a balancing/thinking slice in time. Of course the consolidation is needed for a breather and gives us supply and demand zones and entry and stop triggers. I had been trading in congestion zones for some time without really seeing the bigger picture or knowing it. Good traders prey on the emotions of others, in chop there isn't enough emotion to exploit beside scalping. Let the congestion break and take the emotional slice of price action to the next level of congestion and so on. This defines trend trading at its core, and though I "knew" it, I didn't quite see it properly. Anyhow...enough rambling. Thanks again, a few of your posts had a role in me making this transformation.
  12. Awesome thread! I'm tuned in and want to learn some wyckoff, to go along with my VSA and other things I've picked up in my 1 and a half years so far. I'm still a baby so I pick up new stuff each day, I love the wave and volume techniques. Keep up the good work
  13. LOL at the highprob blog. I partially feel sorry for him, but hes a gambler through and through. :crap: Pros fade price action divergence, not indicators themselves. Well the big pro's don't predict the future or fade anything, they make the future as they control supply and demand. :o And the higher end retail traders that can't move the market meerely take the trades with higher odds and accept the risk of a failed trade. It's a probability game, nothing more or less IMO. You're dead on...you fade ticks and you might as well send me your money, hell I'll even give you a kick in the balls to remind you what a dopey idea it was. It may have worked but overall internals will leave you confused and broke. Even the setup I gave below is easy to use in hindsight, forward use it's not so easy. Tough game, but a great challenge.
  14. I'm not sure...I tried $VOLUSD and it isn't something I have access to. I don't think it would do much in comparison mode since here we are comparing up and down directly. To clarify, for those thinking what good is knowing its choppy... I use knowing its chop to look for a range, chop is a range bound action typically. And of course range breaks often lead to trending. Trend days are pretty obvious, buy pullbacks or short rallies in the direction of the trend. This is nothing new, but the indicator can help eliminate guess work to some extent.
  15. Anybody use a $UVOL/$DVOL comparison? Here's how I use it myself.
  16. Thanks, I don't keep it up as much as I want. I'm busy and all over the place but I try. I'm still on paper but I do scale out. The key to me is risk reduction, I'm not cocky enough to think the market will do what I want it to. Working well so far for me. What do you trade, I'm stuck with swing trading stocks now due to a new restriction at work.
  17. Fade the herd baby, this was a post I made in a woods filled with bears. :rofl: 1 day before the mid term reversal.
  18. It's pretty clear to me we probably have a troll on our hands, what they want is what their parents didn't give them...ATTENTION! :o I mean if you can't find .eld's on this site you really didn't try at all. :crap:
  19. Your use of "market scientists" as a jab seems to indicate to me you might just be trolling. :\ I'll play along for another round and we'll see where this goes. You could enter at random and if your stops as well as your mind are conditioned right you could maybe catch a point quite often. There is no magic potion, the grail is in your mind and you just need to find what works for you.
  20. Any tips on defining support and resistance? I paper trade the YM and use 2 tactics. 1) I do a weekly chart up with S&R based on the waves/cycles and what seem to be stumbling blocks, then put those into intraday charts to use as key levels. 2) I run the big gaps on intraday and bracket the levels just outside the gap that appear to have the most action. I know some use WRB etc... I'm just gathering ideas since I too am dumping all but 1 indicator and getting in touch with the basics. I'm very interested in what you guys have to say.
  21. I like the analysis James, I see a few things different this go round though. I added the orange arrows and trendline. The prior break of the downtrend never had a wave bounce off and successfully test that trendline. We have a leg above the downtrend now. A full leg because last time a higher high was not made, here there was a higher high and a higher low above the downtrend. Also I noted the ema's you're running had the fast blue line fall below the red line last fake out, but here it has stayed above. As for the low volume, thats a good thing IMO. We don't want to see volume spike at overhead resistance, that would be distribution no? I can't lie though, I'd feel a helluva lot more comfortable if there was a test of the lows with divergence. This is why I love the market though, history often doesn't repeat itself and we have to be on our toes.
  22. If the heatpipes shot nothing will help but a replacement. It sits directly on the processor with thermal grease and has to work for the computer to not fry, or shut itself down. Those pads work well, I know many that use them though. The laptops of today crank out heat like mad.
  23. I had to do the heatpipe on my old HP cause the fluid in them looses its effectiveness. You pretty much have to dismantle the whole laptop and unless you've opened a laptop it's nothing you should attempt. The laptop would just turn off after a few minutes with no warning, sounds like what you have going on most likely. I'm certified to service laptops and have ripped apart many, it's not a fun task even having done it many times. Depending on the age of the laptop it may not be worth the cost of servicing?
  24. Very well put...that about sums it up. It's only as complex as we want to make it.
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